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how to balance ranger pets


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@floody.4951 said:the random knockdowns from pets are annoying af. or just look at the weird ram pet who did 40k burst when it was bugged. we need better animations on pets to tell their actions. maybe something like the red scourge things (with 0,5sec time to react) for pets would be good :)

They aren't random. There are clear animations if you're looking. L2P

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@floody.4951 said:the random knockdowns from pets are annoying af. or just look at the weird ram pet who did 40k burst when it was bugged. we need better animations on pets to tell their actions. maybe something like the red scourge things (with 0,5sec time to react) for pets would be good :)

They aren't random. There are clear animations if you're looking. L2P

ofc things like bristleback are reasonably animated, but smokescale knockdown is just dumb. sorry that i dont have time to watch what the asura sized pet does in a 2v2 cuz my class doesnt rely on spamming staff #1

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@"Euthymias.7984" said:"Balancing "pets?You mean like how they nerfed Bristleback and Smokescale multiple times already?Or do you mean how non-expansion pets (and some OF the expansion) cant harass a moving target reliably and have exceedingly bad F2 skills?Please.

pets are one of the main reasons druid is overperforming a bit in their offense while being so tanky. we shouldnt nerf the pets in themself or otherwise core ranger and soulbest get cucked. but giving them some less randomness/better animations would be nice :) would just be healthy for the game

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@floody.4951 said:

@"Euthymias.7984" said:"Balancing "pets?You mean like how they nerfed Bristleback and Smokescale multiple times already?Or do you mean how non-expansion pets (and some OF the expansion) cant harass a moving target reliably and have exceedingly bad F2 skills?Please.

pets are one of the main reasons druid is overperforming a bit in their offense while being so tanky. we shouldnt nerf the pets in themself or otherwise core ranger and soulbest get cucked. but giving them some less randomness/better animations would be nice :) would just be healthy for the game

There is literally NO randomness involved and the animation is already noticeable. Would you rather have giant pulsing red circles like we have with Scourge now? Maybe add a little more visuals because the assault on our eyes isn't already enough.

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idk what the fuck your guys problem is, im not asking for nerfs im just asking for a more clear animation on pets which have the size of asuras, not gonna reply to shadowpass cuz hes dumb.. remember why standard enemy models got introduced? cuz u couldnt tell the animations of asura :) same applies to smokescale doing a minor swing with his head to knockdown seriously not different from its autoattack.. knockdown is just to important of a thing to be applied that random by ai.. was talking about animations "like" scourge has, now these are attacks on one single person in front of them obviously the animation would scale and not be a big red circle u mong0loid

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Why don't tell anet to add red circles for necro minions, engi turrets, mesmer clones, guardian spirit weapons, etc then? C'mon man.If you have troubles dodging the Smokescale knockdown, ask for a different and better animation maybe. We don't need giant aoes on everything, especially on single target attacks.

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@floody.4951 said:

@floody.4951 said:the random knockdowns from pets are annoying af. or just look at the weird ram pet who did 40k burst when it was bugged. we need better animations on pets to tell their actions. maybe something like the red scourge things (with 0,5sec time to react) for pets would be good :)

They aren't random. There are clear animations if you're looking. L2P

ofc things like bristleback are reasonably animated, but smokescale knockdown is just dumb. sorry that i dont have time to watch what the asura sized pet does in a 2v2 cuz my class doesnt rely on spamming staff #1


One, not all of us play the staff build so you can put that argument in the garbage bin.

Two, the smokescale DOES have an animation tell: When it is going to do the shadow assault it disappears in a puff of wispy grey smoke and then hops to its target before tail whipping you for damage. When it's doing it's knockdown it runs, shadowsteps and then throws it's body in a full body slam at you.

Three, the pets had their damage put in line a LONG time ago. As in nerf hammered harder than a Rev. The only way they could do damage by themselves is by ramping a hell of a lot of might. As in 25 stacks of might to even get close to player numbers. Even the PoF pets had their stuff recently checked out (the strong ones) while the rest of them are not even brought to sPvP in the first place.

Four, I do not need more bright ass red circles on my screen or in my face. I already have to deal with that crap when their is one or two Scourges. Don't need it on ranger as well.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@floody.4951 said:the random knockdowns from pets are annoying af. or just look at the weird ram pet who did 40k burst when it was bugged. we need better animations on pets to tell their actions. maybe something like the red scourge things (with 0,5sec time to react) for pets would be good :)

They aren't random. There are clear animations if you're looking. L2P

ofc things like bristleback are reasonably animated, but smokescale knockdown is just dumb. sorry that i dont have time to watch what the asura sized pet does in a 2v2 cuz my class doesnt rely on spamming staff #1


One, not all of us play the staff build so you can put that argument in the garbage bin.

Two, the smokescale DOES have an animation tell: When it is going to do the shadow assault it disappears in a puff of wispy grey smoke and then hops to its target before tail whipping you for damage. When it's doing it's knockdown it runs, shadowsteps and then throws it's body in a full body slam at you.

Three, the pets had their damage put in line a LONG time ago. As in nerf hammered harder than a Rev. The only way they could do damage by themselves is by ramping a hell of a lot of might. As in 25 stacks of might to even get close to player numbers. Even the PoF pets had their stuff recently checked out (the strong ones) while the rest of them are not even brought to sPvP in the first place.

Four, I do not need more bright kitten red circles on my screen or in my face. I already have to deal with that crap when their is one or two Scourges. Don't need it on ranger as well.

None of what you said matters. Hard CC shouldn't be granted automatically lol.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"floody.4951" said:the random knockdowns from pets are annoying af. or just look at the weird ram pet who did 40k burst when it was bugged. we need better animations on pets to tell their actions. maybe something like the red scourge things (with 0,5sec time to react) for pets would be good :)

They aren't random. There are clear animations if you're looking. L2P

How often do you find yourself focusing on the enemy's pet? Also, smokescale's "tell" is very small (looks almost like any other attack, just with a little extra flashy lines on its face), and its cast time is short. I've figured it out by now, but it's pretty apparent that it's not a "l2p" issue.

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@Razor.6392 said:

@Drarnor Kunoram.5180 said:Pets might need nerfs
they were able to hit a moving target. Until that happens, no nerfing pets aside form clear bugs (like the mentioned 40k charge from rock gazelle).

Smokescale knockdown will hit you way outside its range, while moving. It is impossible to outrun, even with superspeed.

Can confirm smokescale is insane. Had a smokescale hit me through a wall with the knockdown on skyhammer.

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@Razor.6392 said:

@floody.4951 said:the random knockdowns from pets are annoying af. or just look at the weird ram pet who did 40k burst when it was bugged. we need better animations on pets to tell their actions. maybe something like the red scourge things (with 0,5sec time to react) for pets would be good :)

They aren't random. There are clear animations if you're looking. L2P

ofc things like bristleback are reasonably animated, but smokescale knockdown is just dumb. sorry that i dont have time to watch what the asura sized pet does in a 2v2 cuz my class doesnt rely on spamming staff #1


One, not all of us play the staff build so you can put that argument in the garbage bin.

Two, the smokescale DOES have an animation tell: When it is going to do the shadow assault it disappears in a puff of wispy grey smoke and then hops to its target before tail whipping you for damage. When it's doing it's knockdown it runs, shadowsteps and then throws it's body in a full body slam at you.

Three, the pets had their damage put in line a LONG time ago. As in nerf hammered harder than a Rev. The only way they could do damage by themselves is by ramping a hell of a lot of might. As in 25 stacks of might to even get close to player numbers. Even the PoF pets had their stuff recently checked out (the strong ones) while the rest of them are not even brought to sPvP in the first place.

Four, I do not need more bright kitten red circles on my screen or in my face. I already have to deal with that crap when their is one or two Scourges. Don't need it on ranger as well.

None of what you said matters. Hard CC shouldn't be granted automatically lol.

But we don't control their CC moves, so who should you really be whining to? Anet? Or the players that you are whining about?

Trust me, if any ranger could control a smokescale's knockdown and when they could do it, you'd be wombo'd combo'd much harder. Do you really want that?

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How to balance pets:

  • Remove RNG CC's - great idea
  • increase pet's attack range a little bit beyond melee for most pets. They should be able to be intelligently kited, they should not be able to be brainlessly kited
  • Scale all pet's stats with their master's stats. Tanky rangers have tanky pets that do no damage. DPS rangers have squishy DPS pets.
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NO idea how pets need a balance.

FYI - I don't play a Ranger class (any elite spec).

I never had a problem in PvP or WvW with any Ranger pets in 1 vs 1. Thye can be annoying when CC is applied or some DMG output, however, with dodges and AOEs on Ranger directly, you will shred through the pet as well (unless ranged pet).

I think yet again, its a personal issue with the gameplay vs Ranger & Pets.

Perhaps the game mechanic of pets needs an overhaul but I think at this stage, playing on the daily basis against them in PvP, I never had an issue.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@floody.4951 said:the random knockdowns from pets are annoying af. or just look at the weird ram pet who did 40k burst when it was bugged. we need better animations on pets to tell their actions. maybe something like the red scourge things (with 0,5sec time to react) for pets would be good :)

They aren't random. There are clear animations if you're looking. L2P

ofc things like bristleback are reasonably animated, but smokescale knockdown is just dumb. sorry that i dont have time to watch what the asura sized pet does in a 2v2 cuz my class doesnt rely on spamming staff #1


One, not all of us play the staff build so you can put that argument in the garbage bin.

Two, the smokescale DOES have an animation tell: When it is going to do the shadow assault it disappears in a puff of wispy grey smoke and then hops to its target before tail whipping you for damage. When it's doing it's knockdown it runs, shadowsteps and then throws it's body in a full body slam at you.

Three, the pets had their damage put in line a LONG time ago. As in nerf hammered harder than a Rev. The only way they could do damage by themselves is by ramping a hell of a lot of might. As in 25 stacks of might to even get close to player numbers. Even the PoF pets had their stuff recently checked out (the strong ones) while the rest of them are not even brought to sPvP in the first place.

Four, I do not need more bright kitten red circles on my screen or in my face. I already have to deal with that crap when their is one or two Scourges. Don't need it on ranger as well.

None of what you said matters. Hard CC shouldn't be granted automatically lol.

But we don't control their CC moves, so who should you really be whining to? Anet? Or the players that you are whining about?

Trust me, if any ranger could control a smokescale's knockdown and when they could do it, you'd be wombo'd combo'd much harder. Do you really want that?

I sincerely doubt that, because then I would know when to expect it. Also I can't imagine most ranger players could handle having another button to press and time. Just check how many people are playing soulbeast atm lol.

What I'm trying to say basically is that, dying to someone that you know is skillfully timing his abilities, feels not as bad as dying to AI. If a good ranger takes me down, good on him. If a ---- ranger's pet randomly knocks me down, which then translates to binding roots among other shenanigans, it doesn't feel fair. It doesn't feel like he earned it.

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The most annoying thing is when you stealth up to save your butt and the freaking pet still chase you and sometimes even hit you spoilering your position to the druid or other players, that's just garbage interaction in which the pet AI react later to stealth being still able to track you down.This is just one of the "bugs" pets have.

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That's rich, engi complaining about hard-to-avoid cc. Have you ever looked at overcharged shot???Also, lol at the person who thinks that people don't play soul beast because of an "extra" button, it is literally the exact same amount as it is for druid. The reason why people don't play soul beast is that it is a terrible version of holosmith, spellbreaker, mirage, chrono or druid (depending on the build). It even is a worse version of an already underperforming build: core ranger.

On a serious note though, druid should be nerfed but it ahould be done in a way that doesn't hurt soulbeast/core ranger aka nerf/change the druid traitline, CA, staff or the scaling of rugged growth/troll unguent (but leave the base healing alone).

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@BlackBeard.2873 said:How to balance pets:

  • Remove RNG CC's - great idea
  • increase pet's attack range a little bit beyond melee for most pets. They should be able to be intelligently kited, they should not be able to be brainlessly kited
  • Scale all pet's stats with their master's stats. Tanky rangers have tanky pets that do no damage. DPS rangers have squishy DPS pets.

Only dps stats comes in all variety, a demolisher amulet is a dps amulet as much as a marauder, they're still based on power dmg but one has toughness in it...I look forward to the day I can use an owl with demolisher stats, also pets have no crit dmg and low power...oh trust me....I would love nothing more than having pets scale with my stats.

I can still increase both crit chance and ferocity of my allies, I would end up with a tanky pet doing zerker dmg..good for me

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