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Fractal Random Mistlock Instabilities

Gaile Gray.6029

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@Trae.2384 said:I am absolutely terrified to pug my cm's when theres hamstrung. I cant stand that one, its no fun, theres no strategic joy in it, I just think it will make 100cm second boss platform complete cancertitus C

hamstrung is a healer check. One the one hand, that kinda makes it boring. On the other hand, I love healers in this game, I think they should be incentivized, I think they make the game more fun, and i'm glad it exists because pugs have healers now.

Hamstrung was fine on 99cm. I'm sure it will be good on 100CM

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@spiritualabyss.7016 said:While i do not like the idea of having Social Awkwardness in CMs , I am really looking forward to the other possibilities this opens up.I'm eager to see how pugs handle CMs with Last Laugh and Toxic Trails. To me it sounds like a lot of fun (and that is no sarcasm).

@Benjamin Arnold.3457 Have you thought about changing instabilities on a daily basis? I think weekly is too slow.If I'd have to adapt to different ones every day it would be great!

@spiritualabyss.7016 said:While i do not like the idea of having Social Awkwardness in CMs , I am really looking forward to the other possibilities this opens up.I'm eager to see how pugs handle CMs with Last Laugh and Toxic Trails. To me it sounds like a lot of fun (and that is no sarcasm).

@Benjamin Arnold.3457 Have you thought about changing instabilities on a daily basis? I think weekly is too slow.If I'd have to adapt to different ones every day it would be great!

Change instabilities to change everyday please.

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@Geisterlicht.6083 said:

@squallaus.8321 said:Change instabilities to change everyday please.

I don't think it matters? Since the odds of players playing the same fractal level on the following day is slim, even with the dailies
(unless it's the same daily on the next day)

It matters for CMs

Woops, my bad. TLDR on the quotes :tongue:Will indeed help in changing CMs flavours.

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It's a bad design of difficulty. you should just add 1 instability for 26-50, 2 in 51-75 (the ghost that finishes players) and 2 at 76-100 with vindicators and movement slow instability. remove social awkwardness, exploding mobs and the trial of poison and add more difficult mechanics to the bosses and content itself. before this change it was somehow ok but this random each day or week or whatever was really bad idea.

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@Ultimatepwr.9562 said:

@Trae.2384 said:I am absolutely terrified to pug my cm's when theres hamstrung. I cant stand that one, its no fun, theres no strategic joy in it, I just think it will make 100cm second boss platform complete cancertitus C

hamstrung is a healer check. One the one hand, that kinda makes it boring. On the other hand, I love healers in this game, I think they should be incentivized, I think they make the game more fun, and i'm glad it exists because pugs have healers now.

Hamstrung was fine on 99cm. I'm sure it will be good on 100CM

I'd say even less of a problem on 100CM cuz you have your special action key hax.

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99CM with Toxic Trails (and enemies gain boons and apply random conditions) is maybe the worst experience I had in this game with mostly PuG's.

Almost 100% poison/orange circle coverage at some points, can't stand in the hitbox for DH's anymore (I guess Anet really, really want's Weaver to be the only DPS choice with poison trail in boss fractals) and it's just a mess.

With some of these combos, Raids are the easy preparation for Fractals now I guess.

Unless you have a really good static, I don't see this content being worth playing with the current fractal rewards.

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@Asum.4960 said:99CM with Toxic Trails (and enemies gain boons and apply random conditions) is maybe the worst experience I had in this game with mostly PuG's.

Almost 100% poison/orange circle coverage at some points, can't stand in the hitbox for DH's anymore (I guess Anet really, really want's Weaver to be the only DPS choice with poison trail in boss fractals) and it's just a mess.

With some of these combos, Raids are the easy preparation for Fractals now I guess.

Unless you have a really good static, I don't see this content being worth playing with the current fractal rewards.

Really? Because I had a meh pug group (dps was lower then the average for days where nightmare isn’t a daily) and it was fine. A few wipes, but not significantly more then normal, and the wipes were not directly attributable to toxic trails or either of the other ones. I think people in this thread are over reacting. Or they think that the game should be easy enough that wipes should never happen, which is silly

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@Asum.4960 said:Unless you have a really good static, I don't see this content being worth playing with the current fractal rewards.

That or you ask for fractal titles, kill proofs and other stuff to make sure you have competent team members. I quit 99cm with pugs after three wipes at MAMA yesterday, didn't want to experience Siax with those instabilities. And I didn't want to spend an hour with 99cm only while the latest story chapter in the new map was waiting for me.

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@Sister Saxifrage.7361 said:So, for recs I just did T3 Amala with Flux Bomb and Last Laugh. Honestly, it was harder than most of the T4 TO runs I've done. Especially the Grenth minions and the adds around the Balthazar priestess. There was just nowhere safe at all. Throw SA or Vindicators into the mix and this will be an unpuggable combination at T4.

Use special action key

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@Sister Saxifrage.7361 said:So, for recs I just did T3 Amala with Flux Bomb and Last Laugh. Honestly, it was harder than most of the T4 TO runs I've done. Especially the Grenth minions and the adds around the Balthazar priestess. There was just nowhere safe at all. Throw SA or Vindicators into the mix and this will be an unpuggable combination at T4.

Sa, sure maybe. T4s will probably be not that bad because people bring support champs. Also, some dev comments suggest that they wanna check last laugh, and maybe nerf it.

That being said, does no one read patch notes? Vindicators are not a hard instability to deal with. People, stop putting them on the list of annoying shit. They were nerfed super hard.

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@"Sister Saxifrage.7361" said:So, for recs I just did T3 Amala with Flux Bomb and Last Laugh. Honestly, it was harder than most of the T4 TO runs I've done. Especially the Grenth minions and the adds around the Balthazar priestess. There was just nowhere safe at all. Throw SA or Vindicators into the mix and this will be an unpuggable combination at T4.

Flux bomb can be avoided completely by jumping in the air with special action key just before it explodes. It negates everything from the bomb!I assume you had very very very bad mates because Last Laugh will also almost do nothing at Amala. Only during the phases on the cliffs which are easy there is nothing to fear from Last Laugh. I joined a "p + f" rec today (no meta at all, no chrono) and we had 0 issues.

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@Sister Saxifrage.7361 said:So, for recs I just did T3 Amala with Flux Bomb and Last Laugh. Honestly, it was harder than most of the T4 TO runs I've done. Especially the Grenth minions and the adds around the Balthazar priestess. There was just nowhere safe at all. Throw SA or Vindicators into the mix and this will be an unpuggable combination at T4.

Flux bomb is nerfed I think? It doesn't tick as hard & stays behind only for like 5seconds? (It couldn't kill a player downed inside it)And what Vinceman.4572 said about special action key to remove it. With sufficient Dps; Grenth phase ends before she summons the minnions, or use the special action key to break free from getting chained knockback into the Spectral Walls.

(Ps: Try not to drop flux bombs up on the balcony)

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@Sister Saxifrage.7361 said:So, for recs I just did T3 Amala with Flux Bomb and Last Laugh. Honestly, it was harder than most of the T4 TO runs I've done. Especially the Grenth minions and the adds around the Balthazar priestess. There was just nowhere safe at all. Throw SA or Vindicators into the mix and this will be an unpuggable combination at T4.

Same here, did it yesterday, was a clean run and we had no deaths and no wipes, maybe one or two vindicators. It felt like T4 though. I really think it's off balance for players who are on tier 3 in their skill curve. I bet groups got wiped left and right yesterday, even more than usually.

I also did 99cm + T4s with both accounts in the last two days, and talked about the instabilities in the party. All runs were successful and clean, without wipes. Everybody agreed that the instabilities are annoying and suck. These players were not bad and unskilled, they were just annoyed. You jump up to the platform in the Amala phase and get knocked down right away because of last laugh, might be fun the first 3 times, then it's just annoying.

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@Sister Saxifrage.7361 said:So, for recs I just did T3 Amala with Flux Bomb and Last Laugh. Honestly, it was harder than most of the T4 TO runs I've done. Especially the Grenth minions and the adds around the Balthazar priestess. There was just nowhere safe at all. Throw SA or Vindicators into the mix and this will be an unpuggable combination at T4.

Same here, did it yesterday, was a clean run and we had no deaths and no wipes, maybe one or two vindicators. It felt like T4 though. I really think it's off balance for players who are on tier 3 in their skill curve. I bet groups got wiped left and right yesterday, even more than usually.

I also did 99cm + T4s with both accounts in the last two days, and talked about the instabilities in the party. All runs were successful and clean, without wipes. Everybody agreed that the instabilities are annoying and suck. These players were not bad and unskilled, they were just annoyed. You jump up to the platform in the Amala phase and get knocked down right away because of last laugh, might be fun the first 3 times, then it's just annoying.

Just thought I would add my feedback on this. I'm not a regular Fractal/Raider (just got my Personal Reward Level up to 32 yesterday, and this was also my first time ever doing this particular fractal) and when I did the Amala fight yesterday (with 2 guild members and 2 PUGs) it was certainly chaotic and we wiped about 7 times, but we did eventually beat it. It was certainly several times more difficult than the T4 dailies we had just come off of finishing, but not impossible.

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Hi Benjamin and team

I have mixed feelings about this.

The bad (will tell more about it)Much harder to random pug fractals. You have to be 'elitist' to safeguard a good safety margin of error to do the fractals with the current random difficulty. I hate being picking about professions/Setup, but fractals requires it now...Some instabilities work 70-95% fine in a fractal, but in ONE VERY place in fractal it creates chaos. Last laugh is such a case.More challenge is nice, but fractals is a daily task, they now take longer most of time. And are more frustrating. With a daily task, you risk, that if you go to far in difficulty you push ppl completely away. I'm going for fractal god, but if it becomes like the cm's to pug, then i will quit very likely.

The good: It requires strategy, adapting. This is quite fun on teamspeak and with ppl that play well. It makes fractals less boring. You must be more aware in most fractals. It promotes changing skills/traits (like get stability more with last laugh).

Now about the 'faults'.

Toxic trail + something other annoying (say afflicted or last laugh or the one that makes you move less fast more damage you take), is very hard in some fractals. Like bloomhunger. The whisp phase sometimes summons army around player. All of those mobs create toxic trail. It's very hard to avoid, and keeps you very likely in combat with afflicted likely putting in cripple, really messy. At boss fight itself, the 'survive bloomhunger mob army' can cover almost full circle with toxic trail It's survivable with good team for short wile (15 sec) but can be pain depending on spread of mobs. And it has to be repeated 3x without mistakes, not easy.

Today i had worst horror so far. Nightmare with last laugh. Generally not much problem and a good instability in this fractal. Except for the last boss, last 15%, it's an absolute knockback 'nightmare' (a real one, pun intended). Not only do the default mechanics knockback and force you in a small save area. All those mobs, become killable, and usually go down in like 3 secs (5+ mobs). If they die spread wide enough, then even double dodge, you will get knocked back, and if then another default mechanic knocks you back, it's painful. 7 pugs quitted after few attempts. The attempt we won with (i got a screenshot from it), we were all downed at 4% hp, two rallied, i gave everything in the world dps wise cause i knew i would fully die next knockback fest. We downed again at 0,7%, spammed downed skills like hell, made it by an inch. This was NOT fun, not skill requiring, nor strategy dependant (we HAD specifically taken all aoe stability we could like well of precognition, stand your ground). My advice, keep instability BUT somehow make the last mobs, not explode (remove the code/block the code on them).

Vindicators still die slowly, you cant 'rally' on them alone, you need your teammates to kill them for you but if they die by same mechanic + vindicator pressure, then you got a real rampage going on. Even if you rally that person but go down to condies it will probably become really chaotic with wipe as result. In most fractals (especially easy ones no prob), but imo in mai trin this has no place, the aoe pressure is huge there already done need an overpowered finisher.

If there would be voting with following options 'keep it, keep it with adjustments, remove it' (the random instabilities) i would choose the second one.

Also friendly reminder Benjamin, I admire that you game so much and know fractals so well. Kudos. However that has a downside. You think like the best player in gw2, the best groups (friend/guild runs, mostly CM runs) that currently play gw2. You know everything in an out, and clearly have often ppl you know well to join you in your team also. But the moment you lfg, the chance of such a crazy good group is low. Usually dps (of everyone) halves, or even less. Wich makes the mechanical pressure double as long, double as much chance to fail the fractal. I'm not saying that you do bad, for instance, amala, Dwayna phase 'checkpoint' is great. I didnt even think that it was possible to have a checkpoint mid boss fight. This is great for pugs. However i still think (not for good groups) but the groups 1 and 2 tiers below the best t4 groups,, that mai trin is overtuned. The moment your dps is low, the adds go down TREMENdously slow, so slow you usually wipe. I'm not saying 3k dps (per person) should make mai trinn doable/easy, but the tresshold should be lower then the current 15-25k per person 'spike during phase' dps requirement. Still i love that you play the game much, it's always better for judgement then not playing it imo. Just keep in mind, you are like a top of the line player if it concerns how good you are at fractals. Like today i was only player in 99 nightmare able to dodge some of the (almost invisible in the 'drunk vision') last laughs at 15% end of boss. This was persistance and long time experience that got me so far, still it didnt help me to prevent knockback rampages, and ultimately a wipe.

It's my hope the instabilities stay random (it's right that it makes then more fun, especially during trash, easier bosses etc), but during some encounters, clearly some insane combo's exist, at the disadvantage of players. Some tuning could be used.

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@Phoebe Ascension.8437 said:Hi Benjamin and team

I have mixed feelings about this.

The bad (will tell more about it)Much harder to random pug fractals. You have to be 'elitist' to safeguard a good safety margin of error to do the fractals with the current random difficulty. I hate being picking about professions/Setup, but fractals requires it now...Some instabilities work 70-95% fine in a fractal, but in ONE VERY place in fractal it creates chaos. Last laugh is such a case.More challenge is nice, but fractals is a daily task, they now take longer most of time. And are more frustrating. With a daily task, you risk, that if you go to far in difficulty you push ppl completely away. I'm going for fractal god, but if it becomes like the cm's to pug, then i will quit very likely.

The good: It requires strategy, adapting. This is quite fun on teamspeak and with ppl that play well. It makes fractals less boring. You must be more aware in most fractals. It promotes changing skills/traits (like get stability more with last laugh).

Now about the 'faults'.

Toxic trail + something other annoying (say afflicted or last laugh or the one that makes you move less fast more damage you take), is very hard in some fractals. Like bloomhunger. The whisp phase sometimes summons army around player. All of those mobs create toxic trail. It's very hard to avoid, and keeps you very likely in combat with afflicted likely putting in cripple, really messy. At boss fight itself, the 'survive bloomhunger mob army' can cover almost full circle with toxic trail It's survivable with good team for short wile (15 sec) but can be pain depending on spread of mobs. And it has to be repeated 3x without mistakes, not easy.

Today i had worst horror so far. Nightmare with last laugh. Generally not much problem and a good instability in this fractal. Except for the last boss, last 15%, it's an absolute knockback 'nightmare' (a real one, pun intended). Not only do the default mechanics knockback and force you in a small save area. All those mobs, become killable, and usually go down in like 3 secs (5+ mobs). If they die spread wide enough, then even double dodge, you will get knocked back, and if then another default mechanic knocks you back, it's painful. 7 pugs quitted after few attempts. The attempt we won with (i got a screenshot from it), we were all downed at 4% hp, two rallied, i gave everything in the world dps wise cause i knew i would fully die next knockback fest. We downed again at 0,7%, spammed downed skills like hell, made it by an inch. This was NOT fun, not skill requiring, nor strategy dependant (we HAD specifically taken all aoe stability we could like well of precognition, stand your ground). My advice, keep instability BUT somehow make the last mobs, not explode (remove the code/block the code on them).

Vindicators still die slowly, you cant 'rally' on them alone, you need your teammates to kill them for you but if they die by same mechanic + vindicator pressure, then you got a real rampage going on. Even if you rally that person but go down to condies it will probably become really chaotic with wipe as result. In most fractals (especially easy ones no prob), but imo in mai trin this has no place, the aoe pressure is huge there already done need an overpowered finisher.

If there would be voting with following options 'keep it, keep it with adjustments, remove it' (the random instabilities) i would choose the second one.

Also friendly reminder Benjamin, I admire that you game so much and know fractals so well. Kudos. However that has a downside. You think like the best player in gw2, the best groups (friend/guild runs, mostly CM runs) that currently play gw2. You know everything in an out, and clearly have often ppl you know well to join you in your team also. But the moment you lfg, the chance of such a crazy good group is low. Usually dps (of everyone) halves, or even less. Wich makes the mechanical pressure double as long, double as much chance to fail the fractal. I'm not saying that you do bad, for instance, amala, Dwayna phase 'checkpoint' is great. I didnt even think that it was possible to have a checkpoint mid boss fight. This is great for pugs. However i still think (not for good groups) but the groups 1 and 2 tiers below the best t4 groups,, that mai trin is overtuned. The moment your dps is low, the adds go down TREMENdously slow, so slow you usually wipe. I'm not saying 3k dps (per person) should make mai trinn doable/easy, but the tresshold should be lower then the current 15-25k per person 'spike during phase' dps requirement. Still i love that you play the game much, it's always better for judgement then not playing it imo. Just keep in mind, you are like a top of the line player if it concerns how good you are at fractals. Like today i was only player in 99 nightmare able to dodge some of the (almost invisible in the 'drunk vision') last laughs at 15% end of boss. This was persistance and long time experience that got me so far, still it didnt help me to prevent knockback rampages, and ultimately a wipe.

It's my hope the instabilities stay random (it's right that it makes then more fun, especially during trash, easier bosses etc), but during some encounters, clearly some insane combo's exist, at the disadvantage of players. Some tuning could be used.

Good feedback ty :) I do want it to be such that one person cannot kill their own vindicator, and I am OK with it being a snowball mechanic in Mai trin as that is what it is designed to do. I think with the new rally and reduced HP as long as the whole group manages to focus it down real quick they can use it to quickly res the downed person.

I am thinking of replacing the blowout with a daze on last laugh since by and large that is the biggest problem right now with random instabilities, at least until we can formulate a full instability balance pass.

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@Benjamin Arnold.3457 said:

@Phoebe Ascension.8437 said:Hi Benjamin and team

I have mixed feelings about this.

The bad (will tell more about it)Much harder to random pug fractals. You have to be 'elitist' to safeguard a good safety margin of error to do the fractals with the current random difficulty. I hate being picking about professions/Setup, but fractals requires it now...Some instabilities work 70-95% fine in a fractal, but in ONE VERY place in fractal it creates chaos. Last laugh is such a case.More challenge is nice, but fractals is a daily task, they now take longer most of time. And are more frustrating. With a daily task, you risk, that if you go to far in difficulty you push ppl completely away. I'm going for fractal god, but if it becomes like the cm's to pug, then i will quit very likely.

The good: It requires strategy, adapting. This is quite fun on teamspeak and with ppl that play well. It makes fractals less boring. You must be more aware in most fractals. It promotes changing skills/traits (like get stability more with last laugh).

Now about the 'faults'.

Toxic trail + something other annoying (say afflicted or last laugh or the one that makes you move less fast more damage you take), is very hard in some fractals. Like bloomhunger. The whisp phase sometimes summons army around player. All of those mobs create toxic trail. It's very hard to avoid, and keeps you very likely in combat with afflicted likely putting in cripple, really messy. At boss fight itself, the 'survive bloomhunger mob army' can cover almost full circle with toxic trail It's survivable with good team for short wile (15 sec) but can be pain depending on spread of mobs. And it has to be repeated 3x without mistakes, not easy.

Today i had worst horror so far. Nightmare with last laugh. Generally not much problem and a good instability in this fractal. Except for the last boss, last 15%, it's an absolute knockback 'nightmare' (a real one, pun intended). Not only do the default mechanics knockback and force you in a small save area. All those mobs, become killable, and usually go down in like 3 secs (5+ mobs). If they die spread wide enough, then even double dodge, you will get knocked back, and if then another default mechanic knocks you back, it's painful. 7 pugs quitted after few attempts. The attempt we won with (i got a screenshot from it), we were all downed at 4% hp, two rallied, i gave everything in the world dps wise cause i knew i would fully die next knockback fest. We downed again at 0,7%, spammed downed skills like hell, made it by an inch. This was NOT fun, not skill requiring, nor strategy dependant (we HAD specifically taken all aoe stability we could like well of precognition, stand your ground). My advice, keep instability BUT somehow make the last mobs, not explode (remove the code/block the code on them).

Vindicators still die slowly, you cant 'rally' on them alone, you need your teammates to kill them for you but if they die by same mechanic + vindicator pressure, then you got a real rampage going on. Even if you rally that person but go down to condies it will probably become really chaotic with wipe as result. In most fractals (especially easy ones no prob), but imo in mai trin this has no place, the aoe pressure is huge there already done need an overpowered finisher.

If there would be voting with following options 'keep it, keep it with adjustments, remove it' (the random instabilities) i would choose the second one.

Also friendly reminder Benjamin, I admire that you game so much and know fractals so well. Kudos. However that has a downside. You think like the best player in gw2, the best groups (friend/guild runs, mostly CM runs) that currently play gw2. You know everything in an out, and clearly have often ppl you know well to join you in your team also. But the moment you lfg, the chance of such a crazy good group is low. Usually dps (of everyone) halves, or even less. Wich makes the mechanical pressure double as long, double as much chance to fail the fractal. I'm not saying that you do bad, for instance, amala, Dwayna phase 'checkpoint' is great. I didnt even think that it was possible to have a checkpoint mid boss fight. This is great for pugs. However i still think (not for good groups) but the groups 1 and 2 tiers below the best t4 groups,, that mai trin is overtuned. The moment your dps is low, the adds go down TREMENdously slow, so slow you usually wipe. I'm not saying 3k dps (per person) should make mai trinn doable/easy, but the tresshold should be lower then the current 15-25k per person 'spike during phase' dps requirement. Still i love that you play the game much, it's always better for judgement then not playing it imo. Just keep in mind, you are like a top of the line player if it concerns how good you are at fractals. Like today i was only player in 99 nightmare able to dodge some of the (almost invisible in the 'drunk vision') last laughs at 15% end of boss. This was persistance and long time experience that got me so far, still it didnt help me to prevent knockback rampages, and ultimately a wipe.

It's my hope the instabilities stay random (it's right that it makes then more fun, especially during trash, easier bosses etc), but during some encounters, clearly some insane combo's exist, at the disadvantage of players. Some tuning could be used.

Good feedback ty :) I do want it to be such that one person cannot kill their own vindicator, and I am OK with it being a snowball mechanic in Mai trin as that is what it is designed to do. I think with the new rally and reduced HP as long as the whole group manages to focus it down real quick they can use it to quickly res the downed person.

I am thinking of replacing the blowout with a daze on last laugh since by and large that is the biggest problem right now with random instabilities, at least until we can formulate a full instability balance pass.

The daze would be a fine change. Have you also thought of maybe upping the dmg on the poison trail but slowing down the mov speed of mobs abit? Except in cases where the movement of mobs is importand such as the ice elementals on snowblind or the ouzes on taumanova.

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