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Human(oid) miniatures: Why?

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Is there a reason why ANet decided to make all those cool looking human (or humanoid) minis so tiny that they become barely visible and you can't really make out any details?

Is the engine that limited that they can't manually adjust sizes, like they seem to have been unable to fix the male Norn and, most importantly, the Charr character sizes in the Character Selection Screen?

The game has been out for five and a half years now, how difficult can it be?

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I like some of the minis. The mini choya pinata is hilarious. Everywhere it goes it trails candy behind it and when it's idle it has a few animations for shaking its maracas. I always hear it shaking those maracas while I'm clearing inventory or at the trading post!

The Super Bee Dog mini does pug actions like dragging its butt on the ground and tilting its head side to side.

Of course, most of the non-cash shop minis don't do anything, which seems kind of pointless. The only one I like is mini Aurene!

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@"Zedek.8932" said:I have one of these blue cat Golem minis. I just crack gotta crack up everytime it goes: "Meeoooww".And a mini Rox. Because she rox. And also says "meeeeeow".


While humanoid minis are within the uncanny valley for me (eww, like NPCs, but straight up worse), I love seeing stuff like mini elementals, actual animals (just not the baby ones), toy golems, pet rocks, and super bee dogs/spiders. I think they're adorable.

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@"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:I'm just going to say it:

Can you guys please straight up rip off WoW's battlepet system? Then minis could potentially be worthwhile.

They had Polymock in GW1, which was similar to mini-pet battles. You chose three "pieces" (kind of like minis) to use against the AI's three "pieces", and you are transformed into each piece as you battle your opponent. But it hasn't been developed for GW2 yet, other than a non-functional Asura Gate to the arena (which also has nothing in it).

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:I'm just going to say it:

Can you guys please straight up rip off WoW's battlepet system? Then minis could potentially be worthwhile.

They had Polymock in GW1, which was similar to mini-pet battles. You chose three "pieces" (kind of like minis) to use against the AI's three "pieces", and you are transformed into each piece as you battle your opponent. But it hasn't been developed for GW2 yet, other than a non-functional Asura Gate to the arena (which also has nothing in it).

That was very interesting! Thank you.

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Why do any of you care about a section of visual aesthetics here in mini's that don't cause you any issues and you could just choose not to collect or use them? Is it that you want to use them but hate them in which case see first question or you would rather they make the game you have in your head rather than the one that they have created and imagined?

Have any of you ever made the suggestions in the shortcomings you list to Anet or just complained about it? I know that suggestions are basically falling on deaf ears around here but again why not just ignore mini's?

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@Biff.5312 said:Better too small than too big. The Balthazar mini is taller than my Asuran toon. It just looks wrong.

I bet there are a lot of people who actually like this. I love the fact that he is bigger. It looks right to me. The nature of opinion is grand. I want a mini the size of a horse that I can walk in front of.

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@jbrother.1340 said:

@Biff.5312 said:Better too small than too big. The Balthazar mini is taller than my Asuran toon. It just looks wrong.

I bet there are a lot of people who actually like this. I love the fact that he is bigger. It looks right to me. The nature of opinion is grand. I want a mini the size of a horse that I can walk in front of.

That's fair, but it wouldn't be a 'mini'. It would be I guess a 'maxi'...

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@Biff.5312 said:

@Biff.5312 said:Better too small than too big. The Balthazar mini is taller than my Asuran toon. It just looks wrong.

I bet there are a lot of people who actually like this. I love the fact that he is bigger. It looks right to me. The nature of opinion is grand. I want a mini the size of a horse that I can walk in front of.

That's fair, but it wouldn't be a 'mini'. It would be I guess a 'maxi'...

I would think that is just splitting hairs?

What is the word mini based on in the first place. the size of the person it is next to or the size in comparison with the real counterpart. I am even sure if all the mini's have a counterpart in the game itself outside of them but mini balth is a lot smaller than his real self. It is also better looking :)

in the end they serve no real purpose other than amusement. that is really all games are in the end isn't it?

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