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5 man queue season 11 trial

Crab Fear.1624

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@"Arheundel.6451" said:Why should you be rewarded with a title for reaching a point while being helped by 4 others who will sync their builds with yours.....when others may reach the same point while being paired with complete randoms and their bad builds?

Because in a gamemode that requires organization and communication, it would make sense to reward people for being organized and communicating. I fail to see why Anet catered to people who don't have any friends and like to play alone.

In an ideal world, the MMR system would pit organized teams against pugs with a higher MMR...in an ideal world the system would take in consideration the fact that you're in a team and "punish" you accordingly.

In an ideal world, the system should REWARD you for playing with a team. After all, it is a TEAM based gamemode in a MULTIPLAYER game. Why the hell would ANY company want to punish players for wanting to play with their friends? In fact, why would any player WANT to play a game where they are punished for playing with their friends when they could just find another one that doesn't.

Look at literally ANY team based sport. Do you see any that actively seek to punish players for trying to get better, organized, and communicate? If that honestly makes sense to you, there's something wrong.

Unfortunately in the previous reality we seen teams going up while being fed pugs with random MMR or cumulative MMR based on the highest player on their team

Honestly, if people spend the effort to get organized, communicate, and improve their gameplay, they SHOULD win more matches. That's their reward for putting in the hard work. Unlike people like you who dislike social interactions and want their wins to come from luck and RNG rather than skill.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"Arheundel.6451" said:Why should you be rewarded with a title for reaching a point while being helped by 4 others who will sync their builds with yours.....when others may reach the same point while being paired with complete randoms and their bad builds?

Because in a gamemode that requires organization and communication, it would make sense to reward people for being organized and communicating. I fail to see why Anet catered to people who don't have any friends and like to play alone.

In an ideal world, the MMR system would pit organized teams against pugs with a higher MMR...in an ideal world the system would take in consideration the fact that you're in a team and "punish" you accordingly.

In an ideal world, the system should
you for playing with a team. After all, it is a
based gamemode in a
game. Why the hell would ANY company want to punish players for wanting to play with their friends? In fact, why would any player WANT to play a game where they are punished for playing with their friends when they could just find another one that doesn't.

Look at literally ANY team based sport. Do you see any that actively seek to punish players for trying to get better, organized, and communicate? If that honestly makes sense to you, there's something wrong.

Unfortunately in the previous reality we seen teams going up while being fed pugs with random MMR or cumulative MMR based on the highest player on their team

Honestly, if people spend the effort to get organized, communicate, and improve their gameplay, they
win more matches. That's their reward for putting in the hard work. Unlike people like you who dislike social interactions and want their wins to come from luck and RNG rather than skill.

There is no ground for discussion , the environment where you can play with your friend is there...whether you like it or not

During social interactions, people try to converse while using an appropriate amount of logical thinking :

"Because in a gamemode that requires organization and communication, it would make sense to reward people for being organized and communicating. I fail to see why Anet catered to people who don't have any friends and like to play alone."-Anet made AT and then you have UGO too...there you get rewarded for being...organized, quite huge rewards...what more do you want?

People voted to remove teamq from soloq...not from the game, what business do we have with that? Do stay on point with the conversation, do no try to derail with pointless round circle talk.

With all your points made void...do explain us properly why anet should allow an organized team to fight a random group of pugs, use logic as much as possible and...take down a notch your attitude, there are people here working 40-50 hrs per week plus travel time and other activities with only few hours left to play GW2, they will play the game how they see fit

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Arheundel.6451 said:Why should you be rewarded with a title for reaching a point while being helped by 4 others who will sync their builds with yours.....when others may reach the same point while being paired with complete randoms and their bad builds?

Because in a gamemode that requires organization and communication, it would make sense to reward people for being organized and communicating. I fail to see why Anet catered to people who don't have any friends and like to play alone.

In an ideal world, the MMR system would pit organized teams against pugs with a higher MMR...in an ideal world the system would take in consideration the fact that you're in a team and "punish" you accordingly.

In an ideal world, the system should
you for playing with a team. After all, it is a
based gamemode in a
game. Why the hell would ANY company want to punish players for wanting to play with their friends? In fact, why would any player WANT to play a game where they are punished for playing with their friends when they could just find another one that doesn't.

Look at literally ANY team based sport. Do you see any that actively seek to punish players for trying to get better, organized, and communicate? If that honestly makes sense to you, there's something wrong.

Unfortunately in the previous reality we seen teams going up while being fed pugs with random MMR or cumulative MMR based on the highest player on their team

Honestly, if people spend the effort to get organized, communicate, and improve their gameplay, they
win more matches. That's their reward for putting in the hard work. Unlike people like you who dislike social interactions and want their wins to come from luck and RNG rather than skill.

There is no ground for discussion , the environment where you can play with your friend is there...whether you like it or not

During social interactions, people try to converse while using an appropriate amount of logical thinking :
  1. Conquest is a team based gamemode
    • Anet banned teams

Logical? Nope. But that's what you're advocating for.

"Because in a gamemode that requires organization and communication, it would make sense to reward people for being organized and communicating. I fail to see why Anet catered to people who don't have any friends and like to play alone."-Anet made AT and then you have UGO too...there you get rewarded for being...organized, quite huge rewards...what more do you want?

To undo the solo que only restriction? I didn't think it was that hard to understand. But again, I'm talking with someone who wants a team based gamemode in a multiplayer game to be solo only. Ecks dee

People voted to remove teamq from soloq...not from the game, what business do we have with that? Do stay on point with the conversation, do no try to derail with pointless round circle talk.

K. If even a small minority of people wish to play with their friends, why would you purposely deny them that and make their experience worse? Other people being able to play with their friends literally doesn't affect the people who don't have any, as Anet has already stated that teams did not have a higher win ratio than solo players.

With all your points made void...do explain us properly why anet should allow an organized team to fight a random group of pugs, use logic as much as possible and...take down a notch your attitude, there are people here working 40-50 hrs per week plus travel time and other activities with only few hours left to play GW2, they will play the game how they see fit

Because the removal of the the ability to play with our friends shouldn't have even been considered. It's fucking stupid that you are FORCED to play SOLO in a TEAM based gamemode in a MULTIPLAYER game.

You keep saying use logic, yet you're the one advocating to FORCE people to play alone when winning requires relying on your teammates.

Sorry, we can't play the game how we see fit because we're fucking banned from playing with our friends. If you have no friends and only want to play solo, then go ahead and do that. I don't see the fucking point for ruining literally everyone else's fun just cause you're a loner.

If you reversed the situation, you'd have Anet REQUIRING you to play with a full 5 man group in Ranked. How would that make you feel?

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Had enough...so let's put it this way :
  • Wanna play with friends?-play AT or UGO tournaments or unranked

So, in other words: 1-2 times 2-3 days a week or once a month we can play with our friends. How about you go unranked if you want to play solo and leave ranked for the people who aren't lonely?

People voted to remove teamq from soloq, what you want...doesn't matter at this point, if you don't like..you can try other games with your friends and come back in the future, they won't delete your account.


Who are you to decide whether or not my opinion matters? You're full of it.

A lot of people already left.

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Had enough...so let's put it this way :
  • Wanna play with friends?-play AT or UGO tournaments or unranked

People voted to remove teamq from soloq, what you want...doesn't matter at this point, if you don't like..you can try other games with your friends and come back in the future, they won't delete your account.

Good Luck

Well, we were polled for a trial. Also the poll announcement came with a promise that post season we would be polled again about keeping the changes or not. As far as I know they never did the post-season poll.If your game preferences are the majority, and Anet keeps their word, then it should be another land slide for no teams in ranked if they re-poll .

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So what is it really about? Is it actually about playing with friends, or is it about rewards? The argument I'm hearing about this is that people won't go to unranked for premades/friend play because you're not gaining any pips towards season rewards. You have unranked for premade play with your friends, if they added pip gain to unranked would you still be complaining? No one is saying don't return premade play, but rather don't return premade play back to when a bunch of pugs have to face organized teams as the only queue option. You want premade play back yeah we know and we'll support it too but, we'll vote for it to be it's own ranked queue(1-5 team) with its own leaderboards, heck even return the guild leaderboards too so you can have the trolly guild names at the top of the list like last time we had that system. The whole talk about solo queuers being loners that have no friends to play with, it's not about that and really contributes no convincing substance to the discussion other than to call out people that prefer queuing solo. Funny enough this can be flipped on people supporting the return of premades in a ranked environment to be a bunch of scrubs that aren't good enough to get where they think they belong, so they need 4 other cherry picked players to help carry him/her there. See how it provides nothing to the discussion? .It's really about maintaining a space where it's solo team vs solo team, where both sides are prone to being dealt the same chance at a good hand or bad hand of players, a level playing field in a setting that is supposed to be a space where you're playing to win.

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@Lucentfir.7430 said:So what is it really about? Is it actually about playing with friends, or is it about rewards? The argument I'm hearing about this is that people won't go to unranked for premades/friend play because you're not gaining any pips towards season rewards. You have unranked for premade play with your friends, if they added pip gain to unranked would you still be complaining? No one is saying don't return premade play, but rather don't return premade play back to when a bunch of pugs have to face organized teams as the only queue option. You want premade play back yeah we know and we'll support it too but, we'll vote for it to be it's own ranked queue(1-5 team) with its own leaderboards, heck even return the guild leaderboards too so you can have the trolly guild names at the top of the list like last time we had that system. The whole talk about solo queuers being loners that have no friends to play with, it's not about that and really contributes no convincing substance to the discussion other than to call out people that prefer queuing solo. Funny enough this can be flipped on people supporting the return of premades in a ranked environment to be a bunch of scrubs that aren't good enough to get where they think they belong, so they need 4 other cherry picked players to help carry him/her there. See how it provides nothing to the discussion? .It's really about maintaining a space where it's solo team vs solo team, where both sides are prone to being dealt the same chance at a good hand or bad hand of players, a level playing field in a setting that is supposed to be a space where you're playing to win.

No, the reason I don't wish to 5 man queue unranked is because I have an 82% winrate there Solo and a few Duos. Imagine what my games would turn into if I decided to queue into unranked with a 5 stack on voice comms. Do you think that would be enjoyable for anyone involved?Also. After getting through that wall of text, Ill comment on a few things.

Funny enough this can be flipped on people supporting the return of premades in a ranked environment to be a bunch of scrubs that aren't good enough to get where they think they belong, so they need 4 other cherry picked players to help carry him/her there.This is wrong. Having a 5 stack going up against other teams is always going to be more competitive than having 5 randoms on each side. Even if it's full bronze vs full legends.The reasoning being. In high-plat, wintrading is still a huge issue. People throwing games, is still a huge issue. Getting paired with low-golds and even silver players off-hours is still a huge issue. I would rather wait 15 minutes to get a good game than having a 2-3 minute queue with a complete landslide to either team.

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I think it should be a wake up call that this poll is trending at about 50/50 (assuming we count all the maybes for yes since that means there atleast up for trying premades again) considering the current season in solo/duo most of the pro premade players have quit playing and the fact that the poll is still this close should be quite alarming for the devs

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@"Nova.3817" said:I think it should be a wake up call that this poll is trending at about 50/50 (assuming we count all the maybes for yes since that means there atleast up for trying premades again) considering the current season in solo/duo most of the pro premade players have quit playing and the fact that the poll is still this close should be a wake up call for the devs

the thing is people who are even making an argument saying " the poll was made and everyone voted for no premade" doesn't understand that was 5-6 season ago, shit has changed way to much by now. Game gotten more toxic, less fun, and it isn't even fair match making now so i don't understand the difference with having a premade stomping you or none premade stomping you, i'll honestly rather get stomp by a bunch of premade then having randoms stomping me and my team in a rank game it'll make me feel less shitty about myself honestly.

i know the majority that's voting no are usually the low tier players that don't understand how bad it is once your in the 1600-1700 rating i just know for sure a majority of them wouldn't be saying "no" if they understood how bad it is once your up there in rating and being placed in some nightmare match up expected to carry games with players that don't even understand the basics of the game yet.

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Both sides have fair points and my primary reason for wanted it is to have some control of my party and the outcome. Half the people in pugs make terrible descions and don't carry their weight, and the one person I can bring often isn't enough to carry the group.

Also wouldn't mind seeing a return to the 15 vs 15 arena mode from gw1 (kurzick vs Luzon)

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that's a NO from me .

Not enough Population and even teams to compete against. Long time Q and terribly one sided games.

No point on doing that since we still have ATs that are more reasonnable since ppl can only Q at some specific time (every 6 hours if i'm not wrong) The population isn't that much a problem then but still the same teams again and again

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@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:that's a NO from me .

Not enough Population and even teams to compete against. Long time Q and terribly one sided games.

No point on doing that since we still have ATs that are more reasonnable since ppl can only Q at some specific time (every 6 hours if i'm not wrong) The population isn't that much a problem then but still the same teams again and again

there would be plenty of teams if the capability was there.... the reason the population is low is bc spvp is no longer fun or Enticing to play in way that would make someone desire to form a team. AND no tournaments def do not fill that niche at all..

ATs are a joke.... with the biggest flaw being that there what 4+ hours apart... meaning that everyone on my 5 man team takes a specific time of the day to be available to play which is very hard to organize,.... but over that it could be over in 5 mins if you get a bad matchup and that means you have to wait 6 hours again before you can try again....its absolute joke to argue that AT is a acceptable substitute for teamplay.

ALSO you mention that its the same teams in AT and thats bc its a abysmal system no one is inclined to form a true team just a bunch of randos scrambling together 10 mins before the tourney! minus 1-2 x pro player teams which consistently win every tourney.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Lucentfir.7430 said:So what is it really about? Is it actually about playing with friends, or is it about rewards? The argument I'm hearing about this is that people won't go to unranked for premades/friend play because you're not gaining any pips towards season rewards. You have unranked for premade play with your friends, if they added pip gain to unranked would you still be complaining? No one is saying don't return premade play, but rather don't return premade play back to when a bunch of pugs have to face organized teams as the only queue option. You want premade play back yeah we know and we'll support it too but, we'll vote for it to be it's own ranked queue(1-5 team) with its own leaderboards, heck even return the guild leaderboards too so you can have the trolly guild names at the top of the list like last time we had that system. The whole talk about solo queuers being loners that have no friends to play with, it's not about that and really contributes no convincing substance to the discussion other than to call out people that prefer queuing solo. Funny enough this can be flipped on people supporting the return of premades in a ranked environment to be a bunch of scrubs that aren't good enough to get where they think they belong, so they need 4 other cherry picked players to help carry him/her there. See how it provides nothing to the discussion? .It's really about maintaining a space where it's solo team vs solo team, where both sides are prone to being dealt the same chance at a good hand or bad hand of players, a level playing field in a setting that is supposed to be a space where you're playing to win.

No, the reason I don't wish to 5 man queue unranked is because I have an 82% winrate there Solo and a few Duos. Imagine what my games would turn into if I decided to queue into unranked with a 5 stack on voice comms. Do you think that would be enjoyable for anyone involved?Also. After getting through that wall of text, Ill comment on a few things.

Funny enough this can be flipped on people supporting the return of premades in a ranked environment to be a bunch of scrubs that aren't good enough to get where they think they belong, so they need 4 other cherry picked players to help carry him/her there.This is wrong. Having a 5 stack going up against other teams is always going to be more competitive than having 5 randoms on each side. Even if it's full bronze vs full legends.The reasoning being. In high-plat, wintrading is still a huge issue. People throwing games, is still a huge issue. Getting paired with low-golds and even silver players off-hours is still a huge issue. I would rather wait 15 minutes to get a good game than having a 2-3 minute queue with a complete landslide to either team.

Whatever reason why you don't play unranked with your team is the choice by you and your team, it makes me wonder why you think it would be more enjoyable in ranked when it's already unenjoyable in unranked? We've also seen this when the guild leaderboards were around. Though for the most part of my previous post I'm talking about the general argument I hear most about why people want premades (these people don't even care about rating anymore supposedly), is the ability to play with their friends to get season rewards pips. If unranked isn't exactly the option you want, how about we go the other option I've suggested supporting a separate ranked queue that has the good old 1-5 man queue (Yes you'll be allowed to fight pug solos that choose to face those odds)?

See here's the thing, I just used that as an example for how people here are perceiving people who prefer solo, such as the remarks about being loners without friends? Flip it, and now you're telling me it's wrong with a reasoning. Your explanation though makes perfect sense, 5 bronzes vs 5 legends is a leveled playing field, because they're both premades the same as why 5 pugs vs 5 pugs is a leveled playing field. Do you want to know what a uneven playing field is? Well that would be a premade on comms vs a group of solos. That doesn't look like a competative match up does it?

Win trading/throwing games exists because anet doesn't care to do anything to offenders of the practice., and discourage doing it. It shows how much they care about the matter. Doesn't work like that unfortunately but I get where you're coming from. Just getting good matches in general is rare.

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@"Highlie.7641" said:Multiple threads trying to drum up votes for the "yes" side, and there still losing. that's got to be embarrassing.maybe for your next hyperbolic pitch you can convince people the world will end if there is no team q.

considering its 50/50 basicly i wouldnt say you have much margin to talk.....especially since anyone who was big fan of premades has already quit the game lol

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@Highlie.7641 said:

@Highlie.7641 said:Multiple threads trying to drum up votes for the "yes" side, and there still losing. that's got to be embarrassing.maybe for your next hyperbolic pitch you can convince people the world will end if there is no team q.

considering its 50/50 basicly i wouldnt say you have much margin to talk.....especially since anyone who was big fan of premades has already quit the game lol

we can't be bothered to get a friends to vote like you guys are doing. we also are not making up random facts that are completly untrue (Game died because of no premade) when anyone with half a brain will tell you most people left due to bad balance. keep grasping for straws though. gives us something to read.

i left bc of no premade LOL not made up its def a fact....ive never claimed anyone has although many of my friends have quit for the same reason. and none of my friends are voting either bc i dont think they would be interested in coming back to the game lol

edit- i am also aware balance is bad...fact a scourage can run around spam clicking and wipe a enemy team with no idea what there skills do is sad....however, its not why I left balance in gw2 has never been good!

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@Nova.3817 said:

@"Highlie.7641" said:Multiple threads trying to drum up votes for the "yes" side, and there still losing. that's got to be embarrassing.maybe for your next hyperbolic pitch you can convince people the world will end if there is no team q.

considering its 50/50 basicly i wouldnt say you have much margin to talk.....especially since anyone who was big fan of premades has already quit the game lol

The original poll to "trial" remove teams came with the promise of a post seson re-poll to see how the community liked it. So some may have decided to say yes because they believed it could be undone later if the situation was undesirable.

Original ArenaNet pre-season poll results:

  • 79.1% voted to remove teams
  • 20.1% voted to keep teams

ArenaNet failed to perform the repoll post season. That in itself probably agrravated some.

NOw this poll, conducted by players with lmiitiations that can't reach the entire community like ArenaNet's official poll could shows these numbers:

  • 42% yes, bring back teams
  • 6% maybe bring back teams under conditions
  • 51% no, solo q stays

79.1 -> 51% ...that is quite a drop. Who knows if the poll was official.20.1 -> 42%...that is quite an increase.

now if we count the maybes with yes, then it is about 50/50.

The same group of people frequent the pvp forums regularly enough to probably always get the same results across unofficial polling.

After all there are only 160 votes. If it was official and announced in the log in window...the votes would be thousands, tens of thousands.....

If the official results were the same, then that would be be roughly half of their customers want teams back.

If this were the case, how could a business succeed by ignoring an important issue to half their customers, especially if the solution they offer has been shown to be unsatisfactory?

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Without making any promises or indications on how they will use the information, I believe at the very least that ArenaNet owes it to the community to do the re-poll. Afterall, they said they would. You can see in this thread I have posted the links and screenshots of the Season 5 poll.

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@Highlie.7641 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:Without making any promises or indications on how they will use the information, I believe at the very least that ArenaNet owes it to the community to do the re-poll. Afterall, they said they would. You can see in this thread I have posted the links and screenshots of the Season 5 poll.

i don't think anyone would argue against another repoll. it won't matter in the end though. GW2 pvp and Wvw are well past the point of no return. you guy's getting premades back isn't going to change that.

sooo might aswell just add it back no since it will atleast make us happy your logic is flawed

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@"Highlie.7641" said:What are you talking about? it has no chance in hell of succeeding , so by all means do another poll. it can't get any more clear then that.

"I don't want other people to play with friends, so don't introduce it. My will is more important than yours." Even if the official poll would end 51-42, they would still ignore about what half the community wants. Compare this to PvE where the scales of things are bigger. Having a poll that would sieze the development of Raids and Fractals in order to create more Open World content and 42% of the people were against it, do you really think they would remove Raids and Fractals?In order for a poll like this to go through, the numbers needs to be VERY decisive.

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