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Spellbreaker Should have been called Boonbreaker.


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I had a sudden realization while pvping today, that as a Spellbreaker I actually don't break any spells at all.

For example; wouldn't it have been more game changing if Winds of Disenchantment prevented classes like mesmers and ele's from casting their spells? Disappointing when all these flashy skills, and the only power my Spellbreaker has is boon stripping.

It seems to be a very safe move on Anet's part not to move too far away from the current gameplay which is boons and conditions, and playing it very safe when they made the warrior's elite.

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@Drakortha.6974 said:I had a sudden realization while pvping today, that as a Spellbreaker I actually don't break any spells at all.

For example; wouldn't it have been more game changing if Winds of Disenchantment prevented classes like mesmers and ele's from casting their spells? Disappointing when all these flashy skills, and the only power my Spellbreaker has is boon stripping.

It seems to be a very safe move on Anet's part not to move too far away from the current gameplay which is boons and conditions, and playing it very safe when they made the warrior's elite.

what spells would you disable? all of them? that would be like an aoe daze that ticks every second for 10seconds

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@Drakortha.6974 said:I had a sudden realization while pvping today, that as a Spellbreaker I actually don't break any spells at all.

For example; wouldn't it have been more game changing if Winds of Disenchantment prevented classes like mesmers and ele's from casting their spells? Disappointing when all these flashy skills, and the only power my Spellbreaker has is boon stripping.

It seems to be a very safe move on Anet's part not to move too far away from the current gameplay which is boons and conditions, and playing it very safe when they made the warrior's elite.

what spells would you disable? all of them? that would be like an aoe daze that ticks every second for 10seconds

It could cancel AOE fields, since most are magical in nature. Giving your team a safe refuge would make for a limited time would be cool.Problem with that of course would be it being too op for WvW and such....No matter how it goes it really would make things op if it cancelled anything out....

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@Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485 said:

@Drakortha.6974 said:I had a sudden realization while pvping today, that as a Spellbreaker I actually don't break any spells at all.

For example; wouldn't it have been more game changing if Winds of Disenchantment prevented classes like mesmers and ele's from casting their spells? Disappointing when all these flashy skills, and the only power my Spellbreaker has is boon stripping.

It seems to be a very safe move on Anet's part not to move too far away from the current gameplay which is boons and conditions, and playing it very safe when they made the warrior's elite.

what spells would you disable? all of them? that would be like an aoe daze that ticks every second for 10seconds

It could cancel AOE fields, since most are magical in nature. Giving your team a safe refuge would make for a limited time would be cool.Problem with that of course would be it being too op for WvW and such....No matter how it goes it really would make things op if it cancelled anything out....

well boons are mostly magical stuff aswell coming from spells which you break off of the enemy and deny from being applied

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@"Oglaf.1074" said:Does any character in-game actually use the term “boon”?

I don’t think so. It is purely a gameplay thing. In-game it is all spells and magic.

This. Much of Spellbreaker is actually based on GW1 skills/lore, and we had spells in GW1 but no boons, even in GW2 NPCs probably mention the word "spell" way more than they do "boon".

Most obvious proof regarding is the skill Break Enchantments - Break Boons would make sense from a GW2 mechanic perspective because that's what it does, but the GW1 predecessor of boons were enchantments hence the name. About half the Spellbreaker Skills got their names from GW1 skills btw.

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Spellbreaker in my opinion should have been called the sissy warrior.

I'll explain why I think this way. The spellbreaker or as I've always called him the sissy warrior is the weak link of the warrior profession. It's a profession that doesn't have the guts to fight their foes with skill in weaponry so he uses this bubble to daze them if his foes try to attack him.

Now compare the sissy warrior to the core warrior. Core warrior is basically the alpha male of the group, the leader of the team. With his strength and endurance, core warrior inspires his allies to fight their foes, not flee from them. He is the one who makes his enemies flee in terror as soon as they lay their eyes on him. Core warrior doesn't need a stupid bubble that dazes his foes when they strike him. He uses his knowledge of martial skills passed down from the greatest warriors before him.

The sissy warrior is a disgrace to the warrior profession. It takes the inspiration, the leadership skill, the combat knowledge, throws it out the window and replaces it with a stupid bubble. In fact, every time a core warrior sees a Spellbreaker and defeats him, he taunts the Spellbreaker with: "Next time, don't bring a butter knife to a fight."

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@"Hoodie.1045" said:Spellbreaker in my opinion should have been called the kitten warrior.

I'll explain why I think this way. The spellbreaker or as I've always called him the kitten warrior is the weak link of the warrior profession. It's a profession that doesn't have the guts to fight their foes with skill in weaponry so he uses this bubble to daze them if his foes try to attack him.

Now compare the kitten warrior to the core warrior. Core warrior is basically the alpha male of the group, the leader of the team. With his strength and endurance, core warrior inspires his allies to fight their foes, not flee from them. He is the one who makes his enemies flee in terror as soon as they lay their eye on him. Core warrior doesn't need a stupid bubble that dazes his foes when they strike him. He uses his knowledge of martial skills passed down from the greatest warriors before him.

The kitten warrior is a disgrace to the warrior profession. It takes the inspiration, the leadership skill, the combat knowledge out of the window and replaces it with a stupid bubble. In fact, every time a core warrior sees a Spellbreaker and defeats him, he taunts the Spellbreaker with: "Next time, don't bring a butter knife to a fight."

Show the court using this doll where the Spellbreaker touched you in PvP.

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@"Hoodie.1045" said:Spellbreaker in my opinion should have been called the kitten warrior.

I'll explain why I think this way. The spellbreaker or as I've always called him the kitten warrior is the weak link of the warrior profession. It's a profession that doesn't have the guts to fight their foes with skill in weaponry so he uses this bubble to daze them if his foes try to attack him.

Now compare the kitten warrior to the core warrior. Core warrior is basically the alpha male of the group, the leader of the team. With his strength and endurance, core warrior inspires his allies to fight their foes, not flee from them. He is the one who makes his enemies flee in terror as soon as they lay their eyes on him. Core warrior doesn't need a stupid bubble that dazes his foes when they strike him. He uses his knowledge of martial skills passed down from the greatest warriors before him.

The kitten warrior is a disgrace to the warrior profession. It takes the inspiration, the leadership skill, the combat knowledge, throws it out the window and replaces it with a stupid bubble. In fact, every time a core warrior sees a Spellbreaker and defeats him, he taunts the Spellbreaker with: "Next time, don't bring a butter knife to a fight."

with bubble you talkin full counter? with bubble i associate winds of disenchantement, which does not daze when you get hit insidei too like core more, but tbh countering an enemies attack and turn it into an attack of your own requires more skill than just smashing at your foe

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@Drakortha.6974 said:I had a sudden realization while pvping today, that as a Spellbreaker I actually don't break any spells at all.

For example; wouldn't it have been more game changing if Winds of Disenchantment prevented classes like mesmers and ele's from casting their spells? Disappointing when all these flashy skills, and the only power my Spellbreaker has is boon stripping.

It seems to be a very safe move on Anet's part not to move too far away from the current gameplay which is boons and conditions, and playing it very safe when they made the warrior's elite.

A spell can also be considered an enchantment on an object/subject and boons are basically this.So they dispell an enchantment on their target. Name fits and in addition to that they get bonusses when interupting stuff.

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@Hoodie.1045 said:It's a profession that doesn't have the guts to fight their foes with skill in weaponry so he uses this bubble to daze them if his foes try to attack him.

So you gonna ignore the fact that the Spellbreaker is literally trained to fight mages head-on? Do you need guts to charge a random guy or do you need it to charge a mage that can burn you to a crisp or drive you insane with Chaos Magic up front?

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@Ephemiel.5694 said:

@Hoodie.1045 said:It's a profession that doesn't have the guts to fight their foes with skill in weaponry so he uses this bubble to daze them if his foes try to attack him.

So you gonna ignore the fact that the Spellbreaker is literally trained to fight mages head-on? Do you need guts to charge a random guy or do you need it to charge a mage that can burn you to a crisp or drive you insane with Chaos Magic up front?

That's the flavor I love SB for, the very anti-mage/spellcaster feel. Warriors specialized in fighting against and breaking magic reliant foes.

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