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warrior Healing Signet


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@DragonFury.6243 said:

you know what. I want this.

I want HS changed to heal actively. But I want healing on skill use with a 1 second ICD instead of on hitting a foe, because ranged characters will disable your heal. And an increased heal reward for skillful play.

i like that too any thing to encourage active game play

Yes.. good..[Laughs in warrior]

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@DragonFury.6243 said:

@"ZDragon.3046" said:Healing signet is perfectly fine as it is its not too strong by itself it just seems that way but the strength of a warriors regen comes from the combination of adrenal health ontop of the healing signet. If you play warrior without the defense line equipped you quickly find out just how little you regen per second with heal sig alone.

well this is pvp and adrenaline health have a counter play and HS dont

Yeah it does its called the poison condition. Thats the counter to any strong heavy healing play style.

Ideally if you nerfed the healing signet in this way they would need to be given more dodges, evades, blocks, and dps which would lead to them literally being able to auto you to death. Or it its effectiveness would be scaled up dramatically to make up for the icd and the fact that they had to land hits to trigger it. Not to mention this wouldnt help you as they still have plenty of other strong healing tools available too them such as mending and natural healing.

well warrior change to other healing skill is what i want. again this is pvp and these healing have a counter play

So what the counterplay assuming you will never get hit by them? Thats a bad ideal to really go by if a warrior wants to hit you they in most cases usually can. Being one of the more mobile professions with no blinks in the game its not hard for them to gap close and stick to a target.Usually if you burst condition warrirors they will also pop their healing sig early in attempts to save their hp for the resistance it gives.

If there is any signet i want to be changed into your heal on hit idea it would be necros signet of vampirism which makes sense in that concept.

dude we dont want the scourge to be more toxic in pvp he is the most toxic profession in the team fight right now more than mesmer in my opinion .

My suggestion was for necro in general i never said anything about scourge. You probably shouldn't assume that im speaking for scourge. Although its funny that scourge is so much of its own thing when some one suggest a change people automatically assume it must be specifically for scourge.I want this change for core and reaper if anything just general because the way it functions right now is pretty garbage and ineffective as a sustaining heal passive, and as a damage reduction tool.

If you want to talk about passives that you hate this should be one of them why not ask for a change on a passive that gives healing to your foe when you hit that foe requiring them to do nothing at all bust stand there, yet you dont think that one is that bad apparently and worthy of being made skillful in requiring you to hit your foe to gain healing unlike with the warrior signet?!?!?!.

So whats skillful in one aspect is instantly toxic in another please explain your rationality. :astonished:

I have to honestly say im glad you aren not the one who does the balance for this game.

Of all the things that Ive hated about warrior healing signet has never been one of them.

if you dont hate warrior heal so what do you hate about them

I hated the fact that stances use to last so long and many of them could be doubled up so frequently by low passive cool downs but thats been adjusted in fact some of the stances took too much of a shave but anet seems to have a hard time balancing them.

I also had a problem with the dodge energy gain they got for free from "might makes right" which has also been adjusted.

Thats about it

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@Kiritodatrth.1548 said:Show this court where the bad War touch you in this doll \o/..

Really?? War still? Tip - evade F1, don't hit FC and you should be fine... and NO you don't Need to evade every single thing war does..Let me guess - Necro right?

You kinda do have to evade everything a warrior does. Full counter assuming someone else procs it even if you don’t. And with the visual bugged half the time you can’t really tell when it’s active. Then you have to evade pretty much all greatsword ability’s because they hit like a truck. You have to avoid dagger 3 and shield 4 as a chain interrupt and stun. Full counter is also a daze.

All while they’re regenerating health extremely rapidly. I don’t know which build it is but bunker warrior that runs around the free for all arena with 10 people beating on him still able to greatsword crit for 6k and regen more health than the damage being done to him is just dumb.

I’m sure a lot of it is skill based, but if someone like me can pick up a warrior meta build and survive 3 v 1 for 6 minutes without knowing anything about the class solely because healing signet is regenerating a quarter of my health during one block, full counter, and evade, it’s kind of bad.

It’s a bit too easy right now. Compared to most other builds at least. Except maybe scourge.

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@DragonFury.6243 said:change it to heal when warrior hit a foe ICD 1 second and this change wont affect him in PVEand dont defend the Healing Signet unless you are one of those player that want to play in a competitive mode when you relay on a passive healing .

The other warrior heals are simply not worth it, the longest cast times heals of all games, they can be interrupted by a fart, and healing signet works good only because of defense traitline.

If you complain of warrior right now you are just a mediocre bad casual player. Coz right now warrior is in a very good balanced spot.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

My suggestion was for necro in general i never said anything about scourge. You probably shouldn't assume that im speaking for scourge. Although its funny that scourge is so much of its own thing when some one suggest a change people automatically assume it must be specifically for scourge.I want this change for core and reaper if anything just general because the way it functions right now is pretty garbage and ineffective as a sustaining heal passive, and as a damage reduction tool.

any buff to sustain core or reaper (specially heal on hit) scourge will get the most out of it adding barrier and AOE hitsif they have to change it make it heal when necromancer spend LF icd 1 second that will help core and reaper but not scourge that much

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@DragonFury.6243 said:

If you complain of warrior right now you are just a mediocre bad casual player. Coz right now warrior is in a very good balanced spot.

if you cant survive without HS then right now you are just a mediocre bad casual player.

BOE man up and get real healing skill

You can't survive without HS because the other heals are trash and too easy to be interrupted, or for sure top warrior player would have use another heal don't you think?

Please learn to play before saying nonsense on a profession you know nothing, peace.

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@whoknocks.4935 said:

You can't survive without HS because the other heals are trash and too easy to be interrupted, or for sure top warrior player would have use another heal don't you think?

Please learn to play before saying nonsense on a profession you know nothing, peace.

Please learn to play before saying nonsense because every profession have a healing that too easy to interrupt why warrior is an exception !!!!

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The only reason Healing Signet is any good is because you stack it with Adrenal Health and a source of Regen maybe.. It really doesn't need another nerf and is overly countered by poison.

The Defense trait line and the Signet go very well together, just like taking Tactics and To the Limit on a shout build would.

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@DragonFury.6243 said:

You can't survive without HS because the other heals are trash and too easy to be interrupted, or for sure top warrior player would have use another heal don't you think?

Please learn to play before saying nonsense on a profession you know nothing, peace.

Please learn to play before saying nonsense because every profession have a healing that too easy to interrupt why warrior is an exception !!!!

It's an exception because they have the longest cast time of all the healing skills in the game, and you should have perma stability to be able to land always those heals without being interrupted, other professions can, warrior cannot, only run one source of stab every 40 seconds, and the stab from full counter it last too little.

Go see the healings of ranger and you know what op heals are, he can back up from 20% to 100% in 3-4 seconds.

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HmmHS is in a pretty nice spot atm, giving a lot of health over time to warr but not helping him against a 2 stage burst. Warr having some passive defence against ranged poke is in line with the class.I think the active part is more important than passive tho. Warrior is one of the toons i play in PvP and WvW, most of the time you need to manage resistance uptime over some health: With overall DPS in game at current levels, its much more valuable to contribute your damage output and interrupts/boon rips over some health.

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@DragonFury.6243 said:

My suggestion was for necro in general i never said anything about scourge. You probably shouldn't assume that im speaking for scourge. Although its funny that scourge is so much of its own thing when some one suggest a change people automatically assume it must be specifically for scourge.I want this change for core and reaper if anything just general because the way it functions right now is pretty garbage and ineffective as a sustaining heal passive, and as a damage reduction tool.

any buff to sustain core or reaper (specially heal on hit) scourge will get the most out of it adding barrier and AOE hitsif they have to change it make it heal when necromancer spend LF icd 1 second that will help core and reaper but not scourge that much

Why does that even matter you hate passive skills right i simply pointed another one at you and you dislike adding the same changed you suggested to it.Yet you think changing it on one side is skill full while the same change on the other side is toxic. You are being by far spiteful and clearly several warriors have given you a bad time recently

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The passive isnt that bad as in "broken", just bring back some of the old healing signet effect, " -40 armor while using this skill", since it gives resistance, and transform the "-40" into, W casting HS will take 20% more damage from physical skills, maybe could increase resistance to 10sec if takign damage while casting it.

At least warriors players would have to know or have to choose to sacrifice something for one other.

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