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[Suggestion] Can we "nerf"/revert Zohaqan now please ?

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I know I know open world boss too hard for scrubs etc etc ...His Water Armor effect doesn't get removed even after the defiance bar has been broken, and perma regeneration and remove 1 condition every second just make him so tedious ( or even impossible ) to kill. With the map being way less populated now, how are newer player supposed to get their 32-slot Bag/ Golem backpack collection ? I understand he should not be a stack-and-dps-it-till-dies boss, but changing him this way isn't more exciting whatsoever.

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I actually enjoyed working on and creating a 2nd 32 slot bag. I had a feeling if I didn't get it done sooner rather than later, it wouldn't get done. I mean, I suppose I could start on a third one and just 'nibble' around some of the beginning events to that chain over a long period of time, but that would seem kinda painful.

Surprised there aren't more people interested in making the bags that way. I found it relatively easy and pretty cheap. Though, I haven't tried to make a 32 slot bag before this. Maybe there are easier or cheaper ways?

Edit: It was brought to my attention that this method of making more 32 slot bags is more expensive than the original ones from PoF. So I just need to go learn how to make those. :)

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I really just tend to ask map chat, have a few friends with me or ask my guild. Or even LFG.

At some point expecting everything to get done by a zerg is going to be your downfall. Adapt to the situation and ask for help, join a guild or ask friends. Or try to become a better player, where possible ofcourse. Though having friends willing to help matters a great deal more.

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Excuse my ignorance, but is this really a problem? I don't pay a lot of attention to world bosses or meta events, since I rarely enjoy either, but I was on the map a couple of times yesterday for one reason or another and stumbled into the chain and (successful) boss fight four times in that one day alone. Never once did I see the chain stall much less the boss in any danger of failing.

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