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To the people who stop and help at HPs

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There's no loss for someone else helping you with something. That's what sets this MMO apart from many others.I'd honestly be a little more irritated if I was snagging a hero point and someone else came by to just stand there and watch.

I'm especially thankful knowing the jumping puzzle daily means almost a guaranteed portal at that jumping puzzle. I like that 2 gold, but some days I don't have more than a few minutes to play.

~ Kovu

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@TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

I was thinking of that thread. Because of it I hesitate to help someone fighting a mob, even if it’s one guy against a champion since for all I know he doesn’t want help.

I never let that stop me. It's foolish to try to test your build in open world, where everyone can chime in. I jump in whenever I want and if people complain about that, it's their problem. This game has a training golem set up to test builds and rotations, where no one will disturb you. Doing it in open world is just asking for problems. Expecting anything else in open world is just unrealistic.

Exactly, no to mention this mmo is set up to encourage the passing by random to help out. Even if that person is someone who will only ever do something if theres a benefit to themselves.

The whole testing my build on an open world mob is kind of silly since the golems in raid and fractal are completely free and easy to use and access for this exact reason. Maybe 3 years ago before golems and meters that was the only way for some to do it out of instanced content but then dissing a random that comes by and helps finish a kill, when everyone who tagged gets the same reward, cmon now. This everyone gets credit/rewards game design is what made the gw2 community like no other i had seen in over 10 years of playing mmo's almost exclusively. Now in the last few years some douchbagy elitists have started chipping away at the community and making certain instanced content toxic, but still nothing compared to those other popular mmo's.

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lol whats up with some of these answers here haha really, people ask if they can help the fight on HP or champs? This is so weird to me lol, I usually just jump on the fight, whatever the health of both player and the boss, I mean, GW2 is not those MMOs where the loot goes a single player, and lets be real...you trying to prove your skills and test your build killing a PvE champ? Come on lol the only thing you are proving is that you have a lot of time to waste...Never had a player tell me to not help, or get mad at me for doing it, but if that ever happen...well sorry, but if you want to play PvE solo hero, go to a dungeon or fractal, cant expect people to not play some part of the game just cause you want to solo everything lol

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@AnClar.1304 said:

@Gaile Gray.6029 said:I see both of the thoughts I have had about the subject of HP help in the thread already. I happened across this situation last night, and I wasn't sure if I should help out or back off and let the player complete the HP on their own. In the end, I glanced at their health bar (pretty dire) and thought it might be useful to give a little aid, so I tossed some arrows around and received a "thank you" at the end. (And maybe the grumpy silence that sometimes occurs means maybe I should have been a wee bit less proactive, but really, it's a no harm/no foul situation, right?) Sure, some players would prefer to handle HPs on their own, but I have to think most don't mind some help... especially if they're close to death. :D

For me it really depends. If I'm near death and the champ is still going strong, sure. But if it's down to the wire where we're both at like 5%, there's nothing more frustrating than interference at such an exciting moment.

Seems fair enough to me. (That's why I checked the bar.) I've been in situations where I am close to a dirt nap yet too busy to say "A little help here?" to someone who passes by whom I see out of the corner of my eye. I sorta go with the flow -- join in or not, as you wish. Of course, a res is always appreciated if you don't. ;)

How about this as a suggestion: Have an indicator that could be a keybind toggle that would give a visual indication that help is needed and would be appreciated. It would be quicker (maybe) than putting "help" in chat...it would take only one keystroke and would go some towards giving a clue that help is/is not wanted.How about doing it the other way around? If I'm in deep trouble I don't want to have to remember what keybind I put my "help please" on, nor hope that the people that pass by even read chat and/or have chat bubbles turned on. The person that wants to solo will have much more time to ask others to leave them alone than the person that wants (and needs) help.

Helping people should be the norm, not the exception, so putting an extra "help me please" indicator in game not only requires people to move a sliver of their concentration away from the fight at hand (which when worst comes to worst they can't afford as missing one red circle or not reacting quite as quickly as they should could be the end of them) but also sends out the message that helping isn't the norm, which this game doesn't need.

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@costepj.5120 said:There was a long thread in the past from someone complaining bitterly about how he could never test his build by soloing champs without some do gooder interfering.

That's always a specious argument, there are plenty of champs around that aren't HPs or quest targets for people to 'test builds' on (often of course they really mean 'show how leet I am').

HPs aren't owned by anyone, when they give rewards to anyone doing them IMO they're fair game for 'helpers' to come along and do them as well.

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Back even before champion bags i used to hunt Champs on my ranger, just to see if i could solo them (the answer was usually yes), i still try to do that but ever since champion bags it becomes almost impossible to actually solo something. It's not all bad and i won't begrudge anyone, but yeah i can see how it might feel somewhat annoying to some people.Some of this game's competitors have the diametrical opposite solution for this, where people instead of helping each other will kill each other for the chance to fight on a spawn point.I much rather have this one, although sometimes there's a bit of a grim satisfaction of obliterating some rando that ambushes you mid fight.

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@Ahnog.8795 said:I always appreciated the help. I remember in particular the large creature that rolls around on you in HOT's Auric Basin. I tried to take him alone and would have been obliterated if a couple of others hadn't helped.

Yeah, it's jerk encounters like that which are needled into my memory and prompt me to help. Same goes for that Balthazar shrine. I will throw myself at that to help out and call out the victory so others can come tap the commune before the avatar respawns.

@mercury ranique.2170 said:If they want to do it solo for the sake of, they should ask you (not complain) to let them do it alone. Obviously when they do, let them do so. Respect should be answered by respect. So never hold back to help unless asked to do so!

Too right. A solo-seeker shouldn't expect to get an open-world challenge to oneself, but a little communication can do a lot to keep players of both play styles from getting too upset with each other.

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I'm a solo player, but also appreciated the help at Hero points, espcially kitten Mushrooms or Chak HPs or that dreaded HP in VB at the waypoint befre you move to Auric Basin. If I feel like testing the waters with one of many professions/specs I'm terrible with, I usually go for the stalking Vine Tooths, I think, in Auric Basin, or the mini event in PoF where you protect the farmers outside of Amnoon.

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I'm a solo player most of the time, but the game is a MULTI player. So, I always help, no matter what the guy there is trying to do. If you want to proof yourself against dire odds, there are other places and games for that.Go praise the Sun, we here praise Joko!

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  • 4 years later...
On 4/30/2018 at 5:38 PM, Kor The Red.5186 said:

you are very welcome, and ikr don't you just LOVE it when you just see people run right passed you when you clearly need help or even say HELP and they just keep on going its like zomg facedesk till death

today i was struggling with an elite at a commune hero point, this " legendary avenger pvp master " something comes in, communes, and gtfo's while letting me die. Unbelievable it wouldv taken 5 sec to take it down with 2 ppl so we could both get the hero point. dude wherever you are, i hope you never get help again

Edited by Celtich.6472
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2 minutes ago, Celtich.6472 said:

today i was struggling with an elite at a commune hero point, this " legendary avenger pvp master " something comes in, communes, and gtfo's while letting me die. Unbelievable it wouldv taken 5 sec to take it down with 2 ppl so we could both get the hero point. Majs.8725 wherever you are, i hope you never get help again

I would edit out the name since it is considered naming and shaming and thats not allowed on the forums mate.

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