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Please Nerf the Chef!!!


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To be honest, if anything, they should make this repeatable. As the mastery point system is account-wide, we don't get the opportunity to do this again. And this is actually quite fun. Of course I don't see myself doing this everyday but you know.... once in a while, it can be fun to be a sous-chef :)

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i seriously hate it, he never stands still, i already have trouble keeping track of him let alone where everything is and then there is that frikin timer that makes it just impossible to do for me.i am at attempt 12 and still nothing, he is really ticking me off and all the other mastery points are out of reach for a raptor.

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This guy soon will end up in raid requirements. "100 lI, full legendary armor, beaten the chef".

Seriously though, his movement phases are the problem. It's very very hard to hit him on the move, especially when entire thing lags from 10 people doing it at once. Just allow us to hand him materials on contact, not only by throwing, and it'll be allright.

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Have you tried turning up your dpi in your mouse, that may help quite a bit for you if you want a nice range of movement without much physical movement of the mouse. Takes some getting used to but is really nice for gaming. I'd say try turning it to maybe 800 and tune it from there to what you like. also action cam may help with quick swiveling and click and throws to targets. Sorry to hear you were having so much trouble with it, good luck.

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@sorudo.9054 said:i seriously hate it, he never stands still, i already have trouble keeping track of him let alone where everything is and then there is that frikin timer that makes it just impossible to do for me.i am at attempt 12 and still nothing, he is really ticking me off and all the other mastery points are out of reach for a raptor.

Take a break. Leave it for a day then come back to it another time. You're clearly quite upset with this which won't help.

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Kinda sad that instead of taking people's advice into practice, you would just argue against them off just like that without giving a bit of consideration, seems like you're dead set that this mastery is bad and it has to be toned down because it requires effort to get it.

I guess I'll have anet tone down raids and have it viable for solo plays too. I want those legendary armor after all. hehe.

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I suck at this stuff, but managed after 10 tries or so. Here's my mini-guide:

  • You must memorize where the ingredients are: you will never succeed if you do not do this to some extent.
  • You must keep an eye on the chef: only throw the ingredient at the chef when he is standing still for long enough. So do not throw it at him if he is about to leave his spot again! Missing him will almost assure a fail.
  • Use the Rabbit button (1) for covering those longer distances. Sometimes either you or the chef runs across the entire kitchen: save your rabbitspeed for those occasions.
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To be honest, the chef really isn't that bad. Once you are familiar with where the ingredients are, and learn to predict his movements and thus know where to throw the ingredients as he stops, you'll be fine. However, if it's really that grating, you can simply skip it. If PoF is anything like HoTS with regards to masteries, then chances are you'll get more mastery points than you actually need to upgrade everything. So unless you're a completionist and feel the need to get absolutely every mastery point, you can just skip over the ones you don't enjoy.

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@Alchofas.8243 said:Kinda sad that instead of taking people's advice into practice, you would just argue against them off just like that without giving a bit of consideration, seems like you're dead set that this mastery is bad and it has to be toned down because it requires effort to get it.

I guess I'll have anet tone down raids and have it viable for solo plays too. I want those legendary armor after all. hehe.

Because it's bad? Is it some endgame activity or something? It takes disproportional amount of effort for, let's be honest, quite shitty reward. Most of advice here is in lines of "it took me 20 tries but". Yeah...

I'd rather do that shooting adventure from VB again. At least it was fun.

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@Wintermute.5408 said:

@Alchofas.8243 said:Kinda sad that instead of taking people's advice into practice, you would just argue against them off just like that without giving a bit of consideration, seems like you're dead set that this mastery is bad and it has to be toned down because it requires effort to get it.

I guess I'll have anet tone down raids and have it viable for solo plays too. I want those legendary armor after all. hehe.

Because it's bad? Is it some endgame activity or something? It takes disproportional amount of effort for, let's be honest, quite kitten reward. Most of advice here is in lines of "it took me 20 tries but". Yeah...

I'd rather do that shooting adventure from VB again. At least it was fun.

Depends how lucky/unlucky you are. But completely doable.

So DONT nerf, leave it as is.

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@Alchofas.8243 said:Kinda sad that instead of taking people's advice into practice, you would just argue against them off just like that without giving a bit of consideration, seems like you're dead set that this mastery is bad and it has to be toned down because it requires effort to get it.

I guess I'll have anet tone down raids and have it viable for solo plays too. I want those legendary armor after all. hehe.

Where the hell did you get that, did you actually read any of my replies or did you already have them filtered through your lenses of condescending (that's a rhetorical question because you would have seen I had tried all of the suggestions, except for the whole fine targeting to hit a specific point on the body because yeah like I really have time to aim properly with a timer breathing down my neck.)? Every piece of advice I had tried other than the DPI thing because I had not seen it until right this second. The only reason I can think of that I might be having an issue moving around might be because I play Norn and moving them around with any fine detail is like moving an oil rig.

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I have the names of interactable items shown (select in option) so the food names would show up and I made it in 2 attempts. I thought the difficulty was okay. like some have said you don't need to get all mps to complete the pof masteries. Do the story and explore the maps you'll get new mounts and access to new mps very quickly.

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@Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

@Alchofas.8243 said:Kinda sad that instead of taking people's advice into practice, you would just argue against them off just like that without giving a bit of consideration, seems like you're dead set that this mastery is bad and it has to be toned down because it requires effort to get it.

I guess I'll have anet tone down raids and have it viable for solo plays too. I want those legendary armor after all. hehe.

Where the kitten did you get that, did you actually read any of my replies or did you already have them filtered through your lenses of condescending (that's a rhetorical question because you would have seen I had tried all of the suggestions, except for the whole fine targeting to hit a specific point on the body because yeah like I really have time to aim properly with a timer breathing down my neck.)? Every piece of advice I had tried other than the DPI thing because I had not seen it until right this second. The only reason I can think of that I might be having an issue moving around might be because I play Norn and moving them around with any fine detail is like moving an oil rig.

Whoa dude, calm your kittens, aside from sharp turns are you having any other troubles, especially the throwing part? are you missing a lot? My advice for sharp turns is to always go back to the intersection or turning point whatever you call that, so you won't have to run a long way from the other end, only use 1 (speedboost) when you really need it for covering big distances.

In case you didn't read my first advice, don't throw at him or over him, throw it on the floor under him.

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It is a bit buggy sometimes. You basically need complete line of sight when you throw things at him. When I use the throw skill and there is a table or something nearby many times the throw just does not register at all. I did get it after several tries though. It helps to memorize where everything is. Also, rng can be a factor. If he asks for things nearby that's obviously going to be easier than when he keeps asking for things further away.

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I spent ages last night trying to do this, and it was impossible, I knew where all ingredients were after about 3 goes but still just could not do it and it realy made me rage. Logged on today and after 3 fails thought right one more before I fuck this off for ever and boom he asked for everything that was near him and I completed it.So I would say its all down to rng some on here are claiming its easy which I would have said if he asked for everything close by him or a clear shot and did it in 2/3 attempts, but like I said I tried for ages the night before and kept having to run all over the place and fail every time.

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Don't give up. It took me about 4-5 times. Here's what works:

  • 1 tip: learn where he is going to stop. the chef only stops at a few particular spots. if you can predict where he is going by the direction he is running, it makes the task sooo much easier.

  • DO NOT try to throw the ingredient to him while he is running; you'll miss. Throw it to him when he first stops at a station.
  • learn/memorize where the ingredients are
  • use your bunny speed boost while holding ingredients
  • make sure your throw has a clear path. Do not through things over tables. they will disappear.
  • take your time. get in a good position. throw.

Good luck!

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