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World Boss Rut ?

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Hi All.

i'm a first time poster but have been playing GW2 on and off since it';s launch.i recently came back to the game to try it out as i'm looking for that one mmo to progress in and see as much as i can in.especially solo (more on that later)

One of the reasons i had a break from the game last time was that i found myself getting into a rut.I'd log in do the big world bosses on the map throw all the loots into the mystic forge and log out.
this is how i'd play guild wars 2. Even if i had plans to work on legendary, do map completion or anything else i'd alwaysend up doing the world bosses then i'm done. (even while writing this i'm waiting on a teq spawn!)

So this post is to reach out to those who might have had a similar experience? if so how did you resist the rut to move onand enjoy all the other aspects of the game? it's a good game, it deserves better from me but i just cant get off that world boss treadmill!

On my second point, i play a lot of the game alone and being in the oceanic timezone I've found it hard to find a guild thati can play with regularly while i re learn the game, the awesome community in GW2 is a real draw card and if anyone out therereads this, reach out, say hi i'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for your time, i look forward to reading the responses!


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I tend to switch arounf wat i do. Sometimes i do some fractals, then some exploration/achievments, wvw zerging, meta events (like world bosses).

As long as you have a basic understanding of what you're doing group content ain't that difficult. And the more toxic ppl don't go were the scrubs are (aka low end fractals)

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Try to diversify as derd said, do some fractals, they are really fun^^ Apart that, look for achievements you can unlock for titles and AP. Do side-stories... Farm gold and T5 Materials to buy something you like on the TP or even start walking on the long path of getting an legendary :D Find a guild and do missions with them... Or simply like me when you haven't really anything to do, exploration, discovering easter eggs, work on your character look! :)

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I'm the opposite, I rarely do world bosses, and when I do I often think why on earth do these people do a world boss circuit, the rewards to time ratio is terrible, and I can't see how you would still find it epic after killing each boss a few times.

If you enjoy being with large crowds of people and experiencing epic encounters (which I'm feeling you do) then you should play WvW.

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@"kopite.1679" said:One of the reasons i had a break from the game last time was that i found myself getting into a rut.I'd log in do the big world bosses on the map throw all the loots into the mystic forge and log out.

this is how i'd play guild wars 2.

I absolutely have. There are two things I have changed:

  1. Walked away for six months, played Path of Exile instead. Only logged in twice in that time, once per living story episode, to get them attached to my account for "free".
  2. Start doing stuff for fun, even if it wasn't real efficient.

On the later, I've run through map completions on two characters in the last week. It isn't really "efficient" on any of my goals, such as the legendary trinket -- I needed ~ 100k karma for the step, and could have gotten that much faster farming Sandswept -- but it has been fun, and the pile of black lion keys have been interesting enough. Even if I didn't win the lottery at all. ;)

Seriously, though, the first one was really the key. Not just stepping away, but totally stepping away. Not even thinking about GW2 in the interim. Focus on something else, and come back when I wanted to.

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Clearly you're bored with world bosses, but I can't explain why you can't motivate you to do other things. Perhaps you're faced with a myriad of options that you can't decide. Nothing pulls on you strongly. So you just fall back to the routine you're familiar with. You just need a goal. Any goal. Something to give you focus. And then just start working on it. Maybe getting started will be enough momentum to keep you on it. Sometimes that hardest thing to do is simply start something new.

I generally find plenty enough to do, however recently I decided to start opening up and working on the Aurora collection. I may not even bother finishing it, but it has been entertaining and engaging to do when I'm not working on other things.

Hopefully you can find a consistent group to play with. That can help as well. If they're suggesting things to do, maybe you'll be more willing to do them and have fun doing it. But for now, just pick a goal. Any goal. And start working on it. If it doesn't work for you, pick a new goal and do it. Hopefully you'll find something that works for you.

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I used to do world bosses a lot, but I eventually got burned out on those events. Now I tend to only visit them infrequently. I did SB in QD yesterday for the first time in months, and I quickly realized why I grew to dislike them. The battle is too repetitive (Portals -> DPS -> Portals -> DPS -> over and over until the boss dies), and the rewards are pretty lame (I got 1 rare and the rest greens). In the time I spent doing SB, I could have done something else that would have been much more interesting and rewarding.

If you're looking for something else to do as a solo player, consider working on APs. I largely ignored these for PoF and some of the recent LS chapters, but now I've been going back and slowly working on them, and I'm enjoying it. Some of the scavenger collections are taking me to places I completely missed or overlooked during my first times through those maps.

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Thanks guys,

these are all very thoughtful responses, it's nice to know I've not been the only one stuck in this trap.

You're right they are all very "loot pinata" and i'm coming from another mmo's where you are spoon fedtreats on the regular to help you "feel" like your progressing your character, it's not really the case.It's a comfort and an Illusion.

Adapting to a game that hasn't got that carrot on a stick style might by why i'm falling back on themeta train.

Keep the comments coming, and thanks for sharing your experience and ideas so far!


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This game has the most diverse way of having fun and earning golds through meta events / fighting bosses or bounties. I can dictate which event to participate depending on my needs etc.For example: I would do world boss run when I decided to watch some short videos inbetween or do other things while waiting. Aka semi-afk

Occasionally, I would check out the event timers to see which events are currently ongoing and jump right into the fray.

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@kopite.1679 said:Hi All.

i'm a first time poster but have been playing GW2 on and off since it';s launch.i recently came back to the game to try it out as i'm looking for that one mmo to progress in and see as much as i can in.especially solo (more on that later)

One of the reasons i had a break from the game last time was that i found myself getting into a rut.I'd log in do the big world bosses on the map throw all the loots into the mystic forge and log out.

this is how i'd play guild wars 2. Even if i had plans to work on legendary, do map completion or anything else i'd alwaysend up doing the world bosses then i'm done. (even while writing this i'm waiting on a teq spawn!)

So this post is to reach out to those who might have had a similar experience? if so how did you resist the rut to move onand enjoy all the other aspects of the game? it's a good game, it deserves better from me but i just cant get off that world boss treadmill!

On my second point, i play a lot of the game alone and being in the oceanic timezone I've found it hard to find a guild thati can play with regularly while i re learn the game, the awesome community in GW2 is a real draw card and if anyone out therereads this, reach out, say hi i'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for your time, i look forward to reading the responses!


I'd do pretty much anything besides world bosses. They are super cool to look at, but extremely dull encounters, in my opinion. A typical day with plenty of time on my hands and no particular goal in mind might have me do some fractals, maybe a dungeon path or two, some PvP, HoT metas, PoF bounties, etc.

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@kurfu.5623 said:

@gateless gate.8406 said:Considering only Teq and TT are remotely worth doing, I'm not sure why you're motivated to do the other world bosses.

If you do all the pre's, Wurm gives you an extra 3-4 champ bags, and Ulgoth does the same.

Champion bags haven't impressed me yet. Teq gives 1g in raw gold + chance at ascended + whatever else. TT gives 2g in raw gold + chance at ascended + whatever else. Any other boss, and you might as well go do a real farm.

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