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@Anet, We need another ban wave

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@Ubi.4136 said:Tonight has been ridiculous. I don't expect you to talk about this stuff, but I am requesting, and hoping, that you have another planned soon.

If you expect any meaningful action, vaguebooking on the forums isn't going to get it.

Gather as much evidence as possible, and submit it by email to the exploits reporting email address.

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Yes today I found a NSP permastealth deadeye who I never managed to hit nor see. I downed his Dh buddy 3x only for the thief to ress him inside of aoe fields that were guaranteed to have touched him. No blocks nor hits ever connected even with the persisting aoe fields on the downed guy according to my combat log. Finally I dropped the dh a final death and built him a flame ram to honor his hacking buddy.

So unless anet changed hits on stealth characters to no longer show in combat this is some real bullshit. Ill be recording for the next few days to catch this nsp guild at it again and send the bans their way.

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:Yes today I found a NSP permastealth deadeye who I never managed to hit nor see. I downed his Dh buddy 3x only for the thief to ress him inside of aoe fields that were guaranteed to have touched him. No blocks nor hits ever connected even with the persisting aoe fields on the downed guy according to my combat log. Finally I dropped the dh a final death and built him a flame ram to honor his hacking buddy.

So unless anet changed hits on stealth characters to no longer show in combat this is some real kitten. Ill be recording for the next few days to catch this nsp guild at it again and send the bans their way.

yes hits on stealth characters do not show in the log its been like this since allways as far as i can remember. many thieves i onehit with a backstab while they are in stealth i never get to see the damage number :(

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:Yes today I found a NSP permastealth deadeye who I never managed to hit nor see. I downed his Dh buddy 3x only for the thief to ress him inside of aoe fields that were guaranteed to have touched him. No blocks nor hits ever connected even with the persisting aoe fields on the downed guy according to my combat log. Finally I dropped the dh a final death and built him a flame ram to honor his hacking buddy.

So unless anet changed hits on stealth characters to no longer show in combat this is some real kitten. Ill be recording for the next few days to catch this nsp guild at it again and send the bans their way.

Like MUDse said, hits on stealthed characters have never shown in the combat log. The only way to know is if you have an animation that's part of a chain; if you hit, it will proceed to the next attack in the chain.

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@DeceiverX.8361 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Yes today I found a NSP permastealth deadeye who I never managed to hit nor see. I downed his Dh buddy 3x only for the thief to ress him inside of aoe fields that were guaranteed to have touched him. No blocks nor hits ever connected even with the persisting aoe fields on the downed guy according to my combat log. Finally I dropped the dh a final death and built him a flame ram to honor his hacking buddy.

So unless anet changed hits on stealth characters to no longer show in combat this is some real kitten. Ill be recording for the next few days to catch this nsp guild at it again and send the bans their way.

Like MUDse said, hits on stealthed characters have never shown in the combat log. The only way to know is if you have an animation that's part of a chain; if you hit, it will proceed to the next attack in the chain.

or gain recources from hitting the enemy, like adrenalin from warrior, necro staff marks giving lifeforce when dtealthed person isnt dodging through it

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:Yes today I found a NSP permastealth deadeye who I never managed to hit nor see. I downed his Dh buddy 3x only for the thief to ress him inside of aoe fields that were guaranteed to have touched him. No blocks nor hits ever connected even with the persisting aoe fields on the downed guy according to my combat log. Finally I dropped the dh a final death and built him a flame ram to honor his hacking buddy.

So unless anet changed hits on stealth characters to no longer show in combat this is some real kitten. Ill be recording for the next few days to catch this nsp guild at it again and send the bans their way.Easily done within the game. Met a thief+rev combo too, we downed the rev numerous times but the thief just stealthed him and they where both gone. Looking at the food and boons, the thief was most likely running a minstrel/clerics or similar gear, mercy runes with healing stacks and healing food.

Cheesy as all kitten, but nowhere near a hack. Its not even something bad. Later that evening we met another thief that was teleporting all over the place every 3-5 second and coming out of stealth with 100% hp. Unlike said minstrel thief, that thief nearly instakilled everything he teleported onto. That's how the game works and how you can build nowadays.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Yes today I found a NSP permastealth deadeye who I never managed to hit nor see. I downed his Dh buddy 3x only for the thief to ress him inside of aoe fields that were guaranteed to have touched him. No blocks nor hits ever connected even with the persisting aoe fields on the downed guy according to my combat log. Finally I dropped the dh a final death and built him a flame ram to honor his hacking buddy.

So unless anet changed hits on stealth characters to no longer show in combat this is some real kitten. Ill be recording for the next few days to catch this nsp guild at it again and send the bans their way.Easily done within the game. Met a thief+rev combo too, we downed the rev numerous times but the thief just stealthed him and they where both gone. Looking at the food and boons, the thief was most likely running a minstrel/clerics or similar gear, mercy runes with healing stacks and healing food.

Cheesy as all kitten, but nowhere near a hack. Its not even something bad. Later that evening we met another thief that was teleporting all over the place every 3-5 second and coming out of stealth with 100% hp. Unlike said minstrel thief, that thief nearly instakilled everything he teleported onto. That's how the game works and how you can build nowadays.

But not being able to register a hit on them when they are ressing in presistent aoe and cleave multiple times? Cmon.

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Yes today I found a NSP permastealth deadeye who I never managed to hit nor see. I downed his Dh buddy 3x only for the thief to ress him inside of aoe fields that were guaranteed to have touched him. No blocks nor hits ever connected even with the persisting aoe fields on the downed guy according to my combat log. Finally I dropped the dh a final death and built him a flame ram to honor his hacking buddy.

So unless anet changed hits on stealth characters to no longer show in combat this is some real kitten. Ill be recording for the next few days to catch this nsp guild at it again and send the bans their way.Easily done within the game. Met a thief+rev combo too, we downed the rev numerous times but the thief just stealthed him and they where both gone. Looking at the food and boons, the thief was most likely running a minstrel/clerics or similar gear, mercy runes with healing stacks and healing food.

Cheesy as all kitten, but nowhere near a hack. Its not even something bad. Later that evening we met another thief that was teleporting all over the place every 3-5 second and coming out of stealth with 100% hp. Unlike said minstrel thief, that thief nearly instakilled everything he teleported onto. That's how the game works and how you can build nowadays.

But not being able to register a hit on them when they are ressing in presistent aoe and cleave multiple times? Cmon.

So, you stayed out of combat?

Because it's been noted that the combat log doesn't register hits on stealthed players. That doesn't mean you aren't hitting him.>

@DeceiverX.8361 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Yes today I found a NSP permastealth deadeye who I never managed to hit nor see. I downed his Dh buddy 3x only for the thief to ress him inside of aoe fields that were guaranteed to have touched him. No blocks nor hits ever connected even with the persisting aoe fields on the downed guy according to my combat log. Finally I dropped the dh a final death and built him a flame ram to honor his hacking buddy.

So unless anet changed hits on stealth characters to no longer show in combat this is some real kitten. Ill be recording for the next few days to catch this nsp guild at it again and send the bans their way.

Like MUDse said, hits on stealthed characters have never shown in the combat log. The only way to know is if you have an animation that's part of a chain; if you hit, it will proceed to the next attack in the chain.

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