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Guild Wars 3 vs Living World Season 5

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

And as soon as it was out, the engine would be obsolete. Heard this same thing right after gw2 came out.

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Well I don't know I am ready for GW15 myself. The way some people talk by the time GW3 is suppose to happen some one will complain they want GW4. GW2 was created because GW could not add things like jumping or swimming had no real persistent world except towns or outposts. One thing they should of kept though is instead of using a Dungeons and Dragons fighting design the Magic the Gathering design would of been more unique. Anyway GW2 was designed for change its not a matter of if it can change, its a matter of when. Maybe in the future GW2 they will update to Directx 12 or higher.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Gw3 is not going to happen. With all the money people have sunk into gw2, there would be a massive outrage over suddenly having it made irrelevant.

I do not think Anet agrees with your opinion. They didn't really care about their previous game, destroying the community, not giving any updates or any care about the customers they had nor they want to have any part in it. You really think Anet would care about GW2 community? They do not even care about veteran players, they are more interested in new players. Gw3 would just bring new players to them, players that are hungry for new western MMORPG.

Do not worry, if they do it right, they can maybe still run GW2 servers, so have fun playing the game without any updates for next decade or so as Guild Wars 1 players do.

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@Mikali.9651 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Gw3 is not going to happen. With all the money people have sunk into gw2, there would be a massive outrage over suddenly having it made irrelevant.

I do not think Anet agrees with your opinion. They didn't really care about their previous game, destroying the community, not giving any updates or any care about the customers they had nor they want to have any part in it. You really think Anet would care about GW2 community? They do not even care about veteran players, they are more interested in new players. Gw3 would just bring new players to them, players that are hungry for new western MMORPG.

Do not worry, if they do it right, they can maybe still run GW2 servers, so have fun playing the game without any updates for next decade or so as Guild Wars 1 players do.

I think they do, its getting harder and harder to launch new successful MMOs these days that are in the form of GW2, WoW, KOTOR(or whatever the star wars acronym is), and Elder Scrolls. People want games they can hop in and out of relatively quickly without having to invest much time in them.

Also, why are you surprised that GW1 never got any updates after GW2 was announced? if Blizzard launched a WoW 2 do you think they would still update WoW? I dont think so, it would at the very least be left running, if they even cared to keep the servers up.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Gw3 is not going to happen. With all the money people have sunk into gw2, there would be a massive outrage over suddenly having it made irrelevant.

I do not think Anet agrees with your opinion. They didn't really care about their previous game, destroying the community, not giving any updates or any care about the customers they had nor they want to have any part in it. You really think Anet would care about GW2 community? They do not even care about veteran players, they are more interested in new players. Gw3 would just bring new players to them, players that are hungry for new western MMORPG.

Do not worry, if they do it right, they can maybe still run GW2 servers, so have fun playing the game without any updates for next decade or so as Guild Wars 1 players do.

I think they do, it's getting harder and harder to launch new successful MMOs these days that are in the form of GW2, WoW, KOTOR(or whatever the star wars acronym is), and Elder Scrolls. People want games they can hop in and out of relatively quickly without having to invest much time in them.

Also, why are you surprised that GW1 never got any updates after GW2 was announced? if Blizzard launched a WoW 2 do you think they would still update WoW? I don't think so, it would at the very least be left running if they even cared to keep the servers up.

I am not surprised at all. I am just saying that Anet does not really care about their previous games. If there is GW3 coming, it is because of the things they want, they wouldn't bite an eye for what feelings GW2 players have. So people saying Anet wouldn't dare to make GW3 in a fear of losing customer base are kinda wrong. They can always get new players, you know, in 5 years there are millions of new players coming into gaming, those that are a bit too young to play at the moment. Veteran players are easily replaceable.

And no, it is not harder and harder to launch new successful MMORPGs, as I said, people are hungry for new MMORPGs, just look how Early Access is abused because of that fact, people buying into unfinished games, bugged games, games like Bless, Atlas etc. There is a huge amount of players ready to get into new, fresh and polished MMORPG which is honest and not just a quick cash grab. Even players that do play big MMORPGs, like WoW, ESO, FFXIV are in a need of a fresh quality experience.

GW2 needs an upgrade, dx9 is fast getting ancient at this point. GW2 is limited by it. I don't say GW3 will happen in the next 3 years, but looking 5 or 10 years into future, there is NO way GW2 will be profitable, old code, runs badly on new PCs.

And store thing will fast get old. It is just a matter of time until players get fed up with the gem store. GW2 needs content that lasts. Anet is fine atm, but the way they structured their content is not good in the long run. IF LS5 do not give GOOD content that is NOT just 2 hours story play and grinds for achievements it will be not long enough until you see EVEN MORE threads on this forum asking when will new expansion or GW3 be released. Why do you think these threads are basically spammed atm? Because players are hungry for the content that lasts!

GW2 is a good game to play casually, it is not to be played as the main game unless you are into achievements. Not for veteran players. New players have a blast! A lot of content for them!

We can already see that even Anet has problems with the way they made some decisions about GW2. Balancing this kind of a skill system is, I would say, a nightmare, a nightmare that is far worse than GW1 was. Balancing GW1 is a piece of cake compared to GW2. Not having holy trinity or at least soft trinity is also a problem they are encountering all the time. Just look at HoT and PoF having support/tanks/healers heavily introduced into the game. They know, and they feel, that people really need structure into group-based content.

I could go on and on about many things, but all the group content, PvP, WvW, all suffer because of many decisions Anet did at the start. They were a good idea, different, great for solo content, but problematic at the end where people do want to play MMORPG to play with other players, and not just as a bystander.

GW1 was a great learning experience for the new company, GW2 was/is a huge learning experience, GW3 can only be a game we all should look for with enthusiasm because I do not doubt in Anet and their talent.

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@Mikali.9651 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Gw3 is not going to happen. With all the money people have sunk into gw2, there would be a massive outrage over suddenly having it made irrelevant.

I do not think Anet agrees with your opinion. They didn't really care about their previous game, destroying the community, not giving any updates or any care about the customers they had nor they want to have any part in it. You really think Anet would care about GW2 community? They do not even care about veteran players, they are more interested in new players. Gw3 would just bring new players to them, players that are hungry for new western MMORPG.

Do not worry, if they do it right, they can maybe still run GW2 servers, so have fun playing the game without any updates for next decade or so as Guild Wars 1 players do.

@LucianDK.8615 said:Gw3 is not going to happen. With all the money people have sunk into gw2, there would be a massive outrage over suddenly having it made irrelevant.

I do not think Anet agrees with your opinion. They didn't really care about their previous game, destroying the community, not giving any updates or any care about the customers they had nor they want to have any part in it. You really think Anet would care about GW2 community? They do not even care about veteran players, they are more interested in new players. Gw3 would just bring new players to them, players that are hungry for new western MMORPG.

Do not worry, if they do it right, they can maybe still run GW2 servers, so have fun playing the game without any updates for next decade or so as Guild Wars 1 players do.

Total rewriting of history. Guild Wars 1 had specific limitations that made it impossible to upgrade. For one thing it wasn't an MMO it was a lobby game. Anet announced a game called Utopia, which was supposed to be another expansion for Guild Wars 1, but the longer they worked on it, the more they realized the stuff they really wanted to do couldn't be done with the old engine or the old setup. Moving forward required new tools. The tools created for Guild Wars 2 were made to be more expandable, and also create a persistent world in a way Guild Wars 1 wasn't. A true MMO in other words.

This had to do with Anet wanting to provide a better experience, not Anet not caring about their player base.

On top of that, MMOs are riskier and riskier to produce, for a smaller and smaller share of the marketplace. I strongly suspect this isn't going to happen. But I'm curious, how would you know what opinion Anet does or doesn't agree with anyway?

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I'd like to see a revamped GW2. Same game, with added tools for the devs to push the game a bit further, graphical upgrades, using the same assets and 3D models, so they don't redo everything. Other upgrades to other game systems to cater to some of players' needs/expectations.

Not unlike what Funcom did with Secret World Legends, even if I'm not really convinced by SWL (they modified the skill and combat system so much that they killed it, imo)

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@Midnight.7526 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

And as soon as it was out, the engine would be obsolete. Heard this same thing right after gw2 came out.

GW2 got a tweaked version of GW1's engine, not a truly new one.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

And as soon as it was out, the engine would be obsolete. Heard this same thing right after gw2 came out.

GW2 got a tweaked version of GW1's engine, not a truly new one.

Guild Wars 2 uses a heavily-modified GW1 proprietary engine.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

And as soon as it was out, the engine would be obsolete. Heard this same thing right after gw2 came out.

GW2 got a tweaked version of GW1's engine, not a truly new one.

My mistake, ty for the clarification.

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I would love to see a GW3 with proper multi-core usage and GPU optimization so we're not fighting the game's technical backside as much as the monsters.

That wish aside, the devs have already said on public record that there will be LS5 before the next expansion, so we know we are locked in for at least that much new content being added to GW2. At the present apparent rate of development, I would expect LS5 to run through 2019 and into 2020, with a release of the next expansion late in 2020 or 2021.

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@"Teratus.2859" said:

2 Dragons down, 4 to go and still no solution to how we're going to finally achieve this goal.

Four down, actually. We killed Zhaitan and Mordy, and in LS3 we put Jormag and Primordus back to sleep until the next cycle. That leaves Kralkatorrik, whom we are apparently planning to kill and replace with Aurene, and "S" the ocean dragon, who isn't actually present in the game yet.

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@Westenev.5289 said:I was always under the impression Anet struggled with the base game's code -- snip

We have every indication of that being the case. GW2 runs on a modified version of the GW1 engine, which basically means the technical end of GW2 was obsolete from the start. It has terrible support for multi-core CPUs and doesn't use GPU's properly. We're still living with problems that have existed since day one of the game, and lacking a lot of features that other successful games have embraced. Either ANet can't do it, or ANet won't do it. And we know how much ANet likes making money, so that leaves us with the first option.

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Didn't Anet had already confirmed the fact that they're not going to make a GW3 and are only going to focus on Living stories and Expacs from now on...?Sure this is all speculation, but why a GW3? For a better storyline? Different game modes? Better graphics? Why not just polish the game up and add more stuff into the current game modes (and in PvP as well, sheesh), balance out the classes and probably add more land in PvE? Maybe also add a whole different storyline down the road. The game is 6 years old, franchise is slowly growing. Guild Wars has been out for some time now and its just now slowly attracting an audience. I understand the game isn't what it used to be, but it's still up there. Personally, I wouldn't want another game. Also don't want another time skip. As someone mentioned above, a prequel (to GW1) would be nice, but I'm not sure how that would be made. Unless they implement that into the game -shrugs- somehow.

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