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What will people do on these maps after few weeks?


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@MrRuin.9740 said:

@Draknar.5748 said:So you rushed through all content and are done with the expansion. Do whatever it was you did before the expansion came out. If you're that starved for new content, go play something else.

@STIHL.2489 said:Well you could always go back to HoT, for the next few months while the rest of the player base slowly works its way tough PoF.

You guys are missing the point. Its not even about that. I'm playing casually and have 3 maps 100% done already. By myself. After I get the achieves, whats the point in coming back? Thats what this is about. T6 mats? I can get them in LS3 and core faster. Events and loots? Better events in HoT that require more of a team effort. There's little incentive for replay, unless you're doing map complete on multiple chars, which again is easily soloable. HoT maps are years old and people still run the metas many times a day. Thats what PoF maps are missing. PoF maps dont need to be all meta, but they should have something thats incentive to be on them with other people after you're done the single player experience of exploring and map complete.

Didn't you hear? Go slower! Explore! Instead of mounting, why not just walk to your destination and see if you can jump up the cliffs instead? That will definitely slow you down and provide you with a fun gaming experience that extends your play! That escort mission you've done? Repeat it on a few alts for a new gaming experience, maybe on a different mount each time!


I've only map completed two zones, but I'm done the story. I have more stuff to do and that will probably take me a week or two. Then.. I'm not sure I'll be back beyond daily quests. Not sure how this is good design.

When the answer to "what do I do now in these amazing zones after I finish the story and content I was directed to go and do" is "well, you should have done that content slower!!" there is an issue. Not sure how people are missing this.

And bounties (aka champion trains) are not that, people.

But it's a little to early to get too riled up as the LWS4 and other content is apparently coming soon. But it's definitely something to be a little worried about. It would be such a bloody shame if they designed these beautiful (and I mean truly amazing) maps and for there to be no incentive to return to them.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:There will be Meta Events. There is a thread on reddit.

Please, can you post the link here?

I've only done the 3rd one with Augery rock but there is a difference between that kind of thing and something like DS, Octo, Garent & Vinewrath. Maybe Maw and Serpent's fit that though I haven't seen those yet.

But I also think adding a ton of new metas would end up splitting the player base between them and even hurt the old meta events. I did a Dragon Stand after PoF came out and it was a struggle and the few times I looked Octovine didn't have any groups and the map wasn't even trying it. I'm sure they will recover but if there are competing metas that overlap in PoF they might not or it might take a long time.

There are lots of collections/achievements, things like coin rush, races. I like that the new maps are doing something different in general to how they play out because we already have plenty of meta heavy maps.

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@STIHL.2489 said:Well you could always go back to HoT, for the next few months while the rest of the player base slowly works its way tough PoF.

The rest of the player base... few months? You think MOST of the people will be completing the PoF maps in the next few months?

Most of the people will be done with the story by the end of this month and by the end of the next month these that care about exploration will have "Walk the Land" achievement with a bunch of other achievements, all mounts etc. MAX by the end of October... Others that don't care about exploration won't even bother and will respond in such threads that they haven't completed a single map yet (in few months) and that it is probably my fault that I don't have anything else to do in the PoF maps. But if you think about it, if you play 1 hour a day MAX, you will complete the whole story in a week and in another week you will get 100% map completions + all mounts. In the 3rd week, you will complete all the legendary bounties and most of the collections.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to some additions for these maps.

@Evolute.6239 said:When the answer to "what do I do now in these amazing zones after I finish the story and content I was directed to go and do" is "well, you should have done that content slower!!" there is an issue. Not sure how people are missing this.


@Moyayuki.3619 said:In a few weeks, I might still be playing the story on my main toon, depending on how often I play. Map completion, Mastery leveling, farming for items. I am loving the maps so I don't see any issue with returning again and again. I even will have other toons to bring in once they hit level 80.

Sure, bro

If you play 1 hour a week you may need few weeks.

Probably there are such people but how many are there? 2 or 3?

Hey, I can play 1 hour a year and say I need few years to complete the story...

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I think the OP touches on an important subject.

The one great thing about large meta was that they gave value to individual events beyond the value of that single event itself. In PoF currently we basically have no reason to do many of the events in game (such as helping refugees to Amnoon). As a result the vast majority of players simple don't even bother to stop and help/do these events. A classic example is when a couple rode through an escort event an said 'leave this lame, bounty guys!'.

For a new expansion to have so many events already that are left to expire/not complete is something I think develop should be extremely concerned about. Add to this the lack of meaning/interaction/context of many events due to hardly any NPC dialogue before or after the event.

ANet can't simply rely on filling maps with the majority of simple one-off events to the game anymore with little relevance/lore/NPC dialogue/interaction and expect that to be sufficient. They have evolved the game beyond that.

The expansion thus far has been a little disappointing in this regard.

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I have to agree, whats the draw for the pof areas once youve played through them? I dont see any at all From one extreme by overloaded hot with meta events in every map and little to no solo content. To the other extreme in pof with no big metas at all. I daresay people will be running silvervastes soon enough once again.

The desolation wouldve been the perfect place to put an interesting large meta event. a constant 3way battle between order of shadows/rebels vs awakened and forged. and maybe an event could have demon incursions from the mouth of torment once the forged is pushed back.

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Wait... Is there no Shatterer 2.0 at the end of the road???

Wow... That... Disappoints me greatly, and is sure to disappoint my friends. We were really looking forward to an epic map-wide event, judging the unfinished map it really seemed like one of the maps could be dedicated to something like that, but to learn that this is not the case is just sad. Now, aside from unlocking the mounts, we've got literally nothing to look forward to repeating in these zones. Most of the events are boring escorts, fetch-quests or point-defense objectives, all of which lead to nothing exciting or substantial, none of the new maps have captured the epicness of the HoT maps. The bounties surely don't, especially considering the fights don't even last 10 minutes tops.

The PoF maps don't seem to have any longevity to them. They'll be desert wastelands after 3 months. While I have heavily criticized the Mordremoth Fight for how boring it is on repeated tries, the first time around it was really exciting... And the rest of Dragon's Stand is excellent, I really hoped they had learned something from making these events... So why couldn't they just give us one map? Fair enough, 4 Map-Meta events might've been a bit much in HoT, but not even giving us ONE this time around? Despite how many people keep playing the HoT maps?

What... Great... Shame....

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To be honest I don't see the problem. Not for myself anyway. Why? I have like 8 characters that I want to play with. Do exploration with. That alone will keep me busy for months to come..and I play a lot.

Yes, for now, there are just bounties. Easy to predict they will introduce a meta chain later on. What I like about this expansion...you can play it on your own again. Compare it to the HoT maps..just wanted to explore, without thinking about a big meta chain? Nearly impossible. Things hidden behind meta events even. Frustrated me to death. Skill points that could only be done by a small party. What if you don't know enough people to play with? It's not just me. It's what people whined about since HoT released. And now..these Same people are calling this expansion too easy..

Don't forget that the older content is still there. Fractals, pvp, WvW, multiple meta maps, big boss events, etc. Plus..like I said..it's likely that they will expand the newer maps in a few weeks.

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I think POF zones were designed with different players in mind. HOT maps are good for players that want loot and action, POF maps are good for those that want to RP, take it easy and explore.I've also wondered why such disconnect between HOT and POF, but i think I am starting to understand their reasoning behind this. HOT managed to show us we are not all the same. Even before HOT, Orr already had some "meta" chain events that were enthusiastically accepted by some, while categorically rejected by others. What were those others doing at the time? Whatever it was, I imagine it will be the same thing they will be doing now, in POF.

Although being a good expansion, HOT succeeded in splitting GW2's playerbase into those that like meta events driven maps and those that don't. POF is traying to offer something to those that don't like HOT design. I agree it feels like a knee jerk reaction and I also agree POF maps could have some large events while not disturbing entire zone, but let's not forget, its an expansion. Like someone else said, it's not here to replace content but to add to it.

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@symke.3105 said:I think POF zones were designed with different players in mind. HOT maps are good for players that want loot and action, POF maps are good for those that want to RP, take it easy and explore.I've also wondered why such disconnect between HOT and POF, but i think I am starting to understand their reasoning behind this. HOT managed to show us we are not all the same. Even before HOT, Orr already had some "meta" chain events that were enthusiastically accepted by some, while categorically rejected by others. What were those others doing at the time? Whatever it was, I imagine it will be the same thing they will be doing now, in POF.

Although being a good expansion, HOT succeeded in splitting GW2's playerbase into those that like meta events driven maps and those that don't. POF is traying to offer something to those that don't like HOT design. I agree it feels like a knee jerk reaction and I also agree POF maps could have some large events while not disturbing entire zone, but let's not forget, its an expansion. Like someone else said, it's not here to replace content but to add to it.

The thing is that in HoT you can explore all the maps (but the last) without participating in the events. If you care about achievements, collections, explorations, mastery points etc, you could get them, while you had the choice of participating in meta events or not. There were countless times when I was doing some achievements or mastery points, even collections while others were doing the meta events.

SO it is not like HoT offered ONLY meta events - it gave us both - exploration and epic metas, while with PoF we don't get the luxury to choose - we get some cool mechanics and additions, fantastic maps and almost zero group events.

Also, I am pretty sure that most of you that have played both expansions felt that PoF maps were "smaller" than HoT maps. Do you know why is this feeling? Because PoF maps have so much empty space (probably made on purpose to enjoy the mounts) in them and not enough vertical exploration.

It is only logical to put some metas or boss fights in these empty spaces.

They will not replace HoT metas (well maybe they will in the beginning until the hype die but this can be corrected if they make some kind of a connection between hot metas and pof metas). There are world bosses all over Tyria. Does one of them replace the others? Yes, there are people that prefer to take TEQ instead of another world boss that spawns at the same time but if it wasn't at the same time they would take both. I am not saying that they have to make better META events - I just want some which feel a little more squad oriented and epic than these 3 that we have at the moment.

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@Nythrilyn.2146 said:I haven't even bought the expansion yet. I am waiting till the player bases 'hype' dies down and Anet fixes all the kitten they broke while releasing it. (Public Test Servers !!! *hint hint)Been having fun doing DS map meta over and over though :)

I should have done this but I was thirsty for content :)

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And literally none of these things will reward you with anything more than two golds and a token.

When Anet upgraded from two greens and a blue, they missed the point. It isn't the rarity that made their content rewards suck. It was the lack of interesting rewards. They built all these massive maps and unique events and totally forgot to add unique and interesting rewards for completing them.

You know.

Becuase if they rewarded you with stuff for playing the game they couldn't compel you to pull out your credit card to get the REAL rewards from the gem store.

You know.

The ones they update more often than anything else.

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I think if you take your time to explore everything, find every hidden place, READ the dialogues of NPCs (instead of rushing through all content whithout even knowing why you are for example helping them) and do all collections without youtube, then you can have fun for a long time.

But i do miss some sort of meta event (where people have to use all different mounts!) where you have the chance on rare special drops.

Another possible thing i've been thinking of is a different reward system for completing the hearts again or for doing events. For example, it would be good, if doing normal events had a small chance of giving you some rare special reward, so people would participate more often (skins, 10 t6 mats, or whatever you want) Or maybe completing events would result in a bonus for players (for example higher magic find for 1h, double loot from chests or an extra map currency reward).

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So this is how it basically is: People that liked HoT map-meta's don't like bounties and are disappointed, People that didn't like map-meta's as much but do like the bounty system are having fun.Thing is.. if you like map-meta's then why complain? they are still there, just on another map.

If anything the bounty system adds a lot more variation then map-meta's did. Map Meta's just became the same thing over and over, you could just join a full map solo and complete the meta with ease. With bounties you are at least advised to join groups since bounties spawn when you activate them, so if you run to a bounty spot solo, you are screwed if the bounty train is somewhere else.

I personally like the continues action Bounty trains give, and the variety in encounters (failed a fair bit of Bounties because their combinations were so hard, this makes it challenging).Let's also not forget what the primary reason was for doing map-meta's, which is the loot.Well, bounty trains when done right give just the same amount, if not more, loot and don't require running around opening objects (that require 'keys').

There also being a few meta events around just makes the variety even better in the new maps imo, and let's not forget that it is 10x more fun to navigate using mounts and all then it is gliding around, or jumping on mushrooms..

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Now that it's been a few days, I can conclude that I preferred metas. Bounties are just annoying. Someone yells 'legendary at my tag', I spend a while traveling there, only to see it despawn because there's not enough players around. "Event failed! Have some xp (which you don't need) and 30 copper, for wasting ten minutes on this."

Absolutely not worth the time or effort. Not going to even bother with those from now on, the only ones that are worth doing are the rare bounty trains.

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@Zaltys.7649 said:Now that it's been a few days, I can definitely conclude that I preferred metas. Bounties are just annoying. Someone yells 'legendary at my tag', I spend a while traveling there, only to see it despawn because there's not enough players around. "Event failed! Have some xp (which you don't need) and 30 copper, for spending ten minutes on this."

Absolutely not worth the time or effort. Not going to even bother with those from now on, the only ones that are worth doing are the rare bounty trains.

I see your point. But the thing is that bounties are a cool addition. The problem isn't about comparing bounties to meta events. The problem is that we see only bounties. I am pretty sure if we had bounties and meta events people would do both, but doing only this is boring.

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