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Concerns about Elementalist


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there is. i send u. the leak also stated 2 days before the shaman concept appeared in ele section about this exact spec to be happen (funnily my and another users critic on it got deleted).

i only chose to not post the leak to eventually avoid to spoil someones joy.

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Reposting my comment from other thread:

Ele is already balanced in the way that 1 skill has only one role compared to other classes which have multiple uses per skill. Reason? Ele has 20 weapon skills, other classes have 10. What's not balanced is that ele still has a lot higher cooldowns AND cast times on those skills.

There's balance in regard that aoe healing has to be lower than self sustain that other classes have, but why is every single healing weapon skill and water trait aoe?

Considering that all base damage and heal values are awful and ele heavily relies on both specializations and gear stats to be considered playable, there needs to be some changes when it comes to traits:

1) Nerf/removal of modifier traits with buffs on base values. This way ele doesnt need to rely on 50% damage bonus from fire and air, and builds who dont use those specs won't hit like a wet noodle.2) Addition of offensive traits/weapon skills in defensive elements and defensive traits/skills in offensive elements so eles can have at least some breathing room without having to completely respec to get just a bit of offense or a bit of defense. Smothering auras is a perfect example of this.
3) More global traits (traits that dont work only in specific attunements, but all the time; they can just work better in said attunement) and less relying on ICD, RNG and attunement (at once!!!). Why is this mess of a trait, arcane precision, in game?

A perfect solution would be a mix of all 3, but even one of those could improve the class a lot for start.

edit: formatting

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@"steki.1478" said:Reposting my comment from other thread:

Ele is already balanced in the way that 1 skill has only one role compared to other classes which have multiple uses per skill. Reason? Ele has 20 weapon skills, other classes have 10. What's not balanced is that ele still has a lot higher cooldowns AND cast times on those skills.

There's balance in regard that aoe healing has to be lower than self sustain that other classes have, but why is every single healing weapon skill and water trait aoe?

Considering that all base damage and heal values are awful and ele heavily relies on both specializations and gear stats to be considered playable, there needs to be some changes when it comes to traits:

1) Nerf/removal of modifier traits with buffs on base values. This way ele doesnt need to rely on 50% damage bonus from fire and air, and builds who dont use those specs won't hit like a wet noodle.2) Addition of offensive traits/weapon skills in defensive elements and defensive traits/skills in offensive elements so eles can have at least some breathing room without having to completely respec to get just a bit of offense or a bit of defense. Smothering auras is a perfect example of this.

3) More global traits (traits that dont work only in specific attunements, but all the time; they can just work better in said attunement) and less relying on ICD, RNG and attunement (at once!!!). Why is this mess of a trait- arcane precision in game?

A perfect solution would be a mix of all 3, but even one of those could improve the class a lot for start.

I agree those are the three most important yet non functionnal points. Always grinned at the trait arcane "precision". More like arcane lottery. Anyway, there is so much things mechanicaly wrong, any fix to any of the three points above would be a great improvement.

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I my view the biggest problem is the elemental attuneme t.While they also make it fun to play elemental, they also make them hard to master/understand (not a bad thing), lock us out of weapon swapping, and makes it hard to balance.

A more boring system would have been active aura that modified a few skills, with arcane being our primery.But that would imo kill the unique feeling and fun.

Are more “stiff” line in traits could maybe help here.Where trait, more than elements made your specilization.Make eater and earth go dps if they want, do not punish camping in one element (well exception being weaver), but reward players who can change in between.And this lead us to CD of attunements, which can be punishing by misclicks, lower them as a it is, since I find CD reducing traits to be boring anyway (as well as flat dmg% to specific elements).

Also make Conjure weapons “kits” or with no timer for the elementalist, it has been suggested several times and will bypass:Us not being able to bring both range and melee without equipments swapping.

And still force us to make tactical choices as it takes up a utility slot.

Maybe even remove the static elements and let then change with attunement.

So to sum it up, in my perfect world:

Rework attunement traits to represent “roles” rather than element (even though I like the current flavor/theme of the traits).

Make Conjure weapons kits/bundles with no limites for the caster, to help divercity in like WvW, or just Open World.

Insure more effecient elemental camping, but highly reward skilled players and macromanagement (it is in some case already like this)

But this is ofc just some thoughts.

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Boon uptime is another problem with how ele fits in the current state of the game in PvP. Originally, the stat deficits ele had were made up by it's boon generation especially protection and it's fire fields were important to generate might. However, the ele is now left in the dust in comparison with holosmith and soulbeasts who can maintain a permanent 25 stacks of might/protection/vigor/swiftness/fury with respectively high superspeed and quickness uptimes without messing with their ability to remain on the offense.

On the contrary to the ele's design around adaptability and versatility, it's tools and 'cheats' are not enough to put it up to par competitively, it essentially devolves to very predictable patterns of attunement in play that becomes exploited by opponents who know the flaws of this class and it's elite specs.

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Heal on aura needs to go back to water, and aurashare to tempest. This way, tempest can aurashare offensive buffs and core/weaver can use auras to sustain.

Traitlines need to give more boons to auras:fire - might to all auras, and resistance to fire auras.Air - fury, swiftness to all auras, and quickness and superspeed to electric auras.Water - vigor and regen to all auras, heal on auras, extra regen on frost aura.Earth - protection on all auras, stability on magnectic aura.This will give tempest the possible role of offensive buffer while doing decent dps (no need to trait water) and give core ele and weaver new ways to self-buff and sustain opening possible combos with fire/earth.

Staff needs to get enough condi dmg on fire/earth to improve its dmg (lava fount and meteor shower need to do burns) back to previous levels and create the possibility of hybrid or condi builds with staff.

Attunement buffs from traitlines need to stay longer if traited arcane (old lingering elements trait that kept attunement icons/bonuses for 5 seconds) so that core ele can spec in two attunement and use arcane to cycle those 2 faster and whitout loosing benefits from each, making core ele a valid option over weaver or tempest (dps using fire/air and swapping those two fast enough to keep attunement bonuses).

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@"Dahir.4158" said:Nice interaction from the ArenaNet staff after 15 pages full of ideas and suggestions. Some communication wouldn't go amiss.@Gaile Gray.6029@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

Oh no, we wont hear anything, its not unexpected of course, after fifteen pages and multiple patches since and no changes that where meaningful, my ele is completely reserved for RP purposes at the moment and until some changes are made its all it will be used for, its depressing to think that the class that got me playing this franchise is in such a terrible condition, but hey, maybe they are hiding something and it will come out this week in these "surprising" reveals they have planned, i highly doubt it but i have a little hope left.

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@"chesayki.8425" said:Thanks to all the nerfs, former "glass canon" is now just "glass target". In a group environment, I often feel like elementalists are dead-weight for parties/teams. On top of now mediocre DPS, we are also still squishy. So now, what are we even good for? Absolutely nothing.

"Elementalists are multifaceted spellcasters who channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up for in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage."

Maybe you should update that description since it's no longer true. We lost that "versatility" thanks to CDs on skills and we no longer "inflict massive damage". We might as well be someone's "Ranger pet".

Either give us back our "massive damage" or remove the restrictive CDs on skills and up our health for more survivability, otherwise we're just "glass shields" for our parties/team. There are lots of great suggestions from others, so just fix ele, don't make them the outcasted class no one wants in their group because the way they are now, they are doomed to solo play, dying lonely deaths in some caves somewhere in the open world.

First of all, I have to say that language filltering is working here (I mean common ele forum) ... which surprise me a lot. Im not sure if it's automatic or not. If "not" very good - that's mean someone still reading posts in ele's forum at least reported one hehe - please do not report this :) Thank you for understanding . And that opinion (quoted one) is really very close to my heart and my feelings. That's absolutly true.... someone probably forget about elementalists.All the best for all elementalists & try to not lost your hope..Have a good day/night.

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Ow i can promise you they are still monitored / filtered by the post monkeys, they aren't getting paid enough to get proper information or responses around, but they sure are to remove threads and even impose bans on constructive criticism while reporting it as "insult", it got me so frustrated i actually mailed the picture to 3 english literature professors >.> ima allow you to have an educated guess on the results x)

P.S. put your money elsewhere, better games deserving time out there than this onePS #2, yes, i only use this forum when i have nothing else to do with my life :3

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Not much of a buff but its something i guess all but it one of the rarest effect of the ele kit (why not auras hitting 10 targets something core and tempest would get a lot more use out of then the 5 sec cast time 20 sec cd effect hitting 10 targets.)

Its worded super odd as well is that the boon only (not all the overloads have boons) or is it the cc / dmg effects as well?

Its something but not realty that much so far and super limented in real game play effect if that the only 10 target support ele going to get.

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:Those of you who care about the ele and its balance, please join this thread and continue to add your thoughtful and constructive comments. Thank you.

The recent changes are heading in the right direction, but if you want Ele to be a truly viable support, aurashare should be to 10 ppl, the trait in fire spec that clears condis when it applies auras, should not be in fire, that is a DPS spec, not a support spec. Trying to add support to a DPS spec seems silly to me. It should either be in water/arcane/earth. And last, could earth overload PLEASE pulse stability to allies? I'm not asking for massive amounts of group stability, but pulsing it on earth overload seems reasonable.

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@Stallic.2397 said:The only good thing about 12/11 is that they are buffing Ele. Tempest support and even a little bit of scepter. But these changes are so small compared to the real problems. Ele still won't reach sPvP meta.

Then again, it was a PvE focused update. When is sPvP coming?

No staff changes, so not much of a pve focused update outside of making support tempest slightly better(which is a good thing), but our DPS builds are all still outclassed by a ton, and most of the comments and complaints that have been brought up here are still true. its a small step in the right direction but they have a way to go yet.

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@lLobo.7960 said:Heal on aura needs to go back to water, and aurashare to tempest. This way, tempest can aurashare offensive buffs and core/weaver can use auras to sustain.

Traitlines need to give more boons to auras:fire - might to all auras, and resistance to fire auras.Air - fury, swiftness to all auras, and quickness and superspeed to electric auras.Water - vigor and regen to all auras, heal on auras, extra regen on frost aura.Earth - protection on all auras, stability on magnectic aura.This will give tempest the possible role of offensive buffer while doing decent dps (no need to trait water) and give core ele and weaver new ways to self-buff and sustain opening possible combos with fire/earth.

I like the idea of swapping aurashare into tempest !

For the rest of the traits... why not making one only specific trait that grants boon depending on the aura you apply . And this boon would be more or less strong depending on how often that aura can be applied :

  • Shocking aura (rare) : grants alactrity And/or fury
  • Magnetic aura (decently rare) : protection and/or resistance
  • Frost Aura (pretty common) : regen and/or vigor
  • Fire Aura (common) : might and/or celerity

That Way you have only 1 GM trait ... or master trait and you have free slots for trait that could improve core ele in each trait line .

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@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:

@lLobo.7960 said:Heal on aura needs to go back to water, and aurashare to tempest. This way, tempest can aurashare offensive buffs and core/weaver can use auras to sustain.

Traitlines need to give more boons to auras:fire - might to all auras, and resistance to fire auras.Air - fury, swiftness to all auras, and quickness and superspeed to electric auras.Water - vigor and regen to all auras, heal on auras, extra regen on frost aura.Earth - protection on all auras, stability on magnectic aura.This will give tempest the possible role of offensive buffer while doing decent dps (no need to trait water) and give core ele and weaver new ways to self-buff and sustain opening possible combos with fire/earth.

I like the idea of swapping aurashare into tempest !

For the rest of the traits... why not making one only specific trait that grants boon depending on the aura you apply . And this boon would be more or less strong depending on how often that aura can be applied :
  • Shocking aura (rare) : grants alactrity And/or fury
  • Magnetic aura (decently rare) : protection and/or resistance
  • Frost Aura (pretty common) : regen and/or vigor
  • Fire Aura (common) : might and/or celerity

That Way you have only 1 GM trait ... or master trait and you have free slots for trait that could improve core ele in each trait line .

This would be a bit too much for a single trait, IMO.And considering the latest post from Irenio talking about how booms will be handled in the future, I think it would go a bit against their view.

The different traitlines giving specific and thematic aura buffs allows the elementalist to choose what buffs to give (self or others with share) based on the specs he chooses.This lets eles choose what boons to give based on their elemental traitlines without leting them give all the boons (as stated by Irenio to be not the way they are going forward)

Furthermore, moving the aurashare to tempest and the aura heal to water you let tempest become an offensive buffer (fire/air/tempest) and you let core ele use auras for sustain.Giving fire auras a pulsing resistance buff lets ele have another way of dealing with conditions by trying to maintain resistance (by chaining fire auras) instead of cleansing everything. This lets the ele be more offensive (with fire instead of water) but makes it very vulnerable to corrupts/boom strip.

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@AlexPlay.8436 said:

@Zelse.9780 said:Yet more staff nerfs, thanks for nothing. Leaving this game. You lost a very high paying customer.

Did the same...I think this is the only way to push devs to listen, vote by money

I agree. As a person that spends at least $70 biweekly, my money could better be used else where. And as a person who tries to push for staff elementalist's relevancy because I care for the weapon profession this is heartbreaking when we try to show our concern and to only be responded with a slap on the face. I'm pretty sure there are other mmos out there that cater to their classic spellcasters. And I'm just done with this franchise.

Patch after patch, it's nothing but a disappointment. And I'm honestly done with these flavor of the months type BS.

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