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Anet, it's time for a ranger rework. Please share your ideas and scrapbooks with us.


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@Lazze.9870 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:I agree with a lot of you suggestion, but making the BM minor traits baseline is gonna ruin Soulbeast completely. Soulbeast is good because of BM.

They should make those buffs to stats and movement speed into those uninspired boring Soulbeast Minors.

Soulbeast is meant to be a damage spec, regardless of how boring those minors are. Something like a 7 % modifier on a boon the class pretty much has permanent uptime of isn't bad.

Besides, how are stat boosts any more interesting than damage modifiers as minors?

Not saying they need to remove the % damage modifier, but the way it's applied is boring and uninspired for an elite spec.

As for the stats boost and movement speed, they can just give it to Elevated Bond, which is an empty trait just telling us what Soulbeast/Beastmode does. I understand those stats buffs really help Soulbeast. It's hard to take a position, because making those traits/stats baseline for pets would help Core Ranger and all other Ranger specs, because they still use the pet. On the other side, not giving it back to Soulbeast will destroy the spec.

Transferring the stats from Beastmastery (Without removing the % damage modifier) in another form should open Soulbeast build diversity. Right now, nearly all Soulbeasts take Beastmastery.

They could just buff all pets and it wouldn't be an issue. At least, making their movement speed and hits reliable.

@Levetty.1279 said:If you are lucky they might do another damage increase on Ice trap.

I forgot about it and now I'm triggered. T-T

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Ranger as is fine .Some of the pets could be a bit more diversified.Would be nice to have an elite trap.Strength of the Pack should effect 5 other players since it is a shout.Or change them to either pet calls or group shouts .Make the spirits movable pets because the traits really don't work well with anything .

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@Lazze.9870 said:

@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:I'd take a rework of Opening Strike, I made a 4 minute combat video the other day and it didn't refresh once with kill one after another. For a whole line of minor traits to be useless for a period of time like that is unacceptable. And, you shouldn't need to trait Remorseless and create a build around them to make them useful.
  • Opening Strike; You and your pet apply vulnerability and cripple on Opening Strikes.
  • Alpha Training; Opening Strike is always a critical hit.
  • Precise Strike; Opening Strike is refreshed if your struck target dies.
  • Remorseless; Opening Strike deals 25% more damage and is refreshed whenever gaining Fury or Stealth.

Opening Strike; You and your pet apply vulnerability and cripple on Opening Strikes.Alpha Training; Opening Strike is always a critical hit.Precise Strike: Deal increased damage to foes inflicted by vulnerability.Remorseless: (keep as is)Lead the Wind: (keep as is) added: refresh opening strike on stealth (LB3#)Predator's Onslaught: (keep as is) added: refresh opening strike when hitting a foe inflicted by movement impending conditions (with an ICD)

Would give all the GMs a refresh reflected in how the traits are used. Predator's Onslaught simply has it to keep vuln stacks in a build that runs PO for the sustained damage (aka not making the minor traits useless in long pve fights).

Still needs a refresh on kill, like I mentioned.

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@"Levetty.1279" said:Ok well keep crying that Ranger deserves a rework because Mesmer got one and see where that gets you. If you are lucky they might do another damage increase on Ice trap.

I would seriously welcome another buff to frost trap's power damage. Ranger needs more utility options that hit hard. MM GMs should all have a way to refresh opening strike. Neither of those are major reworks like other classes are getting. Pet AI is an obvious choice but I don't think will ever happen nor do I actually care too much for buffing AI more.

I would prefer a rework to Sword 3, dagger 4, short bow in general and skirmishing. They all fall into this hybrid power/condi play style that is evasive, positions yourself behind a target and does bonus damage when behind a target but it all feels wrong. Like all sword 3 and dagger 4 get is a 10% crit chance when flanking from the skirmishing GM minor despite being all about getting behind someone. Neither of them immobilize your target. So as soon as you get behind someone and swap to your "back stab shotgun weapon", aka short bow with LotF, they can just turn around before you hit them. For PvE raid bosses that's fine. For PvP/WvW there is a serious lack of practical synergy. Changes I would like to see:

1) Sword 3 does bonus power damage and poison stacks if you hit someone while flanking.2) Dagger 4 immobilizes if you hit someone while flanking.3) LotF changed to apply 2 stacks bleeding if you hit someone while flanking. 1 sec ICD. Remove bonus on dodge. No weapon restriction although maybe keep the short bow CDR on it.4) Short bow either needs to have the flanking damage as baseline or given the ability to flank with it. Example: Instead of sb3 being an evade backwards, it immobs and evades forward. Like flip over someone or dodge between their legs kind of deal to set up the flanking damage on the rest of the weapon. If sb3 immobs then sb4 needs to do something else aside from immob. Maybe give it swiftness from sb3.

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Core Ranger imo really only needs a Marksmanship redesign with the minor traits to make them more interactive and fluid throughout the traitline instead of only being useful because of a single GM.

That, and the removal of the pet death swap penalty, unless ANet wants to give me a way to triple all the other 8 classes core mechanic cooldowns.

Druid is really in need of the rework the most. Only being useful as a boonslave in content that a minority of the community plays is a sad role to be relegated to. The selfish traits (Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, etc) need to be reworked to be group utility traits that provide cleansing and stability, the healing needs to be unnerfed, and the CA1 skill needs to be a Tome2 or Medkit style heal skill. Same thing with Staff 1, otherwise the cooldown needs to be reduced/removed on CA (it's already a resource mechanic, balance the resource).

Soulbeast....is actually kind of fine as is, as much as its flavor doesn't suit me. However, remove the merge cooldown, introduce ICDs on traits if needed. The triple cooldown gate of Pet Swap, Merge, and Merge skill is insane, ANet programmers probably put recursive function calls inside while loops.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:Core Ranger imo really only needs a Marksmanship redesign with the minor traits to make them more interactive and fluid throughout the traitline instead of only being useful because of a single GM.

That, and the removal of the pet death swap penalty, unless ANet wants to give me a way to triple all the other 8 classes core mechanic cooldowns.

Druid is really in need of the rework the most. Only being useful as a boonslave in content that a minority of the community plays is a sad role to be relegated to. The selfish traits (Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, etc) need to be reworked to be group utility traits that provide cleansing and stability, the healing needs to be unnerfed, and the CA1 skill needs to be a Tome2 or Medkit style heal skill. Same thing with Staff 1, otherwise the cooldown needs to be reduced/removed on CA (it's already a resource mechanic, balance the resource).

Soulbeast....is actually kind of fine as is, as much as its flavor doesn't suit me. However, remove the merge cooldown, introduce ICDs on traits if needed. The triple cooldown gate of Pet Swap, Merge, and Merge skill is insane, ANet programmers probably put recursive function calls inside while loops.

I hate to disagree with you in regards to Druid but, that seems to be what Anet intended with druid. A healing boonbot that was initially necessary to get players through raids. What has happened, maybe unfortunately, is that Anet then improved healing on many other classes and killed PS warrior. Druid should be the best healer, bar none, if we have to give up all DPS to take on that role in the same way that chronotanks give up all dps in order to improve the ability to tank a boss. The same should be true of ANY other profession that wants to fill the healer or tank roles.

I agree on Core and Slb current states. Pet AI has needed a rework for a long, long time.

I've put my Slb away for the most part which is a shame since that has been my main since launch but there are just better options if you're not playing healer.

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@Prophet.1584 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Core Ranger imo really only needs a Marksmanship redesign with the minor traits to make them more interactive and fluid throughout the traitline instead of only being useful because of a single GM.

That, and the removal of the pet death swap penalty, unless ANet wants to give me a way to triple all the other 8 classes core mechanic cooldowns.

Druid is really in need of the rework the most. Only being useful as a boonslave in content that a minority of the community plays is a sad role to be relegated to. The selfish traits (Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, etc) need to be reworked to be group utility traits that provide cleansing and stability, the healing needs to be unnerfed, and the CA1 skill needs to be a Tome2 or Medkit style heal skill. Same thing with Staff 1, otherwise the cooldown needs to be reduced/removed on CA (it's already a resource mechanic, balance the resource).

Soulbeast....is actually kind of fine as is, as much as its flavor doesn't suit me. However, remove the merge cooldown, introduce ICDs on traits if needed. The triple cooldown gate of Pet Swap, Merge, and Merge skill is insane, ANet programmers probably put recursive function calls inside while loops.

I hate to disagree with you in regards to Druid but, that seems to be what Anet intended with druid. A healing boonbot that was initially necessary to get players through raids. What has happened, maybe unfortunately, is that Anet then improved healing on many other classes and killed PS warrior. Druid should be the best healer, bar none, if we have to give up all DPS to take on that role in the same way that chronotanks give up all dps in order to improve the ability to tank a boss. The same should be true of ANY other profession that wants to fill the healer or tank roles.

I agree on Core and Slb current states. Pet AI has needed a rework for a long, long time.

I've put my Slb away for the most part which is a shame since that has been my main since launch but there are just better options if you're not playing healer.

I know what you mean and understand. At the same time, Druid shouldn't be the only elite spec that only has a competitive place in a portion of PvE content is what I'm aiming for (or if there's other specs, the point goes for them too).

Minstrels Chronotank can take its gear and go right to WvW with it, change a few skills, and be considered a metabuild and desired in every organized group.

It's just a real shame that Druid is in the state it's in. I'd give up the boonbot raid role in a heartbeat just for the spec to be competitive with Firebrand/Chrono (and even Tempest and Scourge, last place support with even Scourges being more desirable hurts) in WvW. But uhhhh, why not both? It's not even a tradeoff that should need to happen.

Unless ANet wants to gut Firebrand, Chrono, and really any other support spec that would push Druid out of the WvW meta at that point. The baseline has to somewhere, so as long as Druid (and all our specs for that matter) compete at that baseline, I'm happy regardless of how it happens.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:Druid is really in need of the rework the most. Only being useful as a boonslave in content that a minority of the community plays is a sad role to be relegated to. The selfish traits (Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, etc) need to be reworked to be group utility traits that provide cleansing and stability, the healing needs to be unnerfed, and the CA1 skill needs to be a Tome2 or Medkit style heal skill. Same thing with Staff 1, otherwise the cooldown needs to be reduced/removed on CA (it's already a resource mechanic, balance the resource).

I was never a fan of the dueling build but I'm not sure that DC/CS need to inherently be group utility. Like if DC gave aoe stability, a 10 second CD is still really strong on it but a 20 second CD for a healing build is bad. In general, I think the traits that proc on CA enter/exit are inherently to OP or UP if CA has only 1 CD per game mode. Example of changes I would like.

CA base CD 10 seconds in all game modes.DC option #1: Keep as is. Increase CA CD by 40%DC Option #2: Aoe stability/condi clear. Increase CA CD by 40%DC Option #3: Give DC a 20 second ICD. (Worst option imo.)CS: Keep as is. Increase CA CD by 20%Primal echo: Keep as is but also reduce CD of CA by 20%.Lingering Light: Increase outgoing healing by 50%. Reduce CD of CA by 20-40%.

Obviously don't need all of these changes but having a choice between DC and PE increasing or decreasing CD of CA means you can pick a more selfish or support trait. Lingering light being a selfless trait also makes sense to reduce the CD of CA. So if you want to pure heal then PE and LL gives you a 6 second CD on CA. Pick both dueling traits and you get ~17 second CD on CA.

Personally, I would like to see ancient seeds changed: CC removes 2 extra stacks of stability and interrupts do damage. Druid actually has a lot of aoe CC but without any boon strip it's kind of wasted in PvP/WvW. Don't think it's a good idea to give druid generic boon corrupt/strip but a GM that is great at removing stability would be nice. These changes wouldn't affect PvE at all since none of those traits are really taken there. PvP/WvW dueling remain similarly slippery although there is another GM trait option. PvP/WvW pure healers get much easier access to CA. PvP/WvW MM+Druid CC front line build or decapper could work better.

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@killfil.3472 said:In all honesty, I do believe Core necromancer needs it ever slightly moar...There is a difference between needing a rework and wanting a DPS build for raids.

@jcbroe.4329 said:Druid is really in need of the rework the most. Only being useful as a boonslave in content that a minority of the community plays is a sad role to be relegated to.To be fair that's exactly what they announced Druid as.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Core Ranger imo really only needs a Marksmanship redesign with the minor traits to make them more interactive and fluid throughout the traitline instead of only being useful because of a single GM.

That, and the removal of the pet death swap penalty, unless ANet wants to give me a way to triple all the other 8 classes core mechanic cooldowns.

Druid is really in need of the rework the most. Only being useful as a boonslave in content that a minority of the community plays is a sad role to be relegated to. The selfish traits (Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, etc) need to be reworked to be group utility traits that provide cleansing and stability, the healing needs to be unnerfed, and the CA1 skill needs to be a Tome2 or Medkit style heal skill. Same thing with Staff 1, otherwise the cooldown needs to be reduced/removed on CA (it's already a resource mechanic, balance the resource).

Soulbeast....is actually kind of fine as is, as much as its flavor doesn't suit me. However, remove the merge cooldown, introduce ICDs on traits if needed. The triple cooldown gate of Pet Swap, Merge, and Merge skill is insane, ANet programmers probably put recursive function calls inside while loops.

I hate to disagree with you in regards to Druid but, that seems to be what Anet intended with druid. A healing boonbot that was initially necessary to get players through raids. What has happened, maybe unfortunately, is that Anet then improved healing on many other classes and killed PS warrior. Druid should be the best healer, bar none, if we have to give up all DPS to take on that role in the same way that chronotanks give up all dps in order to improve the ability to tank a boss. The same should be true of ANY other profession that wants to fill the healer or tank roles.

I agree on Core and Slb current states. Pet AI has needed a rework for a long, long time.

I've put my Slb away for the most part which is a shame since that has been my main since launch but there are just better options if you're not playing healer.

I know what you mean and understand. At the same time, Druid shouldn't be the only elite spec that only has a competitive place in a portion of PvE content is what I'm aiming for (or if there's other specs, the point goes for them too).

Minstrels Chronotank can take its gear and go right to WvW with it, change a few skills, and be considered a metabuild and desired in every organized group.

It's just a real shame that Druid is in the state it's in. I'd give up the boonbot raid role in a heartbeat just for the spec to be competitive with Firebrand/Chrono (and even Tempest and Scourge, last place support with even Scourges being more desirable hurts) in WvW. But uhhhh, why not both? It's not even a tradeoff that should need to happen.

Unless ANet wants to gut Firebrand, Chrono, and really any other support spec that would push Druid out of the WvW meta at that point. The baseline has to somewhere, so as long as Druid (and all our specs for that matter) compete at that baseline, I'm happy regardless of how it happens.

I agree completely with this.

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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:I don't really see the point to rework ranger. All specializations (core, hot, pof) have decent builds in all game modes, and all of them are fairly balanced.

Not in WvW they don't because it cannot be factored in to have a 1v1 scenario. WvW is about large group play, and it doesn't make sense to have a group dedicated healer when there are better heals who dish out far more damage.

At least from a WvW point of view, their damage needs to be upped drastically, either in the form of direct damage or more aoe capabilities

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Core Ranger imo really only needs a Marksmanship redesign with the minor traits to make them more interactive and fluid throughout the traitline instead of only being useful because of a single GM.

That, and the removal of the pet death swap penalty, unless ANet wants to give me a way to triple all the other 8 classes core mechanic cooldowns.

Druid is really in need of the rework the most. Only being useful as a boonslave in content that a minority of the community plays is a sad role to be relegated to. The selfish traits (Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, etc) need to be reworked to be group utility traits that provide cleansing and stability, the healing needs to be unnerfed, and the CA1 skill needs to be a Tome2 or Medkit style heal skill. Same thing with Staff 1, otherwise the cooldown needs to be reduced/removed on CA (it's already a resource mechanic, balance the resource).

Soulbeast....is actually kind of fine as is, as much as its flavor doesn't suit me. However, remove the merge cooldown, introduce ICDs on traits if needed. The triple cooldown gate of Pet Swap, Merge, and Merge skill is insane, ANet programmers probably put recursive function calls inside while loops.

I hate to disagree with you in regards to Druid but, that seems to be what Anet intended with druid. A healing boonbot that was initially necessary to get players through raids. What has happened, maybe unfortunately, is that Anet then improved healing on many other classes and killed PS warrior. Druid should be the best healer, bar none, if we have to give up all DPS to take on that role in the same way that chronotanks give up all dps in order to improve the ability to tank a boss. The same should be true of ANY other profession that wants to fill the healer or tank roles.

I agree on Core and Slb current states. Pet AI has needed a rework for a long, long time.

I've put my Slb away for the most part which is a shame since that has been my main since launch but there are just better options if you're not playing healer.

I know what you mean and understand. At the same time, Druid shouldn't be the only elite spec that only has a competitive place in a portion of PvE content is what I'm aiming for (or if there's other specs, the point goes for them too).

Minstrels Chronotank can take its gear and go right to WvW with it, change a few skills, and be considered a metabuild and desired in every organized group.

It's just a real shame that Druid is in the state it's in. I'd give up the boonbot raid role in a heartbeat just for the spec to be competitive with Firebrand/Chrono (and even Tempest and Scourge, last place support with even Scourges being more desirable hurts) in WvW. But uhhhh, why not both? It's not even a tradeoff that should need to happen.

Unless ANet wants to gut Firebrand, Chrono, and really any other support spec that would push Druid out of the WvW meta at that point. The baseline has to somewhere, so as long as Druid (and all our specs for that matter) compete at that baseline, I'm happy regardless of how it happens.

I think healing/support Druid could be a lot more useful in WvW if they would increase the healing coefficient back to when it was first released, even if that meant reducing might stacks, as well as reverting the changes to CAF in WvW. CA1 and 2 are pretty useless as well both in PvE and WvW, if those where channeled heals and cleanses that could be used while moving that could be great.

small changes would do it but i don't think they will ever do it, it's a shame too. I did give up the boonbot role by playing DPS in raids, i rarely dust off my ranger anymore.

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:I'd take a rework of Opening Strike, I made a 4 minute combat video the other day and it didn't refresh once with kill one after another. For a whole line of minor traits to be useless for a period of time like that is unacceptable. And, you shouldn't need to trait Remorseless and create a build around them to make them useful.
  • Opening Strike; You and your pet apply vulnerability and cripple on Opening Strikes.
  • Alpha Training; Opening Strike is always a critical hit.
  • Precise Strike; Opening Strike is refreshed if your struck target dies.
  • Remorseless; Opening Strike deals 25% more damage and is refreshed whenever gaining Fury or Stealth.

Opening Strike; You and your pet apply vulnerability and cripple on Opening Strikes.Alpha Training; Opening Strike is always a critical hit.Precise Strike: Deal increased damage to foes inflicted by vulnerability.Remorseless: (keep as is)Lead the Wind: (keep as is) added: refresh opening strike on stealth (LB3#)Predator's Onslaught: (keep as is) added: refresh opening strike when hitting a foe inflicted by movement impending conditions (with an ICD)

Would give all the GMs a refresh reflected in how the traits are used. Predator's Onslaught simply has it to keep vuln stacks in a build that runs PO for the sustained damage (aka not making the minor traits useless in long pve fights).

Still needs a refresh on kill, like I mentioned.

It doesn't. It needs is reliable refresh that fits the grandmasters, exactly like I'm suggesting. Refresh on kill is completely unnecessary if they go through with those changes. Adding refresh on kill on top of that is just a waste of a minor trait that you'd rarely get the benefit out of. Are you really gonna want a trait that will only benefit you against trash mobs and your first attack after stomping/cleaving someone in pvp over a trait that benefit you all the time? When you already get a refresh from all the grandmasters and inbetween fights when you go OoC? Of course not.

To say "it needs it" makes me wonder if you actualy ready my suggestion at all, because a refresh on kill wouldn't be anything more than a nice bonus on top of it, and that's only IF they didn't spend an entire trait slot on it.

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@Prophet.1584 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Core Ranger imo really only needs a Marksmanship redesign with the minor traits to make them more interactive and fluid throughout the traitline instead of only being useful because of a single GM.

That, and the removal of the pet death swap penalty, unless ANet wants to give me a way to triple all the other 8 classes core mechanic cooldowns.

Druid is really in need of the rework the most. Only being useful as a boonslave in content that a minority of the community plays is a sad role to be relegated to. The selfish traits (Druidic Clarity, Celestial Shadow, etc) need to be reworked to be group utility traits that provide cleansing and stability, the healing needs to be unnerfed, and the CA1 skill needs to be a Tome2 or Medkit style heal skill. Same thing with Staff 1, otherwise the cooldown needs to be reduced/removed on CA (it's already a resource mechanic, balance the resource).

Soulbeast....is actually kind of fine as is, as much as its flavor doesn't suit me. However, remove the merge cooldown, introduce ICDs on traits if needed. The triple cooldown gate of Pet Swap, Merge, and Merge skill is insane, ANet programmers probably put recursive function calls inside while loops.

I hate to disagree with you in regards to Druid but, that seems to be what Anet intended with druid. A healing boonbot that was initially necessary to get players through raids. What has happened, maybe unfortunately, is that Anet then improved healing on many other classes and killed PS warrior. Druid should be the best healer, bar none, if we have to give up all DPS to take on that role in the same way that chronotanks give up all dps in order to improve the ability to tank a boss. The same should be true of ANY other profession that wants to fill the healer or tank roles.

I agree on Core and Slb current states. Pet AI has needed a rework for a long, long time.

I've put my Slb away for the most part which is a shame since that has been my main since launch but there are just better options if you're not playing healer.

I know what you mean and understand. At the same time, Druid shouldn't be the only elite spec that only has a competitive place in a portion of PvE content is what I'm aiming for (or if there's other specs, the point goes for them too).

Minstrels Chronotank can take its gear and go right to WvW with it, change a few skills, and be considered a metabuild and desired in every organized group.

It's just a real shame that Druid is in the state it's in. I'd give up the boonbot raid role in a heartbeat just for the spec to be competitive with Firebrand/Chrono (and even Tempest and Scourge, last place support with even Scourges being more desirable hurts) in WvW. But uhhhh, why not both? It's not even a tradeoff that should need to happen.

Unless ANet wants to gut Firebrand, Chrono, and really any other support spec that would push Druid out of the WvW meta at that point. The baseline has to somewhere, so as long as Druid (and all our specs for that matter) compete at that baseline, I'm happy regardless of how it happens.

I think healing/support Druid could be a lot more useful in WvW if they would increase the healing coefficient back to when it was first released, even if that meant reducing might stacks, as well as reverting the changes to CAF in WvW. CA1 and 2 are pretty useless as well both in PvE and WvW, if those where channeled heals and cleanses that could be used while moving that could be great.

small changes would do it but i don't think they will ever do it, it's a shame too. I did give up the boonbot role by playing DPS in raids, i rarely dust off my ranger anymore.

They need a proper WvW/PvE split anyway. That's the only way I ever see druid being much useful (comparably) in larger scale wvw fights.

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@Prophet.1584 said:I think healing/support Druid could be a lot more useful in WvW if they would increase the healing coefficient back to when it was first released, even if that meant reducing might stacks, as well as reverting the changes to CAF in WvW. CA1 and 2 are pretty useless as well both in PvE and WvW, if those where channeled heals and cleanses that could be used while moving that could be great.

small changes would do it but i don't think they will ever do it, it's a shame too. I did give up the boonbot role by playing DPS in raids, i rarely dust off my ranger anymore.

I wouldn't like the druid to go back to the troll build. I think the healing is fine now, what the druid needs is to remove the gated mechanic. Druid should be able to access CA at any moment with the 10s CD and consume the astral force by skills used instead being consumed by time. That way the Druid would have a more realiable use.Another change i'd like to see is to remove any damaging skill; natural convergence and ancient seeds are skills which it never fit in a full heal\support class like Anet needed to throw some damage in there because of the sake of it.

Instead i would love to see druid to have limited access to barrier and easy access to condition conversion while in avatar state so it can be a nice and fun counter to the boon corruption from the necro. Like the other side of the coin. But that's just imho.

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I'll be happy enough with a couple of changes in longbow:

  • Hunter's Shot now also gives Superspeed and causes crippled if it hits a dazed enemy.
  • Replace Point Blank Shot with Broad Head Arrow.
    • Same damage and range as Point Black Shot
    • 8s recharge and 3 charges with 30s recharge each.
    • Broad Head Arrow deals Daze instead knockback. The duration still increases with distance: 1, 2 and 3s the closer the enemy is.
    • If the skill interrupts an enemy (or hits a defiance bar), it reduces its ammo recharge by 15s.

This way rangers can still enemies away, but they won't be pushing enemies out of friendly AoEs so often.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

Another change i'd like to see is to remove any damaging skill; natural convergence and ancient seeds are skills which it never fit in a full heal\support class like Anet needed to throw some damage in there because of the sake of it.

Actually the bottom line of druid is about damage, or rather making sure that you and your pet reliably land damage aka cc, movement impairment, and mobility for the druid. This play style is further exhibited by hard and soft cc's in avatar as well as on glyphs.Druid (and most elite specs) already has well defined play styles; top line is about improving your avatar, middle is about raw healing, bot is about cc and mobility, i would much prefer it if druid got reworked to promote that mobile bruiser style more rather than deleting it.And keeping with the 3 line identity if druid were to get a barrier trait it would be somewhere in the middle line.

I 100% agree about the removal of the gate mechanic, they can make avatar have a static cd and have a set duration after which it auto ends.OR maybe they can make each individual avatar skill cost a set amount of astral force akin to how scourge works. We would not need to have 100% astral force to enter, so you would enter avatar and have x seconds to cast skills each costing a set amount of astral force.

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