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Sick of tired of Deadeye Immob from stealth into 1 shot


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As a necro main understand what are you talking about. Yesterday got shoted for 16+k from DJ only.I have an idea how to deal with it, tho.Works 100%. Just leave this stupid game with idiotic oneshot builds. It was clearly meant as casual mmo not pvp game and game devs have proved it milion times already

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Pretty annoying dying to them and the cleaving is just insanely fast constant insta rally is what I see on mh matches and the games usually go good then suddenly we start blowout losing and cant hold anything due DE camping on our home with other cheesy low effort bursty builds. They need to make toughness mean do something to counter this level of burst

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Your profession?

Warrior - Endure pain.Guardian - Renewed focus.Revenant (alright, herald) - Infuse light.Engineer - Elixir S.Ranger - Signet of stone.Thief - Evasive weapon skills and some instant stealth (also F1 -> F2 vs the deadeye).Mesmer - Distortion.Elementalist - Obsidian flesh.Necromancer - Welp, try to enter the shroud and facetank, I guess.

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Play a Deadeye. It's not as OP as you think.It takes at least 5 moves to do what you describe,

  • Deadeye's Mark
  • Binding Shadow
  • Kneel
  • Three-Round Burst
  • Three-Round Burst

And it would only be successful against a glassy build who doesn't block/stunbreak/dodge etc quickly enough. Good players will survive. Players in a group will survive.

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This is my point simply around balance in this game. Why is it so hard for developers to understand that any ability that hits like a truck is bad for the game. This is a MMO, not a shooter. While there's no real one shot, we're getting pretty close to it.People complain about heal and passive sustain often and don't realize that damage capability be has gone thru the roof. All high power dps needs a Nerf across the board. Especially gimmick skills. While deadeyes can easily be avoided, that's not the point. Insane burst is making this game unfun and a common source of frustration among players.Make things simple for once and let them work!

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@"BadMed.3846" said:This is my point simply around balance in this game. Why is it so hard for developers to understand that any ability that hits like a truck is bad for the game. This is a MMO, not a shooter. While there's no real one shot, we're getting pretty close to it.People complain about heal and passive sustain often and don't realize that damage capability be has gone thru the roof. All high power dps needs a Nerf across the board. Especially gimmick skills. While deadeyes can easily be avoided, that's not the point. Insane burst is making this game unfun and a common source of frustration among players.Make things simple for once and let them work!

I echo this sentiment. While I don't necessarily think that DE/Death's Judgement is a large balance problem once you learn how to counterplay it, I do think that the general concept and many other things DE brings as an elite spec are very harmful for the game's pvp. Two things in particular + some discussion:

  1. One-hit KOs (OHKOs) are very BAD for competitive games. This goes for strictly OHKOs (deal large amount of damage in a single strike) and effectively OHKOs (essentially a single fast combo or string of skills that all take place in the time span of a single strike/faster than human reflex). They have absolutely no place in competitive games, period. Extremely restricted or conditional OHKOs, like one where you must make use of many modifiers, must have 25 might stacks/opponent has 25 vulnerability, or one that requires the help of an ally are another story. I think DJ is more of a conditional OHKO than a strictly/effectively OHKO though.

  2. DE is upping the arms race of this game which is not a good thing. They bring a functionality that can NOT be avoided unless you're out of range (getting marked by the DE), and they also have a mechanic to counter a mechanic that counters a mechanic (removing the "revealed" debuff). This is a very slippery slope. It sets up precedent for things in the future such as uncorruptable boons, skills that can 'block' unblockable strikes, attacks that can deal damage through invulnerability or something ridiculous like taking this whole reveal nonsense 1 step further with something like "Absolute Revealment" (same as revealed, but the debuff can't be removed by Shadow Meld or anything else).

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@"Lasica.5068" said:Play a Deadeye. It's not as OP as you think.It takes at least 5 moves to do what you describe,

  • Deadeye's Mark
  • Binding Shadow
  • Kneel
  • Three-Round Burst
  • Three-Round Burst

And it would only be successful against a glassy build who doesn't block/stunbreak/dodge etc quickly enough. Good players will survive. Players in a group will survive.

Pretty much this.

I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't decry anything as broken until you've played it. Often, you'll find that the thing you can't deal with has things in turn that IT can't deal with that you're not aware of because you don't play those professions. My litmus test tends to be "I have no idea what I am doing but I am still owning" - which happened with scourge in its heyday.

Maybe it's time I tried playing DE so I can make an informed judgement. In the meantime, though: I've noticed that DEs can be a PITA to deal with, but longbow sniper rangers seem to be equally oppressive, and at least DEs don't have the "knockback followed by roots for an almost guaranteed decap" trick that longbow rangers often pull. But however oppressive I've found longbow rangers when playing against them, I didn't feel overpowered when playing AS them, and deadeye might be similar in that respect: it has weaknesses that you'll need to find out by playing them yourself.

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Welcome to the effects of powercreep man. Every other class, in various combinations, gets mad aoe, stuns, invulns, blocks, evades, burst, and whatever else to fight with. Deadeye got stealth and very high ranged burst to fight back. . . and it's the only thing that works against some classes (looking at you scourge with your aoe). Hate to say it, but this IS "balance" at this level of powercreep.

EDIT: And just to be a bit more positive, OP, to deal with the knockdown 1 shot combo you are getting killed by, a stunbreak into a dodge into hopefully a teleported high burst will work wonders. . .

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@"Lasica.5068" said:Play a Deadeye. It's not as OP as you think.It takes at least 5 moves to do what you describe,

  • Deadeye's Mark
  • Binding Shadow
  • Kneel
  • Three-Round Burst
  • Three-Round Burst

And it would only be successful against a glassy build who doesn't block/stunbreak/dodge etc quickly enough. Good players will survive. Players in a group will survive.

Yeah, and that would be fair if you weren't invisible and half way across the map while you were pressing all those buttons to set up your instant kill super-move.As it is, Deadeye is cheap, overpowered, crap.

It is instant win for anyone with a programmable mouse, keyboard or the skill to auto-hotkey a macro.There is no player skill involved.

I just got into PVP so I only have 3,366 armor, 2,094 toughness, and 20,235 health and thanks to that I can survive the initial attack of a Deadeye with almost a whole 8% of my health left then dodge for cover that is hopefully between me and where ever the unseen sniper is.

Everyone not armored like a tank just dies instantly. It's insane and it needs to be nerfed to the ground. It is not fun or fair for anyone else.

A lot of PVP is like that. Which ever team had the most over-powered E-Specs wins.Not being able to afford to buy the instant-win class-upgrades from the two expansions means you are a liability to your team no matter how hard you try or how well geared you are.

They really need to separate the base game from the E-specs. Mixing them is unfair to everyone. It sucks for the people who can't afford the expansions because we get slaughtered by people who can just face-roll us and it sucks for the players who are on our team who have to carry our gimped builds.


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@DotDotWin.4357 said:

@"Lasica.5068" said:Play a Deadeye. It's not as OP as you think.It takes at least 5 moves to do what you describe,
  • Deadeye's Mark
  • Binding Shadow
  • Kneel
  • Three-Round Burst
  • Three-Round Burst

And it would only be successful against a glassy build who doesn't block/stunbreak/dodge etc quickly enough. Good players will survive. Players in a group will survive.

Yeah, and that would be fair if you weren't invisible and half way across the map while you were pressing all those buttons to set up your instant kill super-move.As it is, Deadeye is cheap, overpowered, crap.

It is instant win for anyone with a programmable mouse, keyboard or the skill to auto-hotkey a macro.There is no player skill involved.

I just got into PVP so I only have 3,366 armor, 2,094 toughness, and 20,235 health and thanks to that I can survive the initial attack of a Deadeye with almost a whole 8% of my health left then dodge for cover that is hopefully between me and where ever the unseen sniper is.

Everyone not armored like a tank just dies instantly. It's insane and it needs to be nerfed to the ground. It is not fun or fair for anyone else.

A lot of PVP is like that. Which ever team had the most over-powered E-Specs wins.Not being able to afford to buy the instant-win class-upgrades from the two expansions means you are a liability to your team no matter how hard you try or how well geared you are.

They really need to separate the base game from the E-specs. Mixing them is unfair to everyone. It sucks for the people who can't afford the expansions because we get slaughtered by people who can just face-roll us and it sucks for the players who are on our team who have to carry our kitten builds.


You're not having fun there in bronze?

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For core I think guardian is still strong and with aegis largely immune to getting one shotted. I am pretty low ranked myself and deadeyes/scourges are such a pain to deal with. I think they are much rarer in higher tiers as they are either easy to counter or playstayle isn’t the best for rotating and winning matches. I main engineer, for scourges started just ranging them off point and deadeye I just use terrain and try to avoid line of sight.

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@Chaith.8256 said:Binding shadow needs a visible animation whether the Deadeye is stealthed or not... same with Tool Kit Magnet pull and any other key animations you can hide

Any skill that targets another player should probably break stealth at its start and be visible, but I imagine that would take some messing around with the game engine. They tend to not do that these days..

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