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Anet, Please, Take Pity on Altoholics


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3 down, 33 to go, and I'm really starting to hate Kiel, can't I just tell her to shut up and let me get on with it.

I know some players just have a main character and that's is, I also know that I am not the only altoholic out there. For me different characters do different things, some do the exploring, some do the story, so I really could do with someway to get to the Crystal Dessert without having to go through the story every time. It's not like I need to do the story to get the mount I already have access to the raptor on every character. I also know there are ways to put portals in and lock them off to people without the expansion, you did it in HoT.

So can you please make it so I don't have to keep doing the story over and over and over again.

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There are 2 ways to bypass the story I can think of at the moment. If you're in a guild that has the new guild hall you can teleport there and walk out. The other option is to use the Lily of the Elon ticket... but I understand that not everyone had that.

They might add an asura gate in the future; but, I really believe that long talking segments in the story should be contained in cut scenes so that they are skip-able. They've proven they had the ability to insert the PC into cut scenes now, so I think there's no excuse for this.

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Unfortunately the guild I'm in is a family and friends guild so we have never taken a guild hall, there are rarely enough of us online at any one time to do it together, and having to ask for outside help seems wrong, so we accepted we wouldn't get one.

I only have the Standard version of PoF as I was made redundant about this time last year so we have to decide carefully just what money is spent on and the extra gems were something we decided we could manage without (my OH has an account as well so we had to get two copies of the expansion). No where did it say that the Lily of Elon pass in the Deluxe edition would be one of the few ways to get to the Crystal Dessert. I've had a look at the upgrade in the gem store and it doesn't mention the Lily of Elon Permanent Pass, just a VIP access thing in Amnoon, so I don't know if this is the same as the Lily of Elon Pass or not, and if it is why is it not call the same thing. If it is the same then at least I know I'm safe to empty my storage and convert gold to gems, if it isn't I could be rather annoyed as the gems could be better spent.

Assura Gates, Teleport Scrolls, or opening the gate in Fields of Ruin would be good options, but I can only wait and see and hope, while at the same time logging in and getting another character through.

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People ask for help getting their guild hall ALL the time. I've helped my guilds get 2 of them, and helped a random map chat request a time or two.

One of my guilds decided they wanted the new one (already had Guilded Hollow in AB). So we made a speed run on raptors to Vabbi (none of us had finished the story yet), and 4 of us captured the guild hall - 1 power PS berserker, 1 power necro, a (suspect power) chrono, and a (good) Druid. Our DPS was close - we lost the first 2 fights, and had another that we were down to 3 seconds, but it is doable.

@Oenanthe.6549 said:Unfortunately the guild I'm in is a family and friends guild so we have never taken a guild hall, there are rarely enough of us online at any one time to do it together, and having to ask for outside help seems wrong, so we accepted we wouldn't get one.

I only have the Standard version of PoF as I was made redundant about this time last year so we have to decide carefully just what money is spent on and the extra gems were something we decided we could manage without (my OH has an account as well so we had to get two copies of the expansion). No where did it say that the Lily of Elon pass in the Deluxe edition would be one of the few ways to get to the Crystal Dessert. I've had a look at the upgrade in the gem store and it doesn't mention the Lily of Elon Permanent Pass, just a VIP access thing in Amnoon, so I don't know if this is the same as the Lily of Elon Pass or not, and if it is why is it not call the same thing. If it is the same then at least I know I'm safe to empty my storage and convert gold to gems, if it isn't I could be rather annoyed as the gems could be better spent.

Assura Gates, Teleport Scrolls, or opening the gate in Fields of Ruin would be good options, but I can only wait and see and hope, while at the same time logging in and getting another character through.

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These are three four altoholic alternatives for reaching the Desert without running story:

  • Use the Lily of Elon pass, if you bought deluxe or better. (2000 gems if you didn't, currently about 500 gold)
  • Use a Teleport to Friend, plentiful for accounts with lots of older alts.
  • Enter the new guild hall. If your guild hasn't capped it, you can join a party with someone whose guild has, and walk in from Vabbi.
  • After completing story for the first time, you can begin a quest (that starts in Vabbi) that provides you with an item to return to the quest giver. Said item is account bound, allowing your alts to make use of it (especially via a shared inventory slot).

Someone else published the following technique for using that last item to get sub L80 toons to other maps:

  • Warp into Vabbi using the item.
  • Optional: Die
  • Use the auto-unlocked waypoint, which puts you right next to the portal to the north. Repeat as needed.

Added: As @Palador.2170 notes, dying is entirely optional (but sometimes inevitable) as you make your way north. I just tried it out and successfully reach Amnoon without trouble.

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@TexZero.7910 said:You know you can start the story and just netflix something for like 20 minutes, come back and be done with it.

At one point, when an infamous personage from GW1: Nightfall starts to speechifying, a friend went to fold laundry. Finished laundry, returned to game and there was still more (unskippable) dialogue. :(

Mind you, I feel that PoF has much less of that than HoT or LS2, it just unfortunately didn't apply to the prologue in LA.

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The game definetely should become more friendly towards Multi Character Players, as GW2 will profit only on the long run of that, so more rewarding Multi Character play becomes, so more full of life will be all places of the game across all Levels of Characters from the peoples Alts they have .

1) So more Characters a Player plays actively and progressed with them past a certain point (play through Main Story of the Main Game), so lesser should become Time Gating for your Ascended Crafting.Every Character with that you played through the Main story should decrease Time Gating for you by 1 Hour. So after 24 Characters would you have no Time Gates anymore.I think thats more than enough effort worth it to be freed finalyl from this silly system of artificial slowdowning your progression in regard of equipping your characters with Ascended Gear, without having to be for this stone rich ...

2) So more Characters a player plays actively and progressed with them in the Living Story until certain Milestones, so more Bonus Ponts should your Account get towards Bonus Gold Gain%, Bonus Karma Gain %, Bonus Magic Find %.For each Character which finishes a Living Story Season Campaing, shoudl receive all of the Account Bonus Effects +2%For each Character which completes the Expansions should receive your Accoutn some Bonus Gems (100 Gems for playing through the Expansion Story Campaigns per Character.So if you played through with 10 Characters HoT, then this would have earned you 1000 Gems as a little Bonus.. Thinking on the amount of Gems you paid first to get the 5 Extra Characters I think it would be only fair to earn a little amount of Gems back when you complete with those Characters also the Expansion, thus giving peopl also motivation to play with multiple Characters and redo also things with other characters, that they already have done with their Main Characters earlier - howeve,r this would help in keeping older content longer alive, so more peopel get rewarded for playing with as many characters as possible, with which they will automatically play also again on the older maps, thus indirectly will revitalize the older maps , keeping those areas alive.

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@Orpheal.8263 said:1) So more Characters a Player plays actively and progressed with them past a certain point (play through Main Story of the Main Game), so lesser should become Time Gating for your Ascended Crafting.Every Character with that you played through the Main story should decrease Time Gating for you by 1 Hour. So after 24 Characters would you have no Time Gates anymore.

The economic reasons for time gating would be undermined by this idea.

2) So more Characters a player plays actively and progressed with them in the Living Story until certain Milestones, so more Bonus Ponts should your Account get towards Bonus Gold Gain%, Bonus Karma Gain %, Bonus Magic Find %.

Altoholism already provides substantive benefits; this would have the unintended effect of making non-altoholics feel as if they were missing out (because they would be missing out).

So if you played through with 10 Characters HoT, then this would have earned you 1000 Gems as a little Bonus.. Thinking on the amount of Gems you paid first to get the 5 Extra Characters I think it would be only fair to earn a little amount of Gems back when you complete with those Characters also the Expansion,

Same issue: makes non-alt players feel as if they are being left behind.

The issue expressed by the OP is different: they are asking to reduce repetition for characters that follow a first completion; they aren't asking for any bonuses, just a reduction of the deja vu.

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@Oenanthe.6549 said:3 down, 33 to go, and I'm really starting to hate Kiel, can't I just tell her to shut up and let me get on with it.

I know some players just have a main character and that's is, I also know that I am not the only altoholic out there. For me different characters do different things, some do the exploring, some do the story, so I really could do with someway to get to the Crystal Dessert without having to go through the story every time. It's not like I need to do the story to get the mount I already have access to the raptor on every character. I also know there are ways to put portals in and lock them off to people without the expansion, you did it in HoT.

So can you please make it so I don't have to keep doing the story over and over and over again.

I joined a squad in LFG that was in the crystal oasis and teleported to friend. I have waypoints now on all maps on my alt and didnt have to do the story.

easy peasy ...

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Someone else published the following technique for using that last item to get sub L80 toons to other maps:

  • Warp into Vabbi using the item.
  • Die
  • Use the auto-unlocked waypoint, which puts you right next to the portal to the north. Repeat as needed.

::waves::Unless two people did so, that was me. I got a mesmer in her 50s into Amnoon that way, giving me waypoints in all of the PoF zones save for the Highlands. I mostly did this to check that it works before suggesting it in another thread. And you don't have to actually die, it just tends to happen naturally when things are 20+ levels above you.

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@Orpheal.8263 said:The game definetely should become more friendly towards Multi Character Players

  • Acheivements are shared
  • Shared Inventory Slots
  • Account-wide Material Storage
  • Account-wide Bank
  • Multiple Guilds available to your alts
  • Materies are unlocked account-wide
  • Wallet is shared
  • Mail can be sent to accounts; not only individual characters

I think it's pretty friendly toward players with multiple characters. Anything more and you're asking that Arena Net play the game for all your alts once you completed some content.

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I generally think the game is very alt friendly, and I suppose that that is one reason I find this so frustrating. In HoT and Bitterfrost, once you had done the story you could just walk in with any character. For Ember Bay, Lake Doric etc, you can get a portal scroll to get you in.

What annoys me most is that no where did it seem to say that only by buying the Deluxe or Ultimate editions you would receive an item that would allow alts easy access to the new zones. The Lily of Elon Permanent Pass was mentioned but it wasn't mentioned that there wouldn't be direct access for alts without it, unlike HoT.

I'm one of those odd ones that love games with other people in them, but really don't want to have to interact directly with them, and having to rely on other people to do something that really goes against my grain, in real life as well as in games, I've been let down far too often, it just isn't something I do anymore.

I did try the dieing option, not intentionally, it was just my Daredevil seemed to have a habit of dodging backwards into burning areas, I had an options of start from check point of go back to Lions Arch, so that option didn't seem to help me, or I was missing something.

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I did not even plan it that way (I assumed there would be a gate somewhere) but I bought ultimate. I still think this is horrible design, like thee entrance to every new map in S3 other than the one in the shiverpeaks. Once one character does the preliminary story (or even no story, like in S2) all of your alts should be able to get to that map. At the very least a vendor could sell a teleport scroll, but they are not doing even that.

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@Menadena.7482 said:I did not even plan it that way (I assumed there would be a gate somewhere) but I bought ultimate. I still think this is horrible design, like thee entrance to every new map in S3 other than the one in the shiverpeaks. Once one character does the preliminary story (or even no story, like in S2) all of your alts should be able to get to that map. At the very least a vendor could sell a teleport scroll, but they are not doing even that.

I partially agree, but can also see Anet's point here. If you want CONVENIENCE, you can buy the Lily pass, which is a CONVENIENCE item. If you don't want to, you can freely take your alts there in the usual time-consuming way.

And that's not the only way to get there, teleport to friend stones and guild hall also work. So I'd advise to stop ranting, get a TP stone or the Lily pass, or alternatively suck it up and grind the story.

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@Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:I did not even plan it that way (I assumed there would be a gate somewhere) but I bought ultimate. I still think this is horrible design, like thee entrance to every new map in S3 other than the one in the shiverpeaks. Once one character does the preliminary story (or even no story, like in S2) all of your alts should be able to get to that map. At the very least a vendor could sell a teleport scroll, but they are not doing even that.

I partially agree, but can also see Anet's point here. If you want CONVENIENCE, you can buy the Lily pass, which is a CONVENIENCE item. If you don't want to, you can freely take your alts there in the usual time-consuming way.

And that's not the only way to get there, teleport to friend stones and guild hall also work. So I'd advise to stop ranting, get a TP stone or the Lily pass, or alternatively suck it up and grind the story.

I don't think anyone is ranting here, we are just having a discussion about things.

If you can let me know where I can buy the Lily Pass I'd be grateful, I can't see it in the gem store and I have already bought the Standard Edition of the expac.

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@Oenanthe.6549 said:If you can let me know where I can buy the Lily Pass I'd be grateful, I can't see it in the gem store and I have already bought the Standard Edition of the expac.

You can upgrade to the Deluxe edition for 2000 gems (that's more than I want to spend, so I'm sticking with the portal scroll you get from the quest that unlocks after completing story for the first time — takes less than 5 minutes to get to Amnoon using that, possibly less than 2 if you're loading screen times are ok.

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