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(Theoretically) What new playable race do you want?


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I really want to play a Tengu ever since Factions came out. I understand that it requires lots of work, but Anet could sell more makeover kits if they add cool feather colours/patterns after the race is released.A close second is Largos, and is probably the most plausible as they could just use Human animations for everything anyway (although unique animations would be way better, just saying it could use less resources).

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My vote was for Tengu (how original duh) but i also would love to see dwarves, djinnis, ogres and centaurs.

I feel that tengu is on a sweet spot that its bone structure is not extremely different to Char, that could be a starting point (Is not like Centaurs for examle), but not so similar as to be "another human" like say Largos, also, they are quite popular and A-net have teased their structures which would make amazing starting cities and content, besides in GW2 we have seen that there is at least canthan Tengus and maguuma Tengus, so they do have a basis for interesting culture hibridity that i would love they explore.Finnally they have potential to bringinteresting features to the charecters, like diffrent kind of feathers to the character, akin to char stripes andwhatnot...

As for Dwarves. usually i find dwarves interesting, but GW dwarves are way more interesting, being an elder race and being mineral beings... imagine the amount of character customization that could be made with a mineral basis (like sylvary and ther plant basis). Also they are quite important on the GWs lore (although them joining as playable race could potential bring some plotholes... but A-net have made bigger plotholes to justify way less interesting things already).Finally, the Dwarven city in PoF was amazing and would love to ave a starting area like that where everything is not out to get you.

As some people pointed out, the idea of an elemental race would be extremely interesting (I always loved Genasies on D&D) but i dot think that the PoF djinnis ported straight out as a race would work, since they feel a little to OP. maybe we could discover a race o lesser djinns with an amazing elemental city on the sky... that retains some of the alienness, and floating movements of the djinnis, but is a little more closer to humanoid lookings? hairs could be elemental and all :D!

Ogres certainly don't seem to be getting too much love, but i find they could have a lot of potential! I love how A.net went on a mix of oriental oni with the more classical brutish ogre approach. and I love that they are kind savage, but not really and not particulary stupid either. Since they have the same amount of extremities as everyone and stand uptight, their shapes are bot unique and familiar, making designing the armor for them not too ridiculous. Plus there are at least krytan ogres and elonian ogres, and they could easily design some canthan ogres, giving them a lot of variety of styles and lore, akin to tengu. the only down thing would be that they don't seem to be too inclined to building mega cities,and i don't think a ogre big city could exist somewhere... maybe in a living story we could help ogres of the world build a capital? :o

Finnaly Centaurs... they are probably impossible though, too much technical chalanges to be feasible (not only armor... how would a centaur keep everyone standar speed? and how the hell it would mount? :S) but if Krait made into teh list, i think that centaurs should been in the list too. They have a lot of interesting Lore, Ventaari is quite an intriguing figure, and there seems to be a lot of centaurs variants implied, with different cultures and stuff, plus they do tend to do city building albeit kinda like the ogres.Still, if A-net could possibly be a able to "make" centaurs, they would be amazing, plus extremely unique (they could wear pants like Centaur no Nayami centaur's XD)

Regarding Kodan, I think that we have saw everything there was to see about kodans, but ultimately the fact that they are all polars bears and that they seem to be too close to norn kinda hurt them, maybe if we have a lot of different kind if bears? (I still would have preffered kodans over norns though, but is kinda late for that). Theirarchitecture though is impressive, and i wouldn't mind if we have an underwater xp, that they starter city is a giant sanctuary in the middle of a sea, and their starter area is the seabed.

Largos, we havent seen too much of them to know anything.. but to me they look a little boring... plus never liked the way their anatomy works (with big ass fins that are only connected to the body in small parts :S) they kinda have potential i guess (maybe their mouths could be lovecraftian horrors? :D) but the little we have seen of them havent convinced me...

Grwals are boring as hell... ogres pull the savage stunts better, and skritt pulls the comical stunts better IMO.

Hylek/Itzel/Nuoch: we would never see them as playable, as their time was. but it certainly seemed like an interesting concept... though their anatomy is a hard one to implement as a playable race (they dont even have necks, except for the itzel)

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Easily Tengu.

  • It'd make perfect sense for there to be a lot of them, since as far as we know they have an entire booming civilization inside their walls. All that'd need to change would be to have something happen to convince them to open up to the outside world and venture out themselves.
  • They have a unique culture that would be something new and interesting for players to explore, but not TOO unique to the point that it'd be out-of-character for them to be player-driven characters. Having someone like, say, a Kodan running around doing some of the stuff player characters do would be strange considering their religion / philosophies.
  • Their fighting and lifestyles also mesh up with player characters. They fight using all variety of weapons and we've seen them as craftsman and traders as well.
  • Their civilization is right up against some of the current maps, which integrates them nicely into the game world rather than shoving them in some far-off corner of the existing map disconnected from everything else.
  • Fantastic customization options and overall variety. Outside of sharing a similar hunched-posture to Charr (well, some of them anyway) they have a very unique anatomy from the other playable races. And just being based on birds means there would be a TON of inspiration to draw from for faces / colors / patterns, as birds as a whole are some of the most varied creatures on the planet. They could have color palettes to rival Sylvari, and could even have their own signature style for hair / feather styles, derived from Asian influences.
  • Plus they were supposedly planned as a 6th race for the original launch at some point, and even if it didn't go very far into development they've probably at least got some resources they could pull from to aid in creating them now. Even if its just concept art.
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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Ashur.7648 said:None actually. Too many resources to make them work with a city and personal story only to end up like everyone else, one story to fit them all.

TBH i'd be fine with no personal story. Aka if you choose tendu, you start after your personal story.At the very least, a combat tonic for tengu like the kodans.

Actually yeah I mean adding a race could be like part of an expansion and they have to buy that expansion before playing the tengu. and the story that comes with it can revolve around the Tengu but not full out Tengu story (Like other races can play as well) And I hear a net s gonna make the map even beiger so leveling areas might not be a problem. And if it were to be in an expansion, having their own personal story wouldn't make sense since it would have almost nothing to do with Zhaitan. The new race should continue the story not repeat the one from the beginning.

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@Theocraft.6053 said:do you even imagine amount of work to add new race? all those dialogs both old and new ones, all those skins....I'd imagine that it'd take about fifth of the time that it took to add the original five. So not that much.Especially if it's some race such as Tengu, which is pretty similar to Charr in build and therefore wouldn't require major adjustments to most skins.

Also, the dialogue in the newest expansion seems identical for all races. So they wouldn't even need to rewrite that one. ...I believe that the very reason they made it identical was so that it'd be easier to add new races in the future.

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I assume that the largest majority of people here already played other MMOs. Can anyone from said audience here tell me with a straight face that it is uncalled, uncommon or unreasonable to promote or introduce a former NPC only race in the later life of a game? Many arguments of who have for example been deemed more pressing of opponents of a new race have already been implemented in the game(mounts for example), were too much work(minigames and raids are a large waste of time for many people, still they were implemented) or do not fit the lore(Revenant impressively killed that argument with its total lack of lore immersion and the availability of the personal story).

Everyone who played this game for some months has probably also realized that Anet won´t fix the small problems people complain about, at least not as the focal point of an expansion.

A new race may be a vanity project, but Anet has finalized numerous vanity projects at this time. Beats waiting for a dragon mount if you ask me.^^

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  • 2 months later...


I loved how the Quetzal tengu looked when I first came across them in the jungle. So vibrant... <3

I always thought that there would be three additions 'cause humans and sylvari are paired in their basic size and shape:Charr --> TenguNorn --> KodanHuman --> Largos(yes, I know they're already paired to sylvari but I had never realised this until now.. maybe sylvari and asura are paired, or they have no pairs!)

The human races never really interested me either. Human and norn were always at the bottom of the list. I have four sylvari (one for each of the seasons), two asura, and a charr. :3

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DwarvesI personally never made one in any game that has their equivalent. Just not appealing to me. Asuras don't count.TenguNot appealing to me honestly.LargosAs I've said before. Humans with an infusion to make their skin blue with light armour on and the Largos combo pack with a mask on their face.KodanI would really like this one. I kind of want to learn much more about this race too. The most intriguing of all of them that aren't playable to me.KraitWould kind of like this, but they seem very secluded and very very unforgiving of any race that isn't Krait. Can't see this working even though I would really want it to.OgreNorn Rangers already take that spot. What? Don't look at me like that.GrawlYou've never seen some of the map chat in Lion's Arch or in the PvP lobbies have you? This already exist.Awakened/Risen/Unchained/Undead/Skeleton/etcI would really like this actually. Any race can be this actually. Can set it that you pick the race you want, and then pick if they're alive or undead which would set to where the story start. Alive will be the same as usual. Dead might show you start off in Elona or Orr or something and maybe an Asura or Sylvari or Human whichever somehow helped you get unbound from whatever was controlling you and your story starts off in Lion's Arch after you have immigrated there.Mordrem GuardNot sure if this one can work like the dead. They're pretty much a more messed up version of the Nightmare Court that don't like anyone or anything that isn't following Mordrem... even after death.DjinnAlso can't see it working. They're pretty much bound to an area or a duty. Both in legends and this game. Can't see them freely being able to do as they please.

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Krait, Grawl and Djinn wouldn't work as character models because of their lower halves and the way armor works. They would have to redisign everything and I'd rather have them doing something else. Also Krait are one dimensional antagonist NPCs, but I'll get there.While the other suggestions would work and I'd really like to visit the dominion of winds, I'd prefer them explore the Largos first. It won't happen before they overhaul UW combat and go for SBubbles, so we're looking at 2030 or something along those lines ;) otherwise, Tengu because they're more interesting as Ogres or Kodan and It's easier than Dwarves...or Skritt as the only cutesy race I could get behind, beats Quaggans and Choyas any day in my book.Awakened, Risen, Branded, Mordrem, Destroyers, Icebrood won't happen because this is GW and you're a good guy ;) You can RP whatever you want, you will never be evil or anything for story purposes. If they wanted that, they would have given us the opportunity to play as Inquest/Nightmare Court/Flame Legion/Son of Svanir/Bandit and it would be a very different game I guess. Also the dragon minions or Joko's Awakened are more or less mindless drones, shadows of their former selves if you want. Something that works as NPC-mob but hardly as the lead of a narrative.

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