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Will mirage ever get a proper nerf?


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Since the phantasm rework, mesmers in general has just been self carried since, being able to mirage dodge in any state just adds insult to the injury. They never really needed a condition nerf. (Besides the confusion nerf that was for every professions.) The real issue steams if not from the easy clone spam is how GOOD the evade is and how MANY they get along the way of their already strong core F skills (Without forgetting blindness on shatter which is quite unnecessary making them the strongest stompers and this blind is not removed until you legit get to have a hit on them, aka when using F4 blindness stay regardless.) and then you have the fact that immobilize doesn't stop them from dodging, nullifying so many viable strats that would work on ANY other professions.

They are quite just untouchable in most hands as the skill gap heavily decreased since PoF and those reworks, all from a single button that might as well be called Invulnerable instead of evade for 1sec at any given time. All better than a warrior who has to wait 30 seconds to even get the right to avoid just power damage during 2 seconds for a "simple" example, I'm not comparing for the sake of 100% accuracy but just to make you think about how beneficial said evade is.

You can tell me otherwise, but come back after you fought an OG chronomancer and seen how they get TRULY punished for their mistakes and not just able to avoid anything with a simple dodge that they might has well gotten from a mirror alone by accident or their heal alone. Also the Rune Of the Adventurer is just plain cancer to deal with as you make your way through the dumb spam of clones and conditions that regardless with any sustain is a pain to even lay an attack on them that isn't instant casted.

I personally have my ways to deal with condition mesmers, but the latter still remains that the profession is just TOO strong and needs to have it's sustain nerfed in many places. My most drastic suggestion would just be to reduce endurance regeneration permanently by a certain amount upon picking the elite spec since people have such an easy access and can recklessly spam them without any consequences.

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@UfoCoffee.2084 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Mate they're still op as all hell. What are you talking about? Why are you trying to defend mirage? It's broken, i don't care how many nerfs it's had in the past. Mesmer mains trying to defend it have such weak arguments. The class is extremely bad for pvp and will turn away all the wow players coming over at the moment. 90% of people agree they need huge nerfs. The rest are mesmer mains. End of.

I'm not "defending them". You made an entire thread pretending they never get nerfed, and they only get buffed each patch which is objectively not true. All I pointed out was that they've gotten serious nerfs every single patch and more nerfs are definitely coming and somehow you've gotten incredibly tilted over it for no reason. If you weren't incredibly factually wrong I wouldn't have to correct your nonsense.

Wrong. I said proper nerf. They are still OP and so haven't had a proper nerf IMO. You are clearly defending them. You clearly are a mesmer main. It's obvious. @Incredibly factually wrong' haha Ok

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

Portal Nerf is easily the single biggest nerf to any class's functionality since Path of Fire. All of these nerfs were extremely significant. These weren't no "Add 10 seconds to cooldown". You can say Mirage is OP. I'd agree. Heck if you look at my post history you'd see no shortage of suggested mesmer nerfs over the years since Heart of Thorns.

What is there to defend them from? Nerfs are coming just like nerfs have always come every patch. All I did was point out they happened before, which you're still accusing me of lying about. I really don't know how that got you so tilted.

Mesmers are broken which is objectively true. If you disagree with this you're lying.Condition mirage is undoubtedly the second best build after boonbeast. I wouldn't disagree with you there.

Maybe you're from a non-english speaking country and don't understand very well, in which case i apologise. I'll explain for you.Insulting people's intelligence or accusing them of being a foreigner is not exactly a productive way to hold a conversation. Good day.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

Maybe you're from a non-english speaking country and don't understand very well, in which case i apologise. I'll explain for you.Insulting people's intelligence or accusing them of being a foreigner is not exactly a productive way to hold a conversation. Good day.

A foreigner? I was being genuine with this sentence. I'm european and we all have different languages here so sometimes there's misunderstanding. It's not a question of intelligence if someone doesn't get the word proper if English isn't their 1st language.

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I don’t enjoy mesmers or any of their spec so I am in no way biased. It’s no secret they are over preforming and have been for a while,the class is too loaded. With that said a lot of mesmer mains admit the class is op and offered up a lot of changes that would have toned them down but in arenanet fashion the didn’t listen and nurfed things the had little effect on the builds that were a problem. Sounds like what they did to core thief and DE lol there are a lot of mesmer vids out there showcasing how little effect the nurfs had on mirages problem builds

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@"Spartacus.3192" said:Depending on what happens in the next balance patch, i might become a new Mesmer "main" and presumably contract the "Mirage Is Fine'itus" disease with the corresponding urge to constantly post "L2P" in every nerf mesmer thread..

Only half joking.

The disease is spreading...

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@UfoCoffee.2084 said:People complain about the ammount of evades, invulns, mobility, dazes, interrupts, blinds and high damage all packed into one class.

Oh too bad you put invuln there otherwise it would fit d/p daredevil perfectly that does all that better than mirage.

What needs to be nerfed is either the condi sustain or condi burst, change the distortion refresh passive, scepter(either damage or condi) and mc not working while stunned.And of course revert a bunch of stuff that was wrongly nerfed (looking at power mes).

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@UfoCoffee.2084 said:People complain about the ammount of evades, invulns, mobility, dazes, interrupts, blinds and high damage all packed into one class.

Oh too bad you put invuln there otherwise it would fit d/p daredevil perfectly that does all that better than mirage.

What needs to be nerfed is either the condi sustain or condi burst, change the distortion refresh passive, scepter(either damage or condi) and mc not working while stunned.And of course revert a bunch of stuff that was wrongly nerfed (looking at power mes).

Oh come on? D/P has no damage and can't 1v1 anything really unless the player is way more skilled than the opponent?

This is my whole original argument. You admitted mesmer has all of the above. D/p used to but Anet said they shouldn't have damage as well as all that so they nerfed everything into the ground. So now they're a decapper/ +1 class only.

Mesmer should be the same. They shouldn't have the ability to aoe condi bomb and one shot people etc whilst still having all those other traits.

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Dd still has it all, more evades, more mobility, more dazes/rupts, I'll give you blind although blinding dissipation/ineptitude isn't meta anymore.High damage, depends if you're fighting against a heavy cleanse build dd does indeed more damage since you'll only tickle the foe.With that said if mirage needs heavy nerfs care to tell me what to do with professions that counter mirage?

Edit: so we agree that condi damage is the problem? If so why mention all that?

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Dd still has it all, more evades, more mobility, more dazes/rupts, I'll give you blind although blinding dissipation/ineptitude isn't meta anymore.High damage, depends if you're fighting against a heavy cleanse build dd does indeed more damage since you'll only tickle the foe.With that said if mirage needs heavy nerfs care to tell me what to do with professions that counter mirage?

Edit: so we agree that condi damage is the pdistaCondi mes can destroy most classes 1v1. You want to be able to destroy everything 1v1? Guardian can counter you but you can just kite away as you have more mobility. Boonbeast also but that will be nerfed next patch almost guaranteed.

D/P thief can't kill anything 1v1 generally. Backstab is their highest damage ability and crits for around 4k with no might or vuln, neither of which they can do themselves. Also backstab is very hard to hit as it requires position and can be blocked.

Mirage would still be above d/p ( which isn't even meta now) if they got similar damage nerfs as their dodge allows you to continue attacking.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Dd still has it all, more evades, more mobility, more dazes/rupts, I'll give you blind although blinding dissipation/ineptitude isn't meta anymore.Daredevil does not have more dazes or interrupts than Mirage. Mirage is capable of dazing 20 times in a row with just ambushes; Thief could daze 4-5 times in a row but actually be punished for it. Mirage could wait a few seconds and be able to release another daze ambush and then shatter with 4 more dazes. I don't understand where you get that idea that Daredevil can daze more, honestly.

Mirage can also be significantly more mobile than a Daredevil due to their, again, ambushes; they can blink 1200 range, then ambush 2 and then Jaunt if they wanted to push a little further. If you're referring to Sword/Dagger Thief, I could understand that but Daredevil itself isn't as mobile as Mirage; granted, Sword isn't meta right now because people are going for a more passive approach towards abusing Scepter's high power damage/strong Confusion/Torment access/clone generation.

Blinds on Mirage are insane due to the ability to do it instantly. Elementalist can do that once every 10 seconds, but they have to be attuned to a specific attunement; Thief can do it, but again, would be punished if they spammed their blind. You could walk away freely and have a lot of confusion stacked on the torture victim.

High damage, depends if you're fighting against a heavy cleanse build dd does indeed more damage since you'll only tickle the foe.Axe Mirage does more damage than Sword Mirage in terms of consistent damage; Scepter Mirage does more damage than Sword Mirage in terms of burst damage; GS Mirage is only counter to other Mirages and Mesmers due to their Ambush. All the while, all those weapons can do significantly more damage in around ten seconds than a Daredevil's burst Vault/Bound spam. Even Condi Daredevil wasn't that toxic, it was annoying because it could evade a lot, but it wasn't pressuring remotely as hard as a Condi Mirage does currently. A Power Mirage pressures twice as hard as any other spec in the game purely due to the ability to shutting someone down by evading while dazing, shattering, Mirror Blade-ing, and oh-so-many other things. C'mon, you can't tell me that all of this is fair for a Mesmer to do. I've taken time out of my day to shut down Mirages who legitimately run around flexing because of how 'good they are' at Mirage. Mirage itself is just over the top; I normally don't bother to talk about it, but this is just silly to try to argue. Everyone knows that Mirage is an insanely powerful Elite Specialization. Chronomancer only recently got something to be able to compete with that Elite Specialization again, but it's at least not evading every few seconds inflicting 15-16 torment and 12 confusion. It's just a oneshot build instead.With that said if mirage needs heavy nerfs care to tell me what to do with professions that counter mirage?If a class were to be overwhelmed in terms of being countered, it would be understandable to nerf that class if it were to be countering absolutely everything; everything should have a counter but Mirage manages to be able to be immune to that situation due to how flexible the evade makes them to almost every scenario.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Look at the big picture. Non of these nerfs have changed how oppressive mirage is, reasons, many - no nerf has truly affected the aspects as to why mirage is so dominant, I'll let you figure that one yourself.

I can give you a hint, what are the benefits of dodging as a mirage. Don't think Elusive mind. Just think for a second what Dodge can do for a mirage.

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@kybraga.7103 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Dd still has it all, more evades, more mobility, more dazes/rupts, I'll give you blind although blinding dissipation/ineptitude isn't meta anymore.Daredevil does not have more dazes or interrupts than Mirage. Mirage is capable of dazing 20 times in a row with just ambushes; Thief could daze 4-5 times in a row but actually be punished for it. Mirage could wait a few seconds and be able to release another daze ambush and then shatter with 4 more dazes. I don't understand where you get that idea that Daredevil can daze more, honestly.

Mirage can also be significantly more mobile than a Daredevil due to their, again, ambushes; they can blink 1200 range, then ambush 2 and then Jaunt if they wanted to push a little further. If you're referring to Sword/Dagger Thief, I could understand that but Daredevil itself isn't as mobile as Mirage; granted, Sword isn't meta right now because people are going for a more passive approach towards abusing Scepter's high power damage/strong Confusion/Torment access/clone generation.

Blinds on Mirage are insane due to the ability to do it instantly. Elementalist can do that once every 10 seconds, but they have to be attuned to a specific attunement; Thief can do it, but again, would be punished if they spammed their blind. You could walk away freely and have a lot of confusion stacked on the torture victim.

High damage, depends if you're fighting against a heavy cleanse build dd does indeed more damage since you'll only tickle the foe.Axe Mirage does more damage than Sword Mirage in terms of consistent damage; Scepter Mirage does more damage than Sword Mirage in terms of burst damage; GS Mirage is only counter to other Mirages and Mesmers due to their Ambush. All the while, all those weapons can do significantly more damage in around ten seconds than a Daredevil's burst Vault/Bound spam. Even Condi Daredevil wasn't that toxic, it was annoying because it could evade a lot, but it wasn't pressuring remotely as hard as a Condi Mirage does currently. A Power Mirage pressures twice as hard as any other spec in the game purely due to the ability to shutting someone down by evading while dazing, shattering, Mirror Blade-ing, and oh-so-many other things. C'mon, you can't tell me that all of this is fair for a Mesmer to do. I've taken time out of my day to shut down Mirages who legitimately run around flexing because of how 'good they are' at Mirage. Mirage itself is just over the top; I normally don't bother to talk about it, but this is just silly to try to argue. Everyone knows that Mirage is an insanely powerful Elite Specialization. Chronomancer only recently got something to be able to compete with that Elite Specialization again, but it's at least not evading every few seconds inflicting 15-16 torment and 12 confusion.
It's just a oneshot build instead.
With that said if mirage needs heavy nerfs care to tell me what to do with professions that counter mirage?If a class were to be overwhelmed in terms of being countered, it would be understandable to nerf that class if it were to be countering absolutely everything; everything should have a counter but Mirage manages to be able to be immune to that situation due to how flexible the evade makes them to almost every scenario.

Condi doesn't use sw anymore since BF nerf, sw is trash apart from ambush mobility (and not even with sw you can 20 dazes in a row) that leaves you with f3 daze and staff chaos storm proc if it procs or pistol, so 2 sources of daze.Axe doesn't do more power damage than sw.S/d thief, fb, boon beast, conv holo, s/d weaver. All these counter condi mirage, some stall and win the point, some win the fighting while dancing.

Power mirage sustain damage is awful, with Cs nerf it's harder to land the burst, which is the only thing it's good for, and its highly susceptible to condi damage.

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@UfoCoffee.2084 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Dd still has it all, more evades, more mobility, more dazes/rupts, I'll give you blind although blinding dissipation/ineptitude isn't meta anymore.High damage, depends if you're fighting against a heavy cleanse build dd does indeed more damage since you'll only tickle the foe.With that said if mirage needs heavy nerfs care to tell me what to do with professions that counter mirage?

Edit: so we agree that condi damage is the pdistaCondi mes can destroy most classes 1v1. You want to be able to destroy everything 1v1? Guardian can counter you but you can just kite away as you have more mobility. Boonbeast also but that will be nerfed next patch almost guaranteed.

D/P thief can't kill anything 1v1 generally. Backstab is their highest damage ability and crits for around 4k with no might or vuln, neither of which they can do themselves. Also backstab is very hard to hit as it requires position and can be blocked.

Mirage would still be above d/p ( which isn't even meta now) if they got similar damage nerfs as their dodge allows you to continue attacking.

Condi mirage can't kill weaver, fb, boon beast, sd thief, conv holo.That's 5 out of 9 professions.As for backstab unless you're fighting a bunker you'll hit higher than that, and that's not to say it can reach insanely high numbers with yolo builds.Backstab is also connect most of times via dp3 or steal, so you can't count the backstab damage alone as if it is the only source of damage.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Dd still has it all, more evades, more mobility, more dazes/rupts, I'll give you blind although blinding dissipation/ineptitude isn't meta anymore.High damage, depends if you're fighting against a heavy cleanse build dd does indeed more damage since you'll only tickle the foe.With that said if mirage needs heavy nerfs care to tell me what to do with professions that counter mirage?

Edit: so we agree that condi damage is the pdistaCondi mes can destroy most classes 1v1. You want to be able to destroy everything 1v1? Guardian can counter you but you can just kite away as you have more mobility. Boonbeast also but that will be nerfed next patch almost guaranteed.

D/P thief can't kill anything 1v1 generally. Backstab is their highest damage ability and crits for around 4k with no might or vuln, neither of which they can do themselves. Also backstab is very hard to hit as it requires position and can be blocked.

Mirage would still be above d/p ( which isn't even meta now) if they got similar damage nerfs as their dodge allows you to continue attacking.

Condi mirage can't kill weaver, fb, boon beast, sd thief, conv holo.That's 5 out of 9 professions.As for backstab unless you're fighting a bunker you'll hit higher than that, and that's not to say it can reach insanely high numbers with yolo builds.Backstab is also connect most of times via dp3 or steal, so you can't count the backstab damage alone as if it is the only source of damage.

5 out of 9 classes? What? That's specialisations not classes.

You can't kill a sword weaver but then neither can most classes but they'll never kill you. Firebrand is a support and has high sustain and condi clear so that makes sense. Again they'll never kill you. Not many things can kill boonbeast at the moment as they are also OP currently but I'm sure they'll be nerfed soon.

It's better not to waste steal with backstab combo and keep it for after. Backstab hits really low for all the work to put in to actually make it connect whereas mirror blade and shatter combo does tons more and can be done from range or stealth.

You cannot compare mirage to d/p thief. D/p has fallen out of meta now and mirage is god of PvP.

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@"toxic.3648" said:just gonna put this here. too good not to xD

I like him when he comment At's but really, I thought it was second degree when he says that, 2/3 are pure comment from someone who has never played mesmer.Words for words :

  • Saying sword auto is op by arguing that the 3rd chain do more damage when no boon : when in real world is this happened ? even if you get your 3rd hit (pretty rare in practise), which target didn't have boon ? Not to say that it's one of the slowest sword chain. The passive boonstrip and damage he talk about are faaaaar from be a reality on this auto.
  • Double cast mirage thrust = burn all evade. I'm actually pretty happy if a mirage oponent do that.
  • 710 damage on mirage thrust telegraphied evade = 18% of unblocable war evade.
  • He clearly never use Blurred Frenzy (hello it's static, the opponent isn't.). In the imaginary case it hit, you take more damage from random retal than the "1456" you do. (btw 3/4 class who do more damage with their ranged auto.)
  • Illusionary Leap fail each time the clone is destroyed that mean : didn't work in team fight and in half class.
  • Phantasmal duelist is a damaging spell on a 20 sec CD. Didn't understand the more damage if I have clone.
  • Magic Bullet is a CC on 25 sec CD. Dunno why He is surprised of the bounce when most meta class have aoe CC as well. (And the little damage are just here to reveal.)
  • Axe auto is strong y but it's the only real dps output a mes can do. (dps != burst.).
  • The axe ambush is actually the main global output mirage damage.
  • Lingering thoughts is a : "hello CC me plz" spell.
  • Axes of Symmetry = many terrain bugs and even if get hit = just wait 3 sec not even need condi removal.
  • The prestige = 24 sec CD, pretty obvious sound, you have to be near your target.
  • Phantasmal mage = go in his back when he cast and he does nothing.
  • Arcane thievery : I exchange it for some engi elixir when you want. It's also the only condi removal in this build and some prefer resolve mantra. It's unblockable and work on blind because it was pure trash during 3 years.
  • Illusionary Ambush can't be used on target out of range like many other target teleport.
  • It does 4 things, not 3 and I'm all for he does 1 thing.
  • Builds with the blind/confusion on every shatter (duelling) aren't played since near 8 months, vast majority of mirages run reflect on evade and clone on evade to boost the axe ambush. Builds with blind on shatter are eaten by ranged.
  • Flat power damage on cry of frustration are actually more to destealth than to do damage (for a 21 sec damage skill.).
  • 1200 range of cry of frustration... really ? have he ever use this skill ?
  • It's 4 sec invul on cry of frustration, not 3.
  • Staff auto : he is talking like if each boon/condi were apply on each hit. It's 1 chance over 3 on the slowest projectile of the game.
  • Staff ambush is strong but can be los easyli.
  • Phase retreat is strong yeah but it's easy to differenciate thoses who badly use it and thoses who strongly use it to kite.
  • Phantasmal warlock : Holo give me 25 vulnerability in 2 or 3 hit, this take probably (I didn't count) 3 sec to get 12 stacks with a lower duration. But I'm against dual illusions yeah.
  • Chaos armor op : LOL.
  • Chaos storm is fine for a 35 sec CD. Lol when he use it on him to show how boon (it's the same for condi) didn't persist after the storm.
  • Duelist's discipline is only for the two pistol attack, not on every illusion and the chance to bleed is a relict of when it has 50% (easier to code.).
  • Miss the 3 sec ICD.
  • The rest isn't full rage.

There is some problem about mesmers and mirage, particulary since last patch, even after nerf, there is much who popped. But he didn't use the right arguments and many of his review are at the same level of a 1 day player who never play the class. I was really stunned when I hear that, like how he who is strong At's commentator can say that ?!

That said, I do a balance suggestion : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/798722 with less rage who adress much of the currents problems.

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@UfoCoffee.2084 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Dd still has it all, more evades, more mobility, more dazes/rupts, I'll give you blind although blinding dissipation/ineptitude isn't meta anymore.High damage, depends if you're fighting against a heavy cleanse build dd does indeed more damage since you'll only tickle the foe.With that said if mirage needs heavy nerfs care to tell me what to do with professions that counter mirage?

Edit: so we agree that condi damage is the pdistaCondi mes can destroy most classes 1v1. You want to be able to destroy everything 1v1? Guardian can counter you but you can just kite away as you have more mobility. Boonbeast also but that will be nerfed next patch almost guaranteed.

D/P thief can't kill anything 1v1 generally. Backstab is their highest damage ability and crits for around 4k with no might or vuln, neither of which they can do themselves. Also backstab is very hard to hit as it requires position and can be blocked.

Mirage would still be above d/p ( which isn't even meta now) if they got similar damage nerfs as their dodge allows you to continue attacking.

Condi mirage can't kill weaver, fb, boon beast, sd thief, conv holo.That's 5 out of 9 professions.As for backstab unless you're fighting a bunker you'll hit higher than that, and that's not to say it can reach insanely high numbers with yolo builds.Backstab is also connect most of times via dp3 or steal, so you can't count the backstab damage alone as if it is the only source of damage.

5 out of 9 classes? What? That's specialisations not classes.

You can't kill a sword weaver but then neither can most classes but they'll never kill you. Firebrand is a support and has high sustain and condi clear so that makes sense. Again they'll never kill you. Not many things can kill boonbeast at the moment as they are also OP currently but I'm sure they'll be nerfed soon.

It's better not to waste steal with backstab combo and keep it for after. Backstab hits really low for all the work to put in to actually make it connect whereas mirror blade and shatter combo does tons more and can be done from range or stealth.

You cannot compare mirage to d/p thief. D/p has fallen out of meta now and mirage is god of PvP.

Hence why I said stall or lose, sd thief, conv holo, boon beast win, weaver and fb stall and win the point.Not professions yeah but metabuilds played by those professions, not going to post about semi or non viable stuff.

Backstab has a 4sec CD (revealed), mirror blade 8sec CD, MB base damage is almost 1/4 a back backstab and the multiplier cof is lower too, in order for it to deal high damage you need to be on melee range so it bounces max times, it has an obvious animation too.

Power mirage is one trick pony due to the successive nerfs, nice burst, awful sustain damage, poor condi cleanse, only the best mirages such as jazz can make it work.

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Mirage cloak itself breaks the unwritten rules of combat. AFTER failing to dodge the initial CC, it lets you dodge the follow up damage and it lets you do this whenever you have enough endurance for a dodge .. which is pretty damn often. Dodges are on a much faster recharge than CC skills, so your opponents can literally never land a CC + Burst combo against you if you aren't completely brain-dead.

Add to this a plethora of ways to increase endurance and the auto-proc reflect after evade (with essentially no ICD) and you've got a defensive monster.

Then you have stun breaks on skills, skills that apply cloak, detarget, stealth, plenty of mobility. It's too much.

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@ferbz.6987 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Look at the big picture. Non of these nerfs have changed how oppressive mirage is, reasons, many - no nerf has truly affected the aspects as to why mirage is so dominant, I'll let you figure that one yourself.

I can give you a hint, what are the benefits of dodging as a mirage. Don't think Elusive mind. Just think for a second what Dodge can do for a mirage.

You realize that I've been advocating the removal of both Elusive Mind and the ability to dodge while CC'd even without it since Mirage was released for almost a year and a half now right and that if you put forward like the slightest effort you'd would have seen that? Maybe you should actually, I dunno, check what someone's stances are before you patronize and talk down to them.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Look at the big picture. Non of these nerfs have changed how oppressive mirage is, reasons, many - no nerf has truly affected the aspects as to why mirage is so dominant, I'll let you figure that one yourself.

I can give you a hint, what are the benefits of dodging as a mirage. Don't think Elusive mind. Just think for a second what Dodge can do for a mirage.

You realize that I've been advocating the removal of both Elusive Mind and the ability to dodge while CC'd even without it since Mirage was released for almost a year and a half now right and that if you put forward like the slightest effort you'd would have seen that? Maybe you should actually, I dunno, check what someone's stances are before you patronize and talk down to them.

Nothing personal. Your post stated mirages have been nerfed many times and don't need anymore nerfs - I disagree. Cheers!

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Mate they're still op as all hell. What are you talking about? Why are you trying to defend mirage? It's broken, i don't care how many nerfs it's had in the past. Mesmer mains trying to defend it have such weak arguments. The class is extremely bad for pvp and will turn away all the wow players coming over at the moment. 90% of people agree they need huge nerfs. The rest are mesmer mains. End of.

I'm not "defending them". You made an entire thread pretending they never get nerfed, and they only get buffed each patch which is objectively not true. All I pointed out was that they've gotten serious nerfs every single patch and more nerfs are definitely coming and somehow you've gotten incredibly tilted over it for no reason. If you weren't incredibly factually wrong I wouldn't have to correct your nonsense.

But every other class has also been undergoing strange alterations & nerfs, it isn't just Mirage. So at the end of the past year's worth of intra-class nerfs, Mirage is still the strongest class. In fact, these last couple patches "intra-class wide" have resulted in Mirage being stronger now than it ever was.

We can't simply post a list of nerfs to one class without posting a list of nerfs to every other class. There is no ability to compare/contrast anything while doing that. For example: Mirage mains will frequently mention the nerf to EM while completely disregarding the vigor uptime that the build has, its use of adventure rune, and 2x energy sigils, along with w/e other stunbreaks it already has on its utility bar. Realistically Mirages are fronting more endurance usage than most other builds. Also, after the nerf to EM, Mirages began playing differently which these new playstyles ended up being stronger than the old EM builds anyway. Now let's take a look at Deadeye and the Death's Judgement nerf "which is now blockable". That was a detrimental nerf to DE's strength. Trying to compare the EM nerf to DJ nerf is of no comparison at all. The EM nerf actually ended up helping Mirages, whereas something like the DJ nerf did nothing but hurt DE. Even so, hearing "Death's Judgement is now blockable" sounds bad but what if we were to look at patch notes on other classes to find that most blocks in the game had been reduced to half durations or something. So again, we can't really just lay down a list of a single class and its nerfs, without looking at what happened to everything else it is playing against.

All in all, people are noticing that Mirages are very dominant again lately. The only thing that's different this time is that players really are beyond disgusted with the mirage meme thing that anet has going on here. I've seen 2 players in the past couple weeks leave the game due to sheer Mirage hate, and these are people who play in the top 100 each season so it isn't "a l2p issue." People are disgusted by it, anet has let this go on way too long, and people are actually leaving the game due to it.

It would be a wise move on anet's part to do something, anything to bring Mirage "actually balanced for once", before it continues driving people from the game. <- Because that really is happening lately.

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@ferbz.6987 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Look at the big picture. Non of these nerfs have changed how oppressive mirage is, reasons, many - no nerf has truly affected the aspects as to why mirage is so dominant, I'll let you figure that one yourself.

I can give you a hint, what are the benefits of dodging as a mirage. Don't think Elusive mind. Just think for a second what Dodge can do for a mirage.

You realize that I've been advocating the removal of both Elusive Mind and the ability to dodge while CC'd even without it since Mirage was released for almost a year and a half now right and that if you put forward like the slightest effort you'd would have seen that? Maybe you should actually, I dunno, check what someone's stances are before you patronize and talk down to them.

Nothing personal. Your post stated mirages have been nerfed many times and don't need anymore nerfs - I disagree. Cheers!

I said they need more nerfs and nerfs are coming because they've come every single patch. I never said they didn't need nerfs.

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Mate they're still op as all hell. What are you talking about? Why are you trying to defend mirage? It's broken, i don't care how many nerfs it's had in the past. Mesmer mains trying to defend it have such weak arguments. The class is extremely bad for pvp and will turn away all the wow players coming over at the moment. 90% of people agree they need huge nerfs. The rest are mesmer mains. End of.

I'm not "defending them". You made an entire thread pretending they never get nerfed, and they only get buffed each patch which is objectively not true. All I pointed out was that they've gotten serious nerfs every single patch and more nerfs are definitely coming and somehow you've gotten incredibly tilted over it for no reason. If you weren't incredibly factually wrong I wouldn't have to correct your nonsense.

But every other class has also been undergoing strange alterations & nerfs, it isn't just Mirage. So at the end of the past year's worth of intra-class nerfs, Mirage is still the strongest class. In fact, these last couple patches "intra-class wide" have resulted in Mirage being stronger now than it ever was.

We can't simply post a list of nerfs to one class without posting a list of nerfs to every other class. There is no ability to compare/contrast anything while doing that. For example: Mirage mains will frequently mention the nerf to EM while completely disregarding the vigor uptime that the build has, its use of adventure rune, and 2x energy sigils, along with w/e other stunbreaks it already has on its utility bar. Realistically Mirages are fronting more endurance usage than most other builds. Also, after the nerf to EM, Mirages began playing differently which these new playstyles ended up being stronger than the old EM builds anyway. Now let's take a look at Deadeye and the Death's Judgement nerf "which is now blockable". That was a detrimental nerf to DE's strength. Trying to compare the EM nerf to DJ nerf is of no comparison at all. The EM nerf actually ended up helping Mirages, whereas something like the DJ nerf did nothing but hurt DE. Even so, hearing "Death's Judgement is now blockable" sounds bad but what if we were to look at patch notes on other classes to find that most blocks in the game had been reduced to half durations or something. So again, we can't really just lay down a list of a single class and its nerfs, without looking at what happened to everything else it is playing against.

All in all, people are noticing that Mirages are very dominant again lately. The only thing that's different this time is that players really are beyond disgusted with the mirage meme thing that anet has going on here. I've seen 2 players in the past couple weeks leave the game due to sheer Mirage hate, and these are people who play in the top 100 each season so it isn't "a l2p issue." People are disgusted by it, anet has let this go on way too long, and people are actually leaving the game due to it.

It would be a wise move on anet's part to do something, anything to bring Mirage "actually balanced for once", before it continues driving people from the game. <- Because that really is happening lately.

You can't say condimirage is the strongest build when Boonbeast mains alone made up at least 4 of the top 10 that I can for sure 100% identify and they got buffed last patch.

Second strongest? I'd say definitely. But objectively boonbeast out performs Mirage and is just as brain dead and forgiving as Mirage and Boonbeast got massively buffed last balance patch.

Again the patch notes are specifically in response to the OP stating mirage never gets nerfed despite every patch note being nerfs line by line. If the OP was going to make absolute statements like that they derserve to be corrected.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Look at the big picture. Non of these nerfs have changed how oppressive mirage is, reasons, many - no nerf has truly affected the aspects as to why mirage is so dominant, I'll let you figure that one yourself.

I can give you a hint, what are the benefits of dodging as a mirage. Don't think Elusive mind. Just think for a second what Dodge can do for a mirage.

You realize that I've been advocating the removal of both Elusive Mind and the ability to dodge while CC'd even without it since Mirage was released for almost a year and a half now right and that if you put forward like the slightest effort you'd would have seen that? Maybe you should actually, I dunno, check what someone's stances are before you patronize and talk down to them.

Nothing personal. Your post stated mirages have been nerfed many times and don't need anymore nerfs - I disagree. Cheers!

I said they need more nerfs and nerfs are coming because they've come every single patch. I never said they didn't need nerfs.

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Mate they're still op as all hell. What are you talking about? Why are you trying to defend mirage? It's broken, i don't care how many nerfs it's had in the past. Mesmer mains trying to defend it have such weak arguments. The class is extremely bad for pvp and will turn away all the wow players coming over at the moment. 90% of people agree they need huge nerfs. The rest are mesmer mains. End of.

I'm not "defending them". You made an entire thread pretending they never get nerfed, and they only get buffed each patch which is objectively not true. All I pointed out was that they've gotten serious nerfs every single patch and more nerfs are definitely coming and somehow you've gotten incredibly tilted over it for no reason. If you weren't incredibly factually wrong I wouldn't have to correct your nonsense.

But every other class has also been undergoing strange alterations & nerfs, it isn't just Mirage. So at the end of the past year's worth of intra-class nerfs, Mirage is still the strongest class. In fact, these last couple patches "intra-class wide" have resulted in Mirage being stronger now than it ever was.

We can't simply post a list of nerfs to one class without posting a list of nerfs to every other class. There is no ability to compare/contrast anything while doing that. For example: Mirage mains will frequently mention the nerf to EM while completely disregarding the vigor uptime that the build has, its use of adventure rune, and 2x energy sigils, along with w/e other stunbreaks it already has on its utility bar. Realistically Mirages are fronting more endurance usage than most other builds. Also, after the nerf to EM, Mirages began playing differently which these new playstyles ended up being stronger than the old EM builds anyway. Now let's take a look at Deadeye and the Death's Judgement nerf "which is now blockable". That was a detrimental nerf to DE's strength. Trying to compare the EM nerf to DJ nerf is of no comparison at all. The EM nerf actually ended up helping Mirages, whereas something like the DJ nerf did nothing but hurt DE. Even so, hearing "Death's Judgement is now blockable" sounds bad but what if we were to look at patch notes on other classes to find that most blocks in the game had been reduced to half durations or something. So again, we can't really just lay down a list of a single class and its nerfs, without looking at what happened to everything else it is playing against.

All in all, people are noticing that Mirages are very dominant again lately. The only thing that's different this time is that players really are beyond disgusted with the mirage meme thing that anet has going on here. I've seen 2 players in the past couple weeks leave the game due to sheer Mirage hate, and these are people who play in the top 100 each season so it isn't "a l2p issue." People are disgusted by it, anet has let this go on way too long, and people are actually leaving the game due to it.

It would be a wise move on anet's part to do something, anything to bring Mirage "actually balanced for once", before it continues driving people from the game. <- Because that really is happening lately.

You can't say condimirage is the strongest build when Boonbeast mains alone made up at least 4 of the top 10 that I can for sure 100% identify and they got buffed last patch.

Second strongest? I'd say definitely. But objectively boonbeast out performs Mirage and is just as brain dead and forgiving as Mirage and Boonbeast got massively buffed last balance patch.

I like how you derail a thread by talking about boonbeast. The fact is boonbeast is not okay. We get that. But stating that its more broken then mesmer really does nothing for your point at all.

Mesmer is broken.

just because another spec this entire thread is NOT about is broken doesnt change the fact mesmer IS.

To the guy stating 5 builds can sustain through a mesmers bursts doesnt automatically make mesmer fine. Those 5 ELITE specs on 1 build doesnt automatically make mesmer fine.

If you want elite specs to be powercreeped in a single build BECAUSE its the only thing you CAN do on that build versus a mesmer disregarding how those classes cant 1v1 anything else as effectivly as a mesmer is just blind favouritism.

Just because mesmer has some unfavourable matchups versus very specific builds, that really doesnt mean its automatically fine. Especially not considering those other builds cannot do the same as a mesmer can. You want to know why those other builds cant do that? because they arent broken.

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@ErazorZ.5209 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Look at the big picture. Non of these nerfs have changed how oppressive mirage is, reasons, many - no nerf has truly affected the aspects as to why mirage is so dominant, I'll let you figure that one yourself.

I can give you a hint, what are the benefits of dodging as a mirage. Don't think Elusive mind. Just think for a second what Dodge can do for a mirage.

You realize that I've been advocating the removal of both Elusive Mind and the ability to dodge while CC'd even without it since Mirage was released for almost a year and a half now right and that if you put forward like the slightest effort you'd would have seen that? Maybe you should actually, I dunno, check what someone's stances are before you patronize and talk down to them.

Nothing personal. Your post stated mirages have been nerfed many times and don't need anymore nerfs - I disagree. Cheers!

I said they need more nerfs and nerfs are coming because they've come every single patch. I never said they didn't need nerfs.

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Mate they're still op as all hell. What are you talking about? Why are you trying to defend mirage? It's broken, i don't care how many nerfs it's had in the past. Mesmer mains trying to defend it have such weak arguments. The class is extremely bad for pvp and will turn away all the wow players coming over at the moment. 90% of people agree they need huge nerfs. The rest are mesmer mains. End of.

I'm not "defending them". You made an entire thread pretending they never get nerfed, and they only get buffed each patch which is objectively not true. All I pointed out was that they've gotten serious nerfs every single patch and more nerfs are definitely coming and somehow you've gotten incredibly tilted over it for no reason. If you weren't incredibly factually wrong I wouldn't have to correct your nonsense.

But every other class has also been undergoing strange alterations & nerfs, it isn't just Mirage. So at the end of the past year's worth of intra-class nerfs, Mirage is still the strongest class. In fact, these last couple patches "intra-class wide" have resulted in Mirage being stronger now than it ever was.

We can't simply post a list of nerfs to one class without posting a list of nerfs to every other class. There is no ability to compare/contrast anything while doing that. For example: Mirage mains will frequently mention the nerf to EM while completely disregarding the vigor uptime that the build has, its use of adventure rune, and 2x energy sigils, along with w/e other stunbreaks it already has on its utility bar. Realistically Mirages are fronting more endurance usage than most other builds. Also, after the nerf to EM, Mirages began playing differently which these new playstyles ended up being stronger than the old EM builds anyway. Now let's take a look at Deadeye and the Death's Judgement nerf "which is now blockable". That was a detrimental nerf to DE's strength. Trying to compare the EM nerf to DJ nerf is of no comparison at all. The EM nerf actually ended up helping Mirages, whereas something like the DJ nerf did nothing but hurt DE. Even so, hearing "Death's Judgement is now blockable" sounds bad but what if we were to look at patch notes on other classes to find that most blocks in the game had been reduced to half durations or something. So again, we can't really just lay down a list of a single class and its nerfs, without looking at what happened to everything else it is playing against.

All in all, people are noticing that Mirages are very dominant again lately. The only thing that's different this time is that players really are beyond disgusted with the mirage meme thing that anet has going on here. I've seen 2 players in the past couple weeks leave the game due to sheer Mirage hate, and these are people who play in the top 100 each season so it isn't "a l2p issue." People are disgusted by it, anet has let this go on way too long, and people are actually leaving the game due to it.

It would be a wise move on anet's part to do something, anything to bring Mirage "actually balanced for once", before it continues driving people from the game. <- Because that really is happening lately.

You can't say condimirage is the strongest build when Boonbeast mains alone made up at least 4 of the top 10 that I can for sure 100% identify and they got buffed last patch.

Second strongest? I'd say definitely. But objectively boonbeast out performs Mirage and is just as brain dead and forgiving as Mirage and Boonbeast got massively buffed last balance patch.

I like how you derail a thread by talking about boonbeast. The fact is boonbeast is not okay. We get that. But stating that its more broken then mesmer really does nothing for your point at all.

Mesmer is broken.

just because another spec this entire thread is NOT about is broken doesnt change the fact mesmer IS.

To the guy stating 5 builds can sustain through a mesmers bursts doesnt automatically make mesmer fine. Those 5 ELITE specs on 1 build doesnt automatically make mesmer fine.

If you want elite specs to be powercreeped in a single build BECAUSE its the only thing you CAN do on that build versus a mesmer disregarding how those classes cant 1v1 anything else as effectivly as a mesmer is just blind favouritism.

Just because mesmer has some unfavourable matchups versus very specific builds, that really doesnt mean its automatically fine. Especially not considering those other builds cannot do the same as a mesmer can. You want to know why those other builds cant do that? because they arent broken.

It was in direct response to them calling condi mirage the strongest. I think boonbeast is objectively stronger and higher performing.

I really don't see how that's a derail when it's a direct response to someone saying Mirage is the strongest build in the game.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Look at the big picture. Non of these nerfs have changed how oppressive mirage is, reasons, many - no nerf has truly affected the aspects as to why mirage is so dominant, I'll let you figure that one yourself.

I can give you a hint, what are the benefits of dodging as a mirage. Don't think Elusive mind. Just think for a second what Dodge can do for a mirage.

You realize that I've been advocating the removal of both Elusive Mind and the ability to dodge while CC'd even without it since Mirage was released for almost a year and a half now right and that if you put forward like the slightest effort you'd would have seen that? Maybe you should actually, I dunno, check what someone's stances are before you patronize and talk down to them.

Nothing personal. Your post stated mirages have been nerfed many times and don't need anymore nerfs - I disagree. Cheers!

I said they need more nerfs and nerfs are coming because they've come every single patch. I never said they didn't need nerfs.

@mortrialus.3062 said:You can say Mirages are still OP, but you can't say that haven't gotten their fair share of nerfing
literally every single patch
across all aspects of the specialization since the phantasm rework. The only exception was scepter getting buffed and the underwater rework. Do they deserve more right now? Yeah. And more are certainly coming just like they've come every patch.

Game Update Notes: December 11, 2018
  • Axes of Symmetry: The physical damage of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced by about 30% in PvP only.
  • Lingering Thoughts: The ammunition-recharge time of this skill has been split between game modes and has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug in which this skill could strike foes multiple times per wave.
  • Chaos Vortex: The might granted by this skill has been changed from 3 stacks for 8 seconds to 2 stacks for 15 seconds.
  • Jaunt: The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of Humility: The defiance-bar damage performed by this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds to match the duration of the skill's transformation.
  • Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.
  • Signet of Midnight: This signet's passive effect now grants 180 expertise at level 80 instead of a flat condition duration in order to be consistent with other signet effects.
  • Mimic: This skill's recharge time has been reduced from 75 seconds to 40 seconds and is now increased by the recharge time of the utility skill that it affects. The recharge time of this skill cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  • Portal Entre: The duration of time the mesmer has to place Portal Exeunt has been split between games modes. The duration has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW, but remains unchanged in PvE.
  • Well of Action: The duration of quickness that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Well of Recall: The duration of alacrity that the final pulse of this skill applies has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Its casting time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
  • Continuum Split: Fixed a bug in which the rift object that is created by this skill could fail to be destroyed when the the "resign" command (/resign, /gg, /surrender, /forfeit/, /qq, /ff) was used.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait now only applies boons to the mesmer.
  • Danger Time: This trait's effect now applies to illusions.
  • Lost Time: This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges. Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
  • Mirror of Anguish: This trait has been renamed Auspicious Anguish. It now causes the skill Distortion to instantly recharge when the mesmer is affected by a control effect. It also causes the distortion effect to grant a random boon when it ends. The cooldown of this trait is 50 seconds.
  • Power Block: The damage of this skill has been increased by 20% so that it now matches its tooltip. This trait can no longer critically hit foes.

Game Update Notes: October 2, 2018
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills that break enemy targeting would stop the mesmer's autoattack.
  • Continuum Shift: Fixed an API profession classification on this skill.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Normalized the duration of boons applied by this skill to 3 seconds. Might and swiftness are exceptions to this rule and remain at durations of 20 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: This trait now causes mesmers to heal all nearby allies whenever they summon an illusion. Competitive-mode healing effectiveness is 50% of PvE.
  • Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer converts dazes into stuns. It now increases daze duration by 50% and stun duration by 25%. It is no longer split between game modes.
  • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Reduced the alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Temporal Enchanter: This trait has been removed from the game.
  • Blurred Inscriptions: This trait has been moved to the Inspiration specialization at the Grandmaster tier to replace Temporal Enchanter. Its functionality has been updated. It now grants distortion when using signets and gives all signets improved functionality when active:
  • Signet of the Ether: Grants increased healing.
  • Signet of Domination: Strips 5 boons.
  • Signet of Illusions: Summons 1 clone.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Hits 10 targets instead of 5 targets.
  • Signet of Midnight: Cures 5 conditions from the player.
  • Signet of Humility: Applies 10 stacks of vulnerability.
  • Egotism: This is a new Master tier Domination trait that replaces the slot left open by Blurred Inscriptions. It increases outgoing damage by 10% against foes with lower health than the mesmer. This trait is now split between modes and increases damage by 5% in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: The exhaustion duration of this trait is now split between game modes and has a 6-second duration in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: August 28, 2018
  • Illusionary Counter: This skill now summons two clones instead of one if the mesmer successfully blocks a strike.
  • Counterspell: In addition to its previous effects, mesmers will summon a clone to attack the first enemy struck by this skill.
  • Confusing Images: The animation length of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds. The damage has been increased by 25% per strike, and the number of strikes has been increased from 6 to 7.
  • Null Field: This skill has received a new underwater effect for greater visibility.
  • Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.
  • Critical Infusion: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Nomad's Endurance: The vigor duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: July 10, 2018
  • Blurred Frenzy: The animation time of this skill has been reduced from approximately 1.75 seconds to 1 second while retaining all previous attacks. Damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP and WvW, with PvE being reduced by 36%. The baseline recharge time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The Prestige: Burning duration has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Mage: The burning duration of the initial attack has been modified from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds. The attack's burning has been modified from 3 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration has been split between game modes and will now deliver 4 seconds of torment in PvP and WvW while continuing to deal 6 seconds of torment in PvE.
  • Imaginary Axes: Inflicted torment duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Axes of Symmetry: Inflicted confusion duration has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE.
  • Jaunt: The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.
  • Signet of Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this skill from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Illusionary Inspiration: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Inspiring Distortion: Reduced the duration of aegis shared by this trait from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nomad's Endurance: Fixed a bug that could cause the bonus condition damage from this trait to be applied to characters other than the mesmer.
  • Chaotic Persistence: The boon and condition duration bonus has been decreased from 3% to 2% per boon on the mesmer.

Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

Game Update Notes: May 8, 2018
  • Siren's Call: Increased the projectile speed by 50%.
  • Blinding Tide: This skill now inflicts vulnerability in an area around the player's target in addition to blindness. Its cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Spinning Revenge: This skill has been reworked and renamed Imminent Voyage. It now grants allies chaos armor if they are within a 600 radius, and it creates a clone at the player's position before they retreat.
  • Illusion of Drowning: The damage inflicted by this skill has been increased by 33% and now affects up to 5 enemies in an area around the player's initial target. Fixed a bug that prevented the anchor effect from disappearing when the target broke out of stun.
  • Feigned Surge: Increased the damage of this skill by 200% and clarified the text in its tooltips. The mesmer now charges at their targeted enemy, striking up to 5 enemies along the way before summoning a clone upon reaching the target.
  • Slipstream: This skill has been reworked. Allies who pass through its area of effect gain 8 seconds of superspeed, and enemies are immobilized for 3 seconds. Its area of effect has been significantly increased.
  • Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
  • Null Field: This skill can now be used underwater, creating its field at the player's location.
  • Imaginary Axes: The torment duration of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 5-second duration in all modes.
  • Axes of Symmetry: This skill has regained its confusion-inflicting function. Confusion remains split between game modes and will inflict 6 stacks for 3 seconds in PvP and WvW, and 3 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE, with each clone inflicting one stack of the condition.
  • Signet of Ether: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Illusion of Life: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 75-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Continuum Shift: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the higher 105-second cooldown in all modes.
  • Compounding Power: The damage bonus per stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 2% damage bonus per stack in all modes.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasms now do 50% less damage in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018
  • Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.

Game Update Notes: March 27, 2018
  • Seize the Moment: Fixed the tooltip for this trait that incorrectly referenced illusions instead of clones.
  • Signet of Illusions: Fixed a text error for the passive effect that referenced this skill's old behavior.
  • Chaotic Dampening: Fixed a bug in which this trait did not properly reduce the recharge time of trident skills.
  • Distortion: Updated the tooltip description of this effect to better reflect its functionality.
  • Imagined Burden: Fixed a bug that prevented cripple tooltips from appearing on the associated skills.
  • Shatter Storm: Fixed a bug that prevented the reduced recharge from Master of Misdirection from properly interacting with this trait.
  • Tides of Time: Fixed a bug that caused the recharge refund to fail if the chronomancer catches a wave from another chronomancer.
  • Illusionary Riposte: Fixed a bug that prevented Counter Blade from activating under certain circumstances. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Chaos Vortex: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile fired by this skill to have inconsistent interactions with reflection skills.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm if the mesmer jumped while casting it.
  • Blinding Dissipation: Fixed a bug that caused the confusion skill fact from Ineptitude to display incorrectly on this trait.
  • Illusion of Life: Reduced the cooldown from 120 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Jaunt: Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Swordsman: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 8 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror Blade: Reduced damage by 14% in PvP and WvW.
  • Signet of the Ether: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Counter: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun.
  • Compounding Power: Reduced the outgoing damage per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Force: Reduced the might granted from 3 stacks to 2 stacks in PvP and WvW.
  • Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.
  • Mental Anguish: Reduced bonus damage from 15% to 10% in PvP and from 30% to 20% in WvW.
  • Confounding Suggestions: Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced stability duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. Decreased might from 5 stacks to 3 stacks in PvP and WvW.

Yep, that tells how extremely oppressive they have been and still are in all game modes, even after receiving minor adjustments.

"Minor adjustments"

Portal Smiter's Booned, Illusionary Defense dropped by 66%, Elusive Mind has 6 seconds of exhaustion, Confounding Suggestions no longer stuns, Jaunt repeatedly nerfed in every aspect, Bountiful Disillusionment, Critical Infusion and Nomad's Endurance, Torch 4+5 heavily nerfed in damage.

That ain't no "minor adjustments."

Mate they're still op as all hell. What are you talking about? Why are you trying to defend mirage? It's broken, i don't care how many nerfs it's had in the past. Mesmer mains trying to defend it have such weak arguments. The class is extremely bad for pvp and will turn away all the wow players coming over at the moment. 90% of people agree they need huge nerfs. The rest are mesmer mains. End of.

I'm not "defending them". You made an entire thread pretending they never get nerfed, and they only get buffed each patch which is objectively not true. All I pointed out was that they've gotten serious nerfs every single patch and more nerfs are definitely coming and somehow you've gotten incredibly tilted over it for no reason. If you weren't incredibly factually wrong I wouldn't have to correct your nonsense.

But every other class has also been undergoing strange alterations & nerfs, it isn't just Mirage. So at the end of the past year's worth of intra-class nerfs, Mirage is still the strongest class. In fact, these last couple patches "intra-class wide" have resulted in Mirage being stronger now than it ever was.

We can't simply post a list of nerfs to one class without posting a list of nerfs to every other class. There is no ability to compare/contrast anything while doing that. For example: Mirage mains will frequently mention the nerf to EM while completely disregarding the vigor uptime that the build has, its use of adventure rune, and 2x energy sigils, along with w/e other stunbreaks it already has on its utility bar. Realistically Mirages are fronting more endurance usage than most other builds. Also, after the nerf to EM, Mirages began playing differently which these new playstyles ended up being stronger than the old EM builds anyway. Now let's take a look at Deadeye and the Death's Judgement nerf "which is now blockable". That was a detrimental nerf to DE's strength. Trying to compare the EM nerf to DJ nerf is of no comparison at all. The EM nerf actually ended up helping Mirages, whereas something like the DJ nerf did nothing but hurt DE. Even so, hearing "Death's Judgement is now blockable" sounds bad but what if we were to look at patch notes on other classes to find that most blocks in the game had been reduced to half durations or something. So again, we can't really just lay down a list of a single class and its nerfs, without looking at what happened to everything else it is playing against.

All in all, people are noticing that Mirages are very dominant again lately. The only thing that's different this time is that players really are beyond disgusted with the mirage meme thing that anet has going on here. I've seen 2 players in the past couple weeks leave the game due to sheer Mirage hate, and these are people who play in the top 100 each season so it isn't "a l2p issue." People are disgusted by it, anet has let this go on way too long, and people are actually leaving the game due to it.

It would be a wise move on anet's part to do something, anything to bring Mirage "actually balanced for once", before it continues driving people from the game. <- Because that really is happening lately.

You can't say condimirage is the strongest build when Boonbeast mains alone made up at least 4 of the top 10 that I can for sure 100% identify and they got buffed last patch.

Second strongest? I'd say definitely. But objectively boonbeast out performs Mirage and is just as brain dead and forgiving as Mirage and Boonbeast got massively buffed last balance patch.

I like how you derail a thread by talking about boonbeast. The fact is boonbeast is not okay. We get that. But stating that its more broken then mesmer really does nothing for your point at all.

Mesmer is broken.

just because another spec this entire thread is NOT about is broken doesnt change the fact mesmer IS.

To the guy stating 5 builds can sustain through a mesmers bursts doesnt automatically make mesmer fine. Those 5 ELITE specs on 1 build doesnt automatically make mesmer fine.

If you want elite specs to be powercreeped in a single build BECAUSE its the only thing you CAN do on that build versus a mesmer disregarding how those classes cant 1v1 anything else as effectivly as a mesmer is just blind favouritism.

Just because mesmer has some unfavourable matchups versus very specific builds, that really doesnt mean its automatically fine. Especially not considering those other builds cannot do the same as a mesmer can. You want to know why those other builds cant do that? because they arent broken.

It was in direct response to them calling condi mirage the strongest. I think boonbeast is objectively stronger and higher performing.

I really don't see how that's a derail when it's a direct response to someone saying Mirage is the strongest build in the game.

Boonbeast is no where near as strong as a Condi Mirage in general performance. The only thing that makes Boonbeast good is the game conquest itself, where people have to hold nodes. When the Boonbeast is on a node with someone else, they are in range for the Boonbeast to actually land damage. Outside of nodes, Boonbeasts have little chase power and end up being sitting ducks to focus. In a normalized 1v1 off node or let's say in wvw, Condi Mirage absolutely shits on a Boonbeast when it doesn't have to worry about holding a node. Condi Mirage on the other hand, has ultra disengage & chase potential, while being able to land the easiest bursts in the game, that notoriously have the least tells.

You keep insisting that Condi Mirage is not the strongest 1v1 spec in the game, which is ridiculous considering the amount of good players who stream who are indeed relaying information that it is. It ultimately wins 1v1s. If two top 25 players were dueling for the sake of testing "which I have been watching a lot of lately" we see that Condi Mirage has the ability to win any 1v1. It is so versatile with all the dynamic options provided, that it can work around anything and eventually kill it. Condi Mirage has no counter where "such and such class should win vs. the Condi Mirage" no, Condi Mirage only has things that can potentially damage it, and maaaaybe kill it if the Condi Mirage messes up. For some reason these old time Mesmer mains seem to believe that "something can potentially damage you" is the same thing as "being countered" lol. Mirage has been so over powered for so long, that god forbid something like a Boonbeast posses an actual challenge to the Mirage, and all the Mirage mains start saying how over powered it is or that it is a counter to Condi Mirage. This kind of subjective experience from playing only Mirage for too long actually retards a player's understanding of how strong Condi Mirage is and what being countered actually feels like. Condi Mirage vs. Boonbeast aint no counter like a Thief vs. a DH, or a Scourge vs. a Berserker LB Ranger.

Every class & build in the game "outside of Mirage", has hard counters. Things like Firebrands can still be countered by even weird off meta builds that have a lot of power damage. Necros can still be hard countered by weird builds that have lots of CC. Boonbeasts are countered by anything with high DPS and access to frequent CCs and immobs because it has no burst heal, which the new sword/shield spellbreaker is all about. Ect.. ect.. everything has a counter, except Condi Mirage. There is nothing in the game that can be done to create a spec that simply counters this new Condi Mirage duelist build, nothing. <- And that is why it is overpowered. So INB4 the usual Mirage defense quotes "Well we're bad at team fighting" "We can get countered if you 2v1 us" "A Boonbeast can hold a node vs. me it is OP" Guess what? Lots of builds in the meta are worse in team fights than the Condi Mirage is, Everything gets countered 2v1, and every build in the game has some other build or two or three that it just isn't able to win a node against in a 1v1 situation. These things are all normal for every other class in the game. The fact that a Mirage main would even bring these things up as defense quotes, shows the lack of understanding of what it would feel like to play GW2 Conquest as not a Condi Mirage.

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