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Fix the aggro range and mob swarms.


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There was a discussion last weekend about the same topic (this forum has a search function, by the way ;) ).

I think that ANet already nerfed this a bit, but the fact stands that, with increased aggro ranges and higher respawn rates for mobs, you don't get a chance to explore in peace and truly take in the beauty of the region, the awe of discovering all the little details that were placed in the maps. It is an annoyance people can do without, because it makes them more prone to simply hop on the griffon to avoid all the irritating mobs, thus missing out on a lot that the designers spent so much time on (and with such amazing results).

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@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:They do respawn way too fast. I couldn't even get a bleached bones on a hill today. It had 4 regular branded scorpions beside it. I killed them, started the interact animation on the bleached bones and before that finished they had respawned and they interrupted the interact. Killed them again and the same exact thing happened.

Specific to this experience, I think interacting with bones triggers a spawn of local mobs. The first set were there from the last person (or auto-spawned after a certain amount of time). The second set showed up when you interacted with the bones. If I'm reading this correctly and a third set spawned... maybe it was because the second set interrupted your bones interaction? If that's the case, there's an issue with spawn timer and interaction timer. You shouldn't be punished with an incomplete on the interaction by the resulting, spawned mobs. You should be able to "fight or flight", or at least not have a spawn happen again after clearing it the first time (i.e. spawn is based on a logical "not less than" and "not more than" paired of boundary conditions with a possible trigger based on bones interaction that is only true if you're between those two values).

OT, large picture... as an explorer, I'd like to see a little more safety for general adventuring, but I'm fine with "high aggro" areas if they're meant to be particularly hostile. It shouldn't be severe enough to mess up completing local landmarks for map completion.

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I think they wanted to do something simmilar like in HoT but since PoF is a desert, the same principles don't work. In HoT, mobs were aggressive too, but you can just hop on a glider and leg it if you were in trouble. The time spent there between fighting mobs and exploring was spaced evenly, you were either fighting something that was in your way (like a beetle or something near an airship cargo), or you were exploring safely in the knowledge that you can handle most of what comes at you or escape to safety.

In PoF, the mobs are more aggressive, with bigger aggro radius because of the mounts, but after they dismount you, and you're not as mobile anymore, the mobs are just as aggressive. And the map doesn't have the same verticality like HoT maps, you can't just glide around catching updrafts and bouncy mushrooms to explore, you have to use a mount, and unlike gliders, wallows and mushrooms, you are vulnerable on a mount. Even if there are super agressive mobs in HoT, they can't "deglide" you or prevent you from hopping on a mushroom to escape. In PoF, they can and will demount you, and after that, there are no means to escape, you're stuck. This is what i don't like. I'm forced to either just spam raptor jump everywhere i can to quickly get to where i need to go (and see nothing of the map), or fight for an hour and waste my time cause again, i'll see nothing and i'll just be frustrated with how relentless the mobs are. In HoT fighting and exploration came naturally. Idk why they screwed it up here.

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I agree. I have to go back to a waypoint just to look at the map and plan my way to PoIs and vistas because if I look at the map for more than 5 seconds I get attacked by tons of mobs. I'm happy if I have a couple of out-of-combat moments so I can move to a waypoint. Also, what's the point of mounts for travelling if we get insta-dismounted by mobs all the time?

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Wait till your trying to find pages for lost lore achievement, I got blown off a cliff by a forged canon from miles away in desolation yesterday, and doing vista's in some areas is tricky. Aggro range reduction and decrease to spawn rate would be appreciated by me too. Being able to mount while in combat could be a better option too.

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@Zenith.7301 said:

@Neural.1824 said:The issue of Aggro range in PoF isn't much different from the issue of mob density around game launch in the Orrian zones. The end result is the same: lots of aggro.

Orr mobs have both way less aggro and leash range.

Right, but in the beginning they were a lot more dense, so if you just tried to run through, you pretty much wound up with the same result. In the end, Arenanet changed it so there weren't as many.I'm hoping they do something similar with PoF. Mounts are a lot of fun, but I like to explore on foot, which is... not as easy in PoF.

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@Neural.1824 said:Orr mobs have both way less aggro and leash range.

Except the female acolytes which have a similar to range to PoF. Orr at launch basically had twice the amount of enemies and if you tried to casually run through them, you'd likely find yourself pulled around and constantly crippled. It was also a lot more difficult due to the lack of gear and threads like this were common, hence the culling.

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I don't have a problem with the aggro range. It makes sense in my opinion; since we have mounts the mobs should, naturally, have a larger aggro radius, since we'll be running past them at high speeds. My issue is the spawn timer on most of these mobs (especially Forged and Awakened). As @takatsu.9416 said they are on a really short re-spawn timer, and after you finish with a couple of them more show up sooner than normal.

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First map, mobs spread out, exploring was a pleasure. But not too little mobs that it seems easy. Later maps, step off spawn, get attacked by a vet.... Try to get one place, get swarmed by 3-5 mobs.... Attack one mob, suddenly a ranged mob joins from out of a rangers range...

Yeah I don't think it would be making the game easy to cool down on the mob count and range of aggro, purely quality of life.

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Lol I was getting a griffon egg again and this time it was obvious bc there weren't many mobs around , I killed a Hawkeye griffon and as soon as it was dead I was harvesting a plant node next to it or getting a chest and before I was even done, the griffon was back in the same exact spot. Like what? That was barely seconds past.

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@tigirius.9014 said:That's what the raptor is for and it's exactly why we asked for mounts in the first place. Use the raptor and leap away from the mobs to de-aggro thanks.

The problem is when you are trying to get somewhere with accuracy, not trying to just run past things. When you're trying to climb and practically do a jp with pinpoint accuracy while mobs are swarming you and any mistake in navigation will lead you to getting stuck there fighting off the swarm only to have it respawn moments later. Did you try to get the griffon egg at the top of the branded pyramid with lightning strikes and all? There are A LOT of those situations because Anet has designed a lot of goals around mounted jp

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The aggro range is definitely increased in PoF, or they linked more mobs together. I guess they were worried we would leap/hop past all the mobs.

I wouldn't mind it if the game didn't force me to use the big blinding MAP and WIKI every 5 minutes. Every time I open that map or tab out for wiki I risk a dismount and a long trek of chain killing linked mobs until it will let me mount again. Other choice is to let myself die and have that long route of hopping and leaping all the way back.

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the larger aggro radius is obnoxious. No Arenanet the key to making an MMO fun is not making sure the player is in combat 90% of the time. Sometimes less is more, the more combat you find yourself constantly in, the more repetitive and boring your combat system becomes. NOTHING remains fun after doing it 10's of thousands of times (no, not even that, ask "adult actors"). You have this incredible world and detailed scenery from a talented art team, let us see it from time to time without having our attention focused on not being one shot by any attack we don't dodge on time for.

Not to mention, dropping out of combat is necessary to use mounts, mounts are necessary to travel on these maps terrain, when you cannot drop combat, because of a mob on a ledge you can't reach is aggroed on you but neither of you can do anything to each other, you can get stuck. In the icy room of the deldrimmor delve, when you go down for the lower level runestone, you have to use your springer to get back up. But the mobs respawn so fast, by the time you've fought yourself to the second runestone, the mobs on the top level have respawned. I got stuck on the bottom floor because the ice imps all annihilated my springer trying to go up, so there I was, on the bottom floor, in combat with mobs on the top floor, which I couldn't reach unless I could mount which would require me killing the mobs I was in combat with. I had to wait for mobs on my floor to respawn and then suicide.

Combat should drop if no damage is done by either side to each other for 10s.

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@Wintermute.5408 said:I personally don't mind. It's nowhere near kitten Orr was, with consant CC harrasment.I spent some time in Orr yesterday, and it was nowhere near as bad. In fact, it felt relaxing compared to PoF. The aggro ranges are far smaller, and the mobs are easily avoided (even without mounts).

...well, not easily, but it's far easier than in PoF where everything homes on you before you can even see them.

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@Zaltys.7649 said:

@Wintermute.5408 said:I personally don't mind. It's nowhere near kitten Orr was, with consant CC harrasment.I spent some time in Orr yesterday, and it was nowhere near as bad. In fact, it felt relaxing compared to PoF. The aggro ranges are far smaller, and the mobs are easily avoided (even without mounts).

...well, not
, but it's far easier than in PoF where everything homes on you before you can even see them.

There is also a clear difference in damage output and amount of powerful ranged attacks between the orr and pof mobs. An orr mob has never gibbed me for 3k autoattacks and 7k divebombs/snipes. But that's what's happening with 5+ sniper mobs aggroing all the way from Andromeda.

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