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Account Value decreased since PoF released


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I check gw2efficiency often and I saw that my account value has decreased massivly after PoF released (by more then 2000 gold). I was wondering if this would be due to the easy finding of orichalcum in the Desert maps, followed by other materials that were pretty expensive before the expansion released? Did you guys have also noticed a decrease in account value?

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Yes, my perceived account value also dropped. There are multiple contributors, including cheaper mats (which decreases the associated value of things made with those mats). The S1 boxes that came and went through the BLTC also fulfilled a lot of wishes in the skins, minis and other items categories, so the associated TP values decreased.

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My account value has decreased by about 10 percent since the PoF release. However, my account rank comparing its value to other players has actually gone up at the same time by about 1 to 2 percent. What appears to be happening is a mass devaluation of non-gold assets (gems, mats, etc) as players are trying to convert them into gold to purchase things in PoF. A notable example is the griffon mount which is a massive and apparently popular gold sink. (25000 players spending 250g each has sucked 6.25 million gold out of the economy.) As more and more gold gets pulled out of the economy through gold sinks, the natural outcome is for the gold price of assets to drop. If you have gold on hand, this is actually a good thing since it means more items on the TP should now be much cheaper to buy.

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I think it's because of people selling off inventory to get gold for the griffin mount as well as selling gems for gold. This causes mats and gems to drop in price. Since a large part of account value is the value of mats in your material storage as well as the gems->gold value of gemstore items you've bought, this means account value drops when those two drop.

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I also lost like 2000 gold total value of my account. I share the previous theory : a huge drop in mats prices may be the cause : it impacts the mats collection, and everything craft-related.Now, for the source of the price drop, I can see : people selling mats to make gold, and new maps intensively farmed while they give lots of mats... So, lots of supply !

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Your account value is a fun stat but relatively meaningless over short periods of time, as all sorts of market fluctuations can cause the value to change, not to mention changes to the API or to how GW2/E calculates. So while GW2 Efficiency's "account value" is lower, your account isn't worth any less in relative terms.

In this case, the value of gems has fallen about 20% relative to what it was 2 months ago. During much of LS3.6, 400 gems cost ~110-120 gold and at the moment, it is fluctuating between 90-105g. In addition, all sorts of other markets have also dipped, including all basic mats (cloth, metals, wood, and even leather) due to (a) a lot more people playing (and more who aren't working on legendaries etc) and (b) a lot more salvaging going on (due to people playing open world instead of other sorts of content). Other important markets that dipped include mystic coins (returning players think that selling at anything over 30 silver is a fortune; they're happy to get 90s never mind the 1.3g they cost just before PoF), silver doubloons (down below 90s versus 2g before the material storage overhaul), and T6 mats (all sorts of sources).

Nearly all of these changes are going to be temporary: the conditions that allow for the price drops won't last and/or aren't sustainable in the long term.

In other words, it's a good time to stock up on stuff for later (not cheap enough to buy to resell later, but definitely enough to save you tons and tons of gold for your next forged or crafted shiny).

PS Halloween is probably starting two weeks from Tuesday, which will mean another drop of some sort. Unless there are plenty of coveted shinies, which might spike things a bit.

PPS one player's ceiling is another player's floor, especially when it comes to pricing. Which is to say: lower account value = good time to buy.

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@Alcatraz.9206 said:Yeah I think that the halloween event will have an impact aswell. It looked to me like it was wise to keep my materials at the moment, untill they have gone up in value again. I'm curious if this impact will last a while or be gone fast enough after the halloween event has started.

You can look at what happened in 2015 and 2016 to see: markets always recover, although the post-event equilibrium isn't always the same.

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