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Anet needs to monetize WvW with more Skins going forward.


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Alright alright, this is a two parter, suggestions to make more skins, and a poll on whether you would you buy them or not?

We all know it's a tough 2 weeks for Anet, there's a lot of layoffs that will affect the company and game development, despite what's being said that no game services won't be affected, we know communication is already being affected, something that was sorely needed to better as it was. Anet hasn't had a good track record with wvw the past 6-7 years, we've always felt ignored even in the times development was done to improve wvw, namely rewards and skirmish mode.

In any case Anet is still a company, they need to operate in the black, and they need the mount in wvw for the purpose of getting the mount and it's skins (one of the main selling points of the last expansion) into the last viable place for sales. We can hate them all as much as want over that because they've ignored us for so long, and "now they just want to suck more money out of wvw to fund pve or whatever other secret projects", never listening to us (why not have just left it as something to travel with, it didn't need combat skills) shrug, but at the end of the day going forward they still need to turn a profit for the entire company and game and wvw to stick around for more years to come, come on we have to at least make it to when alliances is released... then they can shut the game down the day after... I kid..

Of course their bread and butter has always been selling skins and account upgrades whether that's bank storage or bag slots, to extra cosmetic items, so let's see if we can brainstorm up some quick and viable ideas to implement. Let's be real here, the money maker for popular fps games these days is skins, skins, skins, and more skins. Fortnite, Pubg, BO4, Apex will all be making a ton of money just off selling skins, Anet needs to expand this to all sections of their game, their biggest skins production are black lion weapons, outfits, gliders, mounts.

This post probably won't be noticed since they have the next two days off and barely any employee probably reads this section other than the mods to drop the hammer on something, but hey maybe it'll get some traction and noticed eventually. But let's see what happens..

  1. MOUNT SKINS - I would have preferred if they had not added any skills for this mount and left it just for travelling(like gliders), mostly for the sake of not having to deal with more skills to mess up combat. But if it was just for traveling they could have easily just added all the existing mount skins/textures for it and let them with their usual run animation. In any case probably wouldn't be too hard to just lay over the textures/color themes of the existing mounts like the branded ones, and maybe they already have them ready.

  2. FINISHERS - They're not released very often, finishers are not are probably quite as popular since it's faster to just press a bunch of 1 to kill someone with a zerg, and roaming where it's used mostly has been dying off for various other reasons. Almost no use in pve either, I wish they would at least put all elite mobs to be finished with finishers, spvp of course would still be a popular area. But maybe they should also think about automatically triggering the finisher on someone when the last hit kills them, like Daredevil elite skill Finishing Blow, which finishes an enemy right away if struck by the blow in downed state.As for skins maybe start making theme ones that match with the black lion weapons, like use the spectre or birthday or martial finisher but using one of the many black lion great swords. Or even make a brand new one that randomly shows the weapon slamming down onto the dead player like the guild flag finisher does. The more people see the finishers being used, the more they'll want them, especially if they see their guild flag slamming down on someone. Maybe even increase the size of the finishers to be bigger, and have a guild one that beams a light straight up into the sky like the batman symbol, but use the guild one.

  3. GUILD CLAIMS - There are a few areas that could work here. First of all, changing the texture theme of the structure you claim so if you buy the winter theme the structure will have snow around it for example (using this in desert but seem odd, but funny). Second you can change the guard skins, make them all look like toy soldiers with the winter theme. Third you could offer more Guild icons, and also add to the display on the flags around the structure to include the abbreviated tag of the guild [Anet] under the icon on the flag, it would make guilds more proud to display their icons on flags.

  4. GUARD/NPC SKINS - To expand on the above, could offer themes to go along with all the black lion outfits, imagine having all your guards in the Balthazar's Regalia Outfit, or the Ghostly Outfit, this would include all guards at your claimed structure, and even in your guild hall. There's already over 80 outfits ready to just slap onto npcs.

  5. SIEGE SKINS - Once upon a time they had siege skins for festivals, I vaguely remember one for winter and halloween and even one for lunar new year. What if they also applied the black lion textures onto the siege? Like take the chaos weapon set skin or the shadow texture from the shadow skin set and use it on all the siege. Or even just basic color themes of the existing siege to start, I mean the hot pink ram color would be a huge seller I'm sure! They could also allow more non operable siege decorations in the guild hall or toys to pop out in pve areas to take advantage of this, might even make it's way into people's rping... XD

  6. GUILD FLAG ICONS - We got a bunch of free ones, and more with the expansions, maybe sell some more with the black lion weapon themes? Maybe sell more unique colors?

TLDR: Sell more skins, tie them to black lion themes.

Would you buy any of the suggested skins for wvw?

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@xZombieTaco.5809 said:Skins and microtransactions aren't going to save the game. Drastic level redesign and expansions will save the game. The problem with publishers, and devs nowadays think minimal effort skins and loot boxes will keep their game active and the money rolling in. When thats simply not true

Skins can't affect that it's opposite, skins can fund it.And yes game could use more skins, outfites, adds' skins etc

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Their monetization is just bad full stop, look at ESO, you either need to buy a sub or you play it as a B2P which is what this game is meant to be so buy DLC / expansions (well more like mini-expansions), there is none of this gold to gems nonsense or log in and get living story DLC for free, you need to spend actual money at the store.

The GW2 model is bizarre, veteran players sitting on thousands of gold basically don't need to spend money on the game other than an expansion every 3 years that is no way to sustain a game, especially as the game gets older and the flow of new players to the game slows down.

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@zinkz.7045 said:Their monetization is just bad full stop, look at ESO, you either need to buy a sub or you play it as a B2P which is what this game is meant to be so buy DLC / expansions (well more like mini-expansions), there is none of this gold to gems nonsense or log in and get living story DLC for free, you need to spend actual money at the store.

The GW2 model is bizarre, veteran players sitting on thousands of gold basically don't need to spend money on the game other than an expansion every 3 years that is no way to sustain a game, especially as the game gets older and the flow of new players to the game slows down.

how dare anet not squeeze money out of every orifice they can and turn this game into a labyrinth of paywalls

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@derd.6413 said:

@"zinkz.7045" said:Their monetization is just bad full stop, look at ESO, you either need to buy a sub or you play it as a B2P which is what this game is meant to be so buy DLC / expansions (well more like mini-expansions), there is none of this gold to gems nonsense or log in and get living story DLC for free, you need to spend actual money at the store.

The GW2 model is bizarre, veteran players sitting on thousands of gold basically don't need to spend money on the game other than an expansion every 3 years that is no way to sustain a game, especially as the game gets older and the flow of new players to the game slows down.

how dare anet not squeeze money out of every orifice they can and turn this game into a labyrinth of paywalls

If you think an optional sub or spending a bit more on DLC (which again is largely pick and choose) and not having gold to gems is "squeezing money out of every orifice", then I think that says more about you than anything else.

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@Inoki.6048 said:The simplest solution is a subscription. If not a mandatory one, then an optional one (looks at ESO). I bet they are considering that.

I have said before that there should be a voluntary gem subscription, in $5 (400 gem) increments. Psychologically, I'm not going to notice $5 a month. But if I'm not intending to buy anything from BLTC at a specific point in time, I won't spend the money and won't think about it.

You're not getting any perks that non-subscribers wouldnt have, and non-subscribers are still getting the exact same content you are. I find that perfectly fair.

I suspect what may happen instead is gold to gems going away, which would make the beancounters happy but would be an unforgivable cashgrab in the eyes of the players.

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Yes, it would be about time. Truth hurts, most people want to bog down games and play for free. I cant wait for CU and its sub based approach. Skin in the game. Id even pay for a wvw sub to get queue priority or rando skins. The world doesnt run on free. Id suggest heavier monetization than skins. Wvw bonfires that give karma or reward track boosts. Id buy a pack of 100 if all profits went to wvw. This isnt hard. But i aint buying anything if they dont see the money go to a wvw team.

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Anet, want money?

Advertise in wvw. Get coca cola to plaster their ads in smc. Get Nike ads to appear everytime a warrior resets by nike-ing away. Make NPCs offer insurance or health/medical cards when players speak to them. Make a huge screen like in Shibuya on the ship bombarding smc...

Not give players a Mario Cart that looks like a dinosaur...

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@Straegen.2938 said:

@Gemnaid.4219 said:How about the just make a better game?

Doesn't matter how good a game is... people get bored and leave. Virtually all MMOs have a lifespan and GW2 is getting a bit long in the tooth.You are posting that water isn't wet in every thread you can find today, are you not?There are 17-year old RvR-only games out there with 30k players online now under a subscription model.GW2's / WvW's life span is simply down to design choices at Anet, especially with no credible contender on the entire fantasy-genre market. The #1 genre.

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WvW always has content that arrives way too late to the party (or not at all). Many years in, the damage is done. Siege skins as an example should've been available the moment it were possible to implement them. Btw, I only recall the lunar new year skin many years ago.. did they really have other siege skins?

If the same problems that echo throughout the WvW community still exist, no amount of wvw skins is gonna cover up those problems and magically make the game mode popular again.

game balance > selling skins

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