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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Please post in this thread if you come across a significant bug related to the textures, placement, or effects for the following:

  • Armor/clothing
  • Weapons
  • Character models

General Guidelines

  • Take a screenshot of the issue
  • Take a screenshot of your equipment on the Hero Panel (H)
  • Host on an image hosting site, such as Imgur, GYAZO, Lightshot, Flickr, TinyPic, etc.
  • If you have a video of the issue, upload to YouTube (unlisted)
  • Post the image or video link(s) in your report
  • Describe the problem
  • List your Race, Sex, and Profession

If the issue relates to clothing/armor/weapons

  • List the names and level requirement of every piece of armor/clothing/weapon that your character had equipped when you encountered the issue
  • If you can, list where you acquired the item -- which NPC, what map location, which dungeon, etc.

Note on clipping issues: While we understand that players would like us to eradicate all clipping issues, some minor issues cannot be fixed. For the purposes of this thread, please restrict your reports to severe clipping issues. For instance, your shield is impaling you or your daggers are completely hidden by your coat. Things like hair clipping or minor clipping of weapons into armor are sometimes unavoidable and we appreciate your help in focusing on the major issues.

For issues related to map art, please post in this thread.

We appreciate everyone's help with these issues. Thank you!

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  • 3 months later...

Item: Spearmarshal OutfitRace: HumanGender: MaleClass: N/A (Guardian)


The new 'Spearmarshal' outfit from the "Path of Fire" expansion has a few clipping issues around the waistline and upper legs on males when either on a slight slope (worse when on severe inclines) and even while just standing idling on flat ground in places such as cutscenes. Here's some examples, and sorry for the quality:






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Item: Inventor's SunglassesRace : Charr(masterrace)Gender: MaleClass : GuardianDescription: I used a total makeover kit, changed my old face/fur colo/hair to what it is in the pictures now, and the glasses clip through my face. I did not have this issue before the makeover change, and I do not have it on other charr characters. I have to note that they all have different faces.http://prntscr.com/gkd3xmhttp://prntscr.com/gkd4rehttp://prntscr.com/gkd5q3http://prntscr.com/gkd50k

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Item: Chuka and ChampawatRace : SylvariGender: FemaleClass : RangerDescription: Unlike with other legendaries what give people dozens of footprints going behind them, Chuka only gives me about 4 before they disappear. At PAX West, one of the devs suggested I try putting Chucka on a character of a different race and seeing if that makes a difference. I put it on my human thief and the same thing happens. I'd love to be able to show off my footprints like everyone else :)


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Race: HumanGender: FemaleProfession: ThiefItem: Stalwart Jerkin

haven't tested males or other races, so not sure if the issue is only for female human.Makes the neck look grey, with a very ugly seam to the head.it doesn't show in the preview window on the Hero Panel or character select screen.(this issue also made me notice that every single character have some sort of visible neck seams, though it's worst on humans. but this is harder to spot and doesn't bother me as much)


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Can we please report every instance of major Charr Tail Clipping here?Minor clipping to me sounds like Banded Shoulders clipping through the character's shoulders/arms at certain angles, and odd armors interfering with each other (Usually extreme spikes) But outfits and armors completely ignoring a piece of anatomy (Especially since so many similar make an attempt to avoid it) seems Major.

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Race: Human male, Norn male, Sylvari male.

[All gliders]

Ive noticed all gliders on abovementioned races are on the wonk. This has been annoying me greatly.


Especially visible on the Classical Glider skin due to its square and angled shape you can see that Human male tilts heavily to the right no matter what mode, Norn appears permantly crooked pointing ever slightly to the left instead of forward when sprinting. Sylvari male, like human, tilts to the right.

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I just gender swapped/renamed my Charr engineer from male to female with one of the newest faces, NO REGRETS! However, a lot of the head pieces centered around the eyes do not line up with the face! Some pics to see (not shown is bloodstone visage where the attach points for the glow is on her eyebrows, so any others with attach points there will also display above the eyes.)Please adjust these attach points Anet, I love my new Holokitty, but can't use these skins as they are.mOHulFl.jpgbI9sNai.jpgS8NpkJs.jpgGITT9lo.jpg

Gemstore item I can#t use on character;CC0xz5n.jpg5Cqt1U5.jpg

Plus lots more helm items, that do not line up with this face! It's a cute face and I want to use it with some skins.

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Charr Female, Medium armor. Most of these either sit just barely above the eyes on this particular(and the other special faces offered) Cut the eyes off completely etc.





all the maskse9LkkOZ.jpg






nightmare court eye piecenot centered on faceyikB4op.jpg

the worst offenders are these two though, because they are cultural armor.Tier 1 Hovers, barely cuts off eyes


Tier 2 Hovers, cuts off eyes


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Female Asura2015 Wintersday Release New HairSample_4.pngSample_1.png(Reusing the comment I left over a year ago on the previous Guild Wars 2 issues thread)The hair is nice, but when a character moves with said hair, the front bangs clip right into the asura’s forehead and the hair behind just stretches out like the world's finest plastic bag…Sample_2.pngSample_3.pngSample_5.pngI’m not sure if that’s part of the flow of the hair, but it’s kinda weird when I have to fall downwards be it glider or transportational jumping pad and see the hair stretching out like a miniature tower, rivaling that the size of an asura.Considering the other hair styles of asura that have bangs that easily rise with the hairline, it should be doable to recreate that on the latest hair as well.gw2_small_Sample_Proof.png

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Item: Sneakthief ShoulderguardsRace: CharrGender: FemaleClass: EnginierDescription: So my Schoulderpats are just Flining away from my Charakter. Looks Wierd and its not some Layline-Magic here!https://i.gyazo.com/664efaa4a3e4e56fa9c19189d2685ce5.jpghttps://i.gyazo.com/16ef6ad095e2f8ce3a9ec0a3871ee75c.jpghttps://i.gyazo.com/94b801e0d3df4f9e1e66679041d184c3.jpghttps://i.gyazo.com/f879d477c79bfc685f3f83e608b59024.png

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@Rastavaray.7231 said:Item: Chuka and ChampawatRace : SylvariGender: FemaleClass : RangerDescription: Unlike with other legendaries what give people dozens of footprints going behind them, Chuka only gives me about 4 before they disappear. At PAX West, one of the devs suggested I try putting Chucka on a character of a different race and seeing if that makes a difference. I put it on my human thief and the same thing happens. I'd love to be able to show off my footprints like everyone else :)


Pretty much the same with Bifrost as well.

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Race: SylvariGender: femaleClass: NecromancerIssue: Pants clip into character bodyIssue Images: Character Select - https://i.imgur.com/EEhZrtu.jpg, Weapons Sheathed - https://i.imgur.com/4iYQJ8N.jpg, Weapons Drawn - https://i.imgur.com/cyGiTs1.jpgSettings: https://i.imgur.com/0NqxQNN.jpgHero Panel: https://i.imgur.com/mFOfkFB.jpgGear: Wraith Masque, Primitive Mantle, Dry Bones Garb, Leystone Gloves, Primitve Legwraps, Leystone Shoes

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Race: CharrGender: femaleClass: MediumIssue: The female charr neck clips the neck of Legendary Medium Armor. This happens on every body type.Settings: AnyImage: https://imgur.com/a/zxxSx

Or a dev can just go test it ingame... It's not like it's invisible or anything. It's very visible and apparent, a surprise that it has been overlooked.

Please fix this. I've worked very hard on this armor, and really disappointed there is still this issue.

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Race: NornGender: MaleClass: Warrior

Description: The pants of the original Braham set have a gaping hole in the back where body armor meets pants, staring into a skin-colored void. The bug is visible with more or less every existing body armor combination, and this issue seems to have been present since the very beginning since the only reference to it I could find was from over four years ago.

Image: https://i.imgur.com/DuFcrmd.jpg

The problem isn't too well highlighted in an image, but take them to equipment preview and turn your character around a little and the problem becomes glaringly obvious.

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