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Hey Healing Revenants, how do you like the new change?


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was raiding with my guild yesterday, i went as renegade healer and tried new stuff. my experience: better overall healing + one more perma boon on the squad. I'd say this was a pretty nice buff.The orbs are well... more visual clutter. while they are much better now you still can barely see them. so in raid scenario it certainly helps that they are picked up instantly when they spawn on mates.tbh i dont mind the regen gone. compared to 20% more healoutput the trait itself was VERY weak anyway, plus regen in itself is not very strong. and if you play regen heals you take herald anyway, and put regen on 10 ppl with your facet so...

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@Madara.7435 said:was raiding with my guild yesterday, i went as renegade healer and tried new stuff. my experience: better overall healing + one more perma boon on the squad. I'd say this was a pretty nice buff.The orbs are well... more visual clutter. while they are much better now you still can barely see them. so in raid scenario it certainly helps that they are picked up instantly when they spawn on mates.tbh i dont mind the regen gone. compared to 20% more healoutput the trait itself was VERY weak anyway, plus regen in itself is not very strong. and if you play regen heals you take herald anyway, and put regen on 10 ppl with your facet so...

Good to hear it is good somewhere.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Hmmm, how do I put it nicely?

-We went from four trash traits to four traits about orbs (so not much changed there).-We got two new Retribution 2.0 traits in Salvation.-We got the only reliable access to regeneration stripped from the healing-focused traitline.-We got healing nerfed on Ventari's Will.-We got icons that actually fit the pacifist traitline and that aren't suspiciously demonic.-We got a new rez trait. Oh wait just kidding, we are still the only class with no rez traits or skills.-We got healing implemented into staff 2.

Basically, the only update support Revenant (different from self-healing Revenant or orb-hunting Revenant) got was the staff 2 update. While it did come as an arguable nerf to the flexibility of the skill, it is a nice (but not game-changing) addition to the kit. Unlike a certain three-letter word. Frankly the focus on the embarrassingly out of touch orb mechanic feels like a cruel joke and a slap in the face. Today was a step forward for bunkerrevdom, but a step in the totally wrong direction for supportrevdom. Are orbs really our future?

On a more positive note, Ancient Echo is a very nice addition to the core class (and no, not the alacrity for Ventari).

Before the Herald rework, we had a trait that casted Infuse Light when we began reviving an ally while also increasing the reviving speed. I seriously don't know why they removed it.

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@Edge.8724 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Hmmm, how do I put it nicely?

-We went from four trash traits to four traits about orbs (so not much changed there).-We got two new Retribution 2.0 traits in Salvation.-We got the only reliable access to regeneration stripped from the healing-focused traitline.-We got healing nerfed on Ventari's Will.-We got icons that actually fit the pacifist traitline and that aren't suspiciously demonic.-We got a new rez trait. Oh wait just kidding, we are still the only class with no rez traits or skills.-We got healing implemented into staff 2.

Basically, the only update support Revenant (different from self-healing Revenant or orb-hunting Revenant) got was the staff 2 update. While it did come as an arguable nerf to the flexibility of the skill, it is a nice (but not game-changing) addition to the kit. Unlike a certain three-letter word. Frankly the focus on the embarrassingly out of touch orb mechanic feels like a cruel joke and a slap in the face. Today was a step forward for bunkerrevdom, but a step in the totally wrong direction for supportrevdom. Are orbs really our future?

On a more positive note, Ancient Echo is a very nice addition to the core class (and no, not the alacrity for Ventari).

Before the Herald rework, we had a trait that casted Infuse Light when we began reviving an ally while also increasing the reviving speed. I seriously don't know why they removed it.

PvP, as with all bad things that happen in PvE to satisfy PvP QQ.

It's the reason power herald remains garbage in PvE, because it's strong in pvp.

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@Madara.7435 said:was raiding with my guild yesterday, i went as renegade healer and tried new stuff. my experience: better overall healing + one more perma boon on the squad. I'd say this was a pretty nice buff.The orbs are well... more visual clutter. while they are much better now you still can barely see them. so in raid scenario it certainly helps that they are picked up instantly when they spawn on mates.tbh i dont mind the regen gone. compared to 20% more healoutput the trait itself was VERY weak anyway, plus regen in itself is not very strong. and if you play regen heals you take herald anyway, and put regen on 10 ppl with your facet so...

Regen is the most important healing boon. 700hps a tick are a lot especially if it's on players spreading for mechanics. Seems like rene is only really playable with a 10target regen healer. Also healing modifiers stack additively. +20% outgoing healing aren't increasing your heals by 20%.

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I've resigned myself to take the barrier trait and the 20% adept trait. It's more or less a permanent 3k damage barrier. Nothing to write home about, but it helps keep you over the 75% threshold and makes you tankier relative to your group so you can better focus on keeping them alive during spread mechanics.

But there is no question, healer renegade is NERFED. The staff changes are laughable, staff 2 at best heals for 1.2-2k. The orbs heal for nothing.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Daniel Handler.4816 said:I would appreciate if facets worked with Generous Abundance. And Healer's Gift was a heal on dodge, not a heal on pick up,

Don't they trigger the trait when you consume the facets?

In game tooltip says "Dragon Facet skills cannot activate this trait.:" And I've confirmed that is accurate with the passive and active. I'm assuming there is some technical limitation.

I assume it would be too easy to exploit the heal

Just to confirm, while you don't get orbs when you active the facet upkeep skills or from it's ticks you do get one when you blast the facets second skill0Xbe0do.png

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@Aeolus.3615 said:20% affects direct healing, for spike heal it’s quite nice if player has invested decent healing power.

I kinda like the barrier as contrary to what I was thinking, a bit scaling on barrier gain would not be bad also huehuehuehuehue

Doesn't outgoing healing affect all kind of healing? 20% increased outgoing healing are not 20% higher heals. More like 10% with all the modifiers rev already has. Thats like 800more healing each ventari tablet pulse. Regen is way stronger than that.

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@Nephalem.8921 said:

@Aeolus.3615 said:20% affects direct healing, for spike heal it’s quite nice if player has invested decent healing power.

I kinda like the barrier as contrary to what I was thinking, a bit scaling on barrier gain would not be bad also huehuehuehuehue

Doesn't outgoing healing affect all kind of healing? 20% increased outgoing healing are not 20% higher heals. More like 10% with all the modifiers rev already has. Thats like 800more healing each ventari tablet pulse. Regen is way stronger than that.

Good point, but I think the 20% applies on per regen tick wich game really unnoticeable, good thing that herald has a boost to stronger regen

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Going to copypasta what I posted on another thread as I feel it's more relevant here.

Don't much care about the new Vigor (Will probably just run Tranquil Balance now) but the total loss of Regeneration from Ventari / Renegade is pretty big. Regen made up a decent portion of healing from the tablet and helped to keep people near it topped off with its 700-1100 healing per second, removing Regen from tablet left Rev the only healing profession without access to the only healing-based boon. I'm aware you can still get a small amount of Regen from running Spirit Boon in the Invocation line, but investing in an entire trait line for 8 seconds of Regen which only gets applies when switching into centaur is less then optimal.

Also while the healing orbs are nice, the GM trait that causes them to drop directly competes with Selfless Amplification, which means using them requires you to give up 28-32% outgoing healing which isn't really ever going to be worth it.

The range on the orbs for healing and the Vigor is also extremely pitiful at 120, which is less than melee range (130) this makes the 'AoE' effect of triggering the orbs nearly impossible to use and almost entirely pointless as an area heal / boon application. This range would need to be at least DOUBLED to 240 for it to start feeling worthwhile, this is before mentioning the orbs tendency to spawn 5-10 feet away from melee so they never trigger anyways. I tried running an orb-based renegade healing build in Daily Fractals/CM, had to drop the orbs as they were doing nothing.

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I don’t mind the 120 radios if they add a pull button to the orbs of players arrouns 240 xd, this would fix the RNG and not noteceable orbs due all the visuAl clutter.The orb system could have its own mechanic and orb buffs if needed could be via the absorv orb skill.

Every player within range of a orb extra button on players ui to reclaim orbs.

Orbs system fixed.

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Can barely see the new orbs. They don't last long enough. Sure they're three seconds, but it takes like two seconds for them to appear. Also, the healing is worse than the previous single orb. With regeneration being gone, I thought this would compensate when considering active movement. ... Nope. The values are too little. Also, I've lost Healing Power, so nerfed all around.

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@Madara.7435 said:

@Zenith.7301 said:The orbs heal for nothing.

orbs heal more baseline and scale better with hp than regen does. just saying. and yes, you can easily put out one orb per second.

The orbs heal for 400 at best after the third attack chain or a successful condi cleanse....that's way less frequent than 1k regen ticks every few seconds, not to mention regen was a boon that contributes to increased damage for boon damage % mod classes like ele and deadeye.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Knighthonor.4061 said:Ancient Echo should temporary boost all healing from the Revenant. I rather that than "
" Alacrity

We already have so much healing and you want more?? ?

yes. I want more. Ancient Echo only works for non Elite Spec,,,

Obviously, but if you’re playing support Revenant without Herald or Renegade, you’re missing out on the majority of what makes support Revenant good. Elite specs are supposed to be playstyle changes that add things to the class it didn’t have much access to before in its core class. Since Renegade and Herald are both “offensive and defensive support” specs respectively, it seems fairly intentional that both elite specs are flat out better than core rev when it comes to supporting allies. Not even a 100% boost to all outgoing healing being added to Ancient Echo for Ventari would make Ancient Echo and Core Rev relevant or better than it’s Elites for support. And quite frankly core rev doesn’t need to be as good or better than its elites for support, since that’s both of the elite’s niches.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@Knighthonor.4061 said:Ancient Echo should temporary boost all healing from the Revenant. I rather that than "
" Alacrity

We already have so much healing and you want more?? ?

yes. I want more. Ancient Echo only works for non Elite Spec,,,

Obviously, but if you’re playing support Revenant without Herald or Renegade, you’re missing out on the majority of what makes support Revenant good.
Elite specs are supposed to be playstyle changes that add things to the class it didn’t have much access to before in its core class.
Since Renegade and Herald are both “offensive and defensive support” specs respectively, it seems fairly intentional that both elite specs are flat out better than core rev when it comes to supporting allies. Not even a 100% boost to all outgoing healing being added to Ancient Echo for Ventari would make Ancient Echo and Core Rev relevant or better than it’s Elites for support. And quite frankly core rev doesn’t need to be as good or better than its elites for support, since that’s both of the elite’s niches.

then whats the trade off?

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Knighthonor.4061 said:Ancient Echo should temporary boost all healing from the Revenant. I rather that than "
" Alacrity

We already have so much healing and you want more?? ?

yes. I want more. Ancient Echo only works for non Elite Spec,,,

Obviously, but if you’re playing support Revenant without Herald or Renegade, you’re missing out on the majority of what makes support Revenant good.
Elite specs are supposed to be playstyle changes that add things to the class it didn’t have much access to before in its core class.
Since Renegade and Herald are both “offensive and defensive support” specs respectively, it seems fairly intentional that both elite specs are flat out better than core rev when it comes to supporting allies. Not even a 100% boost to all outgoing healing being added to Ancient Echo for Ventari would make Ancient Echo and Core Rev relevant or better than it’s Elites for support. And quite frankly core rev doesn’t need to be as good or better than its elites for support, since that’s both of the elite’s niches.

then whats the trade off?

You don't get Ancient Echo.

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