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Racial elite skills and elite skills that need a reduce cooldown time.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@joneirikb.7506 said:ANet said they specifically don't want racial skills to be good enough to compete with class skills in any ways, because there should never be a reason to pick one race over another for a specific class.Yep. This is the thread answer.

Easy. Insert a divide between open world and personal story PvE and dungeons /raids/fractal PvE and improve the racial skills for the former only.

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@derd.6413 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:Imo all Racial skills should be reworked into PvE only gimmick F6-7-8-9-0 skills that are not really that useful and have long cooldowns.Something that adds a little more uniqueness to each race but not at the cost of builds or benefit to them either.Just fun gimmick skills with minor uses that can't be spammed.. enough to maybe save you in a tight spot if used right but not enough to make any build or playstyle more or less viable on any class.Naturally these skills would not be usable in Raids, Fractals, PvP or WvW for obvious reason.Only PvE.

why not just make them race exclusive novelties at that point. (that way we at least have the systems already in place)

That could work for Norn Transformations but I can't think of much outside of that.I'd like them to remain combat usable though.

I guess you could set them as novelty combat skills and equip one at a time and trigger them with your assigned Novelty key.. that could work in theory.Although it would mean they'd all need to be somewhat rebalanced to have equal use to one another.Prayer to Lyssa for example would need a big upgrade to be able to compete with things like Summon Sylvan Hound or Nornbear Transformation.But yeah novelty combat skills could work pretty good for race skills.

i meant non-combat skills since anet doesn't want ppl to use them in serious combat

They could block them in competitive, taking their combat use away would probably annoy people more than anything.Some may get some cosmetic use like Sylvari who could sprout flowers everywhere or summon a non combat dog pet but Norn players would be annoyed if their big hulking animal forms lost all combat capability and were reduced to a parlor trick equal to tonics etc.I think it's better to keep the combat options but make them gimmicks that don't take away from any characters build, that could easily be done by giving them big cooldowns and balancing their usefulness around that.

so keep them as they are now. i'd rather have them be as "useless" as a tonic then completely unusable.

also i would mention i think making them trasform utilities like the
would be the best approach (and keep them around that level of useful)

That would make them even less useful than they are now.. severely less useful.

The Wolf Totem is a fun gimmick but as a combat transformation it's almost completely useless.I'd actually like to see that wolf toem upgraded just for the fun of it, I enjoy the idea of combat tonics and wish most of them had real PvE use to them rather than costume brawl or nothing at all, specially the rarer ones like the Endless Djinn.

Race skills just need to be taken out of the build system and applied to the character, they're no use to anyone as substitutes for class skills unless said person doesn't have any elite class skills which makes the utilities almost completely useless.It would even be an improvement if the race skills acted as default utility/elite skills until the player was able to unlock class skills to replace them.

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They do have combat tonics, e.g. the Kodan one, that let you fight in that form using your usual skills. They are the exception to the rule, though. But many of the transformation-type racial skills probably would see more use if they worked that way - even though they don't do anything, at least they're not a nerf! Only problem is I don't think they have attach points for weapons and would look pretty weird using weapon skills without them. (Funny enough, the GW1 norn bear transformation did have the ability to hold weapons, even if it was NPC-only.)

Skill-replacer tonics being able to be used for open-world PvE content, though, I'm not sure about. Would it be fun to use occasionally for a laugh? Yeah. But it's not very high on my list of "things I would want ArenaNet devs to spend scarce time on".

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Rather have them add the racial skills as a extra usable elite skill strong and overbuffed for story instance only (with a large cooldown) and maybe on pve maps where the race has a large influence, at least it would make the abilities fun to use, even if you have to wait some time to use it again...Now its just useless

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@Ben K.6238 said:They do need a pass to make them a little more sensible. I get that Artillery Barrage shouldn't be competing with an actual Elementalist, but it doesn't need to be quite that awful.

yep, the barrage is grotesque. Barrage should be like meteor shower but with a longer cooldown of course and a longer range.

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It's just occurred to me that I've not checked out any racials in years, ever since ANet nerfed them into oblivion. The CDs are the killer. Another thing has occurred to me - Mistlock SIngularities. They recharge all skills on CD. Hmm.

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How about a re-work of racial skills so they are more cosmetic and be a toggle with a slight boost to stats

Norn turn into; Spirits of the Wild (i.e. transform into a Bear and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)Asura turn into; Golem (i.e. transform into Mox and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)Human turn into; Gods (i.e. transform into Balthazar and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)Char turn into; Battle machines (i.e. transform into a Trike and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)Sylvari turn into; Animals (i.e. transform into a Wild Stag and power, precision and ferocity get a 7% stat boost)

Each race could have 4-5 different things they transform into and get different stat boosts (basically it's like Malyx on revenant but not as powerful)

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  • 4 years later...

The answer is due to diversity and balance.

I think the designers principles of diversity and balance are correct and not much focus should be on these skills.

It is essential to prevent any race / class from becoming the go-to option for players aiming to maximize their effectiveness.

Especially, racial skills should enrich the game with distinctiveness and variety, and not become so dominant that they eclipse the fundamental mechanics and equilibrium of the game, i.e. focusing too much on these skills will force character creation decision based on mechanical superiority. Not healthy especially if only Asurans are running around all maps. 🙂

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3 hours ago, Bunny.9834 said:

Make the Racial Skills Open World PVE only. 
This way, it's strictly for flavor only and RP fantasy. 

They can then tweak some of the CD to make them semi-useful. 


What about the poor revenant's who cant use them?

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2 hours ago, Athena.6854 said:

The answer is due to diversity and balance.

I think the designers principles of diversity and balance are correct and not much focus should be on these skills.

It is essential to prevent any race / class from becoming the go-to option for players aiming to maximize their effectiveness.

Especially, racial skills should enrich the game with distinctiveness and variety, and not become so dominant that they eclipse the fundamental mechanics and equilibrium of the game, i.e. focusing too much on these skills will force character creation decision based on mechanical superiority. Not healthy especially if only Asurans are running around all maps. 🙂

Having some skills be intentionally so bad noone would use them is not what i think when i hear words like "diversity" and "balance". Quite the opposite, in fact.

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On 3/24/2024 at 4:54 AM, Keefe.3821 said:

The majority of elite skills need cd reduction and changed. Especially considering how literally useless they are. 

They should nerf your post cool down. 

Given you needed over 4 years to reply to this post. 😁

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