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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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I'm glad they're addressing the issues with the time gate, but could they make it a little less grindy? 250 of each currency is 4 or 5 times the amount necessary imo. Moreover the numerous jumping puzzles when most of the player base(not me) don't like them is a bit much. Also I don't think mount acquisition is at all comparable to Legendaries like Aurora(I've done it and I'm glad I did it). Mounts don't give you auras or stats that you can change whenever you want. I'd rather pay 250g than do all the grinding.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:wow!!! the number of msgs on this topic, 1.4kstill on Skyscale of [Elements] part after all these days, i'm seem so far behind the pack, cant see how people could sit in front of computer all day rushing through contents

which is the dilemma for Anet and any other game developers, if you don't put some sort of limit to block players rushing through contents, players are going to complaint about no content

if there is a limit put in place, players are going to complaint about the existence of the limit

If you're going to come on and talk about how many comments there are, please take the time to actually skim/read them before commenting, so you can actually know what our criticisms are before considering them "baseless complaints."

what the kittent you going on about, I was commented on the number of comments on the topic after merging of multiple threads, and I was one of the earlier commentor on the negativity of having timegates

what my latest comment is to address the difficulties of finding the balance for the dev to ensure player can stay engaged with the new content for as long as possible



This is the interesting part, the golem backpack from Sandswept Isles have timegate too, yet where are hoards of the complaints? I think this pretty much streamed from player's expectations of !!!bam!!! Skyscale day 1

yet Anet pretty much said, no no no, Skyscale is a prestige mount, like the griffon, so you will need to put in some effort

WP does have a pretty good point on Teapot's stream,
INKS also have a pretty good counterpoint, that



just think about when ascended weapons and armors just came out, well, even to this day, how long it will take to craft them with the ascended crafting material timegate without purchasing from TP

Teapot makes a even better point though. Any other type of content could be timegated. A legendary skin for the skyscale would be a great idea, they could also had made so getting the legendary skin for the skyscale would unlock a set of matching skins for the other mounts they players could buy in the gem store.

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They really should have gone back and made the LS4 hearts easier to complete. The biggest gripe about POF design is that for some reason they seem to think that clicking on akward interactables for 10 minutes is engaging. Halve the progress points needed for each heart and boom, people are excited to go back and do older maps without feeling like they need to dedicate an hour+ to each map every day.

Uncap charged quartz creation too, the gate within a gate was the most egregious mobile game themed design choice.

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@Ragnarox.9601 said:comparing wvw mount which you can get in 1h to a new skyscale which you can get in 50 days plain skin.... lol

I can get the wvw mount for 100 days. If I try hard I can get it for 300 days.And many players already have the Skyscale... time passes quickly, didn't even notice these 50 days, what about you?

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@Ragnarox.9601 said:comparing wvw mount which you can get in 1h to a new skyscale which you can get in 50 days plain skin.... lol

I can get the wvw mount for 100 days. If I try hard I can get it for 300 days.And many players already have the Skyscale... time passes quickly, didn't even notice these 50 days, what about you?

I did not understand this...

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@Ragnarox.9601 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@Ragnarox.9601 said:comparing wvw mount which you can get in 1h to a new skyscale which you can get in 50 days plain skin.... lol

I can get the wvw mount for 100 days. If I try hard I can get it for 300 days.And many players already have the Skyscale... time passes quickly, didn't even notice these 50 days, what about you?

I did not understand this...

The point being that the war law is not available within 1h for everyone, for the poster it would take a long time.

On top of that their are people who already have it so 50 days is aan exaggeration.

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@Teefy.5016 said:funny you should mention that. the skyscale harvesting tool is the cutest ever, and on any other day i would have gotten it. now im salty and the wallet stays closed.

I was just thinking the same thing. I'm so disappointed/resigned/bored with the Skyscale acquisition -- I'll probably get it eventually... in a few weeks... maybe... maybe not -- that I seriously doubt I'll buy anything Skyscale-related, like skins, tools, etc. Probably not what ANet was hoping for.

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@Genesis.8572 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:Since the mount isn't changing, you want to put less effort in order to obtain it.The functionality of the mounts have been changed and adjusted before, with the springer receiving the most recent update last week. So the idea of ArenaNet adjusting the skyscale - especially once more players have the fully unlocked and upgraded skyscale at their dispoal - is far from being farfetched.

Since you mention that - never forget that it is not always an upgrade. The griffon was nerfed in it's flying ability not terribly long ago.

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Im about done with the skyscale and let me tell you it takes about 5hrs of actual time spent to get collections across about 7 days. And thats with me collecting things far before, so i didnt have that charged quartz/currency problem. The warclaw, griffin, beetle all take about the same actual play time hours to get those collection, only difference is that those can be done in 1 single day. So for me logically is not taking away from any other content i enjoy. 5hrs is 5hrs no matter how i decide to split it up. This mount will be similar to the warclaw for me. I got it but who cares, the other mounts do the things i need it for better.

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Hi everyone,

I've seen the new adjustment about the new mount. But, I was not disapointing about it just mad about something people probably don't talk about much. And, even if this adjustment is fun, I'm still a bit annoyed by something worst in the quest than waiting a day to do the next quest.

First of all, I was never expecting the drake to be easy to have... but still, the philosophy of forcing player to work hard for something who is actually not that amazing annoy me. (I'm not sayin the drake is not indredible I'm sayin that having a griffon does make him not that amazing) But, this is why I love this game either, tou care about constance and logic...

So waiting a day or even if you wanted us to riiise our little scale is the most adorable things of all time I ever seen in a game. And I even never wonder if I should wait him to grow up from egg to teen for twi weeks.

I have a problem about the LAST. QUEST.

Guild wars 2 is a game for many type of players, but especially the casual one. Those who like something dynamics, who don't like to play the game because they forced to play it and feel like every effort is worth it. And because of what the game actually is: a beautiful game, with a great great and glorious stories and lores, full of surprise. Explorators will find their way, pk too, hard core gamer too, casual too, role player etc etc and that's great.

Because of what the game is, I was able to bring people in. And I'm not kidding, I bring more than 50people in the game. Show them how open and funny and difficult it can be. When I met someone who tell me he love game and mmo but don't have time for it and get bored quickly I mentionned gw2 AND gw1 and they start smiling buy the game, someone even buy a full gamer set for it. Your game is amazing, and I don't know if you know how much love and pleasure you bring to people who gave up on so many things.

Why these people love your game is: they don't have many time to play, they don't want and it's normal to do the same things again and againnnn.... they don't want to feel like they are doing things for nothing more than the task herself. Or just the gameplay. Your mmo is one of the best because of that, and don't look like the others. They love the fact that they can find easter eggs and stories, secret place and fun things. Full funny surprise and get incredible experience in game because of instance and now Mount. Some of them just buy... a full gamer set, just becayse they enjoyed it sooo much they started to smile again and be nore motivating about things to do in real life. I know even some of them met the greatest people of their life because of what type of people this game attract and so the most greatest community of all time. They don't have to farm like a dead slave just for a quest or kill 2 wolfs then 3 then 30 then 450 then the wolf king the wolf quenn the packs and the 3400 others. Know what I mean right...And the detail in your game keep them in, they truly love to be a part of it, and play for a day when they can. And because they can't play everyday they can still follow the movement of the game and the new events because they'll always find people to help. And this is fun.

One of my friend struggles with the griffon quest, I helped him with facet lol. Warn him about all the fail he could experienced because of the few people who are still doing the quest, I helped him for the last part and he got it he's so happy now. Because like you said: every mount, is not just mount, they offer you new experience.

You may don't get why I'm talking about all of this. But I'm not complaining, I'm pointing something wrong in the skyscale quest.

The last... part... i can play everyday and started to enjoy the game again better than before because of all the changes you made and the storyyy... waaas.... oh my.

But still, the first type of players who are enjoying the game for years are actually leaving... counting for hundreads of them for my proper experience, and it's okay about the fact that peoppe leave or not. I'm concerned about why people are living the game and something I noticed few years ago. The way some maps are empty, the way some are full. The way you made fun in some of them, surprise, and the way you may forgot about the fact that, I'm pretty sure I'm right, gw2 is not a farming gameplay. And If I want ro farm, I have so many games to play. And it's okay to make everything for every type of player. Still, the best part of your game is: every player can find their way, without be forced to do the exact type of things they don't like that the others type of player like to do.

If you want to kill players you change the map. If you want to do raids to. If you want hard gameplay and great stories by the way, or some changements, go to fractals. If you want to chill, youuu can they are so many places to be. Even if you want to date you can lol. If you want to play mini games they are so many everywhere and all the way you did that, was in a beautiful way. Waiting was a bit frustating but I enjoyed that frustration. I couldn't look away of my baby dragon and her little noize even my friend who don't like games was sooo into it she watch my drake for 20 min and throw her the balls when I was on my way to buy pizza. And I still enjoyyy... my baby drake. And so I'm still playing the game in some manners gw fans do, because that's why we love it. You have that type of intelligence and creativity to push things higher and higher or not surprise us or not and make so incredible surprise to your community. You deserve the love and the community you have, because you match with their mind and heart. The way the game is, attract people who will love that way. I don't know how rift as turnw but it was a great game and a very mature community when the game was release. And I hope many greats things and luck and beautiful years for that game to.

So... you wanted to do a difficult quest for this mount. GOOD POINT. VERY GREAT AS ALWAYS. I'm honest here! Why not? The story of the skyscale is cute and cool. The collections are funs, difficult, clever and great. I'm not against farming, hard day in game, success, hard work, hard times, getting tired, hard difficulty, re do the same things or metta event but not for 250 special maps guys. This is so much, okay cool this is different from the griffon but the griffon was frustating long difficult sometime sadic, great, secret and very pleasant. As the drake, and as you said you could do the quest in sooo many way you could explore for testing your idea than this farm. Why this farm why so much why I don't know okay it's because you want people to deserve the mount but dudes the players who followed you for years deserve it more than those who has spend noney to buy it and play for like 5months and don't give any **** about your games and so many of them are joining the games now it would make me sad if that type of players become more and more efficient and start to rule the whole game. I mean, 100/150 ok... still many but thoses casuals players I'm talking about who don't have time to play and still are important as the one who can play everyday because they don't have somethings else to care about in real life deserve to be considerate. I'm not sayin that this is not a good quest, I'm sayin that the way you choose to push the difficulty is... too... well...hum... you know, not the game. It's a mount, not an armor, not a crazy stuff, not something who will show how MANY CRAZY TIMES AND EFDORTS THIS DUDE HAS SPEND IN WvW/MCM or Fractals or pvp or WHATEVER GUYS. This mount is for every player who played the games and story, may enjoy it and did the whoooole quest. You should have make this quest more longer, with some impredictable part to do I don't know like you always done. This is the most powerful identity of your gane and the dragon mount is special as the griffon and the Scara or even the chacal but this one is special because I believe for you it's an achievment of a huge journey for like 7 years it's greaaaaat!!!! And it's a brautiful dragon... can't wait for the skin the money will fall from the sky for you... only if people can have it. I believe many of them will not, because of the last part. Many of them already gave up because of that. It's not about what people like or not, but the things they have to do for the saddle. It's not huge or difficult just TOO MUCH and the fact that we have to work hard for having a mount and hard core farming just because it's a dragon don't make any sense.

So the people who can farm everyday will have it, the people who spend their life in the game will have it. The no life ones will jave it first... and all the one who don't want and don't like and it's normal IT'S JUST A GAAAME.... and don't have time will be left behind. And that's sucks.

So I'm asking you: with all the way you can make this quest difficult great long frustating forcing the effort of every game... why this horrible extra farming in the end... could have been more clever. I felt like I just be hit in my back by all the mmo I left because I have to play everyday and night in the game for 2weeks to gain a level for no real content... this is so sad and unpleasant. And not gw2 at all.

We had to farm the saddle for the pet of gorrik, could have made the saddle quest a bit more crazy, and a bit less simple hard farming mobs events every mmo materials in a nutshell...

So i'll do it, but I have my griffon... and this mount is not that amazing... when you have a griffon... even If I saw all the "things" you put in every map. And reinforce me about the fact that, even if you wanted to thank gamers work they work and support and journey maybe, the effect will end at: the community you wanted to thank is not the one who can play everyday. The community who will be thank is the part who as time to play and will fatm because of the dragon mount carrot is the other part of the one who followed you for long and deserve it. But the hard core farming comunity in all the games universe is not the one who fit your game first, and will have access to a content because they don't mind about others. You have to mind about why some of your players are leaving and what made your game so dynamics back in the day, and why you may be has been force to attract people in your game for his surviving, and that's great, but how it will end if you don't look deeply in how it would affect it and the community because of the choice you make.

I'm not against your try to save it and keep people in by making long quest. I'm against the farming old mmo things you're actually may try to do. This is not good. Those type of hard players may be fulffill your needs in some domain but will ruin your gaaame. But, may if you don't ruin fun in quest or map you'll have less struggles to find how people play here.

Point of my critics:

So muchmany and better way to push players on the hard work than just farming.

Wanted to express my feelings against some changes who happened in the game.

I know you can't do everything everytime for everyone you have to make choice... but just be constant about the inner mind of your game. The farmers players priviledges make me mad at a point I can't handle. This mounts as the griffon is a priviledge... but for players who did such a crazy quest and especially wonderful journey, not for a type of players and an elite you want to create... this... will end tragic if it is your project in the future. Don't bring them in here... they must be great for the finance, but god it's toxic.

Just sayin.???

Also... the ads of gw2 are a bit too simple and not really catchy for a great game like this. I don't play the game because I want to save a princess or ... OK YOU KNOW?! YOU HAVE TO ASSUME YOUR GAME IS DIFFERENT AND PEOPLE LOVE IT FOR THAT. people who don't like game CAME HERE AND START TO PLAY FREQUENTLY BECAUSE GUILD WARS HAS SOMETHING SPECIAL EVEN THE MOST POPULAR DON'T HAVE AND WILL NOT HAVE. he don't have the recognition he deserve and so many ads I've seen will not helo him ya knaw AND THIS IS ONE OF THE REASON I'M MAD! DON...T DO... LIKE ALL THE SHITTY GAME I PLAY FOR HFBDKJSB SAKE.

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Just gonna drop this here for everyone talking about their valuable time...

If your time is that valuable, don't play an MMO, which by design is always going to be a time sink. A MMO is meant to have a bit of everything for everyone. For all of you who'd rather "pay everything with gold" there are people who enjoy a different journey than brainless farming.

Your valuable time isn't spent the same way as mine or other players. It is not and has never been an argument for a video game. Everyone likes things differently.

Also no, giving the option to get everything through gold does not "fix" the issue. Skins, titles, legendary gliders, backpack can be a token for an accomplishment in the game. This mount is no different and shouldn't be.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:wow!!! the number of msgs on this topic, 1.4kstill on Skyscale of [Elements] part after all these days, i'm seem so far behind the pack, cant see how people could sit in front of computer all day rushing through contents

which is the dilemma for Anet and any other game developers, if you don't put some sort of limit to block players rushing through contents, players are going to complaint about no content

if there is a limit put in place, players are going to complaint about the existence of the limit

If you're going to come on and talk about how many comments there are, please take the time to actually skim/read them before commenting, so you can actually know what our criticisms are before considering them "baseless complaints."

what the kittent you going on about, I was commented on the number of comments on the topic after merging of multiple threads, and I was one of the earlier commentor on the negativity of having timegates

what my latest comment is to address the difficulties of finding the balance for the dev to ensure player can stay engaged with the new content for as long as possible



This is the interesting part, the golem backpack from Sandswept Isles have timegate too, yet where are hoards of the complaints? I think this pretty much streamed from player's expectations of !!!bam!!! Skyscale day 1

yet Anet pretty much said, no no no, Skyscale is a prestige mount, like the griffon, so you will need to put in some effort

WP does have a pretty good point on Teapot's stream,
INKS also have a pretty good counterpoint, that



just think about when ascended weapons and armors just came out, well, even to this day, how long it will take to craft them with the ascended crafting material timegate without purchasing from TP

Except the time gated step for things like Iggy, the daily thing you have to do isn't time consuming. It's not hard to go find something on the map real quick then interact with the golem for a hot second. Honestly, the same goes for the Wayfarer's Henge too, doing a few hearts every day isn't a lot to ask for. Sure, sucks to wait, but the Skyscale had steps that were huge grinds to be doing before a reset, or huge gold sinks for some people. Then when you finish feeding the thing you just...randomly have to wait another day? Despite being done that collection? On top of that, both of those time gated collections are for an ascended backpack. You can get an ascended backpack from things like winterberries within a day if you have multiple characters. So what you're really doing the collections for is the skin. A mount =/= a skin. Haven't had a chance to watch those streams though so I can't comment on them.

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You're kitten with me, right?

I was hyped for the skyscale. However I am glad I didn't start acquiring it because I wanted to wait until all the secrets of the collections and what not were revealed. When I heard there was collections nested in collections I was feeling a little more dead inside, but still willing to do it. I thought that was excessive, but I was willing.

. And then the biggest FU was having to drop 250 of each map currency for the kitten saddle. At that point I was like "yeah, kitten this, I'm going back on my birdcat."

This is excessive.

This is stupid.

All for a mount that is slow as molasses and about as useless as a pet rock with a USB cable.

Oh, yeah, and it only has one dye channel so if you want to fashion wars it you'll have to buy a skin anyway :D :D

My suggestion? Heckin get rid of the kitten saddle bs or if you really must have to decrease the required currency to 50 a pop.

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Just seen someone flying around Rata Sum on the skyscale, the first one I've seen outside the new map. So it looks like at least some people have completed the collection by now.

It will be interesting to see what the general attitude towards it is after some time has passed, whether people still feel it's as bad or if a week long collection seems more resonable in retrospect.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Just seen someone flying around Rata Sum on the skyscale, the first one I've seen outside the new map. So it looks like at least some people have completed the collection by now.

It will be interesting to see what the general attitude towards it is after some time has passed, whether people still feel it's as bad or if a week long collection seems more resonable in retrospect.

I think long term it’ll be alright, yet in still people who did it around this time will know ANET was on some BS for not communicating anything.

I’m still grateful for the up coming changes and they have my respect but it drop a lil with this, because it’s a big F U to those who soldiered through it but might have 1 character and again it seemed like the saddle would involve collections more so than a stack of each map currency. Could’ve easily been doing that during their current timegate.

Because in my opinion just because I end up getting the skyscale won’t mean I should then say what they did was fine, I’d be a fake fan to them and no growth is made from it. At least mentally. See luckily I got 12/13 lvl 80 characters to farm the currency, not many can say that(it’s not hard to do with bday gifts and etc but just saying) and for those who already don’t have enough time to play yet still tried, overall the whole handling of this collection is messed up.

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@"The Dreamwalker.7014" said:You're kitten with me, right?

I was hyped for the skyscale. However I am glad I didn't start acquiring it because I wanted to wait until all the secrets of the collections and what not were revealed. When I heard there was collections nested in collections I was feeling a little more dead inside, but still willing to do it. I thought that was excessive, but I was willing.

. And then the biggest FU was having to drop 250 of each map currency for the kitten saddle. At that point I was like "yeah, kitten this, I'm going back on my birdcat."

This is excessive.

This is stupid.

All for a mount that is slow as molasses and about as useless as a pet rock with a USB cable.

Oh, yeah, and it only has one dye channel so if you want to fashion wars it you'll have to buy a skin anyway :D :D

My suggestion? Heckin get rid of the kitten saddle bs or if you really must have to decrease the required currency to 50 a pop.

I figured it would’ve been neat if you got the skyscale once it grows up and then a unique skin for completing the entire collection.

That skyscale hatchling could’ve been a reward too, backpack or something. I can have a huge oversight with this idea but felt it’d be a positive as people suggested shrugs

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I had a long post in the closed thread about how the collections + costs was handled terribly, but it got cut off and I can't recover. So, I'll put the abbreviation here:

The skyscale collection in execution is eerily similar to Admiral Holdo from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Take all the bad and dumb things she did, combine it with the soft praise the movie gives her, and you have why so many people hate this collection.

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@TwilightSoul.9048 said:I'll add my opinion into this pile for good measure.

I understand that the time gates and material costs are meant to provide some feeling of accomplishment once you finish the collection, so that the time and materials/gold feel like an investment. That beeing said, I don't think that it actually fulfills that purpose since the timegate isn't a time period spent doing something for the Mount instead its basically just waiting time. Material Costs are fine as long as they're reasonable but I dislike raw Gold costs.Rather than artificial time gates which cause nothing but boredom and insane material/Gold costs which just stops some players in their tracks (it's more expensive than the griffon...), I'd prefer a time investment which is spent actually doing something that is neccessary for the mount, maybe some challenge that requires a little bit of finesse. Although I understand that challenges may not be the best choice either since we have a incredibly wide variety of skill levels across our player base here so challenges may be very frustrating for some players.

Oh and for me, 2h waiting time between collections is exactly the same as an entire day, I'm not gonna log in again 2h later. That waiting time serves no purpose other than to create an artificial time gate which adds absolutely nothing to the game, on the contrary, it actually takes away the excitement to achieve something new because you just sit there waiting or getting invested into something else which doesn't make you wait for no obvious reason. And don't tell me we have to wait because gorrik has to do some research or whatever, we can traver through all of tyria within seconds and kill Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Balthazaar and Kralkatorrik within a day, there is no way gorrik needs 2 Hours for some research or whatever ;)

I hope my opinion offers a new perspektive to this thread.

Have a nice day o/

Did anet actually confirmed this 2 hour time.gate?? If yes can yoingive.me the link. Cause i do.not.find it.anywhere. when is this change coming??

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