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New to WvW


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I have been searching for a guild or group that's on Kaineng that would be willing to teach me more about WvW.

Trying to find one has been extremely difficult. I have played this game since it came out but only recently did I decide to give wvw a try and I've found it to be fairly fun. The only problem is, I found that without the warclaw and higher ranks, nobody wants you. It sucks, I don't WANT to sit there afk flipping forever, I want to actually have people to run around with.

I'll basically learn to play whatever is needed, I have every profession leveled. I have a bit of ascended gear. If it's something I don't have gear for, if people are willing to help, I'll play what's needed as I am super open to learning the other half of each profession.

Please feel free to toss me a message ingame or on here.


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@Fengzhou.9853 said:The only problem is, I found that without the warclaw and higher ranks, nobody wants you. It sucks, I don't WANT to sit there afk flipping forever, I want to actually have people to run around with.

warclaw doesnt take too long.i dunno what 'higher rank' is for you, but having basically a rank that scream 'i am new here' can indeed keep people away. it indicates that you might not know the basics of the mode be it about supply, objective mechanics(upgrades,tactics/improv), warscore, commonly used builds and their roles in various scales of combat or commonly used siege placements for attacking/defending etc. because explaining all that to a new person can be tiresome and many then might not stick around for long. basically a higher rank means that you know what you are getting yourself into in this mode.

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@MUDse.7623 said:

@Fengzhou.9853 said:The only problem is, I found that without the warclaw and higher ranks, nobody wants you. It sucks, I don't WANT to sit there afk flipping forever, I want to actually have people to run around with.

warclaw doesnt take too long.i dunno what 'higher rank' is for you, but having basically a rank that scream 'i am new here' can indeed keep people away. it indicates that you might not know the basics of the mode be it about supply, objective mechanics(upgrades,tactics/improv), warscore, commonly used builds and their roles in various scales of combat or commonly used siege placements for attacking/defending etc. because explaining all that to a new person can be tiresome and many then might not stick around for long. basically a higher rank means that you know what you are getting yourself into in this mode.

I'm bleeding new, but it's not that difficult to figure things out. People complain there's not more people or it seems empty, but when new people come along who want to learn, they don't want them? Kinda self defeating, though I do understand where you're coming from, it's not very fun for new people at all.

I fail to see how explaining things is tiresome, you don't have to do it all at once, just as it comes up makes more sense. You'd think people would be happy seeing some fresh blood wanting to come in and play too.

I have to finish the reward track for the warclaw, but when it comes to ranks, I'm less then 10 LOL.. doing it solo takes awhile, especially if you can't keep up to commander groups where all the good exp is at.

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@Fengzhou.9853 said:

@Fengzhou.9853 said:The only problem is, I found that without the warclaw and higher ranks, nobody wants you. It sucks, I don't WANT to sit there afk flipping forever, I want to actually have people to run around with.

warclaw doesnt take too long.i dunno what 'higher rank' is for you, but having basically a rank that scream 'i am new here' can indeed keep people away. it indicates that you might not know the basics of the mode be it about supply, objective mechanics(upgrades,tactics/improv), warscore, commonly used builds and their roles in various scales of combat or commonly used siege placements for attacking/defending etc. because explaining all that to a new person can be tiresome and many then might not stick around for long. basically a higher rank means that you know what you are getting yourself into in this mode.

I'm bleeding new, but it's not that difficult to figure things out. People complain there's not more people or it seems empty, but when new people come along who want to learn, they don't want them? Kinda self defeating, though I do understand where you're coming from, it's not very fun for new people at all.

I fail to see how explaining things is tiresome, you don't have to do it all at once, just as it comes up makes more sense. You'd think people would be happy seeing some fresh blood wanting to come in and play too.

I have to finish the reward track for the warclaw, but when it comes to ranks, I'm less then 10 LOL.. doing it solo takes awhile, especially if you can't keep up to commander groups where all the good exp is at.

i just tried to explain why quite a few are not too keen on taking a new player in and explain em everything. but so far on the servers i have been (on EU that is), there always are groups willing to help new players get into the mode. however those often (to my experience) are more casual and do provide alot of misinformation. so if you are seeing an organised guild group destroying enemy groups left and right, they probably have some higher requirements.

you will probably make most exp boosted in a PvDoor zerg for wich your build doesnt really matter much so you can use a fast build like a daredevil to keep up with the warclaws.

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Yeah, from a lot of people.. this seems to be what I'm hearing.. sounds kinda dull tbh, pvDooring -.-; F'sake lol. Been doing this, killing sentries, recapping smaller targets etc already actually. It's all I really can do atm.

Seems like all modes in this game block off any new players entirely in similar fashions for similar reasons. Sure it can be obtainable to anyone who wants to push but it's very disheartening for sure.

Edited to add: I am thankful for the replies people have given so far, but I'll still keep trying. Can't accomplish anything if you just sit and don't even try, right? :)

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As someone noted above... if you truly want to be somewhere that is "all inclusive" think about moving to SoS. I'm not even on that server anymore but the people there are superb. A number of guilds, KING, LUV, HoT... to name just three, are great for new players. Sure they like their zerg builds and love people to be built for group fighting... and at the same time they are more than happy to help you know which build to use on which character etc. I am still in KING and if you move there want need a contact then fire me an email in game balthazzarr.1349 and I'll get you connected. ;)

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:As someone noted above... if you truly want to be somewhere that is "all inclusive" think about moving to SoS. I'm not even on that server anymore but the people there are superb. A number of guilds, KING, LUV, HoT... to name just three, are great for new players. Sure they like their zerg builds and love people to be built for group fighting... and at the same time they are more than happy to help you know which build to use on which character etc. I am still in KING and if you move there want need a contact then fire me an email in game balthazzarr.1349 and I'll get you connected. ;)

Thanks for the response. I've been really debating on if/where I'd like to use my transfer. I understand I get a free one since I haven't moved realms since I've been playing.

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What got me into WVW was that I was a former spvp player. So I started roaming on a build that was decent in not just solo roaming, but group play and mid scale Zerg. People kinda just began to notice me as I was pretty vocal in team/map chat...providing scouting info and lots of good humor, as well as just being a good roamer, roaming on a class that nobody would think of roaming on (power reaper)

Anyway...I was noticed by some other good roamers and when I asked to join a guild I was welcomed into quite a few. I accepted them all but I gravitated towards TLR. Ran with them as often as possible and the guild continued to grow and get better and better so now I’m basically reserved a slot whenever they run and it’s always a good time whether we win or lose fights

It really helps to have a build that’s capable of fulfilling multiple goals...being able to roam and Zerg on the same build means you can break off and do something else if you get bored or feel drained.

So ya, you want to just basically stand out from everyone else and people will eventually take notice. Since your a full greenhorn, just focus on becoming a good player at whatever is you are doing. Join any random guild that actually runs and is rather casual...because you’ll get singled out in a stricter guild and being castrated and called out sucks.

You can also try to command zergs. When I was on a different server I would tag up and at the time I didn’t know much about WVW but I was able to learn how to take on good defensive strategies to defend objectives. I would only tag up if we were under a heavy assault to try and rally people. If you do a good job, people will remember you and eventually you’ll be accepted by just about any guild or group. This is how I became a familiar on FA when I was linked with them from DR....course that’s a long time ago now...

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@Fengzhou.9853 said:I have been searching for a guild or group that's on Kaineng that would be willing to teach me more about WvW.

Trying to find one has been extremely difficult. I have played this game since it came out but only recently did I decide to give wvw a try and I've found it to be fairly fun. The only problem is, I found that without the warclaw and higher ranks, nobody wants you. It sucks, I don't WANT to sit there afk flipping forever, I want to actually have people to run around with.

I'll basically learn to play whatever is needed, I have every profession leveled. I have a bit of ascended gear. If it's something I don't have gear for, if people are willing to help, I'll play what's needed as I am super open to learning the other half of each profession.

Please feel free to toss me a message ingame or on here.


What timezone do you play in? You missed the KN boat by about 6 months. your attitude is probably good enough to get transfer support if you are willing.

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Man oh man, I didn't think I'd get these responses but all of them are awesome.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply to me on here. It totally gives me some hope to find people to play with.My time zone is Eastern time in NA. I tend to play various hours, usually up by noon and online until I go to sleep. I try to hit up prime time when I see people tagging up in wvw and try my best to follow the group. I die an awful lot being outside of the squad mind you, but it's still fun and I am still progressing just by following them, albeit likely slower then they might be.

I've been picking up on the tactics because they're very heavily pattern based and I am decently good with map strategy. I have all professions to 80. I been running wvw as spellbreaker and herald mostly. I am still learning the in's and outs of my professions in a pvp sense. I understand there are different builds for group play and those for roaming, I'd honestly love to find a decent build that works for both because I lack the funding and unlocks to rectify ease of gear switching this early on.

I kinda with thief was a little more sturdy, found out why they prefer to do one shot builds, they die if you sneeze at them even in marauder stuff ><; Maybe I'm just horrible with my thief, who knows lol. Felt like one aoe tick and my character exploded.

I've been also expanding a bit with testing out some various support builds as well for my guardian. Healing herald seemed like a neat idea but the problem with that is I hear they are VERY poor lately which is sad to see.

I suppose I am floundering a wee bit on what to focus on and what to really go ham and invest in, it's hard to test builds and stuff to decide if the expense of investment is worth it. All the while I been working on the armor track to aid in opening up a minstrel's choice for my guard. Such a pain! Most of my grievances comes from just wishing I had the excess gear set aside.

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I don't get on all that much, but I am on your server, so shoot me an in game mail. I don't use mounts much as I almost 100% roam, so I am dismounted looking for fights or trying to dismount others. However if you are looking to get your rank up, running with a zerg in prime time will be the best way. A bit mind numbing, and wont teach you that much, but it will be without a doubt the best way, big time now with the mount as fights in roaming are becoming less and less, outside of the now 1vs5 fights when they will actually dismount to fight you...

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First off, welcome to the War! Glad you got your Warclaw! Wouldn't worry about ranks, they will come in time. I would recommend taking a look at what abilities and order you may want to unlock skills in. Forums will give you mixed feedback but if you find a guild I would check with their lead on what would help. As far as builds, theory craft first and then build, don't do like a lot of us and build and then theory craft, unless you like throwing in game currency out.

There are a number of build sites out there, this one tends to stay pretty upto to date:http://en.gw2skills.net/Hit the build editor and change the mode to WvW. That way you can try and check your numbers before collecting gear.

Good hunting!

P.S. ANet, mount rentals please!!! We really could use some for people coming at this later.

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Interesting thread! Are there any WvW instances just for beginners, for them to discover the game mode just like the players discovered it when the game launched? I'm almost sure there aren't, but just to make sure I'm asking.

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@Leo.3428 said:Interesting thread! Are there any WvW instances just for beginners, for them to discover the game mode just like the players discovered it when the game launched? I'm almost sure there aren't, but just to make sure I'm asking.

Edge of the mists maybe, but I recommend just hopping into EBG and following a tag around.

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@Fengzhou.9853 said:Man oh man, I didn't think I'd get these responses but all of them are awesome.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply to me on here. It totally gives me some hope to find people to play with.My time zone is Eastern time in NA. I tend to play various hours, usually up by noon and online until I go to sleep. I try to hit up prime time when I see people tagging up in wvw and try my best to follow the group. I die an awful lot being outside of the squad mind you, but it's still fun and I am still progressing just by following them, albeit likely slower then they might be.

I've been picking up on the tactics because they're very heavily pattern based and I am decently good with map strategy. I have all professions to 80. I been running wvw as spellbreaker and herald mostly. I am still learning the in's and outs of my professions in a pvp sense. I understand there are different builds for group play and those for roaming, I'd honestly love to find a decent build that works for both because I lack the funding and unlocks to rectify ease of gear switching this early on.

I kinda with thief was a little more sturdy, found out why they prefer to do one shot builds, they die if you sneeze at them even in marauder stuff ><; Maybe I'm just horrible with my thief, who knows lol. Felt like one aoe tick and my character exploded.

I've been also expanding a bit with testing out some various support builds as well for my guardian. Healing herald seemed like a neat idea but the problem with that is I hear they are VERY poor lately which is sad to see.

I suppose I am floundering a wee bit on what to focus on and what to really go ham and invest in, it's hard to test builds and stuff to decide if the expense of investment is worth it. All the while I been working on the armor track to aid in opening up a minstrel's choice for my guard. Such a pain! Most of my grievances comes from just wishing I had the excess gear set aside.

Check your combat log often, as that helps you figure out what you're doing right and wrong. :)

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