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Meta obsession

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Guys I have figured out what seems to be THE MAJOR issue not only here on forums but also inside of the game itself.

An issue which's understanding is is absolutely crucial to the entire complex of the PVP as we know it.


I am not being sarcastic or mean to anyone here right now but i need to debate on this matter with those of you who mind to comment on this matter since I respect majority of you guys and i think you might have insight into this as well. MAINLY THOSE OF YOU WHO WILL GET WHY I MEAN BY FOLLOWING LINES

SO basically the thing is.META IS NOT the only right way to play this game. We have always been told GW2 is the game you can play whatever way you want and that you can be anything on any class.Yea not true I know but META is 1st going absolutely against this statement AND 2nd It is depriving your class from any other sort of combat you could possibly achieve with your class.META rn is full of bunkers since yea everything does so much dmg ppl have to play tanks.


There is so few actuall condi cleansing builds out there that you could count them on the fingers of one hand. I can straight up name only 3 i srsly meet in game. Water triated Weaver, The condi transfering Engineer (dunno rn which specific elite it is maybe scrapper) and Scourge.These three classes are only 3 that srsly have builds that are meant to cleanse and swap condis to boons

If you put a player who played Meta for a longer period of time and was winding up in Plat 3 all the time since Meta build carried him there thanks to the fact he fought mostly Meta based builds on the way against some dude from Gold 3 with out of the meta build based mainly on condi the Meta dude is going to get ran over like a combain not understanding what happened and the winds up here crying about it and classes get nerfed not cuz the skill actually is overperforming but because the Meta guy wasnt equiped to fight something like that.(inhales)

IF i had a peny for each time I hear in duel Arena Spellbreaker or Herald or other Thief or even Rangers to tell me : "You are running Condi? Why that is not the meta. Swap to s/d." cuz i ran them over 5 times in a row on my condi build cuz they ran Meta build that is meant to deal with power dmg not condi dmg I would be a milionaire.Meta will get you to high ranks yes. It will since majority of ppl runs meta and so all you mostly face is Meta. But if you will face a team of ppl running off meta builds you will ger wrecked in the match.

A lot of ppl runs meta yea. And all of them are in high plat and the non meta builds cant reach them up there because of those Meta players who are still in gold and are huring the non meta build demographics. But that doesnt make Meta good. Meta is only good against Meta it cant fight anything non meta based.And everyone is so certain about Meta being the gods will way to go that we will never be able to prove it wrong.So If you got a few minutes to talk about this or to try it out in the game. I would be happy to see or talk about it here.

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meta builds are not only good against meta builds, like wtf do you even talk.meta builds faceroll any non meta builds, which is the reason they are meta - meta is what is the best / most effective.

if you play meta you are able to compete with other meta builds, if you play non meta, you are in a disadvantage - simple as that.

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@Arkantos.7460 said:as long as meta wiki exist, ppl will still think that meta builds are the only viable onesjust make a selfie build and play it .... you will earn so much hate from others ....

They get really upset. People don't pay attention to skill changes or anything until it makes it to meta battle. Sadly.

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meta is basically herd mentality. something can be effective against meta builds and not widely recognized, and because of this fact it is deemed inferior. its only until people realize that something might actually be good, some widely recognized person "creates this weird new way to play the game", the rest of the pack follows, and poof meta is made. ofc if you claim to have used something before anyone else, they'll laugh you out of the room cuz you're not famous. its funny as hell imo.

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They are called Meta because the people who stream their gamplay, play them and show how to play it effectively.

For example; Until Teldo played Engie on stream and kicked butt doing it, no one knew how to play Engie. Engie was apparently atrocious and bad and the worst class that no one picked until Teldo showed us how to put one bomb in front of the other. Then everyone was like "ENGIE IS AMAZING WHAAAAAA????"

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@"Dirame.8521" said:They are called Meta because the people who stream their gamplay, play them and show how to play it effectively.

For example; Until Teldo played Engie on stream and kicked butt doing it, no one knew how to play Engie. Engie was apparently atrocious and bad and the worst class that no one picked until Teldo showed us how to put one bomb in front of the other. Then everyone was like "ENGIE IS AMAZING WHAAAAAA????"

LOL. thanks.

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@dominik.9721 said:meta builds are not only good against meta builds, like kitten do you even talk.meta builds faceroll any non meta builds, which is the reason they are meta - meta is what is the best / most effective.

if you play meta you are able to compete with other meta builds, if you play non meta, you are in a disadvantage - simple as that.

not true. Meta is a build that is focused on its role and is most effective in it in a certain manner. Which means they are 100 % effective in their field but if someone from outside of it comes = non meta they are going to face roll beat Meta

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@Dadnir.5038 said:Took you quite a long time to realize it or, perhaps, to gather the will to write it.

I simply got fed up after I was dueling with reves in 1v1 arena and they all be like dude swap to s/d it is Meta what you are running isnt meta and that it is cancer and wat not cuz i run condiBS i am not cancer they are simply unable to face me since they are not equpied for it

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@Arkantos.7460 said:as long as meta wiki exist, ppl will still think that meta builds are the only viable onesjust make a selfie build and play it .... you will earn so much hate from others ....

that is the bad thing tho ppl hate on you cuz you are trying to play the game they way it is supposed to = the way you want.If you run selfie ppl shouldt be allowed to hate on you. 1st cuz it is your own choice and it is automatically okay since it is your game class build etc2nd cuz if you actually get results with it there is an actuall evidence it works so it should be acknowledged at best

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Meta isn't a term given to builds that are there for no reason. They're called Meta because of how effective they are and also because many people are running the build.

Effective in their field in the perticular manner of doing itwhich is why we have bunkers everywhere that will roast the hell out of you if you dont run power on them

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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:meta is basically herd mentality. something can be effective against meta builds and not widely recognized, and because of this fact it is deemed inferior. its only until people realize that something might actually be good, some widely recognized person "creates this weird new way to play the game", the rest of the pack follows, and poof meta is made. ofc if you claim to have used something before anyone else, they'll laugh you out of the room cuz you're not famous. its funny as hell imo.

for worse ppl who acutally use meta are going to cry about it and then it is going to get nerfed even if it wasnt supposed to be nerfed cuz it was opposing the meta which is just some group bs

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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:meta is basically herd mentality. something can be effective against meta builds and not widely recognized, and because of this fact it is deemed inferior. its only until people realize that something might actually be good, some widely recognized person "creates this weird new way to play the game", the rest of the pack follows, and poof meta is made. ofc if you claim to have used something before anyone else, they'll laugh you out of the room cuz you're not famous. its funny as hell imo.

Its true. The herd mentality is real man. Its amazing to see people rage just because you play something different. Meanwhile they are fighting off the point and are ineffective.

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I at least get 1 "Core Engi? Really?" Message per day during my rankeds...

Judging the build instead of the driver whose piloting the build, i eat holos who surely don't main the class in a daily basis, i recognize some great holos, but the ammount is few.

Meta defenitely gives you a solid floor skill, but an experienced player has as even chances in a non-meta build, even outplay you if you trust too much on the build...

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In some scenarios though, doesn't the team composition all need to be meta builds for any individual meta build to truly shine? Like a scourge without support isn't very "meta" but on the otherhand, a spellbreaker is always the best side noder for most team setups.

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Some players get away with off meta builds because they can compensate the disadvantage they are at by skill and game knowledge, but those are very few and usually known. And even they can get bitten in the ass if they face equal players on more effective builds. Most people are suboptimal with off-meta builds, even though they still might get away with it if the opponents are worse or on suboptimal builds too or have to fight an overall bad comp. So, unless you are regularly P3/Legend or in mAT semis the place for offmeta builds is probably unranked.

Obviously meta and off-meta are relative categories and there are some builds that are not considered meta but come fairly close to meta builds in effectiveness, while others are just overall bad.

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no, you guys are misunderstanding my words. the meta is slow to change, it isn't an entirely accurate picture of what is most effective. mostly is. i remember seeing wars playing strength spellbreaker and engis playing prot holosmith before they were meta. its not like some guy just makes something up and everybody follows suit just because they saw it in an AT. regular people do it too. sure you can get away with playing off meta builds if you're good, as well as with certain comps... but that's not the point i'm trying to make.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:no, you guys are misunderstanding my words. the meta is slow to change, it isn't an entirely accurate picture of what is most effective. mostly is. i remember seeing wars playing strength spellbreaker and engis playing prot holosmith before they were meta. its not like some guy just makes something up and everybody follows suit just because they saw it in an AT. regular people do it too. sure you can get away with playing off meta builds if you're good, as well as with certain comps... but that's not the point i'm trying to make.

you quoted urself from other thread xD you have reached lvl of DUDE I wouldnt dare to enter xD lol

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