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GDQ A missed chance again ANET...


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109,500 Viewers watching GDQ and the GDQ (GamesDoneQuick) event goes on for a full week night and day, sadly ending on the 30th on TwitchTV I have always wished that ANET left SaB up all year round, I get its not for everyone thats fine, but all it takes is one HARDCORE speed runner to take this to GDQ annually and I wouldn't doubt it would have raised eyebrows... Why am I mentioning this now? GDQ is running and again wish Gw2 was on the list...

I get this is a topic not everyone agrees on, but I cant see who wouldn't like free publicity on a game they play, and want to help keep alive as long as possible.

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How would not having anything help? at least out of 100k + viewers some may be interested/intrigued enough to take a look, you may not like SaB, but that doesn't mean others wouldn't be attracted to some of its appeal.

But you're probably right having an ad pop-up once per dlc or expansion may be better...
SaB is to silly nothing like those super serious games like pepsiman.

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@gateless gate.8406 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:How would having SAB representing GW2 on GDQ be beneficial?

I'm amazed at this question.Here you go:

I think the point is that SAB is not representative of the rest of the game. The adage, "there's no bad publicity" isn't strictly true: there's no bad publicity if publicity is the goal. Showing off GW2 as a platforming-style game doesn't do it any favors since platforms games do it better for less overhead and (even if SAB were permanent), it's a tiny fraction of this game.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:How would having SAB representing GW2 on GDQ be beneficial?

I'm amazed at this question.Here you go:

I think the point is that SAB is not representative of the rest of the game. The adage, "there's no bad publicity" isn't strictly true: there's no bad publicity if publicity is the goal. Showing off GW2 as a platforming-style game doesn't do it any favors since platforms games do it better for less overhead and (even if SAB were permanent), it's a tiny fraction of this game.


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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:How would having SAB representing GW2 on GDQ be beneficial?

I'm amazed at this question.Here you go:

I think the point is that SAB is not representative of the rest of the game. The adage, "there's no bad publicity" isn't strictly true: there's no bad publicity if publicity is the goal. Showing off GW2 as a platforming-style game doesn't do it any favors since platforms games do it better for less overhead and (even if SAB were permanent), it's a tiny fraction of this game.

I think it can be made clear that it exists as a festival in the game befire the speedrun attempt and after that having the running state during which period its available. Despite the fraction of ppl playing rn it could still lead to more interest if only for that part of the game and would push log in and maybe even gemstore sales.

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@zealex.9410 said:I think it can be made clear thatI doubt it. ANet cannot even make it clear to its long time fans the difference between their aspirations for the game, their plans, and a promise. No matter how many caveats ANet types out or announces, people see what they want to see.

I don't really know how ANet decides which events to participate in. I know they join fundraisers because someone working their believes in the cause and management is willing to allow some company time for participation. Maybe Games Done Quick has too many legal requirements. Maybe it's a bridge too far.

And sure, maybe ANet doesn't really have a good handle on how to publicize and could do better. All the same, it's not trivial to make a good showing. Someone has to take the time to do it and we don't know what priorities might be relevant.

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@gateless gate.8406 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:How would having SAB representing GW2 on GDQ be beneficial?

I'm amazed at this question.Here you go:

Let's rephrase it.How would the wrong part of the game be a good display for audience?SAB is unarguably the worst part of GW2, by a large margin. Displaying it to advertise the game is like an Italian restaurant using fries as a lure.

And are we even talking to the right audience?I don't know this event, but from the comments here i can conclude that its not for generic or normal games.

If anet wants publicity, there are far better ways.Like streams of events of the actual game where they interact with other players.Bad publicity is not better than no publicity.

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https://gamesdonequick.com/Games Done Quick is a charity fundraising organization that raises money for charity via speedrunning.! > Volunteers play games at incredible speed ("Speedrunning") for entertainment. The event is streamed live online, non-stop, and all donations go directly to the charity. Games Done Quick events feature runners playing games from every generation of gaming history! They play their games live, in person, and explain in detail the many tricks and glitches they use to get the fastest times.! >  SGDQ2019 benefits Doctors Without Borders

Why is it on Anet to participate in AGDQ? Are those people participating from other developers or just players?! > Summer Games Done Quick 2019! > Games Done Quick event attendance is open to the general public.! > This event will be taking place at the DoubleTree Hilton Bloomington-Minneapolis Hotel, located in Bloomington, MN.! > You can only register to attend for yourself. No one else may register for you.! > There is a cap of 2600 for this event.!  ICYMI, we released our #SGDQ2019 panel schedule! In one panel we will be having the games committee discuss game selection for GDQ events along with a Q&A! If you were there, what question would you ask? Any appropriate question is ok so we can better prepare!This implies to me that GDQ selects the games, not the studios.

Here's a list of the submissions:https://gamesdonequick.com/submission/all

There were 1500 submissions. Of those, I see about 135 that were "accepted" at some level. Of those, less than 40 were some sort of Windows game. I see shooters and platforms mostly, A couple of RPGs.

Many of the games are old, some very old.

! Catlateral Damage! Cave Story! Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3! Crash Bandicoot N.sane trilogy! Dark Souls! Dark Souls II! Deltarune! Devil May Cry! Final Doom: TNT Evilution! Furi! Half-Life! Half-Life 2! Hylics! Koumajou Densetsu II! Laffy Taffy 3D Pyramid Challenge! Mega Man 11! Metal slug 3! Metal slug X! Minecraft! Nex Machina! Nuclear Throne! Outland! Quake! Remnants of Naezith! Resident Evil 2 (2019)! Skylar & Plux: Adventure On Clover Island! Sonic Generations! Starcraft: Brood War (Protoss Campaign)! Super Benbo Quest: Turbo Deluxe! Super Time Force Ultra! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! Timespinner! Titanfall 2! Tomb Raider: Legend! Tony Hawk's Underground 2! Transistor

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It appears to me that this is more a matter of players deciding whether to participate in a fundraiser, rather than studios deciding to represent. Most of the players choose old school, comfortable games that people know and can comment upon, making them suitable for play-by-play.

Accordingly, I'd say then that the OP was the one missing the opportunity: why didn't they sign up to play GW2 at sGDQ/2019? I'm sure if they asked nicely, ANet might even be able to set them up with SAB for a weekend for a good cause (Doctors Without Borders is certainly one).

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Further reading:https://medium.com/@omriwallach/the-life-of-speedrunners-with-and-without-gamesdonequick-b289baae264c

There's a lot about GDQ's history, especially how it attracts both earnest speed clearers and streamers looking for exposure. Towards the end, there's quotes from people speculating what's chosen for the event.

What's clear is:

  • All submissions are made by players, none by studios.
  • Most submissions aren't accepted; there's a committee who decides it.
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@Aeon.4127 said:109,500 Viewers watching GDQ and the GDQ (GamesDoneQuick) event goes on for a full week night and day, sadly ending on the 30th on TwitchTV I have always wished that ANET left SaB up all year round, I get its not for everyone thats fine, but all it takes is one HARDCORE speed runner to take this to GDQ annually and I wouldn't doubt it would have raised eyebrows... Why am I mentioning this now? GDQ is running and again wish Gw2 was on the list...

I get this is a topic not everyone agrees on, but I cant see who wouldn't like free publicity on a game they play, and want to help keep alive as long as possible.

SAB is a cult. I'm sorry, but it is. I have played and beaten SAB once and never played it again. I don't understand the appeal of inferior 8-bit mechanics and farming the SAME 2 worlds over and over and over. ANet did the right thing limiting it to just April. I mean it's funny, considering SAB started off as a joke and wasn't meant to be taken seriously!

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@zealex.9410 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:How would having SAB representing GW2 on GDQ be beneficial?

I'm amazed at this question.Here you go:

I think the point is that SAB is not representative of the rest of the game. The adage, "there's no bad publicity" isn't strictly true: there's no bad publicity if publicity is the goal. Showing off GW2 as a platforming-style game doesn't do it any favors since platforms games do it better for less overhead and (even if SAB were permanent), it's a tiny fraction of this game.

I think it can be made clear that it exists as a festival in the game befire the speedrun attempt and after that having the running state during which period its available. Despite the fraction of ppl playing rn it could still lead to more interest if only for that part of the game and would push log in and maybe even gemstore sales.

Yeah no. Every year Arenanet says that it is only a festival and it's not going to last past the ~3 weeks. Every year people demand that it be year-long and get more content and there be more SAB skins/items in the gem store. And the other 11 months of the year there's at least one person asking (or outright demanding) that SAB return. Every month. If people who already play — some since beta — refuse to understand (because it's willful ignorance at this point) what makes it more likely that new players who were sold on GW2 by SAB to understand it doesn't even last a whole month and they'd have to wait 9 months to play SAB?

That's some serious false advertising right there. It would be a terrible way to promote the game and quite possible make the gaming news circuit as a terrible choice. It may not be Bless bad, but it still wouldn't be good.

GW2 could possibly be in GDQ if someone entered with a plan and was selected, but using limited time content (that doesn't even fit the aesthetic or mechanics of the rest of the game) is not a good choice. You want SAB content in GDQ? Rytlock's Critter Rampage fits the format better and does not lead people to false conclusions.

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Do people even speedrun MMO's, considering most are designed to waste eat up as much time as possible?

If they did, here's what I'd run:

Full Story Mode run with a fresh, boosted 80 and Mounts unlocked (perhaps with Chat interaction for Story choices).

  • This is the most format-compatible run, as it should take a few hours tops, and the player won't have to mess with gear or grind (level reward gear is good enough).
  • "More killer, less filler", shows off (but also spoils) core story.
  • May go against the spirit of a "speed run", with a great deal of prep work already done. Alternative: "Race to 20", complete the first story arc from scratch/fresh account.
  • Can set up for "sequels", running through LW, HoT, and/or PoF Story Missions.

Full Story Dungeon suite, preferably with a team.

  • Again, having a team prepared may go against the spirit of a speed run, but it does set a precedent, and can be completed in a "reasonable" amount of time.
  • Good team = top bants = more entertaining.
  • Also has the possibility of reviving the old "dungeon races" from pre-NPE days, with minor competition.
  • Also sets up "sequels" in single-wing clears, full single-dungeon clears, and solo/duo clears.

Fractals suite

  • Show off 10-ish Fractals in order.
  • Again, a lot of pre-prep maybe goes against the "pick up and play" spirit of GDQ.
  • Shows off high-level play in both PvE and platforming.
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