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Soul Eater Rant


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@Etterwyn.5263 said:Since when has sustain in pve been much of an issue?

Its the issue of not being able to be healed by a healer whilst in shroud. If you take a big hit during high end content, you either have to fudge your rotation by not hopping into shroud and allow your druid/healbrand to green you or skritt them off by doing so and not getting any healing. This is partly why Reapers were never much sought after in high end content in the past as they are the only spec that suffers from this.

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@Anchoku.8142 said:This change is going to shave a hunk off of Reaper dps but it will realign Reaper as being a glassier, cleaving version of core Necro.

The thing is....That was already the case reaper was a glassier version of core necro

The sustain was only high if you were cleaving a mob of foes with your dps ramped up to its max with 25 might etc. In any other case ie single target gain was fairly balanced as heck.

To be frank this change was out right not neededIn pvp soul eater sustain is non existent because of the sheer amount of damage that flys around just from aoe splash let alone if you are targeted directly.

I feel like they should not commit to this changeor

  • Cut the healing received in shroud in by 33% or 50% (which would lower sustain but not completely remove a major key feature of the trait while in reaper shroud.
  • Have soul eater grant a bigger damage bonus while in shroud sense it will no longer heal in shroud
  • Make it so that you dont need to be in 300 range to get the healing and damage bonus for taking this trait.
  • Change the trait to instead feed back life force in place of hp while in shroud.

The trait is very clunky now with this change and there are several other ways they could have handled this

This is just improper and practically a pointless nerf at a niche situation that only happens when you might be surrounded by mobs. in alot of cases soul eater does not sustain you that well.

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You know they nerfed GS by adding that trait and now this elite doesn't have weapon trait, and they didn't rebalance the weapon after. But it was okish cause of the heal in shroud, even though the old gs trait had more value ,for me at least, while kiting in pvp. Now i don't get the % life force and the 200 hp a second and the heal from soul reaper is worse then that. Reaper is supposed to be the dark knight melee speck but with every change they make they move away from that to something no one knows. Are the balance guys playing only open world or something.

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If it only healed in Shroud I would be OK with the changes. Why... End game content.Fractals & Raids. Biggest issue is I can't get healed while doing my rotation in Reaper mode. This was a band aid that allowed me to play it without frustrating a non hardcore group.

This also hurts PVP and WVW. This is the worst option they could of provided.

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@Vancho.8750 said:You know they nerfed GS by adding that trait and now this elite doesn't have weapon trait, and they didn't rebalance the weapon after. But it was okish cause of the heal in shroud, even though the old gs trait had more value ,for me at least, while kiting in pvp. Now i don't get the % life force and the 200 hp a second and the heal from soul reaper is worse then that. Reaper is supposed to be the dark knight melee speck but with every change they make they move away from that to something no one knows. Are the balance guys playing only open world or something.

Facts the old gs trait was fine the way it was or the second rework is also great and the cooldown reduction was very usefull.

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@"Eltiana.9420" said:Am I the only one that's annoyed by the fact that the name "Soul Eater" doesn't make sense now that they took away the heal? Flavor fail. It's just a boring damage modifier trait now.

Nope I'm annoyed by it as well

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@"otto.5684" said:When I read the Anet explanation I laughed so hard. Too much survivablity?! Seriously, devs have to stop making changes based on golems in PvE.Yep, like the devs are playing different game, do you think its fair to see engi, ele, rev, guardian or whatever top their hp when they drop their healing. "But you have second life bar" my ass, the best necro speck doesn't use "the second life bar" and works better, it would have been nice if the cd to enter your "active" resource defense wasn't fucking 10 seconds and the abilities didn't bug up all the time the damn Death's Charge(charge stay in one place or overshoot), Infusing Terror(at least make it a stun break), Grasping Darkness (that lands once a moon on a 25 second cd with slow moving projectile that can't pull people from elevations ) and all the sub par shouts.

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@otto.5684 said:When I read the Anet explanation I laughed so hard. Too much survivablity?! Seriously, devs have to stop making changes based on golems in PvE.

I think they do casual changes, without neither do some test.. They don't know how to play classes in competitive modes, so they know nothing about what a class need to be more balanced and how to make the game more fun and competitive..Look at daredevil: a DPS mobile class without DPS..Look at Reaper, a more melee oriented class respect necro core that has zero sustain but tons of damage: and what they do? Reduce sustain (Last Gasp removed, Soul Eater healing nerfed)..

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@SehferViega.8725 said:

@otto.5684 said:When I read the Anet explanation I laughed so hard. Too much survivablity?! Seriously, devs have to stop making changes based on golems in PvE.

I think they do casual changes, without neither do some test.. They don't know how to play classes in competitive modes, so they know nothing about what a class need to be more balanced and how to make the game more fun and competitive..Look at daredevil: a DPS mobile class without DPS..Look at Reaper, a more melee oriented class respect necro core that has zero sustain but tons of damage: and what they do? Reduce sustain (Last Gasp removed, Soul Eater healing nerfed)..

DD has does if u pop assassin sig and spam vault and the opponent stands there and eats it lol but in general I agree with what u said but we have come to expect nothing different really right, it's not like the balance passes have been great in the past so...lol

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"While Reapers were designed to be durable frontline fighters, the Soul Eater trait is providing a little too much survivability, so we're removing the ability for this trait to heal while in a shroud."

Why not just reduce the healing we receive? Or, I don't know: make it so we can be healed in Shroud!? OR, like some are saying: heal us ONLY in Shroud!? It's super difficult to be a durable, frontline fighter when you can't be healed while in the form where most of your damage comes from.

And as someone else stated, it wasn't a ton of healing anyway. You had to cleave a ton of mobs to get a lot of healing; it only really served as a method of topping your health off while in Shroud. (To maintain the 5% bonus damage from runes!)

Necromancer has been an underdog since the launch of the game. It only took nearly 7 years, 2 expansions, many reworks/tweaks, and 2 elite specializations for the class to get to a respectable space. Why take away such a great improvement?

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I will never understand why ANET never uses half measures, if something is too strong then reduce it, why remove it completely?I'm pretty sure that 5% out of shroud and 1% in shroud wont give "too much survivability", and it would be better than nothing at all.I would be happy to have at least the life steal effect from food in shroud... or this also give too much survivability?

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