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Get rid of the new 1 illusion requirement on Chrono shatters. It is so unplayable


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Due to the fact that illusions die immediately after the target enemy dies, it is very hard to even shatter anymore. 90% of the time I try to build up 3 illusions, the mob dies. And when fighting multiple targets, even worse, cause now I have things still attacking me, i have 0 illusions, and I wasted all the skills on the previous target... so I'm screwed.

I believe if that you really want to keep this requirement, you should also let the illusions stay while you are still in combat instead of destroying them immediately when the target dies. Sounds like a fair trade-off to me.

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Ive seen a lot of chrono's in WvW lately...most are condi (Theres one person, scepter+shield / Staff that took out 3ish people in 1 encounter on multiple encounters. Lots of stealth, lots of clone generation, heavy condi application (almost as gross as condi mirage). Wish I knew their build so I can analyze it so I can learn to beat it.

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@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Ive seen a lot of chrono's in WvW lately...most are condi (Theres one person, scepter+shield / Staff that took out 3ish people in 1 encounter on multiple encounters. Lots of stealth, lots of clone generation, heavy condi application (almost as gross as condi mirage). Wish I knew their build so I can analyze it so I can learn to beat it.

I'll tell you the secret to beating me. Bring Condi-cleanse and or Steal off us and eat a glob for resistance. We can't kill you with glass cannons if you shut down our damage.

You know why Condi-Mesmers are "overpowered"? It's because most players don't run condi-cleanse which is an option that exists in multiple traits and skills on every class. :P

/wiki conditions

Also, if you run stab then you can forget about interrupts.

/wiki stability

Also, run extra Vit. Condi ignores toughness but Vit is good against both power and condi for survivability. There are damage prefixes that offer vit like Marauder's.

There is a way to counter just about everything in the game on every class.

But most people wanna be like that guy in Magic who plays against Blue players knowing his spells are gonna get countered without preparing for it and then complains when his spells gets countered when he has options collecting dust in a cardboard box at home.

We need more people like you on the forums. Instead of complaining about things you can't beat, you look for answers that can beat them.

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@Vincenzo.3145 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Ive seen a lot of chrono's in WvW lately...most are condi (Theres one person, scepter+shield / Staff that took out 3ish people in 1 encounter on multiple encounters. Lots of stealth, lots of clone generation, heavy condi application (almost as gross as condi mirage). Wish I knew their build so I can analyze it so I can learn to beat it.

I'll tell you the secret to beating me. Bring Condi-cleanse and or Steal off us and eat a glob for resistance. We can't kill you with glass cannons if you shut down our damage.

You know why Condi-Mesmers are "overpowered"? It's because most players don't run condi-cleanse which is an option that exists in multiple traits and skills on every class. :P

/wiki conditions

Also, if you run stab then you can forget about interrupts.

/wiki stability

Also, run extra Vit. Condi ignores toughness but Vit is good against both power and condi for survivability. There are damage prefixes that offer vit like Marauder's.

There is a way to counter just about everything in the game on every class.

But most people wanna be like that guy in Magic who plays against Blue players knowing his spells are gonna get countered without preparing for it and then complains when his spells gets countered when he has options collecting dust in a cardboard box at home.

We need more people like you on the forums. Instead of complaining about things you can't beat, you look for answers that can beat them.

I am a strong believer (and any of my previous posts would back this up) that in order to git gud, you must face those better. I could QQ here, however i strive to be better and the only way to do that is to learn how to beat those who beat me. I do run vit (Marauder/Valk) however my cleanses are veeery limited so I have tried to learn to play my mirage like a thief in that sense. Typical condi mirages I can usually beat as not many DPS mirages run Axe/torch and I dont run meta so I can catch them off guard. Chrono's however are more new to me to fight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been enjoying the game as a chrono for the longest time. It's my mainstay because it just ..feels right. Or did. I was happy in the game. I had no complains and no desire to desire to read or write on the forums. But this change... this affected me enough to come here and say something.

I get it, Anet. You want more mirages. That's your prerogative. So you're trying to make chrono less fun. That's also your prerogative. I tried mirage for a while. It's not bad; it just wasn't me, so I went back to Chrono and still prefer it, even hobbled. I like Gravity Well. I like being able to run at a decent click all the time, not sporadically after a dodge. And since my toon is modeled after Doctor Strange, it just feels thematically right to be a chrono.

I also get that you're not going to reverse this. So how about a compromise? Let me self-shatter if there aren't any clones out. Give me that. All I ask.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Ive seen a lot of chrono's in WvW lately...most are condi (Theres one person, scepter+shield / Staff that took out 3ish people in 1 encounter on multiple encounters. Lots of stealth, lots of clone generation, heavy condi application (almost as gross as condi mirage). Wish I knew their build so I can analyze it so I can learn to beat it.

From time to time I am roaming on a power chrono build. And because of IP removal I go completely bunkers on clone generation. It's actually quite fun sometimes. People tend to underestimate you, once they figure you're on a power chrono setup... However, imho after the recent changes build options are severely reduced, if you want to be somewhat competetive... which is a shame, because I find chrono to be a very graceful and thematically sound profession. But time has not been kind to the chronomancer^^

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@TyPin.9860 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Ive seen a lot of chrono's in WvW lately...most are condi (Theres one person, scepter+shield / Staff that took out 3ish people in 1 encounter on multiple encounters. Lots of stealth, lots of clone generation, heavy condi application (almost as gross as condi mirage). Wish I knew their build so I can analyze it so I can learn to beat it.

From time to time I am roaming on a power chrono build. And because of IP removal I go completely bunkers on clone generation. It's actually quite fun sometimes. People tend to underestimate you, once they figure you're on a power chrono setup... However, imho after the recent changes build options are severely reduced, if you want to be somewhat competetive... which is a shame, because I find chrono to be a very graceful and thematically sound profession. But time has not been kind to the chronomancer^^

Love the pun +1

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@Requiem.9648 said:Like i mention on other post chrono Tower on escort raid get hard to play cause if that dry shatter removed you can get perma fear or kick down the tower even running chaos line. So its more easy to just play base mesmer to do it. That just show that nerf was too much.

I am now running either core mesmer on towers (illusions, chaos, inspiration) with gs and sword focus or boonthief. Since you dont usualy provide boons at the end anyway this is much safer. Also if you want to go very fast you can play 1 mesmer and 1 thief to get perma boons at the end (exept alacrity)

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  • 4 months later...

+1 to reverse this change.

I mainly play wvw blob fights and in such setting clones dont last long enough to cast continumn split and shatters are practically unusable machanics through out the fight.

Multiple traits like stab, condi cleanse on shatter are none functional.

If you are going to change something please consider all class mechanics and synergies between skills and traits instead of break it into unplayable state.

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@"Hot Boy.7138" said:I used to love chrono when it was released. God it was so much fun. But I never use that spec anymore. The changes to shield skills and now this has absolutely ruined it for me. The only thing keep chrono alive is the one trait "chronophantasma" which is a crutch.

this and danger time make the spec playable, even the mechanic ( F4 ) feels clunky and insignificant.for the most part its useless, you cant dich 105s cooldown to clear mobs, and sometimes you just have to stop the rotation and you get punished for it, and sometimes you have to do mechanic or just get stunned and entire cd gets wasted.chrono should read as followsChrono the spec

  • 100 to clunkyness-50 to survivability+200 to damage-100 to self respectDanger ( people might think you will support chrono )
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i think you made a typo, -500 survivability, since without the shatter availability, condi removal and a bit of healing we had before is gone. idky anet put that requirement, you could have just put it on the original F5 and leave F1-F4 alone, would probably be a good compromise. merging F4 and F5 makes no sense because distortion and continiuum split are 2 completely different animals and sholdnt have been combined. I've mentioned over and over, a lot of the times by the time you can get a clone up so you can shatter, you have just 25ms to press your shatter before the clones die or dissapear cause the target died, but then you are still getting raped by other stuff around you and putting condis and you just sit there and yeah question yourself why...

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