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When did GW2 turn into a grindfest?

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@Ghetx.1752 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?By your logic,you actually don't need nothing in this game.Everyone can run around naked,without items and gear,and do nothing besides trolling in main zones.Correction: by their logic, you can just go and play whatever is fun to you, and find a way to play whatever content you want to play without a single grind.

There isn't all that much content in this game that needs a lot of preparation, and even the few things that do (e.g. t4 fractals) have a multitude of different ways to reach them. There's bound to be a way you can follow that's fun to you.

You want to do high fractals?You need to grind gold for crafting professions,then you need to farm gold for ascended items,then you need to farm gold for agony infusions...And that's just fractals.Or you can, you know, play fractals through the tiers until you get enough resources to be ready for fractal level 100. It's only a grind if you insist that the only way is to skip the natural fractal progression and jump in at the top.

You want to do HoT meta events?You need masteries.Which you get by playing HoT maps and story.

You want to do PoF maps?You need mounts.You want mounts?You need masteries.Which you both get by playing PoF maps and story.

You want masteries?You need to farm.Only if you want them here and now, or better yet last tuesday. If, on the other hand, you are willing to play the game instead of skipping it to jump in at the end, then getting the masteries is just a side product of enjoying yourself. No need to grind at all, experience and mastery points come automatically with playing.

In GW2 community people judge you based on how many legendary items you have,and how many 'cool' skins you have.That's why people are getting legendary items,to be noticed,because legendary items do nothing,well besides looking ugly AF...That might be your problem: you are only looking at a tiny part of the community. Most people don't give a skritt about how many legendaries you have, or what mastery level you have, or how many achievement points you have. All of that comes from simply playing the game, you almost can't avoid it. Ok, legendaries require a bit of direction if you want to pursue them, but even those can come almost by themselves ... how do I know? I dropped my one and only precursor on one of those rare nights when the trading post was down and was able to craft the legendary straight away just from resources I had accumulated while playing the game for a few years.

So,if you want to be accepted,you better be ready to spend countless hours doing events which are designed to give you lowest amount of loot possible,just to make you open your wallet and toss $ at TP gems.Or just find people that are fun to be around, rather than a few that judge by irrelevant standards to make your gaming life miserable.

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@whoeverxwins.1279 said:

That doesn't make sense. If you play the story and through the content, there is ALSO no grind in HoT because you earn the masteries as you play

what can I say, when I started over the game with my necromancer, I was not met with any grind, sure I had xp potions and food etc and leveled quite nicely.but other than that there was no grind to speak of.

What can you say? You can say you acknowledge that the grind for masteries isn't different than when you 'grinded' for levels, which you seem to have zero problem with. If leveling wasn't a grind for you, neither is getting masteries; it's the same approach for getting the XP; you simply play the game and you get the XP you need. IF anything, the limiting factor here isn't the 'grind' for the XP, it's getting the MP's.

Like I said ... if the 'grind' in GW2 is too much for you to handle, you got FPS games because you aren't going to find many MMO's where the level of tolerance you are showing for grinding would be acceptable to you.
  1. I never, NEVER did the same quest over and over again as levelling, not even one time. So the point of the whole thing is I do not want to get caught in hamsterwheel doing same quests over and over again into mindnumbing boredom. When I levelled it was natural, it was not doing the same thing over and over again. I maybe did the repeatable quests once per quest, ONCE, not over and over again....

I don't get your reply. If you don't want to repeat quests to get masteries, you don't have to. Again, this is just a demonstration of your lack of tolerance. You're not willing to repeat anything in an MMO more than once? Doesn't sound like it's the kind of game you should be playing.

There are MMO that does not require to do same quest over and over again, then again they been around for a long time. LotRO is one of them but buying all the expansions would be supremely costly. hehAre you sure about that? For some reason in my memory there are weeks and months of doing the same faction dailies day in and day out on my minstrel to get her raid ready, and then repeating the same process on my warden (after leveling her through all the same quests to even get there) when I decided to raid on her, too.

OMG, LOTRO really was a grind. Especially if you wanted to raid and needed the top tier items. It's what finally made me quit (around Gondor).I admit I quit a good bit earlier, after about the third or fourth level-cap increase of my LotRO raiding "career". I just couldn't stand grinding the same stuff day in day out to get all new equipment, rushing the story just so I don't drag my raiding team down by not being ready for the new instances. At the same time I found GW2 and realized that it actually lets me play at my own pace, and still get ready for pretty much any content in game that way. I still miss my hobbits, and I kind of miss Middle Earth, too (huge Tolkien fan here), but I really don't want to go back to that hamster wheel of a grind.
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Grind is used as a negative term by people who don't understand that long term levelling is a fundamental part of rpg game as it forms your long term objectives. For e.g the following takes a huge amount of time, with the pleasure comming from finally getting to your target level reward. The golden rule is, don't do it if you don't want to.


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So don't do it and do the content you do enjoy?

I would like skyscale but I'm not motivated to do the collections, so I don't target it, I play what I enjoy - although sometimes I dip in and collect a fee items when I'm in the mood. If you 'gave up on the game' because you didn't want to do an optional objective then the reality is there are other issues and you are just blaming this content, unless you are a person that feels entitled to get what everyone else has and gets annoyed about this.

Put it another way all the other content that you enjoy playing is still there Plus the content you consider a grind.

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Back in November 2012. The first couple months were really pretty good for loot. Then came fractals, and Lost Shore (Southsun Cove), and with that release they nerfed drops in to oblivion, especially open world drops. For a couple years after that, the state of the game was actually pretty sad and there was a general bitterness in player community. Gold was especially difficult to accumulate and few people ever bothered with world bosses, champs or temples. It started getting much better about 3-4 years ago, I'd say. Gold is far easier to accumulate these days and other than ascended and legendary gear, which is largely optional, or if you're an achievement completest, nothing in this game is really too much of a grind these days.

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@Ghetx.1752 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?

You see, Anet never said there would be no grind because obviously that's dumb; there needs something you can grind to keep you interested in the game. Anet was specifically talking about needing to grind to get access to content, either with gear grinds or unlocking content. So far, they have delivered.

So let's be honest. The game never became a grind ... you're just finding things you want that require it. If you're going to define 'gilder masteries' as grinding, I guess you should stick with FPS games or something, because that's a pretty tame 'grind' that you can achieve simply by playing the game. I guess if you're not willing to play the game, then I can see where you apply that label to it.

By your logic,you actually don't need nothing in this game.Everyone can run around naked,without items and gear,and do nothing besides trolling in main zones.

If you want to experience full game,you MUST grind,which is the whole point of playing games.You can't just sit in starter zone,and run around like moron.You want to do high fractals?You need to grind gold for crafting professions,then you need to farm gold for ascended items,then you need to farm gold for agony infusions...And that's just fractals.

You want to do HoT meta events?You need masteries.You want to do PoF maps?You need mounts.You want mounts?You need masteries.You want masteries?You need to farm.

In GW2 community people judge you based on how many legendary items you have,and how many 'cool' skins you have.That's why people are getting legendary items,to be noticed,because legendary items do nothing,well besides looking ugly AF...

You can be piece of kitten player and have 10 legendary items,people still gonna follow you around and kiss your kitten.

You can be the best person one can be,and don't have any skins or legendary items,people won't even pay attention to you.

So,if you want to be accepted,you better be ready to spend countless hours doing events which are designed to give you lowest amount of loot possible,just to make you open your wallet and toss $ at TP gems.

You need a new circle of players to interact with. If the people you know kiss tail because someone has legendaries and ignore players who are actually good at the game, they arent worth associating with.

You do not need to farm gold for fractals.Horizontal progression, such as mounts and gliding do have to be earned, but they dont require grind. I am nit fond of them, havent bothered to max masteries by a long shot, still get by just fine.

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@eldrin.6471 said:I played since launch and pretty much gave up on the game due to the excessive grind for masterys and mounts.In my opinion the grind started with HOT and the mastery system and got excessive once mounts were added.The worst grind to date being skyscale.

Just curious ... if GW2 is grindy for you, what game are you playing now that is less?

Because we went through this before ... the things you mention are NO more a grind than leveling, so somehow you managed grinding that 80 times to level .... but getting some masteries ... NO CHANCE. Sure ... you stick with that.

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masteries? a grind?

The game is basically throwing MP and XP at you. Just doing a bit of story, you get all the MP you need for 'must have' masteries - and just running around doing the odd event can pretty much fill up all xp requirements several times over in a single evening.

So - that is not a grind.

Getting legendaries on the other hand....

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:Just doing a bit of story, you get all the MP you need for 'must have' masteries

This isn't true in PoF: to complete The Sacrifice you need Canyon Jumping, which requires six mastery points in total - but you only get two from completing the story up to that point. That said, the OP's problem seems to be gaining experience, not getting enough mastery points.

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@warherox.7943 said:The game became a grindfest ever since Ascended gear was added. Not to mention the amount of time gated collections/achievements that exist now.

Really, how? Before ascended you played wvw, pvp, pve etc etc and gradually accrued or crafted orange gear, now you do the same for red gear...except there is far more content and avenues for getting gear now. So for the peeps with the 'grindy' mindset it's less grindy than it has ever been, you play content you enjoy. You get free loot.

Ofc if you don't enjoy gameplay and only care about loot, your screwed, nothing will please you.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@warherox.7943 said:The game became a grindfest ever since Ascended gear was added. Not to mention the amount of time gated collections/achievements that exist now.

Really, how? Before ascended you played wvw, pvp, pve etc etc and gradually accrued or crafted orange gear, now you do the same for red gear...except there is far more content and avenues for getting gear now. So for the peeps with the 'grindy' mindset it's less grindy than it has ever been, you play content you enjoy. You get free loot.

Ofc if you don't enjoy gameplay and only care about loot, your screwed, nothing will please you.


Ive been actively playing for seven years a d still dont have a full set of ascended gear for my main. Soooo many rings though.

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There is a fine line between "This game has too much grind" and "This game has no end-game content". It is close to impossible to please everyone no matter how hard you try.Gear tiers and level cap haven't been updated since the release of the game and the the introduction of ascended gear between 2012-2013 (yes, almost 6-7 years). New ways of acquiring said gear have been added time and time again. And some wouldn't even consider ascended gear mandatory. Anything else is just vanity to me and something you force on yourself. Have yet to start on the Skyscale and I really couldn't care less about it.

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You're right: Heart of Thorns (HoT) is a grind-fest for masteries.

However, I found a way to make it seem less grindy: take 2-3 characters through it at the same time, switching back and forth.

This isn't ideal, but it also gives a couple benefits:

  • You know the lay of the land better.
  • You learn the day/night cycle, which is pretty important.
  • You collect map currencies faster.

The biggest problem is that you're stuck with three characters all doing the same thing. Can't switch out to do other stuff as easily.

But, it REALLY helps the grindiness, because the XP gathering is split up.

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so, I get through the glider mastery requirement, by grinding world quest, guess what....not an hour later I have to grind mushroom mastery....and then an hour later I have to grind exalted mastery....it never ends, it not enough that storyline quests are hard to understand when that ghost dissapeared and said jump here since I can't see 3d on my screen, but all these time traps , thats made to do nothing more than delay you from your eventual goal, its meaningless, your not offering ANYTHING to the world by doing ANY of the world quests...nothing...your not building anything, your not creating any cities or anything, it is a means to continue the levelling, Oh you reached level 80, lets create a new thing you have to level, so that it is an never ending need to level something. I just want a storyline from point A to point B to point C and various difficulties, not a bunch of mastery of jumping mushrooms or jumping ropes or hanging from a tree in a certain angle or whateverr, that can be done for those who want to axcell and get a pretty pyjamas they can run in and feel e-peen I want to finish the storyline, thats what I am paying for, not to sit around wait for world quests or events that are in itself meaningless, sure if they had a meaning, affected ANYTHING except my xp bar, that was rewarding to community that felt accomplished in some manner then they would have some meaning, running around killing minotaurs in various forms shapes or races is not rewarding at all. specially when the xp you get is 2 millimeter on the xp bar and you have to go through entire screen.

THIS forces people to go into HP trains and groups etc to go anywhere and I thought this was a game that was meant to go away from the forced grouping, to where you could, if you wanted, to go solo adventure and have as an OPTION to go grouping for extra things. This feels again like its nothing more than a WOW clone with different graphics, the basic concept is the same, level something, grind rep in something, so what is in basic the difference between these 2? both chanses dragons, both has various groups you have to rep grind with, well, at least when you buy a mount in wow you don't have to grind a mastery to get to use it. so...I am stuck again at the grinding, which I hate and despise to the core, and it is never ending....

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HEYY!!! I found a solution that works.... ALTS!! If I go through the story with primary until I meet a possible grind spot, just log in another toondo the story until that point and if thats not enough just do it with a third, I got 5 slots so should be enough that way...while yes, technically I amdoing same quests over and over again, it does not FEEL like a grind because I am progressing other toons but the key things are shared, such as masteries

Then I met with the HP stuff....and while it was somewhat of a downer, once I hit a HP train (BY ACCIDENT, I was NOT looking for one, just happensto come along as I was doing wq and I figure id see what it was about) and woooooo the HP added upp, did some meta thingi beating some heart with ghostsor Exalted or whatever and before I knew it, I earned 50 HP, so...here it is...once in a lifetime....

I was wrong....it is not as much of a grindfest as I perceived....once you "get into it" it feels natural to go from 1 wq to another, the majorthing I notice is timing, if you come it at right timing, get into a wave of good end to end wq, then your made, you can spend HOURS doingback to back wq without repeating any, and it will FEEL meaningful (as rebuilding those bases for the pact etc) and helping allies fend off beasts

so...yeah, I was wrong....now I am returning to enjoy pay painful attempt at Reverant....its like looking at a child with a hammer banging everythingon the ground in a whack-a-mole kind of way....


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@"Jotunhammer.7029" said:HEYY!!! I found a solution that works.... ALTS!! If I go through the story with primary until I meet a possible grind spot, just log in another toondo the story until that point and if thats not enough just do it with a third, I got 5 slots so should be enough that way...while yes, technically I amdoing same quests over and over again, it does not FEEL like a grind because I am progressing other toons but the key things are shared, such as masteries

Then I met with the HP stuff....and while it was somewhat of a downer, once I hit a HP train (BY ACCIDENT, I was NOT looking for one, just happensto come along as I was doing wq and I figure id see what it was about) and woooooo the HP added upp, did some meta thingi beating some heart with ghostsor Exalted or whatever and before I knew it, I earned 50 HP, so...here it is...once in a lifetime....

I was wrong....it is not as much of a grindfest as I perceived....once you "get into it" it feels natural to go from 1 wq to another, the majorthing I notice is timing, if you come it at right timing, get into a wave of good end to end wq, then your made, you can spend HOURS doingback to back wq without repeating any, and it will FEEL meaningful (as rebuilding those bases for the pact etc) and helping allies fend off beasts

so...yeah, I was wrong....now I am returning to enjoy pay painful attempt at Reverant....its like looking at a child with a hammer banging everythingon the ground in a whack-a-mole kind of way....


You should have read the replies. I suggested this a week ago.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@"Jotunhammer.7029" said:HEYY!!! I found a solution that works.... ALTS!! If I go through the story with primary until I meet a possible grind spot, just log in another toondo the story until that point and if thats not enough just do it with a third, I got 5 slots so should be enough that way...while yes, technically I amdoing same quests over and over again, it does not FEEL like a grind because I am progressing other toons but the key things are shared, such as masteries

Then I met with the HP stuff....and while it was somewhat of a downer, once I hit a HP train (BY ACCIDENT, I was NOT looking for one, just happensto come along as I was doing wq and I figure id see what it was about) and woooooo the HP added upp, did some meta thingi beating some heart with ghostsor Exalted or whatever and before I knew it, I earned 50 HP, so...here it is...once in a lifetime....

I was wrong....it is not as much of a grindfest as I perceived....once you "get into it" it feels natural to go from 1 wq to another, the majorthing I notice is timing, if you come it at right timing, get into a wave of good end to end wq, then your made, you can spend HOURS doingback to back wq without repeating any, and it will FEEL meaningful (as rebuilding those bases for the pact etc) and helping allies fend off beasts

so...yeah, I was wrong....now I am returning to enjoy pay painful attempt at Reverant....its like looking at a child with a hammer banging everythingon the ground in a whack-a-mole kind of way....


You should have read the replies. I suggested this a week ago.

People don't read replies if they just want to rant. LOTS of solutions were offered. Appears that none of them were taken.

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@"Jotunhammer.7029" said:I remember Guild Wars 2 being an living breathing game where you felt part of the game.Now that I return after a long absence and I start HoT I am immediatly met with "glider requirements" meaningI have to do quests thats are non critical and non storyline just to earn points to get to use gliders. This bodes very ill for therest of the game , oh and I have a level 80 too with PoF and got the mount, but guess what, in order to go onwards got to get tolevel 3 of that raptor mount just to get on with the questing. When did the game go from being about the storyline and the restbeing sidelines if you was interested to be a grindfest for "rep" with different things just to get onwards with a quest?Its nothing but time sinks, these "reputation grinds" that you got to get glider, mount, different level of mount etc.It does not affect the story anyway, and it it not shown in the story "Oh yeah, you have to be level 3 with flappety flapp over therein order to face the dragon"....really....

Dude unlocking the most important mounts are anywhere between 1-3 hours of gameplay if you're focused. And just doing things in game earns the mastery xp, so don't grind, do what you enjoy in the appropriate areas and snag some mastery points here and there to spend when you level up. You're speaking from jadedness from other games and haven't learned how to enjoy this game yet.

And you should do mounts first. They make maguuma much easier.

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@"Obtena.7952" said:never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?

You see, Anet never said there would be no grind because obviously that's dumb; there needs something you can grind to keep you interested in the game. Anet was specifically talking about needing to grind to get access to content, either with gear grinds or unlocking content. So far, they have delivered.

So let's be honest. The game never became a grind ... you're just finding things you want that require it. If you're going to define 'gilder masteries' as grinding, I guess you should stick with FPS games or something, because that's a pretty tame 'grind' that you can achieve simply by playing the game. I guess if you're not willing to play the game, then I can see where you apply that label to it.

What do you mean they never said there would be no grind? In Anet own MMO Manifesto video Colin Johanson says at 1:35 "We just don't want players to grind in Guild Wars 2".

It was in their public declaration before the game even came out.
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