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Not even skill 500


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Massive waste of gold and time.You won't be using expensive AF food,and sharing it with 50 other people just to kill Mordrem in SW.

Raid is the only place where you benefit from it,and not everyone is raiding.Most active raiding guilds left game long ago anyway.

And yes,i won't be making it.

Im gonna stick with 1 silver foods because again out of raids,food is not a must.

You want to raid?Spend 3 gold for literally full run on foods and whatnots.

You want ascended food(everything you can get on TP without having 500 cooking)Fine,spend 200 gold + 5 or even 10 additional gold on every 'use' Feed slackers and leechers who hit mob once and go afk for the whole duration of meta event.

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You do realize you get stuf for doing the collections? A bloodstone cooking station in your home. a food gobbler and a free garden plot.It was a quite enjoyable questline and not that expensive, as I had most of it already. Only costly part would be the heatstones if you didnt have patience to make them yourself. Made one and bought two more while they were 20g early today. Double now.

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Yes, doing the collection was enjoyable, and the cooking station is really nice. So is the free garden plot. However ascended cooking in itself majorly sucks thanks to the garden part of it. The rest I could deal with. RNG harvesting to get the varietal, making expensive compost, planting 1 time per seed pouch, and getting 1 seed per harvest is too much of a royal pain to even attempt it beyond this. I'll decide what I want to plant in each of the 3 plots for normal gardening. Ascended cooking might as well not even be in the game otherwise.

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@"Elaine.7142" said:Yes, doing the collection was enjoyable, and the cooking station is really nice. So is the free garden plot. However ascended cooking in itself majorly sucks thanks to the garden part of it. The rest I could deal with. RNG harvesting to get the varietal, making expensive compost, planting 1 time per seed pouch, and getting 1 seed per harvest is too much of a royal pain to even attempt it beyond this. I'll decide what I want to plant in each of the 3 plots for normal gardening. Ascended cooking might as well not even be in the game otherwise.

Currently heads of garlic have the greatest sale value on tphttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Garden_Plot_Deed

The sale value of head of garlic sits at an amazing 6s18c a pop. Beating out both orrian truffle and snow truffle

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I don't have a problem with it, besides the heatstones I had more then what was needed to get cooking to 500. Was something interesting to do and it inspired me to make some delicious food irl. Only real complaint was how quickly the mini quests took to do.

As for the food use cases, I'll probably use them for raiding and for wvw, other than that I'm fine with using my current foods when they are needed.

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I guess it is some nice way to earn a bit money - if you sell the time gated stuff. (At least some plant/seed thing from the herbs needed in wiki that requests the TP prices was at 5 gold or so. Now I don't know how much it costs to make it. I bet the time gate stuff will be within those prices and you can make some profilt. Especially early when not yet many people are producing.)

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@LucianDK.8615 said:should note theres no need to craft food to get to 500. You get 50 skill from doing the collections. And you will hit 500 from the rest of the crafting for itNot necessarily. I've only made it to 491 once I had the whole collection finished, but getting the rest done shouldn't be hard, especially if I don't forget my crafting boosters again ;) .

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Ascended food is not added for you and me.Its added for people who spend real $ on TP

You can be mad all you want,they had this planned moment they released gardens on TP.

Players : give us new content or RIOT!LS or expansion

Arena Net : gives 1 free key

Players : thank you,we are happy!

Its just shows how people are easily manipulated.As long as stuff is for free,they are going to forget and forgive every single thing.

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@Ghetx.1752 said:Ascended food is not added for you and me.Its added for people who spend real $ on TP

You can be mad all you want,they had this planned moment they released gardens on TP.

Its just sad how they hype up and present kitten with big smiles on their faces,like we benefit from that something,while reality is they benefit the most,and naive people fell for it all the time.

Well i dont say no to a free garden plot. Planted all 3 full of garlic for their sale value which is really high.

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@"Ghetx.1752" said:Massive waste of gold and time.You won't be using expensive AF food,and sharing it with 50 other people just to kill Mordrem in SW.

Raid is the only place where you benefit from it,and not everyone is raiding.Most active raiding guilds left game long ago anyway.

And yes,i won't be making it.

Im gonna stick with 1 silver foods because again out of raids,food is not a must.

You want to raid?Spend 3 gold for literally full run on foods and whatnots.

You want ascended food(everything you can get on TP without having 500 cooking)Fine,spend 200 gold + 5 or even 10 additional gold on every 'use' Feed slackers and leechers who hit mob once and go afk for the whole duration of meta event.

Nice to see you know all about the game - except for WvW, it seems. And just so you know - the actual food is downright cheap - if you grow it yourself as you're supposed to do. When you start to buy the harvested ingredients to bypass the "natural" amount you could produce ... then it's goign to get nasty. But if you just grow and harvest, the additional components are no more than in a regular single person dish. Sole problem is the compost - but once you figure out how to get each type of the components, you can create the meals you need to salvage from karma only or 3/4 karma 1/4 actual component meals.

So, the upfront cost is high to complete the collection - the actual food cost is very, very reasonable (as long as you don't try to bust your limit by buying the ascended harvested components).

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Ascended food is useful in WvW too, not just raids. If you're working on ranks (as I am), the WXP bonus and -condi duration is very attractive. Use a metabolic primer and you're good to go.

Don't blame ANet or even the craft itself if you pay a ridiculous impatience tax. Getting to 500 chef doesn't cost anything like the amount of gold people report spending. The only gold I spent was on the 5g vendor items we all had to buy for the collections, for example. The rest I avoided because I have a well-stocked bank.

Plan ahead, folks. Plan ahead. Stock up on lumps of mithrillium and platinum/gold/silver ingots if they announce a jeweler 500 update. I suspect we'll need xunlai electrum ingots for it in some way. If they don't, use the mithrillium for something else. If they do, you can make your electrum on the spot.

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@BorgCollective.4509 said:I'm curious. Did people ask for this?

@BorgCollective.4509 said:I'm curious. Did people ask for this?

People have been asking for this for a long time. The problem is, not everyone asked for it. I never asked for it. I don't really mind it, though. It was fun, enough though I finished leveling on the first day.

Since I farm my home instance every day anyway, sometimes on more than one account, the free garden bed is lovely.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Others can loot ascended plants grown in your home, and they do not need to be replanted. Ppl is selling trips to homes with grown plants already.

That's not my experience. My spouse was able to harvest my ascended plants, but after we did that, what I had left was open soil instead of a growing plant. I have to replant if I want more.

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@JeffJeth.9518 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Others can loot ascended plants grown in your home, and they do not need to be replanted. Ppl is selling trips to homes with grown plants already.

That's not my experience. My spouse was able to harvest my ascended plants, but after we did that, what I had left was open soil instead of a growing plant. I have to replant if I want more.

So you dident harvest them at all, it sounded like you both did it since you say -after we meaning both of you harvested?If you dont want to plant again only your spouse do it.

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