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What do you want for GW2?


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Very egoistic from my side: I voted updates. In my case it's more specific to WvW. I see it slowly dying. It's either we blobbing, or we getting blobbed (typically BG), or we simply have nothing to fight and just ktrain... Occasions to have real fight against enemies with strategy and fun become really rare. Due to that, it becomes quite boring. In our guild, we can just see how difficult it is now to maintain numbers and motivation.... It urgently needs that something happens there. :(

Now aside of this, I enjoy when we get new LSs of course, but I think the WvW activity is really badly declining. With the last announcement telling nothing concrete about a change soon, we had a lot of people simply stopping and now playing other games instead of coming to wvw runs. Sad.

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So elitist content vs casual content. And based by how you created the poll, it's pretty obvious you're after the elitist one. I wouldn't want another game where the community becomes trash because everyone only does dungeons, pvp, wants only top gear and doesn't take play with others because they're not full ascended or legendary, like it happens in Tera or WoW, or other game of those kind. So yea, Living Story all the way.

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