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the new GW2 living world #1 magazine


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@ugrakarma.9416 said:The Deep Sea Dragon mystery is a part of old games maganizes nostalgic too. The old games magazines sometimes was the only way u can know something about cheat codes, speculations or easter eggs etc. The water dragon is our Noob Saibot.

I’m looking forward to issue 2 having “pokes” we can use to access secrets.

Up, up, down, down, left, right, right. 1,1,1,1, up on the chat select screen unlocks the deep sea dragon

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@"videoboy.4162" said:The snippet describing Primordus is bugging the heck out of me. The terms "fire" and "conflagration" are synonyms. Why are those the two words used to describe that particular Dragon?

conflagration also means "violent political revolution" in some languages, it is an allusion: revolts that spread like wildfire. For some reason i dont know the second meaning has fallen into disuse / oblivion in English. In portuguese/spanish that word(conflagração) is more used in the sense of spreaded revolt than literal wildfire. .. the word orign is from latin conflagratio/confl-(conflict).

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@ugrakarma.9416 said:

@"videoboy.4162" said:The snippet describing Primordus is bugging the heck out of me. The terms "fire" and "conflagration" are synonyms. Why are those the two words used to describe that particular Dragon?

conflagration also means "violent political revolution" in some languages, it is an allusion: revolts that spread like wildfire. For some reason i dont know the second meaning has fallen into disuse / oblivion in English. In portuguese/spanish that word(conflagração) is more used in the sense of spreaded revolt than literal wildfire. .. the word orign is from latin conflagratio/confl-(conflict).

I knew that was another usage, but it just didn't seem to fit in with what we know about Primordus. Maybe if it pops up in this new story, that definition will make more sense in reference to Primordus.

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@videoboy.4162 said:I knew that was another usage, but it just didn't seem to fit in with what we know about Primordus. Maybe if it pops up in this new story, that definition will make more sense in reference to Primordus.

i guess hes probably will be presented a more direct/raw confrontation dragon. Also Primordus seems dont bother much about corrupt living beings.

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@RyuDragnier.9476 said:Quite a bit of this is interesting, but especially the character info. Jhavi is apparently a Vigil leader, Rytlock will once again cause the events to unfold, Braham will be feeling backlash from his actions and subsequent failure to destroy Jormag, and Crecia has Flame Legion heritage.She has been in the game from day one as a leader of the Vigil. You can find her in the Vigil Keep in Gendarran Fields. It is nice to see she will play a (significant) role in the new saga.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@ugrakarma.9416 said:The Deep Sea Dragon mystery is a part of old games maganizes nostalgic too. The old games magazines sometimes was the only way u can know something about cheat codes, speculations or easter eggs etc. The water dragon is our
Noob Saibot

I’m looking forward to issue 2 having “pokes” we can use to access secrets.

Up, up, down, down, left, right, right. 1,1,1,1, up on the chat select screen unlocks the deep sea dragon

Funny you say that cause the console at the entrance of Moto's lab is a NES gamepad requiring you to tap a specific code found in w3-z1 during back to school sab. Through only arrows and start/select if I remember well.

I just think the DSD and its minions are just too big to fit within the page. Continue to believe it's a kind of turtle like bristleback.

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@hugo.4705 said:

@ugrakarma.9416 said:The Deep Sea Dragon mystery is a part of old games maganizes nostalgic too. The old games magazines sometimes was the only way u can know something about cheat codes, speculations or easter eggs etc. The water dragon is our
Noob Saibot

I’m looking forward to issue 2 having “pokes” we can use to access secrets.

Up, up, down, down, left, right, right. 1,1,1,1, up on the chat select screen unlocks the deep sea dragon

Funny you say that cause the console at the entrance of Moto's lab is a NES gamepad requiring you to tap a specific code found in w3-z1 during back to school sab. Through only arrows and start/select if I remember well.

I just think the DSD and its minions are just too big to fit within the page. Continue to believe it's a kind of turtle like bristleback.

in GW2 there are several traces that their developer team has some Old School gamers, exploration itself has something reminding me of Zelda, although I can't say exactly what it is (at top head i can say its 15 years++ that i didnt see Zelda).

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