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Should mount be downscaled just like your level?


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The attack needs to be downscaled. I have seen so many new comers upset because of this. People rush in past them on their mounts then tail sweep the enemy's. It is making it harder for them to lvl up and harder for them to enjoy themselves. The starter maps were made for new comers in mind and they should come first. We have our higher maps and expansions.

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@TexZero.7910 said:Nope.People need to find a new bandwagon to hate on. It's a feature that's working as intended.

And that's exactly what this is. This isn't an Arenanet problem, it's a community/social problem. What a concept that players might have to take responsibility for how the game is perceived by others and actually think of someone else.I finished Plains of Ashford the other night, and it wasn't like it completely crippled my game play and fun to choose to dismount without attacking, or to observe the situation and determine if it was detrimental to use the skill when attacking mobs.

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@pah.4931 said:I have enjoyed mounts. But the bad side effect is that it changes player behavior. I would like to see a few things change:

  1. Mounts should scale down damage in old world (or have them do no damage at all)
  2. Mounts should have less health
  3. Mounts should NOT protect you from 100% of fall damage. That's just silly.
  4. Talking to NPCs should not dismount you (unless it's at a bank / TP / merchant / important story point / etc)

I would agree on point 3 only if we could dismount in mid air, or that would mean a fall to our deaths even when we're able to glide.

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I'm inclined to believe it's subjective; I for one would welcome a high level player coming in and one shotting whatever was giving me a difficult near-death experience as a low level, so long as I still got credit for the kill(s). On the other hand which I seldom see - high level players not giving lower levels a chance to land a hit thus causing a loss of XP for the lower levelled player. At the end of the day it's not too different from 80s gearing themselves in full zerk and practically 1-2 shotting mobs with their skills.

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@Ider.1276 said:I think mounts just don't belong to core Tiria. The best "scaling" would be just to turn them off there.

By that rationale, gliding in Core Tyria and WvW would have to disappear as well. That's just not something that I can get on board with.

I do understand the frustration with people showing off and spamming their shinies. I really do. But once the newness wears off, it will calm down.

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@DebraKadabra.5278 said:

@Ider.1276 said:I think mounts just don't belong to core Tiria. The best "scaling" would be just to turn them off there.

By that rationale, gliding in Core Tyria and WvW would have to disappear as well. That's just not something that I can get on board with.

I do understand the frustration with people showing off and spamming their shinies. I really do. But once the newness wears off, it will calm down.

The big difference here is that mount have a signle battle skill. A skill that can oneshot mobs in low lvl maps, gliding doesn't do that.

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@Pax.3548 said:

@Pax.3548 said:

@Ellisande.5218 said:

@Pax.3548 said:

@Ellisande.5218 said:Why are you people against me having fun?

It is a video game. The purpose is having fun. If you don't want to use the mounts then you can choose to not use them. Don't try forcing me to have to play the way you want just because you are salty I'm having fun while you aren't having as much fun because you are so self righteous that you are needlessly restricting yourself because of your self righteousness.

Sometimes stomping all over mooks is the epitomy of fun. If you took the stick out of your bum you might finally realize that.

Sorry but thats a serious balancing problem, imagine, a new player is moving around killings things, having trouble and enjoying the challenge, then suddenly a guy comes out from nowhere, uses the mount skill 1 and one shot everything in his path, where the hell is the fun in that? sorry mate but that is a no by a long shot.

I'll put it like you: Why should anyone be forced to accept you being able to easily kill mobs in lower lvl maps just because you have the expansion and the mount masteries?

Where ISN'T the fun in that?

If I saw that, my first and only thought would be "How the hell do I do that!?"

Unfortunately for you the argument doesn't work in reverse. See the argument is based on the idea of letting everyone have their fun so long as they aren't being a busybody. What you are trying to argue is that you should be in control of what everyone gets to do, ie you want to be a busybody. Someone using a mount in front of you to kill faster than you are killing isn't impinging on your ability to kill at the speed you want to kill. They are just making you see that you aren't a kitten. But you want to say that no one should be able to kill faster than you and that you should have a right to do so. That you feel negative about your slow kill speed when you see someone kill at a faster killspeed is not a sufficient reason to limit everyone's kill speed to your killspeed.

Suppose this was a gear issue. You were killing slower because you were using the level 1 equipment you started with. The person next to you is using level 40 yellows and killing three times faster. Would it be right to make that player kill at the same speed as someone using level 1 starter gear just because the person using level 1 starter gear feels bad about killing slower when he sees someone kill faster? If you were actually enjoying your slow kill speed as you profess, then what difference is it to you that someone kills faster? The only reason why this would matter is because you actually WEREN'T enjoying your slow kill speed and seeing someone kill faster is making you jealous of seeing them do something you can't do right now. Instead of working to reach the same place that person is, you want to force that person to fall to where you are. That is extremely vindictive and petty.

Unfortunately for you, mounts ARE causing trouble in core tyria, there are already threads where new players or casual players complain about the mounts, because ppl like you (who enjoy using mounts for killing mobs) are meddling in events in a way no one else without a mount can participate, sometimes ppl are looking for a certain event, either for archievements or just because they want to lvl up (some players even call out these events through map chat), what happens then? ppl rush in with mounts and kills all mobs, stopping everyone else from getting credit (for example, 2 guys were using mounts during a escort event, and they were killing all mobs just by using the mount battle skill, and that alone one shot most npcs so the other players couldn't even have time to get to the mobs or even kill a single one of them) just look around this forum you'll see those threads, so the mounts have to be dealt with somehow, your fun is ruining other ppl's fun.

Let me ask you this then, for those two people killing the escort mobs. Did anyone ask them to stop doing it? From my experience, most people will stop using the mounts for that if you ask them nicely. If I am around a person, we are both doing an event or heart. I don't use my mount to kill things because I would consider that to be rude. When no one is around me though, I use my mount because I get things done quicker that way.

What you are proposing would screw me over for solo purposes because a few people ruined a couple events for you?

Well, there are ppl and ppl, you may not be a rude guy and stop if you're asked, but not all are like that, many others just do what they want, or there are some that doesn't even speak the same language and because of that they don't get what ppl ask to them, so, the mere fact that this problem exist (that some ppl abuse their mounts) is reason enough for them to be scaled (I'm not even saying that mounts should be forbidden in core tyria, all I say is that the dmg the skill does be downscaled to the player's level). Besides, core tyria was created without mounts in mind, so they really have no real reason to be there, so at least stop being selfish and just accept the fact that mount battle skill needs to be balanced. And I assure you, it will be balanced.

For the record, I know you weren't saying they shouldn't be allowed in core Tyria. I don't think I am being selfish though or anyone else for that matter who is opposed to the scaling down. Sure, there are bad apples, but I don't think there are as many as you think there are when it comes to them using their #1 on the mount. I am not as confident as you that anything will happen to the mounts because there are bigger issues to fix(even though I don't think it is an issue) then mount scaling.

The health is adjusted btw for the zone.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:

@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:That speed shouldn't scale is pretty obvious, as speed isn't level-adjusted.

No, but my Concentration for Swiftness is. ;_;

While I'm mostly sure that scaling for mounts is a thing, I'm not sure it downscales enough to to me from tailsweeping everything to death.

Downscaling for mounts is definitely a thing, but it does seem...inconsistent.

For example, at level 80, a Jackal barrier is 7.7k. At Tequatl, it's barely over 2.5k (and a much lower % of my max health).

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I was very surprised by just how much damage my raptor did in the low level maps. If it is scaled down then it's defiantly not enough. Level 80 players already do a massive amount of damage in low level zones, which should be fun enough, they really don't need any further boosts in the form of quick moving mounts that can also wipe the floor with every nearby enemy. I wouldn't touch the speed though. It is part of the appeal of mounts, approval of that aspect notwithstanding.

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They either need to downscale mount damage (I would even say hero damage is too high once you're 80, but that's an entirely different point). Or abandoned this idea of "tagging" in events and let people AFK and get credit if they want. Huge swarms of mobs can be killed by 2 or 3 raptor attacks before anyone else has a chance to get a single hit in. It's a problem.

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@Astraea.6075 said:Perhaps the existing down-scaling could be adjusted, but from my experience with using a raptor while levelling an alt, while the damage from using the engage skill is high, it doesn't seem too overpowered.

The problem is using the raptor at level 80 in low-level zones, not while leveling in zone that matches your level.

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Sorry but thats a serious balancing problem, imagine, a new player is moving around killings things, having trouble and enjoying the challenge, then suddenly a guycomes out from nowhere, uses the mount skill 1 and one shot everything in his path, where the hell is the fun in that? sorry mate but that is a no by a long shot.

Well when i was a new player, i always very happy when op ppl come to help."enjoying the challenge" is a scarecrow. This rarely exists. 90% of the news wants to get to level 80 as fast as possible.

Maps of Core Tyria are a desert.

But ofc 1 hit kill skill is a problem, its a matter of time of ppl find a way to abuse world bosses on non lvl 80 areas. Teql is lvl 60 i guess.

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I don't even understand why my char is down leveled. Shouldn't I get to enjoy the fruits of my level? Why even have a level if you aren't going to allow the player to gain the benefit from it?

Content isn't relevant because it is or isn't difficulty. Content is relevant when you have a reason for being there, such as mining more Platinum to throw up on the AH or doing a story or giving marching orders to your army to tell them it is time to move out and invade Queensdale or running Shadow Behemoth for the 8 millionth time cause SB is the best boss period. The lack of immersive or relevant content is the reason why people don't spend much time in most of the maps beyond getting map completion. Doing a heart quest for a village isn't the same thing as creating a village and then coming back everyday to make sure it is ok and collecting the taxes, changing the village layout, building another cottage because 3 more peasants want to move in, etc. There is very little player-map-npc interaction. Deleveling the player doesn't solve the underlying problem and the underlying problem is a lack of interaction and immersion. The player isn't given any reason to care about anything.

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We have level downscaling, which allows toons higher level than the zone is labeled for to still have a little bit of challenge and still get just as much reward as if they were in one labeled for their level. This basically means that say, a 50 ish toon has many, many zones to pick from to play in without being forced to go to one designated for their level that they don't like.

What such a system does do is give the world an amazing sense of continuity. Though the leveling process in GW2, you can warp to an earlier map just because you want to, and aren't severely punished for it because you have stayed from the largely linear progression of levels up the ladder. It also brings a credible enjoyment to just running around and exploring the world at high levels. Sure, PvE at max level remains easy in GW2, but you can't simply one shot things either as you are downscaled and have to actually fight.

With mounts this is not implemented as well and needs work just for the reasons mentioned above.

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