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How come thief if marked can still stealth?


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Ten seconds on the wiki tells you everything you need to know....https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marked

Entering stealth while marked will place the Detected! effect on you for 2 seconds.

Detected! is an effect applied to players that enter stealth while they are marked. If they are stealthed for more than 2 seconds while detected, they will become revealed. Exiting stealth before this effect expires will remove this effect.

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@"Lightning Xv.8705" said:Ten seconds on the wiki tells you everything you need to know....https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marked

Entering stealth while marked will place the Detected! effect on you for 2 seconds.

Detected! is an effect applied to players that enter stealth while they are marked. If they are stealthed for more than 2 seconds while detected, they will become revealed. Exiting stealth before this effect expires will remove this effect.

doesnt answer my question though. :/

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@"Lightning Xv.8705" said:Ten seconds on the wiki tells you everything you need to know....

Entering stealth while marked will place the Detected! effect on you for 2 seconds.

Detected! is an effect applied to players that enter stealth while they are marked. If they are stealthed for more than 2 seconds while detected, they will become revealed. Exiting stealth before this effect expires will remove this effect.

doesnt answer my question though. :/

It does you just didn't read or aren't understanding it so ill rephrase it.

You mark a thief.he stealthshe gains "detected" effect"Detected" forces him out of stealth after 2 seconds with a reveal tacked on for 3 seconds

Marked does not prevent stealth 100% it only prevents super long duration camping /perma stealth. So he can not remain stealthed longer than 2 seconds. Marked=/=Revealed. Revealed prevents restealthing possibly you have them confused. Only reveal skills apply that effect and the end of the detected debuff. Target painters/traps only apply marked not revealed.

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@Lightning Xv.8705 said:

@Lightning Xv.8705 said:Ten seconds on the wiki tells you everything you need to know....

Entering stealth while marked will place the Detected! effect on you for 2 seconds.

Detected! is an effect applied to players that enter stealth while they are marked. If they are stealthed for more than 2 seconds while detected, they will become revealed. Exiting stealth before this effect expires will remove this effect.

doesnt answer my question though. :/

It does you just didn't read or aren't understanding it so ill rephrase it.

You mark a thief.he stealthshe gains "detected" effect"Detected" forces him out of stealth after 2 seconds with a reveal tacked on for 3 seconds

Marked does not prevent stealth 100% it only prevents super long duration camping /perma stealth. So he can not remain stealthed longer than 2 seconds. Marked=/=Revealed. Revealed prevents restealthing possibly you have them confused. Only reveal skills apply that effect and the end of the detected debuff. Target painters/traps only apply marked not revealed.

:/ meh, kinda is broken then. shouldnt be able to hide if painted.

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Truth be told as a Thief main, it'd almost be better if you weren't able to stealth.Right now a single damn sentry can completely mess you up because it disables a very crucial defensive aspect of Thief.Now you maybe get grouped up on by 5 players (very common, sadly) and you try to stealth away, as it's one of your very minimal defenses, but you just end up putting a forced Reveal on yourself... It's a real slog.

To be completely honest though, this mechanic is a real nightmare by design. 2 Seconds is really short, especially when you're also punished with a forced Reveal at the end of it. It's been constantly sapping any interest I had in solo roaming over the past months, up to the point where I haven't played anymore.It's really quite sickening to implement a hard-counter to something so integral to a class.Heck, the fact that Detected lasts 2 seconds actually harms all builds that use Stealth to some extent, while the only reason for it in the first place is to counter perma-stealth.Putting the Detected effect at 5 seconds with a Forced Reveal (for maybe 9-12 seconds) if you do not come out of Stealth while the Detected effect is running on you, would be better.That way players who simply go for a quick stealth to gain access to re-positioning or to simply set up a Backstab or what-not, don't get punished for actively playing and using their utilities and skills, but those who just troll around on gimped perma-stealth and 1-shot one-trick pony builds, do get punished for their passivity.

Reason I'd put it at 5 seconds is so that it's enough for any normal traited build, is so that a single basic stealth effect (lasts 3 seconds untraited 4 if traited) wouldn't get punished so hard, though anyone chaining stealths (2*3=6 seconds) does get punished for implied passivity.

Don't know, I find it a very tedious and downright stupid implementation. But I do see the necessity of it... Got to counter the Trolls.

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ANet logic: instead of lowering stealth duration completely neutering thief's ability to hide, but build an entire elite spec around stealth you can't, thus shouldn't use. Just... amazing.

Reminds me of one of those brilliant ideas of taking away Scrapper's only reliable defense against hidden enemies - reveal. There was nothing wrong with it, but they completely removed it.

We got some masterminds on the design team, folks.

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@Vornollo.5182 said:Truth be told as a Thief main, it'd almost be better if you weren't able to stealth.Right now a single kitten sentry can completely mess you up because it disables a very crucial defensive aspect of Thief.Now you maybe get grouped up on by 5 players (very common, sadly) and you try to stealth away, as it's one of your very minimal defenses, but you just end up putting a forced Reveal on yourself... It's a real slog.

To be completely honest though, this mechanic is a real nightmare by design. 2 Seconds is really short, especially when you're also punished with a forced Reveal at the end of it. It's been constantly sapping any interest I had in solo roaming over the past months, up to the point where I haven't played anymore.It's really quite sickening to implement a hard-counter to something so integral to a class.Heck, the fact that Detected lasts 2 seconds actually harms all builds that use Stealth to some extent, while the only reason for it in the first place is to counter perma-stealth.Putting the Detected effect at 5 seconds with a Forced Reveal (for maybe 9-12 seconds) if you do not come out of Stealth while the Detected effect is running on you, would be better.That way players who simply go for a quick stealth to gain access to re-positioning or to simply set up a Backstab or what-not, don't get punished for actively playing and using their utilities and skills, but those who just troll around on kitten perma-stealth and 1-shot one-trick pony builds, do get punished for their passivity.

Reason I'd put it at 5 seconds is so that it's enough for any normal traited build, is so that a single basic stealth effect (lasts 3 seconds untraited 4 if traited) wouldn't get punished so hard, though anyone chaining stealths (2*3=6 seconds) does get punished for implied passivity.

Don't know, I find it a very tedious and downright stupid implementation. But I do see the necessity of it... Got to counter the Trolls.

Lol yeah where the no barrier for scourge areas or the no invulnerability areas for warrior or lowers heal areas for ele and holo's lol. If ur gonna add hard counters to a mechanic a spec or a lot of builds rely on for defence by design u might as well remove the mechanic and compensate the class for the loss.

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

Lol yeah where the no barrier for scourge areas or the no invulnerability areas for warrior or lowers heal areas for ele and holo's lol. If ur gonna add hard counters to a mechanic a spec or a lot of builds rely on for defence by design u might as well remove the mechanic and compensate the class for the loss.

The amount if times I've tried to explain this sentiment to people who think marked is a good idea.

"Just avoid marked areas"Why should one class have to avoid certain areas when no other class needs to?

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Marked areas are nothing more than the lazy response from arenet to nerfcru's from players who don't want to change their builds to counter stealth as their are reveal traps available to everyone. No one bothers to learn to counter builds before they cry nerf. With that said from what I've read the reveal traps can be hard to use effectively so maybe arenet should have looked into improving those and or incorporating a couple reveal proponents into all the classes already existing utility skills. This would add more of a counter balance to stealth without resorting to ridiculous no stealth zones (2 sec might as well be 0 stealth zone). But guess that would require more work.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Marked areas are nothing more than the lazy response from arenet to nerfcru's from players who don't want to change their builds to counter stealth as their are reveal traps available to everyone. No one bothers to learn to counter builds before they cry nerf. With that said from what I've read the reveal traps can be hard to use effectively so maybe arenet should have looked into improving those and or incorporating a couple reveal proponents into all the classes already existing utility skills. This would add more of a counter balance to stealth without resorting to ridiculous no stealth zones (2 sec might as well be 0 stealth zone). But guess that would require more work.

The counter builds have nothing to do with it.

Stealth became an exacerbated issue because of Deadeye and its ability to deal immense amounts of damage coming out of stealth as well as how long and how frequently they can stealth. Revealed was not a counter to stealth in regards to Deadeye because Deadeye can just remove revealed, and any skills that have reveal on them have limited range and are on much longer cooldowns than any ability Thief has that applies stealth.

I agree Marked is a lazy response from Anet, but not in the way that you view it. Rather than properly balance the duration and frequency of Stealth for Deadeye, which was the problem that elicited the addition of the Marked debuff in the first place, ANet instead took some roundabout approach that wasn't healthy for the game. Rather than fix the problem they just skirted around it and created another problem.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Marked areas are nothing more than the lazy response from arenet to nerfcru's from players who don't want to change their builds to counter stealth as their are reveal traps available to everyone. No one bothers to learn to counter builds before they cry nerf. With that said from what I've read the reveal traps can be hard to use effectively so maybe arenet should have looked into improving those and or incorporating a couple reveal proponents into all the classes already existing utility skills. This would add more of a counter balance to stealth without resorting to ridiculous no stealth zones (2 sec might as well be 0 stealth zone). But guess that would require more work.

The counter builds have nothing to do with it.

Stealth became an exacerbated issue because of Deadeye and its ability to deal immense amounts of damage coming out of stealth as well as how long and how frequently they can stealth. Revealed was not a counter to stealth in regards to Deadeye because Deadeye can just remove revealed, and any skills that have reveal on them have limited range and are on
longer cooldowns than any ability Thief has that applies stealth.

I agree Marked is a lazy response from Anet, but not in the way that you view it. Rather than properly balance the duration and frequency of Stealth for Deadeye, which was the problem that elicited the addition of the Marked debuff in the first place, ANet instead took some roundabout approach that wasn't healthy for the game. Rather than fix the problem they just skirted around it and created another problem.Uh, fairly sure most of the things thieves complain about like constant watchtowers was added with HoT, before the deadeye existed. And revealed in itself has existed since vanilla release.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Marked areas are nothing more than the lazy response from arenet to nerfcru's from players who don't want to change their builds to counter stealth as their are reveal traps available to everyone. No one bothers to learn to counter builds before they cry nerf. With that said from what I've read the reveal traps can be hard to use effectively so maybe arenet should have looked into improving those and or incorporating a couple reveal proponents into all the classes already existing utility skills. This would add more of a counter balance to stealth without resorting to ridiculous no stealth zones (2 sec might as well be 0 stealth zone). But guess that would require more work.

The counter builds have nothing to do with it.

Stealth became an exacerbated issue because of Deadeye and its ability to deal immense amounts of damage coming out of stealth as well as how long and how frequently they can stealth. Revealed was not a counter to stealth in regards to Deadeye because Deadeye can just remove revealed, and any skills that have reveal on them have limited range and are on
longer cooldowns than any ability Thief has that applies stealth.

I agree Marked is a lazy response from Anet, but not in the way that you view it. Rather than properly balance the duration and frequency of Stealth for Deadeye, which was the problem that elicited the addition of the Marked debuff in the first place, ANet instead took some roundabout approach that wasn't healthy for the game. Rather than fix the problem they just skirted around it and created another problem.Uh, fairly sure most of the things thieves complain about like constant watchtowers was added with HoT, before the deadeye existed. And revealed in itself has existed since vanilla release.

I'm well aware of that, but the Mark that Towers placed upon players did not hinder Stealth before ANet changed it to the Marked debuff and its current function. Revealed did exist before as a counter to stealth but stealth was nowhere near as abundant and did not last nearly as long as it does with Deadeye these days. Also keep in mind very few skills actually applied Revealed, it was a rather limited "debuff" for quite a while, only limited to specific skills in the Vanilla state of the game. Many skills had Revealed added to them during HoT.

So Marked was added purely because of Deadeye and its over abundance and frequency of access to Stealth along with its ability to just cleanse Revealed. These things are still a problem with the class, Marked just makes it annoying for them to maintain Stealth. I don't agree with the way Marked was implemented a it isn't an actual solution to the problem with Deadeyes, its just some weird roundabout "fix" that isn't actually a fix. They needed to address traits and stealth access on Deadeye rather than add that nonsense debuff.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Marked areas are nothing more than the lazy response from arenet to nerfcru's from players who don't want to change their builds to counter stealth as their are reveal traps available to everyone. No one bothers to learn to counter builds before they cry nerf. With that said from what I've read the reveal traps can be hard to use effectively so maybe arenet should have looked into improving those and or incorporating a couple reveal proponents into all the classes already existing utility skills. This would add more of a counter balance to stealth without resorting to ridiculous no stealth zones (2 sec might as well be 0 stealth zone). But guess that would require more work.

The counter builds have nothing to do with it.

Stealth became an exacerbated issue because of Deadeye and its ability to deal immense amounts of damage coming out of stealth as well as how long and how frequently they can stealth. Revealed was not a counter to stealth in regards to Deadeye because Deadeye can just remove revealed, and any skills that have reveal on them have limited range and are on
longer cooldowns than any ability Thief has that applies stealth.

I agree Marked is a lazy response from Anet, but not in the way that you view it. Rather than properly balance the duration and frequency of Stealth for Deadeye, which was the problem that elicited the addition of the Marked debuff in the first place, ANet instead took some roundabout approach that wasn't healthy for the game. Rather than fix the problem they just skirted around it and created another problem.Uh, fairly sure most of the things thieves complain about like constant watchtowers was added with HoT, before the deadeye existed. And revealed in itself has existed since vanilla release.

I'm well aware of that, but the Mark that Towers placed upon players did not hinder Stealth before ANet changed it to the Marked debuff and its current function. Revealed did exist before as a counter to stealth but stealth was nowhere near as abundant and did not last nearly as long as it does with Deadeye these days. Also keep in mind very few skills actually applied Revealed, it was a rather limited "debuff" for quite a while, only limited to specific skills in the Vanilla state of the game. Many skills had Revealed added to them during HoT.

So Marked was added purely because of Deadeye and its over abundance and frequency of access to Stealth along with its ability to just cleanse Revealed. These things are
a problem with the class, Marked just makes it annoying for them to maintain Stealth. I don't agree with the way Marked was implemented a it isn't an actual solution to the problem with Deadeyes, its just some weird roundabout "fix" that isn't actually a fix. They needed to address traits and stealth access on Deadeye rather than add that nonsense debuff.

Marked is just an annoyance for de to maintain stealth? Does it not completely shut down all stealth stacking and revealing the player after stacking stealth for more than 2 whole seconds lmao that is more than an annoyance.Classes should have some short duration reveals implemented into a few of their utility skills and along with stealth traps that would be sufficient. This almost deleting a mechanic a spec or builds rely on so heavily in areas of a map is kitten and should have never made it past 1st draft.Though finding it hard to be surprised by this game though lol.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Marked areas are nothing more than the lazy response from arenet to nerfcru's from players who don't want to change their builds to counter stealth as their are reveal traps available to everyone. No one bothers to learn to counter builds before they cry nerf. With that said from what I've read the reveal traps can be hard to use effectively so maybe arenet should have looked into improving those and or incorporating a couple reveal proponents into all the classes already existing utility skills. This would add more of a counter balance to stealth without resorting to ridiculous no stealth zones (2 sec might as well be 0 stealth zone). But guess that would require more work.

The counter builds have nothing to do with it.

Stealth became an exacerbated issue because of Deadeye and its ability to deal immense amounts of damage coming out of stealth as well as how long and how frequently they can stealth. Revealed was not a counter to stealth in regards to Deadeye because Deadeye can just remove revealed, and any skills that have reveal on them have limited range and are on
longer cooldowns than any ability Thief has that applies stealth.

I agree Marked is a lazy response from Anet, but not in the way that you view it. Rather than properly balance the duration and frequency of Stealth for Deadeye, which was the problem that elicited the addition of the Marked debuff in the first place, ANet instead took some roundabout approach that wasn't healthy for the game. Rather than fix the problem they just skirted around it and created another problem.Uh, fairly sure most of the things thieves complain about like constant watchtowers was added with HoT, before the deadeye existed. And revealed in itself has existed since vanilla release.

I'm well aware of that, but the Mark that Towers placed upon players did not hinder Stealth before ANet changed it to the Marked debuff and its current function. Revealed did exist before as a counter to stealth but stealth was nowhere near as abundant and did not last nearly as long as it does with Deadeye these days. Also keep in mind very few skills actually applied Revealed, it was a rather limited "debuff" for quite a while, only limited to specific skills in the Vanilla state of the game. Many skills had Revealed added to them during HoT.

So Marked was added purely because of Deadeye and its over abundance and frequency of access to Stealth along with its ability to just cleanse Revealed. These things are
a problem with the class, Marked just makes it annoying for them to maintain Stealth. I don't agree with the way Marked was implemented a it isn't an actual solution to the problem with Deadeyes, its just some weird roundabout "fix" that isn't actually a fix. They needed to address traits and stealth access on Deadeye rather than add that nonsense debuff.

Marked is just an annoyance for de to maintain stealth? Does it not completely shut down all stealth stacking and revealing the player after stacking stealth for more than 2 whole seconds lmao that is more than an annoyance.Classes should have some short duration reveals implemented into a few of their utility skills and along with stealth traps that would be sufficient. This almost deleting a mechanic a spec or builds rely on so heavily in areas of a map is kitten and should have never made it past 1st draft.Though finding it hard to be surprised by this game though lol.

Well like I said I don't agree with its implementation at all, because it just ignores the actual problem with Stealth on Deadeye and its abundance and frequency of application.

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The mistake that thieves make is to claim that thieves only source of sustain is stealth. WRONG!Thieves sustain by:

  • Stealth
  • Evades
  • Blinds
  • Teleports

If you are using only one source of sustain, then you are playing your thief wrong.On a class that can evade and teleport for 10+ seconds straight, you can easily manage to fight while revealed.If you decide to only invest on PURE stealth, well, that is your fault!

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@Hitman.5829 said:The mistake that thieves make is to claim that thieves only source of sustain is stealth. WRONG!Thieves sustain by:

  • Stealth
  • Evades
  • Blinds
  • Teleports

If you are using only one source of sustain, then you are playing your thief wrong.On a class that can evade and teleport for 10+ seconds straight, you can easily manage to fight while revealed.If you decide to only invest on PURE stealth, well, that is your fault!

Kind of like a firebrand not taking any stab,

Or, better yet, a warrior not bringing CC....

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@Hitman.5829 said:The mistake that thieves make is to claim that thieves only source of sustain is stealth. WRONG!Thieves sustain by:

  • Stealth
  • Evades
  • Blinds
  • Teleports

If you are using only one source of sustain, then you are playing your thief wrong.On a class that can evade and teleport for 10+ seconds straight, you can easily manage to fight while revealed.If you decide to only invest on PURE stealth, well, that is your fault!

all they do is press F!!

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I not even a fan of stealth would have to assume a full stealth oriented build probably drops some evade capabilities like a dodge or teleport capabilities like dropping shadowstep and is not running sword so doesn't have access to tele outside of short bow and steal and thats if their even running either. My guess as to why most builds run fully for stealth is its prob not very effective to run a hybrid build with a few tele and a few stealth skills so builds that incorporate stealth go all in. Without bias blinding me that's my guess.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Hitman.5829 said:The mistake that thieves make is to claim that thieves only source of sustain is stealth. WRONG!Thieves sustain by:
  • Stealth
  • Evades
  • Blinds
  • Teleports

If you are using only one source of sustain, then you are playing your thief wrong.On a class that can evade and teleport for 10+ seconds straight, you can easily manage to fight while revealed.If you decide to only invest on PURE stealth, well, that is your fault!

Kind of like a firebrand not taking any stab,

Or, better yet, a warrior not bringing CC....

3 COMPETENT warriors (including the legendary hitman) failing to finish off elementalist rezzing a necro btw :lol:F OP! NERF F!

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Being a thief main before my lack of skill made me play other classes, lately I find myself running, blinding and teleporting out a lot more rather than stealthing to run from a battle. Even with the scrapper reveal removed, I still feel myself playing skittishly and unload P/P skill 3 with Basilisk Venom up, then dodging away as far as possible. Then again, I only play thief when I feel like fooling around, and to make disabling enemy sieges easier with whatever stealth I have. Shadow Portal and the trait adding 2 seconds stealth on heal or shadowstep, somewhat made the class more accessible for low-skill player like me again, not gonna lie xD

Tbh, before the major reworks on Deadeye's stealth, I used to be a scout/keep tapper, with almost 20 seconds of stealth from the previously 3 seconds stealth on rifle dodge roll among other things. I had fun, and felt a bit useful. Even then, the Sentries are my main enemies for the Marked debuff, so close to enemy spawn point, especially when I still have a long stealth period left. I learned where to run to avoid them; like tapping Alpine BL garri from the right side, not left, and knowing that you need to get several hits on a guard for Desert BL garri to tap it, unlike other keeps that only require one autoattack, unless you tap from the south outer gate. I learned to watch the map closely for Watchtowers and Sentries, and avoid them.

Then the nerfs happened, and the Detected! debuff by the Sentries are introduced, and I find myself struggling to maintain any sort of prolonged stealth, when even the Sentries effectively work like the Watchtowers in terms of reveal. It is doable, but I felt it requires a very high skill level and perfect rotation, which a kinda casual player like me can't do. So I made several new toons, including a scrapper, a firebrand and a scourge, and main those instead. Aka the classes squad commanders want, and sometimes even beg for, for their squads.

TL:DR: Thief is hard class to play for newbies like me. Sentries are part of game for long time. The Detected! debuff by Sentries made stealthing, and roaming/scouting, harder

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@Kurowolfe.7396 said:

Then the nerfs happened, and the Detected! debuff by the Sentries are introduced, and I find myself struggling to maintain any sort of prolonged stealth, when even the Sentries effectively work like the Watchtowers in terms of reveal. It is doable, but I felt it requires a very high skill level and perfect rotation, which a kinda casual player like me can't do. So I made several new toons, including a scrapper, a firebrand and a scourge, and main those instead. Aka the classes squad commanders want, and sometimes even beg for, for their squads.

Struggling? Or working harder? Maybe the idea is to keep pressure on a stealthed thief, especially a deadeye. In the early days in WvW when taking a location, or defending one, the entire team would do a Mesmer sweep. Nowadays, we take a position or defend it....and the entire team leaves, without checking the location for veiled or stealth units. This has cost people as it immediately switches back when the stealthed unit brings in his own team in after the RI has gone in 4 minutes. Mesmer isn't to bad, they can't keep up their veil for long and we can hunt them down, if they don't realize that we know all their hiding holes. The new Deadeye has caused some severe problems. Takes a larger force with multiple Stealth Traps laid out all across the area in strategic positions. Even then we have someone ON that position to react quickly and maintain a pressure on the Deadeye in order to do ENOUGH damage to take them out before they stealth again. The new Deadeye, pretty much destroys our sieges from the inside, and like posted above, continuously taps the gate, or hits an NPC to keep the area Contested indefinitely. Unfortunately if the team doesn't sweep, listen to the sound effects of Smoke being dropped, or see's the immediate skill effect, they just run off to do their Fight Club garbage, because they forgot all about what the name of the game was. To hold territory for as long as possible.

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I'm well aware of that, but maintaining that kinda of prolonged stealth is what I feel a high skill level play, not something a casual like me can do. So any Deadeyes you see that can do all that stuffs, and do it well and continuously, they're probably very skilled, which is a rarity from my experience playing in two servers. But yeah, I do agree that these kinds of Deadeyes are a nuisance for defending objectives.

I mean, what else can they do other than being a nuisance and a sniper there? Not like they can do anything else against a fully comped zerg or even group.

Also, like it or not, some people play WvW for the thrill of the fight against a large group of enemies, with the capping being a second thought. Even when WvW was first started

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