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The power creep of Spellbreaker.


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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Nerfing Tether will nerf what brings sustain and any form of damage to spellbreaker, we don't want that to happen because it's not really the problem. It's how often and accessible it is. They could actually bring back damage to FC and it wouldn't be that OP since the skill will hold more value.

Magebane has a 12s ICD and only pulses 2 stacks of might for 6s in PvP, 3 stacks for 8s in WvW. So how would you prefer to make it more inaccessible? Less Might, shorter duration, or longer ICD? Bear in mind that it only is accessible if you have adrenaline for a burst and hit with said burst.

The ICD is quite fine as it actually lines in with the 12 traited FC request, to be fair I really don't have a problem with Magebane Tether itself as it does provide sustain (Evades) on par with Riposting Shadows. FC is only the real issue as it behaves like a very offensive extra evade that is pretty much on demand anytime with such a low cooldown, actually being lower than one dodge itself, ADDING to the fact that it gets more dodges when successful is great but so often is the big offender when FC isn't just the only thing that can trigger Tether alone and earn more dodges, having one skill every 9 seconds that behaves like one with benefits is just too much in general.

Makes the whole ordeal very low risk yet high reward.

So then you'd rather FC have increased CD then?

Thats rather interesting Shao because i think the opposite i think magebane is a bigger problem than FC itself as Magebane when allowed to remain teathered rewards the warrior greatly if the person linked tries to deny this by breaking it the warrior is still rewarded with a free CC that gap closes. Ideally once its attached magebane heavy rewarded compared to the other grandmasters.

When you spectate a decent warrior and realize just how much might, healing, and endurance magebane allows alone through synergy of other traits you realize just how strong of a tool it is. This is before you stack other things ontop of it.

Full counter alone can be baited and has counter-play across roughly 3-4 different professions (if you include another spellbreaker itself)Mage bane on the other hand is a heavily loaded tool,

  • reveals
  • cc's when broken
  • gap closes when broken
  • generates rapid might which leads to rapid healing and endurance gain
  • can pull through stability in some cases via Dispelling Force

The only con to magebane (thankfully) is that it can only stick to one person at a time.

I think the might generation on magebane could be toned back or slowed down just a touch but FC is fine as is. :#

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It could be due to the aggressive gameplay I have developed towards and with in range of a Tether, but given some math I have done aside the other benefits. Magebane still provide less endurance in total compared some other builds and that the player require to hit people for to earn more might and thus more evades.

Anytime that I would successfully kite, disable or outplay a player, there was always this opportunity to FC and cover themselves from their mistakes/attempts after what felt only 5 seconds ago that they already had used it, it makes AoE based attacks or Telegraphed attack really difficult on so many professions. (To the point where I actually use my Sword/Axe setup on Rev only to bait and stow FC now, even Sword 3.)

Hence why I started to believe that if we want to encourage more healthy gameplay, FC will have to hold more value as a skill while the consistency of endurance is unchanged to keep it balanced within other specs in comparison.

I thought of many ways to mitigate that, like increased cooldown if FC doesn't hit, similar to Dagger 4 Air on Ele, twice or 50% would be reasonable given if not increasing the base line of currently to reward people for not falling for it. It can also promote players to be more aggressive F1 bursting since FC is often the way people land Tether since it's much easier and harder to prevent in many ways while if they miss that FC and are hard stuck with F1 to land it, they will try to cleverly do it and get that Magebane if they want to survive.

Because if we slow might down, it means longer Tether or more per seconds which doesn't really alleviate the issue in anyway unless I'm missing something.

Still, the real issue in my opinion. Feel free to share more btw, is that FC fills that sustain gap which is just plain too much for many professions to do anything at all.

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people are too focused on magebane's might, you probably forget how it also gives 10% damage increase to the target, just move some of the damage to strength, not only would buff core war but also defense traited SB wouldnt be dealing high damage while being tanky.

tbh strength SB build right now is the best version of warrior meta build ever existed imo, best meaning most dynamic and has more options against different enemy and being good without being overwhelming tanky.before all meta war build only reason they are meta, because they are unkillable with huge sustain via self regen, that's it.

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Are you talking about pvp or wvw? Do you consider dueling ,roaming or point capping ? Op compared to what ? You make silly points that make no sense at all. Based on different game modes, there is plenty of choice to counter spb.
In wvw for example, spb is so easy to kite, and makes it easy target for rev/de/mirage/sb/holo/necro(core or reaper roaming), oh i forgot s/x weaver. I cant talk much about pvp since didn't play it for some time but i guess some ppl here can make valid re to that game mode.Consider this, there is friekken sound that you can hear when fc i popped plus u can dodge it even if you do hit.But as usual, why not make topic about class that you have no clue how works, without specifying game mode, and QQ hoping for nerf.

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  • Quickness on weapon swap needs to be removed
  • Magebane tether probably shouldn't give 10% damage to tethered foes, considering it's already boosting the warr with lots of might.

Otherwise it's fine. Juke around - move away from the warr, then towards them as if you're about to attack. Learn how to bait out FC and/or stow-cancel.

Rampage still needs adjustments - based on that one cast of an elite is worth about one dodge roll, Rampage has 3-4 skills worth of dodges.

Your teammates being dumb is not a spellbreaker problem, nor is having to actually deal with your opponent's class mehanics.

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@"Curennos.9307" said:

  • Quickness on weapon swap needs to be removed
  • Magebane tether probably shouldn't give 10% damage to tethered foes, considering it's already boosting the warr with lots of might.

Otherwise it's fine. Juke around - move away from the warr, then towards them as if you're about to attack. Learn how to bait out FC and/or stow-cancel.

Rampage still needs adjustments - based on that one cast of an elite is worth about one dodge roll, Rampage has 3-4 skills worth of dodges.

Your teammates being dumb is not a spellbreaker problem, nor is having to actually deal with your opponent's class mehanics.

As long as there is some form of compromise, I like to think that people want to keep their big hits therefor I hit on the sustain, out of all things. The whole "current" synergy is just too strong.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@"Curennos.9307" said:
  • Quickness on weapon swap needs to be removed
  • Magebane tether probably shouldn't give 10% damage to tethered foes, considering it's already boosting the warr with lots of might.

Otherwise it's fine. Juke around - move away from the warr, then towards them as if you're about to attack. Learn how to bait out FC and/or stow-cancel.

Rampage still needs adjustments - based on that one cast of an elite is worth about one dodge roll, Rampage has 3-4 skills worth of dodges.

Your teammates being dumb is not a spellbreaker problem, nor is having to actually deal with your opponent's class mehanics.

As long as there is some form of compromise, I like to think that people want to keep their big hits therefor I hit on the sustain, out of all things. The whole "current" synergy is just too strong.

I admit that I do think conquest contributes to this a little bit as well. Warr is - excluding rampage issues - fine, imo. It's that sometimes 'kiting away and LoS' is seen as unacceptable because of the hyperfocus on capture nodes, so it feels like an unavoidable, drastic loss that's totally unacceptable and should be changed because the warr gets to sit on the node for a little while longer while you kite away to break teather or something. But that's also more of a conquest issue.

It's important to look at warr's skills w/out might, tho. f1 skills are basically powerful AAs with a bit extra tacked on. Rush does more dmg than Arc above 50% health. In the end, warr's burst in no small part is helped by quickness on wep swap - so not only are they beefed up by might, but you have to deal with a SUPER FAST, pretty powerful arc/whatever as well. But that's all classes.

Also, @ your teamfight example. A warr in a teamfight is...interesting. Because there's moooost likely a necro there, who will go "Ohhh, juicy stability to corrupt!"

And then your team (should) realize the warr can be CC'd and has to drop rampage if they want to stunbreak, only has two dodges, no access to any utilities or defensive without - again - dropping rampage. They basically become a walking meatbag who can hit really, really hard. Piling on the warr can force them to either die or drop rampage-> run away.

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I think that title is a bit misleading... If you're against Spellbreaker power creeping I think it's a complete misuse of the word to ask for FC to have more potential damage. Right now it can pretty much only be used defensively and disruptively. If you give it both offensive and defensively capability that's pretty much a straight buff and a total contradiction to what you're asking for.

Core warrior feels more fun and fair to fight because core warrior is objectively easier to fight than Spellbreaker. That's not much of a revelation either, it's been that way since PoF launched for nearly every single profession in the game. Spellbreaker; in my opinion, not even being the shining example of power creep at this stage in the game's lifespan, and if one were to consider it, FC definitely wouldn't be the reason for it being that way. Not anymore.

12s CD for a defensive profession mechanic is absolutely fine. The sustain and lack of counterplay to a defensive counter-attack skill can only be overstated.If the skill itself is bothering you, it can be punished with boon theft, corruption, and stripping. You could also just not hit it. That is pretty easy to do for classes that don't spam skills in 1v1s, which i'd argue is where Spellbreaker works best in the confines of a match.

If the 3 seconds of protection from guard counter is bothering you, miss us with that. Plenty of other side noders are allowed to walk around with pretty much infinite protection, a constant -33% damage buff that SPB only gets 3 seconds of every 12 seconds on the stipulation that they actually cast the skill successfully. As a Spellbreaker main I can say pretty confidently that this is why we instinctively spam the skill as often as possible.

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Their counter is proper kiting. Not in your face builds because single or double ep + counter + shield block. Deny their bursts mostly because thats where their damage is and their healing comes from. If they pop rampage gtfo and try to land immobs/cripps/blinds/chill and any other condi spamm you have . And if you can,try to reflect or block their boulder throw,if you ignore that one and their mobi skill while able to stay at range you can make their elite useless because he won't be able to clear condi's in ramp mode,and you can actually force him out of it. Not every spec can counter it either. But anything with proper range damage can. Holo's/De's ( dd or core can aswell ) /Mesm ( condi or power can do it )/ Another Warri obv, Rev also can. There's counter enough but you just have to deny their most critical hits to make them useless,whirl burst/ gs burst/ etc. Also don't proc counter and count and bait out their dodges. Can make one first hard spike whereafter you play defensively and bait out his dodges/blocks/invulns before you start to spike again. Also note you can cc him out of shieldblock if he has no stabi up while doing so,on certain specs.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:Their counter is proper kiting. Not in your face builds because single or double ep + counter + shield block. Deny their bursts mostly, ( if they pop rampage gtfo and try to land immobs/cripps/blinds/chill and any other condi spamm you have because he won't be able to clear condi's in ramp mode,and you can actually force him out of it ) because that's where there damage is and their healing comes from. Not every spec can counter it either. But anything with proper range damage can. Holo's/De's ( dd or core can aswell ) /Mesm ( condi or power can do it )/ Another Warri obv, Rev also can. There's counter enough but you just have to deny their most critical hits to make them useless,whirl burst/ gs burst/ etc. Also don't proc counter and count and bait out their dodges. Can make one first hard spike whereafter you play defensively and bait out his dodges/blocks/invulns before you start to spike again. Also note you can cc him out of shieldblock if he has no stabi up while doing so,on certain specs.

I agree, warrior has a high damage but very telegraphed and predicted, also easily to get kited, but that is the tradeoff if they can land damage to you they hit like truck.

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So is Revenant in WvW/PvE, something needs to be changed altogether because it overshadow other options. Incensed Response nerf in PvP was probably the most healthy change Revenant has ever had, unlike Roiling Mists.

People have brought it to light that if it's not for FC, reduce something else efficiency altogether. I am for keeping damage and making sustain more valuable, other that express the contrary are just as correct in my POV. Something needs to be done to tone down the cruise control of the current meta.

@"dusanyu.4057" said:Not everyone has ranged options and that's still not a solution. You can tell people, wait it out, play around it, don't proc, evade, whatever. The consistency and amount of time it happens makes it dull and boring to fight, even Weavers are more vulnerable than that with the amount of evades they have.

Fighting a Spellbreaker is like fighting a defensive Berserker that has no reliance on Burst Damage nor have the need of more adrenaline bars to do more of anything with the weapons that are used, afaik from experience playing and against because FC acts like an offensive evade that can punish very easily anyone in less than the amount of time it gets to have another evade. You can't just ask someone to stow when they leave down AoE's as their primary ways to damage people, let alone have them way for the Spellbreaker to be careless and use it on a meaningless skill, because a good one won't, they can just keep attacking the player who doesn't want to proc it until they are forced to and there's already so much that "needs" to be evaded from it, furthermore is just one sided to anything that challenges it. Making FC cooldown 16 seconds won't kill Spellbreaker, it will keep people skill in check and I would rather keep heavy punishes rather than heavy sustain. There's also only so much that one profession can be carried by, people stupidity which is FAIRLY common shouldn't be the main reason.

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@Doto.6357 said:We should also talk about rampage and just like why it does such an absurd amount of damage while also dazing. It’s just such an unnecessary thing to add on top of how good warrior is already

Chill and cripple are your friend. Rampage suffers from the same issue as the rest of Warrior. It can be kited more easily than they can keep up with you. Don't face tank Rampage unless you have the CC and sustain to do so.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:You do realize that Full Counter can be interrupted right? It doesn't block the hit, it just reduces the damage from it to 0, pops some evade frames, then damages/dazes people that are close by. If the original hit had CC on it that connects before the evade frames start then FC gets interrupted.

what... no thats not true lol (cant be... ive never seen this happen)

The only way that happens is if a cc hits you that does not deal strike damage as in necro warhorn 4 for example which causes a daze but does not deal a strike. This removes the free stab you get on using FC

Now at this point if you get hit with a 2nd cc FC will be interupted

Your situation is much more rare as you need 2 cc's to hit at almost the exact some time which is incredibly hard to do.Even if your example is true what cc do you know is fast enough to follow up after landing a strike thats going to proc FC that will hit you before evade frames trigger (ive never EVER seen fc get interrupted once its triggered into the counter attack)

The only attacks that can land a strike against FC and cause it to be interrupted is an attack that corrupts or strips boons at the same time. in other words another spell breaker using a cc on you can interupt your full counter but only because spell breaker has a trait that strips your stab when they hit you with a cc. Your stab is being stripped before the cc is being applied which results in an interrupt

FC is only legit counter interupted by things like
  • necro corrupts
  • mesmer arcane thievery (followed by a cc)
  • other spellbreakers cc attacks.

In any other situation FC procs and you get the evades period there is no getting interrupted once the proc animation starts unless you interrupt it yourself with a weapon stow or dodge.

spellbreaker CC attacks have to CONTROL target to strip boon, so if you have stability you dont get controlled thus you dont get to have boons removed from you.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dispelling_ForceDoes not trigger when negated by Stability.personally i never had FC interrupted, but I suspect that 2 unblockable attacks in the same frame could have done it, or mb bugged CC like holo shockwave/plb.but those ground kockback effect could pull it off too, ele and guardian have them.

the problem with SPB is that it has too much dmg, Tetther is 10% dmg buff with extra might generation.pure strike is 7% dmg on crits.loss aversion is extra damage on every CC you land.so you get evades + sustain + boonrip + alot of damage, all into 1 tree.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:You do realize that Full Counter can be interrupted right? It doesn't block the hit, it just reduces the damage from it to 0, pops some evade frames, then damages/dazes people that are close by. If the original hit had CC on it that connects before the evade frames start then FC gets interrupted.

what... no thats not true lol (cant be... ive never seen this happen)

The only way that happens is if a cc hits you that does not deal strike damage as in necro warhorn 4 for example which causes a daze but does not deal a strike. This removes the free stab you get on using FC

Now at this point if you get hit with a 2nd cc FC will be interupted

Your situation is much more rare as you need 2 cc's to hit at almost the exact some time which is incredibly hard to do.Even if your example is true what cc do you know is fast enough to follow up after landing a strike thats going to proc FC that will hit you before evade frames trigger (ive never EVER seen fc get interrupted once its triggered into the counter attack)

The only attacks that can land a strike against FC and cause it to be interrupted is an attack that corrupts or strips boons at the same time. in other words another spell breaker using a cc on you can interupt your full counter but only because spell breaker has a trait that strips your stab when they hit you with a cc. Your stab is being stripped before the cc is being applied which results in an interrupt

FC is only legit counter interupted by things like
  • necro corrupts
  • mesmer arcane thievery (followed by a cc)
  • other spellbreakers cc attacks.

In any other situation FC procs and you get the evades period there is no getting interrupted once the proc animation starts unless you interrupt it yourself with a weapon stow or dodge.

spellbreaker CC attacks have to CONTROL target to strip boon, so if you have stability you dont get controlled thus you dont get to have boons removed from you.
Does not trigger when negated by Stability.Because that explains how full counter can interupt me when i have stabilityThere is nothing that stops dispelling force from triggering other than not being hit with the cc at all. Boons are stripped in most cases in the order in which they were applied if stab is the only boon or is the oldest boon on your bar Dispelling force will remove it in near the same instance the cc is applied. Granted the boon strip is still before the cc effect is applied its just ultra light speed fast.This is now tether pulls you if stab is on you but its the only boon on you.

personally i never had FC interrupted, but I suspect that 2 unblockable attacks in the same frame could have done it, or mb bugged CC like holo shockwave/plb.Unblockable attacks do not pierce through full counter as it is a skill that soaks any incoming damage strike damage regardless if that attack is unblockable or not.If it worked as a standard block it means that unblockable attacks would not trigger the counter attack.

Just like when you hit a mesmer with an unblockable attack while they are holding illusionary counter. The mesmer does not stop holding the counter skill, they instead continue to try and block the damage while taking the damage and without procing the counter attack.

The only way to interup full counter is to1: strip or remove the stability with a skill that does not perform a strike (necro warhorn 4, arcane thivery, etc) and then hit them with a cc after that (even if that one performs a strike)2: Corrupt the stability granted in to fear which ends the full counter stance in general thus meaning no counter attack.3: hit them with 2 cc attacks in such a close time frame that the game basically registers them as a single attack that cc's twice which would be rather rare in my opinion. This would be the most unlikely case.

Note a theif steal trained with slight of hand and bountiful theft can also interrupt it as the boon stability will always be stolen before the daze is applied.

but those ground kockback effect could pull it off too, ele and guardian have them.This would not work unless you did number 1 from above first

the problem with SPB is that it has too much dmg, Tetther is 10% dmg buff with extra might generation.Core warrior has more damage though

The only real issue with the tether is the rapid might generation = rapid healing and endurance generation

pure strike is 7% dmg on crits.This is not a big dealloss aversion is extra damage on every CC you land.Several Other classes have on hit or cc traits that do vastly more damage how is it not a problem there.so you get evades + sustain + boonrip + alot of damage, all into 1 tree.evades dont come from this tree that comes from the strength line along with a large portion of the healingThe damage is less than core warrior and arguably higher than berserker damage (which should not be a thing ill say) imo berserker should be hitting far harder than both core and spell breaker for the massive loss of defense.

Still core warriors have far greater sustain, roughly the same number of evades, and higher damage due to having optional lvl 3 burst.If you have not fought a good strength tactics warrior yet you will see just how much more damage they do to you than spell breaker does. but still even before that core warrior always hit harder. Spell breaker just offers a bit more flexible defense and more fluid pressure especially against the magical themed classes "hints the name spell breaker"

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:You do realize that Full Counter can be interrupted right? It doesn't block the hit, it just reduces the damage from it to 0, pops some evade frames, then damages/dazes people that are close by. If the original hit had CC on it that connects before the evade frames start then FC gets interrupted.

what... no thats not true lol (cant be... ive never seen this happen)

The only way that happens is if a cc hits you that does not deal strike damage as in necro warhorn 4 for example which causes a daze but does not deal a strike. This removes the free stab you get on using FC

Now at this point if you get hit with a 2nd cc FC will be interupted

Your situation is much more rare as you need 2 cc's to hit at almost the exact some time which is incredibly hard to do.Even if your example is true what cc do you know is fast enough to follow up after landing a strike thats going to proc FC that will hit you before evade frames trigger (ive never EVER seen fc get interrupted once its triggered into the counter attack)

The only attacks that can land a strike against FC and cause it to be interrupted is an attack that corrupts or strips boons at the same time. in other words another spell breaker using a cc on you can interupt your full counter but only because spell breaker has a trait that strips your stab when they hit you with a cc. Your stab is being stripped before the cc is being applied which results in an interrupt

FC is only legit counter interupted by things like
  • necro corrupts
  • mesmer arcane thievery (followed by a cc)
  • other spellbreakers cc attacks.

In any other situation FC procs and you get the evades period there is no getting interrupted once the proc animation starts unless you interrupt it yourself with a weapon stow or dodge.

spellbreaker CC attacks have to CONTROL target to strip boon, so if you have stability you dont get controlled thus you dont get to have boons removed from you.
Does not trigger when negated by Stability.Because that explains how full counter can interupt me when i have stabilityThere is nothing that stops dispelling force from triggering other than not being hit with the cc at all. Boons are stripped in most cases in the order in which they were applied if stab is the only boon or is the oldest boon on your bar Dispelling force will remove it in near the same instance the cc is applied. Granted the boon strip is still before the cc effect is applied its just ultra light speed fast.This is now tether pulls you if stab is on you but its the only boon on you.

personally i never had FC interrupted, but I suspect that 2 unblockable attacks in the same frame could have done it, or mb bugged CC like holo shockwave/plb.Unblockable attacks do not pierce through full counter as it is a skill that soaks any incoming damage strike damage regardless if that attack is unblockable or not.If it worked as a standard block it means that unblockable attacks would not trigger the counter attack.

Just like when you hit a mesmer with an unblockable attack while they are holding illusionary counter. The mesmer does not stop holding the counter skill, they instead continue to try and block the damage while taking the damage and without procing the counter attack.

The only way to interup full counter is to1: strip or remove the stability with a skill that does not perform a strike (necro warhorn 4, arcane thivery, etc) and then hit them with a cc after that (even if that one performs a strike)2: Corrupt the stability granted in to fear which ends the full counter stance in general thus meaning no counter attack.3: hit them with 2 cc attacks in such a close time frame that the game basically registers them as a single attack that cc's twice which would be rather rare in my opinion. This would be the most unlikely case.

Note a theif steal trained with slight of hand and bountiful theft can also interrupt it as the boon stability will always be stolen before the daze is applied.

but those ground kockback effect could pull it off too, ele and guardian have them.This would not work unless you did number 1 from above first

the problem with SPB is that it has too much dmg, Tetther is 10% dmg buff with extra might generation.Core warrior has more damage though

The only real issue with the tether is the rapid might generation = rapid healing and endurance generation

pure strike is 7% dmg on crits.This is not a big dealloss aversion is extra damage on every CC you land.Several Other classes have on hit or cc traits that do vastly more damage how is it not a problem there.so you get evades + sustain + boonrip + alot of damage, all into 1 tree.evades dont come from this tree that comes from the strength line along with a large portion of the healingThe damage is less than core warrior and arguably higher than berserker damage (which should not be a thing ill say) imo berserker should be hitting far harder than both core and spell breaker for the massive loss of defense.

Still core warriors have far greater sustain, roughly the same number of evades, and higher damage due to having optional lvl 3 burst.If you have not fought a good strength tactics warrior yet you will see just how much more damage they do to you than spell breaker does. but still even before that core warrior always hit harder. Spell breaker just offers a bit more flexible defense and more fluid pressure especially against the magical themed classes "hints the name spell breaker"

you get extra evade/block on LOW cd fullcounter, also spb tree makes burst skills spamable, burst skills give endurance and thus you get extra evades.burst heals so you also get sustain, on top of tethers might generation thats additional sustain on top.stop in tldr gives.cc,sustain,alot of damage, strong boonrip.im not 100% sure but on my mesmer I do get knocked down even during disortion ( invulnerability ) by some of those ground effects.dont really see a reason why FC spb wouldnt be knocked down. ( also guardians cage! i think its bow skill )

PS READ IT ACTUALLY THIS TIMEhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dispelling_Force

NotesDoes not trigger when negated by Stability. <-- cc negated by stability and thus doesnt remove a boon, its clearly explain in wiki.

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