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Lances are good for WvW and should be buffed


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@nthmetal.9652 said:

@"DemonSeed.3528" said:Also there is the fact the lance is only available every 30s, whereas a mount can dodge that attempt at will with 3 dodges, and by the time the enemy lance is up, the mounts dodges are already back. It's actually easy to dodge a lance unless you were hit with a lag spike or just have bad timing in general - many people don't turn mouse to see behind them when the lance is fired to dodge it [in fact, people do this in combat on foot often when they panic and flee and thus become easy kills]. I also still think many people aren't aware of the lance skill atm because they still try to dance around you right next to your char trying to do the ole' staredown circling thing.

One player against one ganker, that is correct. What we see now however are ganking teams, with three or more chasing a player on a warclaw trying to get away. And 3 lances against 3 dodges, one is enough to dismount you and the attacker, but there are two more. Now the defender has 0 chances of getting away and very low chances of even surviving (because if you had a chance of surviving a fight against gankers, you'd have taken the fight in the first place. The people trying to get away are the very same people, who don't stand a chance and know it).

Even without the lance it was rather easy for a ganking team to dismount someone against their will. But at least it came with a cost to the attackers, giving the defender the ghost of a chance. Now the weight has been shifted to the side of the defender, which is why I think the lance should dismount the attacker regardless of the success of the attack.

Let me tell you a true story, a marvelous and wonderful tale of adventure!

It all started tonight, The Villain was messing around on FC ABL near the sentry between Bay and NW camp controlling that bit of the territory by "ganking" people..At first it was 1v1's and 1v2's as his enemies trickled in on their respawns from Garrison.. It was a ferocious battle between hardened veterans for God of the Sentry!


Unfortunately before too long that battle had escalated into into a 1v3, The Villain was doomed..... Unfortunately a random Mirage came along to help his fellow comrade, he had got the stomp giving him The Villain the rally of which they avenged their personal justice onto those who had decided to oppose The Villains... The Mirage took off and The Villain hung around. A brave and noble tempest came along to test his might against the Villain but alas, The Villain had too much sustain. So The noble Warrior thought, "how can I beat this guy, I'm going to have to outsmart him." He then led the Villain by playing Cat and Mouse up to his Garrison..."What was his plan" the Villain thought..........


And then it happened.... The Villain had forgotten about the Loyal Castle Guards around the corner for he was purely driven by adrenaline and blinded to his surroundings...The Noble Tempest took his shot again... but it still wasn't enough.. The Villain had escaped.

The Villain then traveled to NW camp because he noticed the white swords, once he got there, there was only 1 brave soldier trying to reclaim what had rightfully been stolen from his homeland. The Noble Soldier then held his ground as the Villain approached....

The Villain was excited, a sacrifice willing to make it fun for him.

The Villain engaged with an evil smile on his face, laughing like a lunatic as he was now in combat once again ready to slay those who opposed him..


A group of players had jumped on The Villain in the camp, it was their chance to take down the nasty Villain who had robbed the good people in the Garrison of their food and supply lines.... They were starving, they needed food once again!....


The attempt had proven to be futile for once again The Villain managed to escape out of attack range from the Noble Soldiers..."I'm alive, holy *** **** that was intense" The Villain thought to himself as he was waiting to get out of the combat area to mount up..

But wait!!!!


The Tempest got there just as The Villain was about to escape and get out of combat range...The Tempest had tagged The Villain just in time, he wasn't going to heal from the previous battle where had only just managed to escape with his life...

The Villain looked behind him and saw the Noble Knights from his previous engagement mounting up to join the battle once again and fully recovered...The Villain was doomed, he hasn't left the camp grounds yet and has a long way to travel before reaching safety once again...


One by one the Noble Knights leap onto The Villain using Their trusty steed.... It was over for the Villain as all had now engaged him.The Noble Knights Stunned him, Immobilized him, Put conditions on him and tried to mow The Villain down with Rapid Fire as he tried to escape...

The Villain was sneaky though for he had committed a heinous crime, a crime so despicable that forces others to belittle anyone alike.. The Villain had a build purely for killing players, he was adapted. He was prepared. He had all the tools to deal with Conditions, Stuns, Ranged, Mobility and Disengagements... He equipped himself knowing full well it was to kill others or survive.

Such a terrible Villain... Such evil should not exist...

Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world.... because The Villain had escaped to fight another day...


.........The Villain was safe.The Villain then decided to head up to the Sentry near NW tower... He had stumbled across another enemy.... A DH from the guild [AoE]....The Villain thought "I managed the other groups fine, what's one player?"... The Villain noticed the DH wasn't even trying to engage him, but that's never stopped The Villain before... "The arrogance" he thought to himself.

The Villain attacked!

Little to The Villains knowledge, he had been baited...


The DH was was clearly the God King Leader of the pack from before, this guy was The Cavalry.A ferocious battle ensued, as each minute went by it became more intense. They were adapting to each others rotations and play styles, a battle of epic proportions that are rare to see and even rarer to be in. Muscles grew tense, teeth were clenching...

The battle ensued, devastation left lying around the land as they pushed each other to the cliffs edge trying to limit each others mobility options... They were hunters and they were at a stalemate with their power levels, it was about the mind games now and the herding. It had a reached a new level....


Several more minutes had passed by... The Villain was defeated, not by the player but from respect and exhaustion... The Villain had tired out, he respected this DH from [AoE] and so he gave a Salute and bow before sitting down and accepting his fate.His time had come, justice had been served and the supply lines were once again open to feed the good people of the Garrison.

Thus concludes the adventurous tales of WvW tonight and only tonight.

TLDR: You can survive easy enough when being ganked.

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Yes, of course the devs have vision for the game, and that vision does not have to follow the rules of reality. The design principle of a game doesn't have to be reality, the question is: Does it work in the context of the game? Is it fun? Like a lot of WvW is forged around the idea of offense rather than defense - and in this style, the current implementation of the lance is definitely a step in the right direction, however the implementation of the lance as it currently is, is IMO not good for the game mode considering the design intentions.

Why do I think that the game mode favors the offensive side? Just look at how generally easy it is to take a keep. Stone walls should provide protection and a big advantage to the defenders, yet in the game reality you can place AoEs up there with ease. Of couse, with a massive sieged up and defended structure, it's still hard to take it, but the attackers can take down siege on the inner side, the defenders cannot repair it. Cannons and oil become borderline unusable if the enemy zerg knows what they are doing; in any real world such constructions would not last. The defenders would find better ways to build their defenses. They would repair damaged siege.But the system is built the way to promote flipping objectives while also giving defenders a chance to hold it. It works and makes sense.

Now, with that in mind, how can I argue against ganking with the help of lance? Isn't that according to my own interpretation of the game mode exactly what the game mode should be doing: Support the offense rather than the defense?From my point of view the lance as it currently is, is not fair, because it presents a big advantage to the attacker - even more so if there is not one attacker but several attackers.The attackers do not suffer a real cost from using the lance, while the defender does: He loses his primary means of defense against gankers, the warclaw. For the attacker this cannot be seen as a cost, because the dismount was his target all along, and he has access to all the skills he needs in the situation that now unfolds. The defender, not skilled enough and / or not built up the roaming / ganking defense has not.

Now, why is this kind of favoring the offensive bad IMO? Can't the defenders group up? I mean, I have said the gankers group up, should I not demand the same thing from the defenders? Yes ... and no: The only way in which I could see that working is, if the defending side has ganking groups, which are willing to escort zerglingsto the zerg.Looking at the mindset of zerglings and roamers, I find that unlikely to be happening, but it would be a good thing. It could form new bonds, which would be utterly cool.But let's be realistic here. I am not convinced roamers / ganking groups are looking to do escort missions, right? They are looking to gank.

More likely, though, the zerg would have to assign resources to defend people running back to the zerg. Which in turn means the zerg loses resources, making aggressive behavior less likely to be successful, meaning the overall zerg behavior would become more careful, resulting in less dynamics on the map, less flipping, and overall in a less interesting gameplay. It goes contrary to the design goals.

That's why I think lance as it currently is, is not well designed. And a small change would be enough to make it better.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@"DemonSeed.3528" said:Also there is the fact the lance is only available every 30s, whereas a mount can dodge that attempt at will with 3 dodges, and by the time the enemy lance is up, the mounts dodges are already back. It's actually easy to dodge a lance unless you were hit with a lag spike or just have bad timing in general - many people don't turn mouse to see behind them when the lance is fired to dodge it [in fact, people do this in combat on foot often when they panic and flee and thus become easy kills]. I also still think many people aren't aware of the lance skill atm because they still try to dance around you right next to your char trying to do the ole' staredown circling thing.

One player against one ganker, that is correct. What we see now however are ganking teams, with three or more chasing a player on a warclaw trying to get away. And 3 lances against 3 dodges, one is enough to dismount you and the attacker, but there are two more. Now the defender has 0 chances of getting away and very low chances of even surviving (because if you had a chance of surviving a fight against gankers, you'd have taken the fight in the first place. The people trying to get away are the very same people, who don't stand a chance and know it).

Even without the lance it was rather easy for a ganking team to dismount someone against their will. But at least it came with a cost to the attackers, giving the defender the ghost of a chance. Now the weight has been shifted to the side of the defender, which is why I think the lance should dismount the attacker regardless of the success of the attack.

Let me tell you a true story, a marvelous and wonderful tale of adventure!

It all started tonight, The Villain was messing around on FC ABL near the sentry between Bay and NW camp controlling that bit of the territory by "ganking" people..At first it was 1v1's and 1v2's as his enemies trickled in on their respawns from Garrison.. It was a ferocious battle between hardened veterans for God of the Sentry!


Unfortunately before too long that battle had escalated into into a 1v3, The Villain was doomed..... Unfortunately a random Mirage came along to help his fellow comrade, he had got the stomp giving him The Villain the rally of which they avenged their personal justice onto those who had decided to oppose The Villains... The Mirage took off and The Villain hung around. A brave and noble tempest came along to test his might against the Villain but alas, The Villain had too much sustain. So The noble Warrior thought, "how can I beat this guy, I'm going to have to outsmart him." He then led the Villain by playing Cat and Mouse up to his Garrison..."What was his plan" the Villain thought..........


And then it happened.... The Villain had forgotten about the Loyal Castle Guards around the corner for he was purely driven by adrenaline and blinded to his surroundings...The Noble Tempest took his shot again... but it still wasn't enough.. The Villain had escaped.

The Villain then traveled to NW camp because he noticed the white swords, once he got there, there was only 1 brave soldier trying to reclaim what had rightfully been stolen from his homeland. The Noble Soldier then held his ground as the Villain approached....

The Villain was excited, a sacrifice willing to make it fun for him.

The Villain engaged with an evil smile on his face, laughing like a lunatic as he was now in combat once again ready to slay those who opposed him..


A group of players had jumped on The Villain in the camp, it was their chance to take down the nasty Villain who had robbed the good people in the Garrison of their food and supply lines.... They were starving, they needed food once again!....


The attempt had proven to be futile for once again The Villain managed to escape out of attack range from the Noble Soldiers..."I'm alive, holy *
**** that was intense" The Villain thought to himself as he was waiting to get out of the combat area to mount up..

But wait!!!!


The Tempest got there just as The Villain was about to escape and get out of combat range...The Tempest had tagged The Villain just in time, he wasn't going to heal from the previous battle where had only just managed to escape with his life...

The Villain looked behind him and saw the Noble Knights from his previous engagement mounting up to join the battle once again and fully recovered...The Villain was doomed, he hasn't left the camp grounds yet and has a long way to travel before reaching safety once again...


One by one the Noble Knights leap onto The Villain using Their trusty steed.... It was over for the Villain as all had now engaged him.The Noble Knights Stunned him, Immobilized him, Put conditions on him and tried to mow The Villain down with Rapid Fire as he tried to escape...

The Villain was sneaky though for he had committed a heinous crime, a crime so despicable that forces others to belittle anyone alike.. The Villain had a build purely for killing players, he was adapted. He was prepared. He had all the tools to deal with Conditions, Stuns, Ranged, Mobility and Disengagements... He equipped himself knowing full well it was to kill others or survive.

Such a terrible Villain... Such evil should not exist...

Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world.... because The Villain had escaped to fight another day...


.........The Villain was safe.The Villain then decided to head up to the Sentry near NW tower... He had stumbled across another enemy.... A DH from the guild [AoE]....The Villain thought "I managed the other groups fine, what's one player?"... The Villain noticed the DH wasn't even trying to engage him, but that's never stopped The Villain before... "The arrogance" he thought to himself.

The Villain attacked!

Little to The Villains knowledge, he had been baited...


The DH was was clearly the God King Leader of the pack from before, this guy was The Cavalry.A ferocious battle ensued, as each minute went by it became more intense. They were adapting to each others rotations and play styles, a battle of epic proportions that are rare to see and even rarer to be in. Muscles grew tense, teeth were clenching...

The battle ensued, devastation left lying around the land as they pushed each other to the cliffs edge trying to limit each others mobility options... They were hunters and they were at a stalemate with their power levels, it was about the mind games now and the herding. It had a reached a new level....


Several more minutes had passed by... The Villain was defeated, not by the player but from respect and exhaustion... The Villain had tired out, he respected this DH from [AoE] and so he gave a Salute and bow before sitting down and accepting his fate.His time had come, justice had been served and the supply lines were once again open to feed the good people of the Garrison.

Thus concludes the adventurous tales of WvW tonight and only tonight.

TLDR: You can survive easy enough when being ganked.

Seph as entertaining as your story was it basically proves that you are the biggest hypocrite on these forums. You run a build that can engage at will anywhere on the map and get away even vs 6 or 7 dudes with mounts. Months of complaining about mounts and how they take away the danger and allow a free pass. Well if you now still can get away on that build you had the "free pass" for years. Any time a 1vs1 went wrong pre mounts you ran didn't die. A 1vs1 turned in a 1vs4 pre mounts you ran and didn't die. A zerg pre mounts saw you and 8 squrriled after you you got away. Every single time. So your problem with mounts was basically every once in a while now 15 chase you and you die. I've been the 15 and we gotta chase that build half way across the map and your like yeah this is so broken. It wasn't about no danger. It wasn't about the free pass. It was because now every one could avoid danger and had a free pass and not just you.

clearly you don't know the meaning of the word then.

Ive always said I like celestial gear and bruiser builds and Ive always said it was difficult to get engagements on these builds.

I also have 32 characters and maxed out bank slots for various ascended gear for those toons and tonight I wanted to try Celestial/plaguedoctor so don't take it personally..

I have a right to play what ever I like again on any build I choose instead of being forced into zerk or tank only for zerging or dismounting and honestly if you have an issue with me having this freedom in choice again, maybe the issue isn't with me.

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@Leo.5829 said:Lances have a good impact on WvW. It forces people to play together. People that usually walk around alone now get killed by Gankers. Now on my server people started getting together and communicating with each other because they do not want to get killed by Gankers. They start to do more team-play, change their builds for more effective team-play and even join teamspeak / discord for coordination. Lances have increased community bond on server. Lances have a good impact on WvW and will increase it's longevity by increasing community bonds.

Lances should be buffed. They need to be faster, unblockable, impossible to dodge and reveal enemy(also add little red dot on map to signal enemy).

As a roamer/havoc first thought was range might need reduced. But let's play it as is for a bit until tactics evolve a bit more. It does seem to behave differently on DBL vs ABL or EBG so range might be fine to account for terrain differences. Wouldn't consider buffing anything yet, still to early.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@"DemonSeed.3528" said:Also there is the fact the lance is only available every 30s, whereas a mount can dodge that attempt at will with 3 dodges, and by the time the enemy lance is up, the mounts dodges are already back. It's actually easy to dodge a lance unless you were hit with a lag spike or just have bad timing in general - many people don't turn mouse to see behind them when the lance is fired to dodge it [in fact, people do this in combat on foot often when they panic and flee and thus become easy kills]. I also still think many people aren't aware of the lance skill atm because they still try to dance around you right next to your char trying to do the ole' staredown circling thing.

One player against one ganker, that is correct. What we see now however are ganking teams, with three or more chasing a player on a warclaw trying to get away. And 3 lances against 3 dodges, one is enough to dismount you and the attacker, but there are two more. Now the defender has 0 chances of getting away and very low chances of even surviving (because if you had a chance of surviving a fight against gankers, you'd have taken the fight in the first place. The people trying to get away are the very same people, who don't stand a chance and know it).

Even without the lance it was rather easy for a ganking team to dismount someone against their will. But at least it came with a cost to the attackers, giving the defender the ghost of a chance. Now the weight has been shifted to the side of the defender, which is why I think the lance should dismount the attacker regardless of the success of the attack.

Let me tell you a true story, a marvelous and wonderful tale of adventure!

It all started tonight, The Villain was messing around on FC ABL near the sentry between Bay and NW camp controlling that bit of the territory by "ganking" people..At first it was 1v1's and 1v2's as his enemies trickled in on their respawns from Garrison.. It was a ferocious battle between hardened veterans for God of the Sentry!


Unfortunately before too long that battle had escalated into into a 1v3, The Villain was doomed..... Unfortunately a random Mirage came along to help his fellow comrade, he had got the stomp giving him The Villain the rally of which they avenged their personal justice onto those who had decided to oppose The Villains... The Mirage took off and The Villain hung around. A brave and noble tempest came along to test his might against the Villain but alas, The Villain had too much sustain. So The noble Warrior thought, "how can I beat this guy, I'm going to have to outsmart him." He then led the Villain by playing Cat and Mouse up to his Garrison..."What was his plan" the Villain thought..........


And then it happened.... The Villain had forgotten about the Loyal Castle Guards around the corner for he was purely driven by adrenaline and blinded to his surroundings...The Noble Tempest took his shot again... but it still wasn't enough.. The Villain had escaped.

The Villain then traveled to NW camp because he noticed the white swords, once he got there, there was only 1 brave soldier trying to reclaim what had rightfully been stolen from his homeland. The Noble Soldier then held his ground as the Villain approached....

The Villain was excited, a sacrifice willing to make it fun for him.

The Villain engaged with an evil smile on his face, laughing like a lunatic as he was now in combat once again ready to slay those who opposed him..


A group of players had jumped on The Villain in the camp, it was their chance to take down the nasty Villain who had robbed the good people in the Garrison of their food and supply lines.... They were starving, they needed food once again!....


The attempt had proven to be futile for once again The Villain managed to escape out of attack range from the Noble Soldiers..."I'm alive, holy *
**** that was intense" The Villain thought to himself as he was waiting to get out of the combat area to mount up..

But wait!!!!


The Tempest got there just as The Villain was about to escape and get out of combat range...The Tempest had tagged The Villain just in time, he wasn't going to heal from the previous battle where had only just managed to escape with his life...

The Villain looked behind him and saw the Noble Knights from his previous engagement mounting up to join the battle once again and fully recovered...The Villain was doomed, he hasn't left the camp grounds yet and has a long way to travel before reaching safety once again...


One by one the Noble Knights leap onto The Villain using Their trusty steed.... It was over for the Villain as all had now engaged him.The Noble Knights Stunned him, Immobilized him, Put conditions on him and tried to mow The Villain down with Rapid Fire as he tried to escape...

The Villain was sneaky though for he had committed a heinous crime, a crime so despicable that forces others to belittle anyone alike.. The Villain had a build purely for killing players, he was adapted. He was prepared. He had all the tools to deal with Conditions, Stuns, Ranged, Mobility and Disengagements... He equipped himself knowing full well it was to kill others or survive.

Such a terrible Villain... Such evil should not exist...

Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world.... because The Villain had escaped to fight another day...


.........The Villain was safe.The Villain then decided to head up to the Sentry near NW tower... He had stumbled across another enemy.... A DH from the guild [AoE]....The Villain thought "I managed the other groups fine, what's one player?"... The Villain noticed the DH wasn't even trying to engage him, but that's never stopped The Villain before... "The arrogance" he thought to himself.

The Villain attacked!

Little to The Villains knowledge, he had been baited...


The DH was was clearly the God King Leader of the pack from before, this guy was The Cavalry.A ferocious battle ensued, as each minute went by it became more intense. They were adapting to each others rotations and play styles, a battle of epic proportions that are rare to see and even rarer to be in. Muscles grew tense, teeth were clenching...

The battle ensued, devastation left lying around the land as they pushed each other to the cliffs edge trying to limit each others mobility options... They were hunters and they were at a stalemate with their power levels, it was about the mind games now and the herding. It had a reached a new level....


Several more minutes had passed by... The Villain was defeated, not by the player but from respect and exhaustion... The Villain had tired out, he respected this DH from [AoE] and so he gave a Salute and bow before sitting down and accepting his fate.His time had come, justice had been served and the supply lines were once again open to feed the good people of the Garrison.

Thus concludes the adventurous tales of WvW tonight and only tonight.

TLDR: You can survive easy enough when being ganked.

Seph as entertaining as your story was it basically proves that you are the biggest hypocrite on these forums. You run a build that can engage at will anywhere on the map and get away even vs 6 or 7 dudes with mounts. Months of complaining about mounts and how they take away the danger and allow a free pass. Well if you now still can get away on that build you had the "free pass" for years. Any time a 1vs1 went wrong pre mounts you ran didn't die. A 1vs1 turned in a 1vs4 pre mounts you ran and didn't die. A zerg pre mounts saw you and 8 squrriled after you you got away. Every single time. So your problem with mounts was basically every once in a while now 15 chase you and you die. I've been the 15 and we gotta chase that build half way across the map and your like yeah this is so broken. It wasn't about no danger. It wasn't about the free pass. It was because now every one could avoid danger and had a free pass and not just you.

clearly you don't know the meaning of the word then.

Ive always said I like celestial gear and bruiser builds and Ive always said it was difficult to get engagements on these builds.

I also have 32 characters and maxed out bank slots for various ascended gear for those toons and tonight I wanted to try Celestial/plaguedoctor so don't take it personally..

I have a right to play what ever I like again on any build I choose instead of being forced into zerk or tank only for zerging or dismounting and honestly if you have an issue with me having this freedom in choice again, maybe the issue isn't with me.

Of course you do and play what you want. But that build experiences no "danger" 99 percent of the time which was one of your main arguments vs mounts. And I wasn't just talking about you and that build. There are tons of builds which only certain classes have that allow free engage retreat at will which leaves anyone pre mounts not those builds wasting our time fighting and dieing or fighting and winning only to see you run away. I know how many slots you got I know your celestial. Idk why you throw that info in randomly all the time but more power to ya.

No I get it, I'm The Villain for a reason... I chose to play a build that was adapt at handling most situations that WvW could throw at me as a solo roamer.. Due to my 7 years experience of PvP in this game across 32 characters, I shouldn't be allowed to fight anyone really. I should just face tank everything I can, no dodges or anything, not even heals. I'm a nasty villain that will engage almost any player in open world pvp and try to win, I should be locked away for being so naughty.

I should have just died to those 4 - 5 players instead of running away.... Shame on me, I'm speechless. I deserve your harassment right now for it. I really do...

but all this fuss and you never read the last part of the story, 1 guy killed me. 1 guy.So really everything you said is completely useless and irrelevant because all it took was for 1 player who had more skills than the other players, 1 player that took note of my class, build and exploited all of my weaknesses...eventually those other players will be just as good too.

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Look, if the 5% chance of losing your pixels in transit (well probably 25 because you didn't bind your dodge key and don't know how your skills besides 1 actually work) just grab a centaur banner and then get on your mount. Y'all ought to pay me 25 gold for this advice.

If this still doesn't work, go to the desert borderlands and grab the 40% movement boost. Also nobody actually goes to desert, so you most likely won't get killed anyways.

Source: uhh... a trusted friend.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@"Turkeyspit.3965" said:Lance




Eye twitch

Yeah, still chuckling at the choice of the name and still not sure why that was went with.

Pulling at threads ofc, but the people in charge of developing the game we spend our time in, sat around a table designing this feature, and not once did anyone raise their hand and say "er...but that's not a lance..."

If GW2 were a Sci-Fi or Modern combat title, sure...but in a fantasy RPG setting? Scary tbh.

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Eye twitch

Yeah, still chuckling at the choice of the name and still not sure why that was went with.

Pulling at threads ofc, but the people in charge of developing the game we spend our time in, sat around a table designing this feature, and not once did anyone raise their hand and say "er...but that's not a lance..."

If GW2 were a Sci-Fi or Modern combat title, sure...but in a fantasy RPG setting? Scary tbh.

Digipen must not offer much history.I know American primary schools sure don't, I got good grades and hadn't a clue where Prussia was until I had my diploma.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@"DemonSeed.3528" said:Also there is the fact the lance is only available every 30s, whereas a mount can dodge that attempt at will with 3 dodges, and by the time the enemy lance is up, the mounts dodges are already back. It's actually easy to dodge a lance unless you were hit with a lag spike or just have bad timing in general - many people don't turn mouse to see behind them when the lance is fired to dodge it [in fact, people do this in combat on foot often when they panic and flee and thus become easy kills]. I also still think many people aren't aware of the lance skill atm because they still try to dance around you right next to your char trying to do the ole' staredown circling thing.

One player against one ganker, that is correct. What we see now however are ganking teams, with three or more chasing a player on a warclaw trying to get away. And 3 lances against 3 dodges, one is enough to dismount you and the attacker, but there are two more. Now the defender has 0 chances of getting away and very low chances of even surviving (because if you had a chance of surviving a fight against gankers, you'd have taken the fight in the first place. The people trying to get away are the very same people, who don't stand a chance and know it).

Even without the lance it was rather easy for a ganking team to dismount someone against their will. But at least it came with a cost to the attackers, giving the defender the ghost of a chance. Now the weight has been shifted to the side of the defender, which is why I think the lance should dismount the attacker regardless of the success of the attack.

Let me tell you a true story, a marvelous and wonderful tale of adventure!

It all started tonight, The Villain was messing around on FC ABL near the sentry between Bay and NW camp controlling that bit of the territory by "ganking" people..At first it was 1v1's and 1v2's as his enemies trickled in on their respawns from Garrison.. It was a ferocious battle between hardened veterans for God of the Sentry!


Unfortunately before too long that battle had escalated into into a 1v3, The Villain was doomed..... Unfortunately a random Mirage came along to help his fellow comrade, he had got the stomp giving him The Villain the rally of which they avenged their personal justice onto those who had decided to oppose The Villains... The Mirage took off and The Villain hung around. A brave and noble tempest came along to test his might against the Villain but alas, The Villain had too much sustain. So The noble Warrior thought, "how can I beat this guy, I'm going to have to outsmart him." He then led the Villain by playing Cat and Mouse up to his Garrison..."What was his plan" the Villain thought..........


And then it happened.... The Villain had forgotten about the Loyal Castle Guards around the corner for he was purely driven by adrenaline and blinded to his surroundings...The Noble Tempest took his shot again... but it still wasn't enough.. The Villain had escaped.

The Villain then traveled to NW camp because he noticed the white swords, once he got there, there was only 1 brave soldier trying to reclaim what had rightfully been stolen from his homeland. The Noble Soldier then held his ground as the Villain approached....

The Villain was excited, a sacrifice willing to make it fun for him.

The Villain engaged with an evil smile on his face, laughing like a lunatic as he was now in combat once again ready to slay those who opposed him..


A group of players had jumped on The Villain in the camp, it was their chance to take down the nasty Villain who had robbed the good people in the Garrison of their food and supply lines.... They were starving, they needed food once again!....


The attempt had proven to be futile for once again The Villain managed to escape out of attack range from the Noble Soldiers..."I'm alive, holy *
**** that was intense" The Villain thought to himself as he was waiting to get out of the combat area to mount up..

But wait!!!!


The Tempest got there just as The Villain was about to escape and get out of combat range...The Tempest had tagged The Villain just in time, he wasn't going to heal from the previous battle where had only just managed to escape with his life...

The Villain looked behind him and saw the Noble Knights from his previous engagement mounting up to join the battle once again and fully recovered...The Villain was doomed, he hasn't left the camp grounds yet and has a long way to travel before reaching safety once again...


One by one the Noble Knights leap onto The Villain using Their trusty steed.... It was over for the Villain as all had now engaged him.The Noble Knights Stunned him, Immobilized him, Put conditions on him and tried to mow The Villain down with Rapid Fire as he tried to escape...

The Villain was sneaky though for he had committed a heinous crime, a crime so despicable that forces others to belittle anyone alike.. The Villain had a build purely for killing players, he was adapted. He was prepared. He had all the tools to deal with Conditions, Stuns, Ranged, Mobility and Disengagements... He equipped himself knowing full well it was to kill others or survive.

Such a terrible Villain... Such evil should not exist...

Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world.... because The Villain had escaped to fight another day...


.........The Villain was safe.The Villain then decided to head up to the Sentry near NW tower... He had stumbled across another enemy.... A DH from the guild [AoE]....The Villain thought "I managed the other groups fine, what's one player?"... The Villain noticed the DH wasn't even trying to engage him, but that's never stopped The Villain before... "The arrogance" he thought to himself.

The Villain attacked!

Little to The Villains knowledge, he had been baited...


The DH was was clearly the God King Leader of the pack from before, this guy was The Cavalry.A ferocious battle ensued, as each minute went by it became more intense. They were adapting to each others rotations and play styles, a battle of epic proportions that are rare to see and even rarer to be in. Muscles grew tense, teeth were clenching...

The battle ensued, devastation left lying around the land as they pushed each other to the cliffs edge trying to limit each others mobility options... They were hunters and they were at a stalemate with their power levels, it was about the mind games now and the herding. It had a reached a new level....


Several more minutes had passed by... The Villain was defeated, not by the player but from respect and exhaustion... The Villain had tired out, he respected this DH from [AoE] and so he gave a Salute and bow before sitting down and accepting his fate.His time had come, justice had been served and the supply lines were once again open to feed the good people of the Garrison.

Thus concludes the adventurous tales of WvW tonight and only tonight.

TLDR: You can survive easy enough when being ganked.

Seph as entertaining as your story was it basically proves that you are the biggest hypocrite on these forums. You run a build that can engage at will anywhere on the map and get away even vs 6 or 7 dudes with mounts. Months of complaining about mounts and how they take away the danger and allow a free pass. Well if you now still can get away on that build you had the "free pass" for years. Any time a 1vs1 went wrong pre mounts you ran didn't die. A 1vs1 turned in a 1vs4 pre mounts you ran and didn't die. A zerg pre mounts saw you and 8 squrriled after you you got away. Every single time. So your problem with mounts was basically every once in a while now 15 chase you and you die. I've been the 15 and we gotta chase that build half way across the map and your like yeah this is so broken. It wasn't about no danger. It wasn't about the free pass. It was because now every one could avoid danger and had a free pass and not just you.

clearly you don't know the meaning of the word then.

Ive always said I like celestial gear and bruiser builds and Ive always said it was difficult to get engagements on these builds.

I also have 32 characters and maxed out bank slots for various ascended gear for those toons and tonight I wanted to try Celestial/plaguedoctor so don't take it personally..

I have a right to play what ever I like again on any build I choose instead of being forced into zerk or tank only for zerging or dismounting and honestly if you have an issue with me having this freedom in choice again, maybe the issue isn't with me.

Of course you do and play what you want. But that build experiences no "danger" 99 percent of the time which was one of your main arguments vs mounts. And I wasn't just talking about you and that build. There are tons of builds which only certain classes have that allow free engage retreat at will which leaves anyone pre mounts not those builds wasting our time fighting and dieing or fighting and winning only to see you run away. I know how many slots you got I know your celestial. Idk why you throw that info in randomly all the time but more power to ya.

No I get it, I'm The Villain for a reason... I chose to play a build that was adapt at handling most situations that WvW could throw at me as a solo roamer.. Due to my 7 years experience of PvP in this game across 32 characters, I shouldn't be allowed to fight anyone really. I should just face tank everything I can, no dodges or anything, not even heals. I'm a nasty villain that will engage almost any player in open world pvp and try to win, I should be locked away for being so naughty.

I should have just died to those 4 - 5 players instead of running away.... Shame on me, I'm speechless. I deserve your harassment right now for it. I really do...

but all this fuss and you never read the last part of the story, 1 guy killed me. 1 guy.So really everything you said is completely useless and irrelevant because all it took was for 1 player who had more skills than the other players, 1 player that took note of my class, build and exploited all of my weaknesses...eventually those other players will be just as good too.

I'm not sure if it was the same encounter/day, but I am on the link from your story. Definitely remember a druid trolling a bunch of bad players. I generally don't play on home BL as most of the players are terrible (as in your post). I think I got you once after you were trolling 5+ players after you stealthed and they all lost you as you ran away to reset. I would have stood zero chance if you weren't nearly dead and waiting on cool downs. I had to waste some of my big cool downs just to keep up. Definitely a broken build, but that's GW2 balance. Every class has at least one OP build.

Don't hate the player though, hate the game.

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@"sephiroth.4217" said:Let me tell you a true story, a marvelous and wonderful tale of adventure!

It all started tonight, The Villain was messing around on FC ABL near the sentry between Bay and NW camp controlling that bit of the territory by "ganking" people..At first it was 1v1's and 1v2's as his enemies trickled in on their respawns from Garrison.. It was a ferocious battle between hardened veterans for God of the Sentry!

10/10 would read again.


Will have to look this one up tonight lol. Need to find the bigger video/animation that the gif was built from.

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@DAN.7314 said:

@"DemonSeed.3528" said:Also there is the fact the lance is only available every 30s, whereas a mount can dodge that attempt at will with 3 dodges, and by the time the enemy lance is up, the mounts dodges are already back. It's actually easy to dodge a lance unless you were hit with a lag spike or just have bad timing in general - many people don't turn mouse to see behind them when the lance is fired to dodge it [in fact, people do this in combat on foot often when they panic and flee and thus become easy kills]. I also still think many people aren't aware of the lance skill atm because they still try to dance around you right next to your char trying to do the ole' staredown circling thing.

One player against one ganker, that is correct. What we see now however are ganking teams, with three or more chasing a player on a warclaw trying to get away. And 3 lances against 3 dodges, one is enough to dismount you and the attacker, but there are two more. Now the defender has 0 chances of getting away and very low chances of even surviving (because if you had a chance of surviving a fight against gankers, you'd have taken the fight in the first place. The people trying to get away are the very same people, who don't stand a chance and know it).

Even without the lance it was rather easy for a ganking team to dismount someone against their will. But at least it came with a cost to the attackers, giving the defender the ghost of a chance. Now the weight has been shifted to the side of the defender, which is why I think the lance should dismount the attacker regardless of the success of the attack.

Let me tell you a true story, a marvelous and wonderful tale of adventure!

It all started tonight, The Villain was messing around on FC ABL near the sentry between Bay and NW camp controlling that bit of the territory by "ganking" people..At first it was 1v1's and 1v2's as his enemies trickled in on their respawns from Garrison.. It was a ferocious battle between hardened veterans for God of the Sentry!


Unfortunately before too long that battle had escalated into into a 1v3, The Villain was doomed..... Unfortunately a random Mirage came along to help his fellow comrade, he had got the stomp giving him The Villain the rally of which they avenged their personal justice onto those who had decided to oppose The Villains... The Mirage took off and The Villain hung around. A brave and noble tempest came along to test his might against the Villain but alas, The Villain had too much sustain. So The noble Warrior thought, "how can I beat this guy, I'm going to have to outsmart him." He then led the Villain by playing Cat and Mouse up to his Garrison..."What was his plan" the Villain thought..........


And then it happened.... The Villain had forgotten about the Loyal Castle Guards around the corner for he was purely driven by adrenaline and blinded to his surroundings...The Noble Tempest took his shot again... but it still wasn't enough.. The Villain had escaped.

The Villain then traveled to NW camp because he noticed the white swords, once he got there, there was only 1 brave soldier trying to reclaim what had rightfully been stolen from his homeland. The Noble Soldier then held his ground as the Villain approached....

The Villain was excited, a sacrifice willing to make it fun for him.

The Villain engaged with an evil smile on his face, laughing like a lunatic as he was now in combat once again ready to slay those who opposed him..


A group of players had jumped on The Villain in the camp, it was their chance to take down the nasty Villain who had robbed the good people in the Garrison of their food and supply lines.... They were starving, they needed food once again!....


The attempt had proven to be futile for once again The Villain managed to escape out of attack range from the Noble Soldiers..."I'm alive, holy *
**** that was intense" The Villain thought to himself as he was waiting to get out of the combat area to mount up..

But wait!!!!


The Tempest got there just as The Villain was about to escape and get out of combat range...The Tempest had tagged The Villain just in time, he wasn't going to heal from the previous battle where had only just managed to escape with his life...

The Villain looked behind him and saw the Noble Knights from his previous engagement mounting up to join the battle once again and fully recovered...The Villain was doomed, he hasn't left the camp grounds yet and has a long way to travel before reaching safety once again...


One by one the Noble Knights leap onto The Villain using Their trusty steed.... It was over for the Villain as all had now engaged him.The Noble Knights Stunned him, Immobilized him, Put conditions on him and tried to mow The Villain down with Rapid Fire as he tried to escape...

The Villain was sneaky though for he had committed a heinous crime, a crime so despicable that forces others to belittle anyone alike.. The Villain had a build purely for killing players, he was adapted. He was prepared. He had all the tools to deal with Conditions, Stuns, Ranged, Mobility and Disengagements... He equipped himself knowing full well it was to kill others or survive.

Such a terrible Villain... Such evil should not exist...

Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world.... because The Villain had escaped to fight another day...


.........The Villain was safe.The Villain then decided to head up to the Sentry near NW tower... He had stumbled across another enemy.... A DH from the guild [AoE]....The Villain thought "I managed the other groups fine, what's one player?"... The Villain noticed the DH wasn't even trying to engage him, but that's never stopped The Villain before... "The arrogance" he thought to himself.

The Villain attacked!

Little to The Villains knowledge, he had been baited...


The DH was was clearly the God King Leader of the pack from before, this guy was The Cavalry.A ferocious battle ensued, as each minute went by it became more intense. They were adapting to each others rotations and play styles, a battle of epic proportions that are rare to see and even rarer to be in. Muscles grew tense, teeth were clenching...

The battle ensued, devastation left lying around the land as they pushed each other to the cliffs edge trying to limit each others mobility options... They were hunters and they were at a stalemate with their power levels, it was about the mind games now and the herding. It had a reached a new level....


Several more minutes had passed by... The Villain was defeated, not by the player but from respect and exhaustion... The Villain had tired out, he respected this DH from [AoE] and so he gave a Salute and bow before sitting down and accepting his fate.His time had come, justice had been served and the supply lines were once again open to feed the good people of the Garrison.

Thus concludes the adventurous tales of WvW tonight and only tonight.

TLDR: You can survive easy enough when being ganked.

Seph as entertaining as your story was it basically proves that you are the biggest hypocrite on these forums. You run a build that can engage at will anywhere on the map and get away even vs 6 or 7 dudes with mounts. Months of complaining about mounts and how they take away the danger and allow a free pass. Well if you now still can get away on that build you had the "free pass" for years. Any time a 1vs1 went wrong pre mounts you ran didn't die. A 1vs1 turned in a 1vs4 pre mounts you ran and didn't die. A zerg pre mounts saw you and 8 squrriled after you you got away. Every single time. So your problem with mounts was basically every once in a while now 15 chase you and you die. I've been the 15 and we gotta chase that build half way across the map and your like yeah this is so broken. It wasn't about no danger. It wasn't about the free pass. It was because now every one could avoid danger and had a free pass and not just you.

clearly you don't know the meaning of the word then.

Ive always said I like celestial gear and bruiser builds and Ive always said it was difficult to get engagements on these builds.

I also have 32 characters and maxed out bank slots for various ascended gear for those toons and tonight I wanted to try Celestial/plaguedoctor so don't take it personally..

I have a right to play what ever I like again on any build I choose instead of being forced into zerk or tank only for zerging or dismounting and honestly if you have an issue with me having this freedom in choice again, maybe the issue isn't with me.

Of course you do and play what you want. But that build experiences no "danger" 99 percent of the time which was one of your main arguments vs mounts. And I wasn't just talking about you and that build. There are tons of builds which only certain classes have that allow free engage retreat at will which leaves anyone pre mounts not those builds wasting our time fighting and dieing or fighting and winning only to see you run away. I know how many slots you got I know your celestial. Idk why you throw that info in randomly all the time but more power to ya.

No I get it, I'm The Villain for a reason... I chose to play a build that was adapt at handling most situations that WvW could throw at me as a solo roamer.. Due to my 7 years experience of PvP in this game across 32 characters, I shouldn't be allowed to fight anyone really. I should just face tank everything I can, no dodges or anything, not even heals. I'm a nasty villain that will engage almost any player in open world pvp and try to win, I should be locked away for being so naughty.

I should have just died to those 4 - 5 players instead of running away.... Shame on me, I'm speechless. I deserve your harassment right now for it. I really do...

but all this fuss and you never read the last part of the story, 1 guy killed me. 1 guy.So really everything you said is completely useless and irrelevant because all it took was for 1 player who had more skills than the other players, 1 player that took note of my class, build and exploited all of my weaknesses...eventually those other players will be just as good too.

I'm not sure if it was the same encounter/day, but I am on the link from your story. Definitely remember a druid trolling a bunch of bad players. I generally don't play on home BL as most of the players are terrible (as in your post). I think I got you once after you were trolling 5+ players after you stealthed and they all lost you as you ran away to reset. I would have stood zero chance if you weren't nearly dead and waiting on cool downs. I had to waste some of my big cool downs just to keep up. Definitely a broken build, but that's GW2 balance. Every class has at least one OP build.

Don't hate the player though, hate the game.

Sounds like me, I had Trapper Runes equipped and it's my biggest clutch to escape... Doesn't always work and I was certainly caught a few times outside of my story there lol

@Jayden Reese.9542The story focuses on roughly half hour of game play... Clearly you're not remembering correctly either.Previously before that I had been slaughtered by a S/D core Thief, A Holo who CC locked me down and after the story told there was a FA Weaver that bursted me.Using 1 situation where I managed to escape as justification for all occurrences is outrageous too. I don't always escape, but it can be done when facing a group of people out to gank you.

Stop taking this so personally. It's extremely unhealthy dude.

Today I'll be trying PlagueDoc FB and a PlagueDoc Acro venom Thief... Its a plaguedoc week for me. See everyone out there ☺

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@sephiroth.4217 said:TLDR: You can survive easy enough when being ganked.

If you build for it. I never doubted that. What I do doubt is, that this build is the one being being accepted into (well built) zergs. The problem isn't with roamers facing other roamers, who are built to the task. Those are fair fights, I have no issues with them.Alas, that is not the situation I find myself in, and the reason I will argue against any further improvement of skills which work against the mount.There are a lot of builds not up to the task of resisting a roamer and for these the warclaw is basically the only viable defense. Obviously there has to be way to work against that defense - hence the lance skill - but that way of working against the only defense currently has no real downside for the attacker.

Nevertheless: Well played, sir. Well played. If more forum posts were this entertaining :)

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"nthmetal.9652" said:There are a lot of builds not up to the task of resisting a roamer and for these the warclaw is basically the only viable defense.You mean outside the rather obvious defense of... bring more people.

I have taken a look at the effects of demanding "bring more people" for the defense side, and why I think this overall goes against the intended design of the game mode. You can see my thoughts hereOf course I'm guessing at the design mostly from what I see (and from game update comments a while back, regarding the wall / door-strength of higher-tier structures), and I am also only guessing as to the willingness of ganking teams running escort mission. I may well be off in my speculations. I am pretty sure as to the effects of drawing power away from your main zerg, though.

There are commanders / playstyles for which that approach works better: If you don't go the full-zerg fight/flip objectives approach, but rather you play the "lock down home border" game, that is exactly what your "zerg" is probably doing anyway. This can be relaxing gameplay, but it is not very dynamic and probably not what the devs had in mind.

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@"reddie.5861" said:

or we just remove the warclaw and ur back to old situation where "u had to play together and communicate"

Never happen, just like with gliders in WvW. The second it appeared in the xPac and had Gem skins tied to it you KNEW mounts were coming to WvW if you had any historical awareness of the game. Get over it, adapt, or move on.

If you moved on 100%, why are you still complaining here?

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@"reddie.5861" said:

or we just remove the warclaw and ur back to old situation where "u had to play together and communicate"tho i dont really care left already this mount was just draining my will slowly to login it never had a place in WvW and never will.

not sure how lance works but if its not insta cast and insta hit its just gonna take few days and every1 will dodge this kitten.

What aspects of the mount was blocking your chat window and voice comms from working? I will agree its harder to type and ride then it was to run and type since you are covering more ground. But the mount has not changed my ability to scout, it just means I can scout faster while not having to lose more offense or defense capability while dismounted versus having a speed build in place since I need to transverse all the way across the map.

Since you haven't tried the feature its 1500 units so a lot of people are dismounted without being able to see that the skill was launched so it's not being dodged as much as you might imply to others that may not have tried the feature. Biggest issue is some traits from some classes allow it to be stopped passively which if you are in a 1v1 situation can causes some delays in engaging.

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@nthmetal.9652 said:Lances as they are, are kinda okay. I don't like them, I think they favor ganking teams overly, while hurting the defenders a lot

By defenders you mean bypassing the fight to get on the wall. Yet people managed this feat before warclaw made it easy.People got used to the free passclaw awfully quick.

Yep, it feels like ppl forgot that there were several years without the warclaw and ppl did just fine

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@nthmetal.9652 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:TLDR: You can survive easy enough when being ganked.

If you build for it. I never doubted that. What I do doubt is, that this build is the one being being accepted into (well built) zergs. The problem isn't with roamers facing other roamers, who are built to the task. Those are fair fights, I have no issues with them.Alas, that is not the situation I find myself in, and the reason I will argue against any
further improvement
of skills which work against the mount.There are a lot of builds not up to the task of resisting a roamer and for these the warclaw is basically the only viable defense. Obviously there has to be way to work against that defense - hence the lance skill - but that way of working against the only defense currently has no real downside for the attacker.

Nevertheless: Well played, sir. Well played. If more forum posts were this entertaining :)

there is a lot of builds and a lot of different players at various skill levels... I have no idea who is coming to flip my sentry, thier build or skill levels.Either way I'll attack or defend myself ☺

and thank you ?

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