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Why is the Permastealth thief a thing?


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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

Does it not force you out of stealth even for a second regardless? What I am reading from what you state, I could technically stand in an SR (that pulses stealth) and not be revealed while it pulses

People are making fun of you as you clearly don't understand the marked mechanic. I'll assume you're either new to the game or new to thief and explain it.

Fyi, when marked is applied to you, it means you can only stay in stealth for 2s before you're forcibly revealed for 6s. The only way to cleanse this reveal is through shadow meld, and even then it only gives you another 2s of stealth before you're revealed again. Shadow meld has a 5s internal cooldown and a 45s cooldown on charges, max 2 charges. This makes it impossible to stay in stealth for more than 2s, or 4s with a split second of visibility in the middle followed by 3s being visible and not being able to do anything about it.

Bottom line; if someone is marked, they cannot permastealth. Claiming they can just makes you look silly, so don't do that.

I used to main Thief/DrD in WvW (and i run it sometimes...but not often) so I didnt know if there was something I was legit missing. Def not new to the game or class (hence my SR comment shows I have an understanding)

I appreciate the explanation however

I remember you from the old forums going way back as it happens ^^

Dunno if thats a good thing or not lol

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

Does it not force you out of stealth even for a second regardless? What I am reading from what you state, I could technically stand in an SR (that pulses stealth) and not be revealed while it pulses

People are making fun of you as you clearly don't understand the marked mechanic. I'll assume you're either new to the game or new to thief and explain it.

Fyi, when marked is applied to you, it means you can only stay in stealth for 2s before you're forcibly revealed for 6s. The only way to cleanse this reveal is through shadow meld, and even then it only gives you another 2s of stealth before you're revealed again. Shadow meld has a 5s internal cooldown and a 45s cooldown on charges, max 2 charges. This makes it impossible to stay in stealth for more than 2s, or 4s with a split second of visibility in the middle followed by 3s being visible and not being able to do anything about it.

Bottom line; if someone is marked, they cannot permastealth. Claiming they can just makes you look silly, so don't do that.

I used to main Thief/DrD in WvW (and i run it sometimes...but not often) so I didnt know if there was something I was legit missing. Def not new to the game or class (hence my SR comment shows I have an understanding)

I appreciate the explanation however

I remember you from the old forums going way back as it happens ^^

Dunno if thats a good thing or not lol

I remember some of your posts in vanilla being helpful, so it's a good thing. I got into thief 6-7 months after release so the forums helped me get up to speed. Thinking about that, I should probably dial back the sarcasm a bit when dealing with threads like these, but with some posts I just can't help myself haha

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

Does it not force you out of stealth even for a second regardless? What I am reading from what you state, I could technically stand in an SR (that pulses stealth) and not be revealed while it pulses

People are making fun of you as you clearly don't understand the marked mechanic. I'll assume you're either new to the game or new to thief and explain it.

Fyi, when marked is applied to you, it means you can only stay in stealth for 2s before you're forcibly revealed for 6s. The only way to cleanse this reveal is through shadow meld, and even then it only gives you another 2s of stealth before you're revealed again. Shadow meld has a 5s internal cooldown and a 45s cooldown on charges, max 2 charges. This makes it impossible to stay in stealth for more than 2s, or 4s with a split second of visibility in the middle followed by 3s being visible and not being able to do anything about it.

Bottom line; if someone is marked, they cannot permastealth. Claiming they can just makes you look silly, so don't do that.

I used to main Thief/DrD in WvW (and i run it sometimes...but not often) so I didnt know if there was something I was legit missing. Def not new to the game or class (hence my SR comment shows I have an understanding)

I appreciate the explanation however

I remember you from the old forums going way back as it happens ^^

Dunno if thats a good thing or not lol

I remember some of your posts in vanilla being helpful, so it's a good thing. I got into thief 6-7 months after release so the forums helped me get up to speed. Thinking about that, I should probably dial back the sarcasm a bit when dealing with threads like these, but with some posts I just can't help myself haha

Glad I was helpful.Sometimes we just cant help ourselves tho haha.

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u instantly visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

This is just blatantly wrong and misinformation, and it needs to stop.

So here goes:

Being marked does the following:

  • it makes you show up as a red dot on the controlling team's minimap
  • if you enter stealth while marked you get the detected! debuff on you.

Being detected! does the following:

  • if you are stealthed for more than 2 seconds, you are revealed

Being revealed does the following:

  • you are unable to enter stealth for 3 seconds

Now, a Deadeye can remove revealed two times and re-enter stealth, HOWEVER, as they are still marked doing so will re-apply detected! and immediately after reveal you again.

When you throw a target painter on a Deadeye, you will seriously screw up their gameplan and unless they really bail out very hard with movement skills, they will die.You absolutely cannot "perma stealth" while marked, and @Virdo.1540 doesn't know what he is talking about.

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@Helicity.3416 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u instantly visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

This is just blatantly wrong and misinformation, and it needs to stop.

So here goes:

does the following:
  • it makes you show up as a red dot on the controlling team's minimap
  • if you
    stealth while
    you get the
    detected! debuff
    on you.

does the following:
  • if you are stealthed for more than 2 seconds, you are

does the following:
  • you are
    to enter stealth for

Now, a Deadeye can remove
two times and re-enter stealth, HOWEVER, as they are still
doing so will re-apply
and immediately after
you again.

When you throw a target painter on a Deadeye, you will seriously screw up their gameplan and unless they really bail out very hard with movement skills, they will die.You absolutely
"perma stealth" while
and @Virdo.1540 doesn't know what he is talking about.

Thanks for putting it in a clearer way than I evidently did haha :) although it is actually a 6 second reveal after detected kicks you out of stealth, not 3s.

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@Helicity.3416 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u instantly visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

This is just blatantly wrong and misinformation, and it needs to stop.

So here goes:

does the following:
  • it makes you show up as a red dot on the controlling team's minimap
  • if you
    stealth while
    you get the
    detected! debuff
    on you.

does the following:
  • if you are stealthed for more than 2 seconds, you are

does the following:
  • you are
    to enter stealth for 3 seconds

Now, a Deadeye can remove
two times and re-enter stealth, HOWEVER, as they are still
doing so will re-apply
and immediately after
you again.

When you throw a target painter on a Deadeye, you will seriously screw up their gameplan and unless they really bail out very hard with movement skills, they will die.You absolutely
"perma stealth" while
and @Virdo.1540 doesn't know what he is talking about.

Then the "reveal" isnt working properly. We tested it out and even with an Marker-Trap its possible to stay invisible forever

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

Does it not force you out of stealth even for a second regardless? What I am reading from what you state, I could technically stand in an SR (that pulses stealth) and not be revealed while it pulses

People are making fun of you as you clearly don't understand the marked mechanic. I'll assume you're either new to the game or new to thief and explain it.

Fyi, when marked is applied to you, it means you can only stay in stealth for 2s before you're forcibly revealed for 6s. The only way to cleanse this reveal is through shadow meld, and even then it only gives you another 2s of stealth before you're revealed again. Shadow meld has a 5s internal cooldown and a 45s cooldown on charges, max 2 charges. This makes it impossible to stay in stealth for more than 2s, or 4s with a split second of visibility in the middle followed by 3s being visible and not being able to do anything about it.

Bottom line; if someone is marked, they cannot permastealth. Claiming they can just makes you look silly, so don't do that.

well after all, the sniper can still become invisible after every dodge roll, doesnt matter if marked from keep ,another deadeye or even through a Marker-trap.Its not like having a 6second cooldown of being invisible again. With the right "macro" ,its possible to stay on one spot in an keep for hours without being ever seen

I literally just explained the marked mechanic to you. Did you read what I wrote?

ye, but seems like u dont know every bit of the thief. It is a broken mechanic of the thief, that only some single players know about. Ofc i can understand that they want to keep it for themselves instead of getting it fixed, so im not getting into it anymore anyway.

Well with the reading comprehension skills you've shown here I'm sure you'll do great. Assuming you make it past the door marked "pull".

ye whatever , thanks for ur time

Tell you what, make a fully stealth equipped thief and try permastealthing while stood next to an enemy sentry. You'll work it out sooner or later.

guild members already tried it out, still doesnt want to talk about such. So, ye it already worked out

I rather have these "guild members" to speak for themselves.

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u instantly visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

This is just blatantly wrong and misinformation, and it needs to stop.

So here goes:

does the following:
  • it makes you show up as a red dot on the controlling team's minimap
  • if you
    stealth while
    you get the
    detected! debuff
    on you.

does the following:
  • if you are stealthed for more than 2 seconds, you are

does the following:
  • you are
    to enter stealth for 3 seconds

Now, a Deadeye can remove
two times and re-enter stealth, HOWEVER, as they are still
doing so will re-apply
and immediately after
you again.

When you throw a target painter on a Deadeye, you will seriously screw up their gameplan and unless they really bail out very hard with movement skills, they will die.You absolutely
"perma stealth" while
and @Virdo.1540 doesn't know what he is talking about.

Then the "reveal" isnt working properly. We tested it out and even with an Marker-Trap its possible to stay invisible forever

I don't believe you tested it.

Because I know it works correctly, and until you show me video proof I'm just not buying it.

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u instantly visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

This is just blatantly wrong and misinformation, and it needs to stop.

So here goes:

does the following:
  • it makes you show up as a red dot on the controlling team's minimap
  • if you
    stealth while
    you get the
    detected! debuff
    on you.

does the following:
  • if you are stealthed for more than 2 seconds, you are

does the following:
  • you are
    to enter stealth for 3 seconds

Now, a Deadeye can remove
two times and re-enter stealth, HOWEVER, as they are still
doing so will re-apply
and immediately after
you again.

When you throw a target painter on a Deadeye, you will seriously screw up their gameplan and unless they really bail out very hard with movement skills, they will die.You absolutely
"perma stealth" while
and @Virdo.1540 doesn't know what he is talking about.

Then the "reveal" isnt working properly. We tested it out and even with an Marker-Trap its possible to stay invisible forever

If it doesn't work properly, then go make a thread in the bug section instead of complaining about perma stealth where it shouldn't be working. At least that would have a chance of achieving something.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u instantly visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

This is just blatantly wrong and misinformation, and it needs to stop.

So here goes:

does the following:
  • it makes you show up as a red dot on the controlling team's minimap
  • if you
    stealth while
    you get the
    detected! debuff
    on you.

does the following:
  • if you are stealthed for more than 2 seconds, you are

does the following:
  • you are
    to enter stealth for 3 seconds

Now, a Deadeye can remove
two times and re-enter stealth, HOWEVER, as they are still
doing so will re-apply
and immediately after
you again.

When you throw a target painter on a Deadeye, you will seriously screw up their gameplan and unless they really bail out very hard with movement skills, they will die.You absolutely
"perma stealth" while
and @Virdo.1540 doesn't know what he is talking about.

Then the "reveal" isnt working properly. We tested it out and even with an Marker-Trap its possible to stay invisible forever

If it doesn't work properly, then go make a thread in the bug section instead of complaining about perma stealth where it shouldn't be working. At least that would have a chance of achieving something.

Ye its gonna make it to the bug section ,but i found out after creating this post ^^

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:Wait...how does one stay stealthed in a flipped keep while marked for like 5 mins?

being marked doesnt make u instantly visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing

This is just blatantly wrong and misinformation, and it needs to stop.

So here goes:

does the following:
  • it makes you show up as a red dot on the controlling team's minimap
  • if you
    stealth while
    you get the
    detected! debuff
    on you.

does the following:
  • if you are stealthed for more than 2 seconds, you are

does the following:
  • you are
    to enter stealth for 3 seconds

Now, a Deadeye can remove
two times and re-enter stealth, HOWEVER, as they are still
doing so will re-apply
and immediately after
you again.

When you throw a target painter on a Deadeye, you will seriously screw up their gameplan and unless they really bail out very hard with movement skills, they will die.You absolutely
"perma stealth" while
and @Virdo.1540 doesn't know what he is talking about.

Then the "reveal" isnt working properly. We tested it out and even with an Marker-Trap its possible to stay invisible forever

If it doesn't work properly, then go make a thread in the bug section instead of complaining about perma stealth where it shouldn't be working. At least that would have a chance of achieving something.

Ye its gonna make it to the bug section ,but i found out after creating this post ^^

ok, cool :+1:

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First, You are not killing a keep lord from stealth without ever becoming revealed on any build without some form of exploit, period, full stop. Second, any advantage it offers us in WvW in the terms of ambush from stealth is typically countered by the fact that we have very little sustain, unless your trash, running around on a full dps build like a dumb ass, your not getting burst from stealth easily. Stealth is the Thief's hide. It's a survival option on a class that feels squishier than most other classes. We're nothing like those Mesmer's with a one shot build. Long story short: Get good.

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@"anduriell.6280" said:Having to discuss this is kitten.The other day i saw this in reddit which shows how broken permastalth thieve is. And keep in mind that is a condi build, still doing a kitten ton of damage.Stealth mechanic is toxic and should be reworked

Also condi thief in general should be deleted from the game.

That soulbeast did not play well haha

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@"anduriell.6280" said:Having to discuss this is kitten.The other day i saw this in reddit which shows how broken permastalth thieve is. And keep in mind that is a condi build, still doing a kitten ton of damage.Stealth mechanic is toxic and should be reworked

Also condi thief in general should be deleted from the game.

Wait. I thought the complaints all these time is the Thief stealthing and running away. This is not a good video to support that complaint.

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Since thief isn't as a great 1v1 class it should be compensated for such in a way that as soon as thief starts losing a fight chains emerge from the ground and hold the thief in place so it can be rendered useless until its double tapped and killed.Of course some thief's would still manage to kill their opponent's resulting in a continuation of nerf cry's in the forum's.Nerf thief post like " yeah it's great they nerfed thief and all but in normal anet fashion they had the chains holding thief by the feet when it's the thief's arms that are a problem" lolUnless the class is deleted non thief players that whine about the thief's mechanics will always whine whether they're balanced or not due to the fact that the just don't like the archetype itself. They don't like how the class is designed to kill its opponents which translates into they don't dying to them and how they die to them. Maybe one day they'll realize a mmo game has different classes with different play style's and they're all viable and worth being there regardless of their personal views on them. Different people enjoy different playstyle but some people want to see the ones that challenge thiers burn lol.There will always be thief complaints.

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@"anduriell.6280" said:Having to discuss this is kitten.The other day i saw this in reddit which shows how broken permastalth thieve is. And keep in mind that is a condi build, still doing a kitten ton of damage.Stealth mechanic is toxic and should be reworked

Also condi thief in general should be deleted from the game.

Wow, what is there to complain about in this video? Would it be considered a better video if the the Ranger just pressed one key and Rapid Fired the Thief to death?

The fight stretched out for over a minute and nearly a mile. What do people want? To kill every Thief in under 10 seconds every single time?

And honestly... of all professions to use as an example victim... a Ranger?

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@Kageseigi.2150 said:

@"anduriell.6280" said:Having to discuss this is kitten.The other day i saw this in reddit which shows how broken permastalth thieve is. And keep in mind that is a condi build, still doing a kitten ton of damage.
Stealth mechanic is toxic and should be reworked

Also condi thief in general should be deleted from the game.

Wow, what is there to complain about in this video? Would it be considered a better video if the the Ranger just pressed one key and Rapid Fired the Thief to death?

The fight stretched out for over a minute and nearly a mile. What do people want? To kill every Thief in under 10 seconds every single time?

And honestly... of all professions to use as an example victim... a Ranger?

Said ranger also didn't make use of his range advantage by fighting up close on uneven terrain, instead trying to melee with bow. And it's probably better not to mention how Sic 'Em was wasted on a scale, then not used while running past the camp (DE can permastealth or keep up with a mobility ranger, not both, and you could see the thief out of stealth behind the ranger at one point while he was running). He would have been much better off if he immediately used his mobility to open some distance, looked behind for the thief to restealth for an opportunity to Sic 'Em and rapid fire. Play to your strengths, not your opponents.

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@"anduriell.6280" said:Having to discuss this is kitten.The other day i saw this in reddit which shows how broken permastalth thieve is. And keep in mind that is a condi build, still doing a kitten ton of damage.Stealth mechanic is toxic and should be reworked

Also condi thief in general should be deleted from the game.

That is 100% not a condi build. It's a full on power build.

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@videoThis is one of the worst rangers I have ever seen. Sic em on an npc mob (super slow reaction time and auto targeting or how is this possible?). Switching to longbow at the worst possible moment of the whole video (when LOS). This guy had no clue about basic deadeye mechanics and also no clue about intelligent terrain usage.

Just the owl, gs double leap training wheels for soulbeasts that messed up he knew pretty well. I guess because of frequent usage.

If you play longbow, gs, owl soulbeast and you lose to a thief, then it's quite safe to blame yourself for the result.

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Vocal minority etc etc the usual types.

@"Virdo.1540"Any chance you or your "guildies" could make a tutorial video on perma steathing whilst marked? I'd love to see it. Hell actually if you could make a video where you can remain in stealth for 10 seconds straight while marked I'd really appreciate it.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

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