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Build Templates might be some form of Pay to Win


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@God.2708 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:Nothing is stopping you from manually changing your build as always.

I'm sorry, but did you actually use the build templates or is this assessment just theoretical? You can switch build, skills and gear with a keyboard shortcut. Either before engaging or, if you died and realize, let's say, you need more health for the group at your home camp, you can quickly change everything with a single click on your way back to the fight.

Nobody changes everything. But I've been tuning on the fly since day one. Changing everything takes maybe 20 seconds? If you're more pressed for time than that, it's because the fight was already lost and you're looking for a rematch with better stats vs. an opponent who's had no such luxury.

You will never be able to do that without build templates in time. Even if you have like 7 armor sets in your inventory and are a fast clicker, there will be no fight anymore when you are done. If it was equal, nobody would ever have invented build templates...

If you have 7 sets on one character you're doing it wrong. The presented scenario is hyperbolic if not absurd. At best a second set of armor with a weapon or two extra, maybe some trait changes... But a dozen builds is splitting hairs to miniscule to actually have game changing impact.

So, before it was absurd. Now you have 6 equipment slots to stick whatever you kitten well please in so 6 sets on a character is perfectly feasible and not at all hyperbolic.Vipers, Trailblazers, Marauders, Ministrels, Celestial, and a misc mix slot. All of these are available at the push of a single button so long as you are OoC, likewise with the matching traits/utils.

There is absolutely a pay to win aspect of me being on a thief and opting to glass burst a necro finish him, then when his spellbreaker buddy comes running up I swap into a trailblazers condi build to finish then when 3 more show up I pop on ministrels with shadow arts and GTFO. Anyone who spends a very large portion of time on a class can easily come up with 6 fairly different builds that vastly improve various match ups. Even if it's something as simple as precasting a bunch of traps on your soulbeast then insta swapping into a glass burst build.

I have been away with work, so I have not been able to test anything yet so my assumptions might be wrong on how the system works. However I can see lots of things like this happening as well. And anyone who is serious about WvW will have at least two builds they use. If they don't they are not being very efficient, or they only do one thing, such as blob only. I have burst builds, condi builds, condi counter builds, bunker builds, bruiser builds and variation of each of those that are melee and ranged, all depending on what I am most often running into, as some days it seems like all I see are condi builds, or stealth, or ranged kiting etc etc, the ability to swap that on the fly as I am running up to someone who doesn't have that ability could be the difference of wining the fight or not, however big the advantage ends up being will depend obviously, some situations it might have little impact, and others might be night and day, but running up to someone I can tell or have an idea of what they are running by class, weapon set and what is on their buff bar.

That doesn't even get into abuse, as like you said, maybe I am on thief or DH etc, see someone coming to Bluevale, I push a button for full traps utility, drop them, and then push the button again and boom, I am on a 1vs1 build with other utilities slotted, I also have full weapon swap at the same time, so on thief I could buff or stealth myself, on DH I could staff might, trapper gear etc before swapping builds resulting in a partial benefit of one weapon set while fighting with another whole set. The person then hits all my traps AND has to deal with a now full burst thief build or full condi burn DH etc. These are just random examples, however builds that no one would run also become useful, like you said, running a full bunker/mobility build doesn't do much, but seeing a group coming for you that you have no plans on fighting and that build would help you get away. Or maybe you run that build all the time as a safety net, you are on thief or mes etc and run a troll tanky/mobility build that you can get away on, but you now see a fight you want to take, you push a button and boom, now you are ready.

Not only is this a physical advantage, but a mental tactical one as well. If I run in and hit a full pile of DH traps and engage him, I am going in with the idea he is a full trapper build, which is very pigeonholed into a pretty narrow play style that is easy to counter....But hes really a burn DH with a different play style and ability. Playing around with this if it all works this way, I can only think of the things people might come up with.

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@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

@God.2708 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:Nothing is stopping you from manually changing your build as always.

I'm sorry, but did you actually use the build templates or is this assessment just theoretical? You can switch build, skills and gear with a keyboard shortcut. Either before engaging or, if you died and realize, let's say, you need more health for the group at your home camp, you can quickly change everything with a single click on your way back to the fight.

Nobody changes everything. But I've been tuning on the fly since day one. Changing everything takes maybe 20 seconds? If you're more pressed for time than that, it's because the fight was already lost and you're looking for a rematch with better stats vs. an opponent who's had no such luxury.

You will never be able to do that without build templates in time. Even if you have like 7 armor sets in your inventory and are a fast clicker, there will be no fight anymore when you are done. If it was equal, nobody would ever have invented build templates...

If you have 7 sets on one character you're doing it wrong. The presented scenario is hyperbolic if not absurd. At best a second set of armor with a weapon or two extra, maybe some trait changes... But a dozen builds is splitting hairs to miniscule to actually have game changing impact.

So, before it was absurd. Now you have 6 equipment slots to stick whatever you kitten well please in so 6 sets on a character is perfectly feasible and not at all hyperbolic.Vipers, Trailblazers, Marauders, Ministrels, Celestial, and a misc mix slot. All of these are available at the push of a single button so long as you are OoC, likewise with the matching traits/utils.

There is absolutely a pay to win aspect of me being on a thief and opting to glass burst a necro finish him, then when his spellbreaker buddy comes running up I swap into a trailblazers condi build to finish then when 3 more show up I pop on ministrels with shadow arts and GTFO. Anyone who spends a very large portion of time on a class can easily come up with 6 fairly different builds that vastly improve various match ups. Even if it's something as simple as precasting a bunch of traps on your soulbeast then insta swapping into a glass burst build.

I have been away with work, so I have not been able to test anything yet so my assumptions might be wrong on how the system works. However I can see lots of things like this happening as well. And anyone who is serious about WvW will have at least two builds they use. If they don't they are not being very efficient, or they only do one thing, such as blob only.

but but but I only run 1 build and I dont blob and all I do is WvW (well...99% of the time, other is helping people with JP's) :(

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@God.2708 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:Nothing is stopping you from manually changing your build as always.

I'm sorry, but did you actually use the build templates or is this assessment just theoretical? You can switch build, skills and gear with a keyboard shortcut. Either before engaging or, if you died and realize, let's say, you need more health for the group at your home camp, you can quickly change everything with a single click on your way back to the fight.

Nobody changes everything. But I've been tuning on the fly since day one. Changing everything takes maybe 20 seconds? If you're more pressed for time than that, it's because the fight was already lost and you're looking for a rematch with better stats vs. an opponent who's had no such luxury.

You will never be able to do that without build templates in time. Even if you have like 7 armor sets in your inventory and are a fast clicker, there will be no fight anymore when you are done. If it was equal, nobody would ever have invented build templates...

If you have 7 sets on one character you're doing it wrong. The presented scenario is hyperbolic if not absurd. At best a second set of armor with a weapon or two extra, maybe some trait changes... But a dozen builds is splitting hairs to miniscule to actually have game changing impact.

So, before it was absurd. Now you have 6 equipment slots to stick whatever you kitten well please in so 6 sets on a character is perfectly feasible and not at all hyperbolic.Vipers, Trailblazers, Marauders, Ministrels, Celestial, and a misc mix slot. All of these are available at the push of a single button so long as you are OoC, likewise with the matching traits/utils.

Go ahead and name which class would benefit from all 5 of the named armors now, and applied to which confrontation?

You'd use 3 tops, most classes less.

Fresh Air Marauders v meleeCelestial marauders mix D/D v thieves and mesmersFull celestial sword weaver v general purpose duelingGlass Staff Berserker for when zergs come around or to cheese small scale fights you encounterHeal Tempest Ministrels for supporting a teammate or two

Holy Warlock burn DH in vipers v blobsDire burn guard v thievesMinistrels support for teammatesBerserker MeditrapperValk/marauders mix core hammer guard.

Even if we limit the armor sets to 3 or 4 (because yeah you don't see much variety past ministrels/celestial/marauders) basically every class has trait or utility hotswaps they would be more than happy to access in sub 2s. Mounting and 'resetting' isn't an argument because some players will have to go in keep and sit there and fiddle with their build for 2 minutes whilst others just took their camp because the moment they saw the enemy they had a counter out and ready.

Hell we can get wonky in large scale too! Diviners renegade drops 6s stab roads with 18s of alacrity quick swaps into a mace+staff build for quick blasts on stealth then equipment swaps to full glass herald for the initial bomb.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@God.2708 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:Nothing is stopping you from manually changing your build as always.

I'm sorry, but did you actually use the build templates or is this assessment just theoretical? You can switch build, skills and gear with a keyboard shortcut. Either before engaging or, if you died and realize, let's say, you need more health for the group at your home camp, you can quickly change everything with a single click on your way back to the fight.

Nobody changes everything. But I've been tuning on the fly since day one. Changing everything takes maybe 20 seconds? If you're more pressed for time than that, it's because the fight was already lost and you're looking for a rematch with better stats vs. an opponent who's had no such luxury.

You will never be able to do that without build templates in time. Even if you have like 7 armor sets in your inventory and are a fast clicker, there will be no fight anymore when you are done. If it was equal, nobody would ever have invented build templates...

If you have 7 sets on one character you're doing it wrong. The presented scenario is hyperbolic if not absurd. At best a second set of armor with a weapon or two extra, maybe some trait changes... But a dozen builds is splitting hairs to miniscule to actually have game changing impact.

So, before it was absurd. Now you have 6 equipment slots to stick whatever you kitten well please in so 6 sets on a character is perfectly feasible and not at all hyperbolic.Vipers, Trailblazers, Marauders, Ministrels, Celestial, and a misc mix slot. All of these are available at the push of a single button so long as you are OoC, likewise with the matching traits/utils.

There is absolutely a pay to win aspect of me being on a thief and opting to glass burst a necro finish him, then when his spellbreaker buddy comes running up I swap into a trailblazers condi build to finish then when 3 more show up I pop on ministrels with shadow arts and GTFO. Anyone who spends a very large portion of time on a class can easily come up with 6 fairly different builds that vastly improve various match ups. Even if it's something as simple as precasting a bunch of traps on your soulbeast then insta swapping into a glass burst build.

I have been away with work, so I have not been able to test anything yet so my assumptions might be wrong on how the system works. However I can see lots of things like this happening as well. And anyone who is serious about WvW will have at least two builds they use. If they don't they are not being very efficient, or they only do one thing, such as blob only.

but but but I only run 1 build and I dont blob and all I do is WvW (well...99% of the time, other is helping people with JP's) :(

Which wasn't my point. It's not if you do or don't use other builds, its that having access to instant full build/gear swap can and will be abused, be it by you or those you are fighting. Which even if this was free and unlimited tabs etc, while maybe less of an issue as everyone would at least all have equal access, it is still ripe for abuse in the manners I mentioned and probably many more once people have had the time to play around with it.

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Everyone can swap template by default, dont need to buy anything. But even if a person did, more build templates doesnt automatically mean its better. U also run the risk of being stuck in a bad template at the wrong time.

P2w is like RoM type games where real money u spent gave +99 sword dmg thats totally unattainable by any means except spending real money.

I personally like the new templates feature, its brings new life & features that everyone can enjoy & have fun experimenting with, into an otherwise stale game mode.

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@hugeboss.5432 said:Everyone can swap template by default, dont need to buy anything. But even if a person did, more build templates doesnt automatically mean its better. U also run the risk of being stuck in a bad template at the wrong time.

P2w is like RoM type games where real money u spent gave +99 sword dmg thats totally unattainable by any means except spending real money.

shhhhh you may trigger more debates on that

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@hugeboss.5432 said:Everyone can swap template by default, dont need to buy anything. But even if a person did, more build templates doesnt automatically mean its better. U also run the risk of being stuck in a bad template at the wrong time.

P2w is like RoM type games where real money u spent gave +99 sword dmg thats totally unattainable by any means except spending real money.

I personally like the new templates feature, its brings new life & features that everyone can enjoy & have fun experimenting with, into an otherwise stale game mode.

You actually do need to buy more if you play other game modes as well. You only start with one template per game mode. If you only play WvW you get that advantage for free, but you don't need even more barriers for new players joining. The warclaw was kitten enough as it is.

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Everyone has the ability to instantly change their builds. It is not strictly to the benefit of any one player. If you exit combat to change your build and re-engage, your opponent(s) could just as easily do the same. It favors no one if everyone has equal opportunity. Not everyone will catch on to such a scenario instantly, but such as the saying goes; "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

If I'm playing a core power Necromancer and a Thief drops combat on me, and I feel tryhard enough to swap builds for when they re-engage, what I change to may be a direct counter to what the Thief left combat to swap to, or vice versa. It's better to stick with what you have and to improve with that than to rely on rock paper scissors, but I doubt saying that will change anything in the minds of people not doing so. Most players exhibit no signs of a willingness to improve anyway.

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@"Ganathar.4956" said:You actually do need to buy more if you play other game modes as well. You only start with one template per game mode. If you only play WvW you get that advantage for free, but you don't need even more barriers for new players joining. The warclaw was kitten enough as it is.

U dont actually have to use real money to buy these things (thats merely an option). Its almost exactly like buying a new exotic greatsword for your character using ingame gold. That seriously cannot be classified as "pay to win" in any normal sense, perhaps OP meant it as a joke? ;)

I can agree there could of perhaps been 4 free standard template tabs (1pvp 1wvw 1pve-openworld 1pve-raid), since the 2 pve game modes are so entirely different in mechanic with stricter gear checking. But I think you have misread the templates section, we used to have a single template individually locked in each of the 3 seperate game modes, and now we have standard 3 seperate build templates available to use in any of the modes we want. Worst case scenario it might not give new benefits for every character out there, but for a vast majority of characters this added alot more flexibility, and nothing than what was available from before has been lost.

U can easily enough still work ways around the system and play all game modes without using templates (me & alot of ppl have multiple chars with the same profession with different gear & builds for that very purpose). Now I have 2 completely seperate equipment templates to boost, so you might not need another char slot for the same level of convienience these days, but the option is still there, nothing was removed, only different solutions & new options have been made available.

[imo, gliding & warclaw were pretty well implemented into a really tricky game mode, and it definately brought WvW up to a level more intune with the evolution of the primary game world.]

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The ability to swap gear on the fly in Dark Souls is considered as par for the course when it comes to skilled PVP. I've carried that sentiment over myself. To say that I have a WvW build is, under the strictest of definitions, incorrect. Truth is, I've learned the placement of traits and where they are useful. Between fights I am constantly shifting between different traits and utilities depending on what I am going to face, or what I plan to be doing.

I don't see how having templates making that process faster is necessarily a bad thing. Aside from #1, which is just whatever you're wearing, you get 2 additional free trait/utility loadouts to go in to. I've been using them on my weaver to alternate between offensive and defensive loadouts, depending on whether I'm zerging/aggressor or roaming/defending. I was doing it before, but now it is much easier on my pained wrists to swap around.

Switching has always been good. Templates making it easier doesn't really make the game pay to win. There isn't 6 magical counterpicks that will allow you to 1v1 every other build in the game.

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@"hugeboss.5432" said:U dont actually have to use real money to buy these things (thats merely an option). Its almost exactly like buying a new exotic greatsword for your character using ingame gold. That seriously cannot be classified as "pay to win" in any normal sense, perhaps OP meant it as a joke? ;)

If the argument here is that you can always trade gems for gold, then I disagree with the conclusion. If that argument were valid, there could be no P2W anywhere in the game. They could make boosters for WvW that are solely sold in the gem store and your argument would make that OK.

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@"hugeboss.5432" said:U dont actually have to use real money to buy these things (thats merely an option). Its almost exactly like buying a new exotic greatsword for your character using ingame gold. That seriously cannot be classified as "pay to win" in any normal sense, perhaps OP meant it as a joke? ;)

If the argument here is that you can always trade gems for gold, then I disagree with the conclusion. If that argument were valid, there could be no P2W anywhere in the game. They could make boosters for WvW that are solely sold in the gem store and your argument would make that OK.

Which is exactly what makes the gem-gold exchange useful. Also yes, given ANY item on the gem store is available via ingame methods, it depends on the definition of pay to win.

The regular definition of having offered advantages which are only available for real money does not fit, ergo it would not be pay to win under that one.

The broader definition of pay to win where the inconvenience is big enough to strongly encourage sales for realm money barely applies per character (but might for an entire account and how wealthy an individual is ingame).

The only pay to win definition which would fit is the one where ANY inconvenience or time save which can be circumvented with real money is considered as such. Given how there have been a multitude of convenience and quality of life items in the gem store for years, some which are way more useful than templates, this is nothing new.

As far as WvW, the issue is actually not if this is pay to win or not, it is more an issue of should ANYBODY be able to change builds on the fly? My personal answer to that is: No. Make it so changing builds is only possible at spawn. There is far bigger issues of concern here going along with this (like switching to a boon setup, buffing up, then switching back to a combat setup). The best solution overall is to disallow build chagning outside of a designated area for WvW.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:The only pay to win definition which would fit is the one where ANY inconvenience or time save which can be circumvented with real money is considered as such. Given how there have been a multitude of convenience and quality of life items in the gem store for years, some which are way more useful than templates, this is nothing new.

Can you name a single item on the gem store that gives you a competitive advantage over other players other than the template slots?

@Cyninja.2954 said:As far as WvW, the issue is actually not if this is pay to win or not, it is more an issue of should ANYBODY be able to change builds on the fly? My personal answer to that is: No. Make it so changing builds is only possible at spawn. There is far bigger issues of concern here going along with this (like switching to a boon setup, buffing up, then switching back to a combat setup). The best solution overall is to disallow build chagning outside of a designated area for WvW.

I'm fine with an infinite number of slots, as long as everybody who participates is treated equally. Anet even made the game so you don't have a competitive advantage using legendary weapons. Not everybody can spend 2500 gold on a legendary weapon, but you get the same stats with cheap or even free ascended ones. And not everybody can spend a few thousand gold to max out the templatre slots either. Also, imagine everybody just traded gold for gems. It wouldn't work, someone needs to buy the gems at some point. Anet is profitting from providing a competitive advantage to players who are able and willing to pay.

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@"Cyninja.2954" said:
The only pay to win definition which would fit
is the one where
ANY inconvenience
or time save which can be circumvented with real money
is considered as such
. Given how there have been a multitude of convenience and quality of life items in the gem store for years, some which are
way more useful than templates
, this is nothing new.

Can you name a single item on the gem store that gives you a competitive advantage over other players other than the template slots?


Now even improved since it is available as novelty to all characters on the account once acquired.

@Faaris.8013 said:

@"Cyninja.2954" said:As far as WvW, the issue is actually not if this is pay to win or not, it is more an issue of should ANYBODY be able to change builds on the fly? My personal answer to that is: No. Make it so changing builds is only possible at spawn. There is far bigger issues of concern here going along with this (like switching to a boon setup, buffing up, then switching back to a combat setup). The best solution overall is to disallow build chagning outside of a designated area for WvW.

I'm fine with an infinite number of slots, as long as everybody who participates is treated equally. Anet even made the game so you don't have a competitive advantage using legendary weapons. Not everybody can spend 2500 gold on a legendary weapon, but you get the same stats with cheap or even free ascended ones. And not everybody can spend a few thousand gold to max out the templatre slots either. Also, imagine everybody just traded gold for gems. It wouldn't work, someone needs to buy the gems at some point. Anet is profitting from providing a competitive advantage to players who are able and willing to pay.

Please don't come with this "someone has to buy the gems" argument since by that time this game will have far greater issues than some minor inconveniences. If less people buy gems to convert into gold, the gold/gem rate changes. All this does is increase the discomfort for players converting gold. I already addressed this, according to my personal opinion, the current conversion rate is not that high that it would warrent calling it a major inconvenience. That might change if the gem gold price increases drastically. Yet, even now it has dropped back to pre patch levels.

Yes, and 1 legendary weapon is almost the full cost of decking out a character in full build and equipment templates. Now players have a choice. Also given how all you would need is at best 3 equipment/build templates total to be able to counter most enemy players (if we assume there is no patch which limits the use and people start running bulitple builds just for this case). The actual amount of gold required currently is minimal.

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It ought to be limited to be within spawn for sure, if it's just a convenience thing. If it's ooc then that's a huge advantage to stealth builds, as well as high mobility condi builds (stealth builds deny the opponent the opportunity to counter you before the fight starts while still granting you that opportunity, and condi would start on trailblazer, condi them up, ooc while the opponent is kept in combat by long duration condis, swap to glass burst and nuke them when they have cooldowns). Based on this, roaming classes like thief, mesmer and ranger stand to benefit massively as I see it.

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:would start on trailblazer, condi them up, ooc while the opponent is kept in combat by long duration condis

This is not how conditions work.. unless that got changed recently too

It certainly used to work that way, if you can get enough distance and your condis have long enough duration. It doesn't have to be a damaging condi, weakness or cripple with sufficiently long duration would do the trick too, assuming they tried to cleanse and only got the damaging condis. Hence why the only classes likely to be able to abuse this are thief, mesmer and ranger, I don't think anything else would have enough mobility combined with the relevant condi access and sufficiently powerful ranged power burst builds to turn around and end the fight in one spike.

It has been a while since I played condi much tho, so do feel free to correct me if how ooc works has changed and I didn't notice. I'd have to play around with it and see how viable it is, all I'm saying is that there's the potential for this to be abused if it's not limited in some way. People will have to decide whether that potential is offset by the ability for the other guy to swap specs on the fly to deal with roamers.

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This discussion is inherently absurd. By your argument,paying gems for extra build slots is pay to win ? People have been able to buy gems and convert into gold which can be used to buy materials and precursors for legendary weapons since the beginning of this game. Legendary equipment can be change ,all be it a little slower, without the need to pack extra gear around. That could also be considered pay to win . Extra bag slots to pack extra gear around can be considered pay to win .Cross character inventor slots could be considered pay to win . Even the the gem conversion could be considered pay to win . Maybe ANET should just delete all the ascended ,legendary or any gear people bought materials for.Even people that can afford better internet connections could be considered pay to win.Why do people is this game need to complain and nit pick about every addition or update made .The build slots are a convenience, nothing more.All you need is a bunker build ,glass build,condition build and balanced build nothing more , If you need more build slots than what has been offered, then you just need to get better at the game.

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