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Do you actively use the Build-Templates feature?

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@"aspirine.6852" said:I do.. But I also wonder why i see all templates on each char and not just the ones for my current. Is that some kind of setting I missed?

This is one of the most common issues I have noticed so far - from those who are interested in the feature but somehow struggle with it. It is not really complicated, just a little confusing.

The feature consists of three sections ...

! 1.) Equipment Templates: Where we can add different gear to different sets, change Runes/Sigils and other Upgrade Components (e. g. Infusions).! yvDYVo5.jpg! 2.) Build Templates: Where we can select specific traits and skills (healing, utility and elite).! d1rEWU3.jpg! 3.) Build Storage: Where we can store builds we currently do not use. The ones which can not be used by our current character are grayed out.! PDtPMnp.jpg!! Intended use! You use the (1) Equipment Templates and (2) Build Templates in combination. That means you can use different traits & skills with different Equipment sets. If you only have one equipment set, just use one slot. If you are curious about other weapons, you can also try them out in the second slot and quickly switch to your real weapon. If you use the hot-keys, you can switch the Templates within the blink of an eye (while out of combat).!! The (3) Build Storage can be seen as a storage-stick. You can use it to store Build Templates (no equipment) of different classes, which you currently do not use on your normal slots. It is a shared storage, similar to the old Memory Card of the Play Station consoles. You can also think of it like an external HDD you use for backups. It is always there and you can use it infinite times to copy builds. But like a physical storage, the space is shared.

Too less build templates

There is a cheap option to access more Build Templates without purchasing additional slots or filling your limited Build Storage:

The Message of the day

! If you have a bank guild or have an empty guild-slot, you can just create a new personal guild for 2 gold right in the guild-board (G). Just make sure you do not represent any of your current guilds. Click on one of the empty slots and then on Create Guild.!! Just open the Message of the Day by clicking on the [Edit] button and copy/paste your important builds in the text-field. Keep in mind the length of the MotD is limited to 999 characters. The more detailed your explanations are, the less space you have. In my example here, I managed to save up to 11 different builds. With less descriptions, you may be able to add even more.! WwFKkgD.jpg! Looks weird when copy/pasting the builds, also keep in mind that the codes are not processed on the guild board. (as you see in the background)!! kmjF3UU.jpg! But if you save it and load the MotD in your chat, it is all visible.!! switchting builds quickly! - right-click on the link! - Apply to Build Template! - pick the slot you are currently using!! In this special case, the build will update instantly (if you are out of combat).!! Hints:! - use a certain chat-window for the build-templates, I load my bank-guild chat in my private chat channel, which I normally use for whispers only.! G4IwwJm.jpg! - If you want to load the list quickly, just represent by clicking on the checkbox once. Checking a guild to represent automatically loads the MotD of that guild. You can switch back to your regular guild right away. As long as you do not use the same chat-tab for both, the message will be still visible.! - It obviously will NOT work when you are playing in Invisible mode.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll so far!

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I sorta use them but since we only get 2 without buying more and would still have issues with things like legendary weapons, and limits how many builds can be "stored" plus the gawd awful multi-panel per "build" semi-useless funkiness basically causes me allot of problems and I just wish the template system would be removed cause its worse than no templates.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Moradorin.6217" said:I just wish the template system would be removed cause its worse than no templates.

No one is forcing you to use them if they don't work for you. Please allow those of us who do use them to continue doing so.

How can I avoid using them? Literally every time I swap a weapon I am impacted by them. I have NO choice. Did I miss some method to dissable the template sytem and use the "classic" equipment system? I use legendary weapons and armor so it has totally changed how things work for me. I want the templates to work which is why I posted. I would like to help get them to actually NOT suck!

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@"Moradorin.6217" said:I sorta use them but since we only get 2 without buying more and would still have issues with things like legendary weapons, and limits how many builds can be "stored" plus the gawd awful multi-panel per "build" semi-useless funkiness basically causes me allot of problems and I just wish the template system would be removed cause its worse than no templates.

^ This. So so bad. Please fix?

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@HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

@"aspirine.6852" said:I do.. But I also wonder why i see all templates on each char and not just the ones for my current. Is that some kind of setting I missed?

This is one of the most common issues I have noticed so far - from those who are interested in the feature but somehow struggle with it. It is not really complicated, just a little confusing.

The feature consists of three sections ...

! 1.)
Equipment Templates:
Where we can add different gear to different sets, change Runes/Sigils and other Upgrade Components (e. g. Infusions).!
! 2.)
Build Templates:
Where we can select specific traits and skills (healing, utility and elite).!
! 3.)
Build Storage:
Where we can store builds we currently do not use. The ones which can not be used by our current character are grayed out.!
Intended use
! You use the (1) Equipment Templates and (2) Build Templates in combination. That means you can use different traits & skills with different Equipment sets. If you only have one equipment set, just use one slot. If you are curious about other weapons, you can also try them out in the second slot and quickly switch to your real weapon. If you use the hot-keys, you can switch the Templates within the blink of an eye (while out of combat).!! The (3) Build Storage can be seen as a storage-stick. You can use it to store
Build Templates
(no equipment) of different classes, which you currently do not use on your normal slots. It is a shared storage, similar to the old Memory Card of the Play Station consoles. You can also think of it like an external HDD you use for backups. It is always there and you can use it infinite times to copy builds. But like a physical storage, the space is shared.

Too less build templates

There is a cheap option to access more Build Templates without purchasing additional slots or filling your limited Build Storage:

The Message of the day

! If you have a bank guild or have an empty guild-slot, you can just create a new personal guild for 2 gold right in the guild-board (G). Just make sure you do not represent any of your current guilds. Click on one of the empty slots and then on
Create Guild
.!! Just open the Message of the Day by clicking on the [Edit] button and copy/paste your important builds in the text-field. Keep in mind the length of the MotD is limited to 999 characters. The more detailed your explanations are, the less space you have. In my example here, I managed to save up to 11 different builds. With less descriptions, you may be able to add even more.!
! Looks weird when copy/pasting the builds, also keep in mind that the codes are not processed on the guild board. (as you see in the background)!!
! But if you save it and load the MotD in your chat, it is all visible.!!
switchting builds quickly
! - right-click on the link! - Apply to Build Template! - pick the slot you are currently using!! In this special case, the build will update instantly (if you are out of combat).!! Hints:! - use a certain chat-window for the build-templates, I load my bank-guild chat in my private chat channel, which I normally use for whispers only.!
! - If you want to load the list quickly, just represent by clicking on the checkbox once. Checking a guild to represent automatically loads the MotD of that guild. You can switch back to your regular guild right away. As long as you do not use the same chat-tab for both, the message will be still visible.! - It obviously will NOT work when you are playing in Invisible mode.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll so far!

This looks workable, however, sadly it no longer seems to work. Specifically, the "Copy Built template" function doesn't copy the template to the PCs clipboard anymore. Rather the "copy" is only available to "paste" into an empty template slot or to overwrite an existing template, BUT u cannot past the text u show in your screen cap at all unfortunately. It woulda been nice if that worked. I suspect Anet saw your post and nerfed that to try and force people to buy the crappy system. In fact, I cannot even share a template anymore due to this new limitation.

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@Monimon.6710 said:it does for me : [&DQgTPjUbMisoD6IAdwEAAHABAAB1AQAAkgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]simple copy template, paste here.(new necro: pls do not comment, just created him)

Odd, I also asked in guild chat just now and other people have the same issue. It will not copy to clipboard from the build template list in the hero panel. It will only allow it to copy within the game to another template for myself and everyone that responded in guild chat just a moment ago. Are you sure you didn't just copy that link from an old list of links in text form? Seriously, cannot share a link no body in game I talk to can right now. I'm in game now and it doesn't work.

EDIT: Ok its working, BUT I have to copy form the numbered tabs NOT from the template list (names) to get it to clipboard which is just very odd to me. I dont really get why that is, but what ever. Going to give the alt guild motd work around a try now.

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Well after some experimentation that really doesnt help much since it only applies to "build" but no matter what I do I cannot get the equipment to change from a link so that means it really wont be much use much of the time and wont help at all with sigils and infusions dropping. Never mind, still junk even with the work around.

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I don't have many character slots so the temlates are really helpful! I can have both condi and power builds on the same toon, specifically my ranger who I prefer condi, but power is more optimal. For the rest, they already have a steady build, but I might use it for my brand new guardian: one build for solo, one for group content.

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@"Moradorin.6217" said:Well after some experimentation that really doesnt help much since it only applies to "build" but no matter what I do I cannot get the equipment to change from a link so that means it really wont be much use much of the time and wont help at all with sigils and infusions dropping. Never mind, still junk even with the work around.

the equipment templates don't have a shareable link. Only trait templates. This is because the equipment is tied to a paticular character and cannot be shared between characters. (without you removing it from one)

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I have my PvE build and my WvW build, apart from that I completely ignore build templates, I would go so far as too have an option to completely turn them off and be able to go back to pre templates. I have zero interest in them.Plus I have legendary gear so templates are pointless to me

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