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The Negativity Snowball


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@Goettel.4389 said:I tend to assume about 10% of any player base is vocal on forums, Reddit etc. - and not even all of them are negative nancies.Which means things are rarely as bleak as painted, most are too busy just playing (and so presumably enjoying) the game.

I don't know if your numbers are correct - but you assumptions seem right. Game forums are almost always negative. The 'doom & gloom' posts are always going on. Watch out for (insert hot new game of the week) it will kill our game... oh woe is me.I come here for game info, too many come just to complain. A vast majority of the players never come to the forums.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:sry but u guys are locked into a catch22,if just more raids/fractals/legendaries works no one will be discussing the "state of the game".

i hope Anet realized that pvp is the real end game that really works.... overinvesting in instanced content for end game for speedrunners elitists is proved to be a failure at this point. 1~2 fractals per "season" is more than enough, 1 raid per season is more than enough.

Here is how this works:

  • the studio looks at where money is generated and in what way
  • based on that information, new content gets developed

Now add those 2 together and figure out where on that list PvP stands and you'll have your answer as to how much content you can expect for those game modes.

If you want to go a step further, look at past developement for PvP and take a guess how much money those game modes have generated in comparison to PvE. I'll help you out: next to nothing.

You want more pvp/wvw content? Either hope that the PvE monetization allows for diverting some resources or be someone who spends money on the game with a majority of game time on pvp/wvw as to affect the metric.

Just asking for more content when the game modes create nearly 0 revenue will get you just that: 0 content.

Money talks, bullshit walks. - https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Money%20Talks%2C%20Bullshit%20Walks


money talks, bullshit walks

Attempting to accomplish a goal by demonstrating possession of material resources will succeed, while attempting to accomplish that goal through mere rhetoric will fail.
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@msalakka.4653 said:People who keep buying gems with cash are maintaining the company's disinterest in its customers' opinions.

and people who spend no money on the game make the company have to resort to more predatory practices. I love this new age approach: If I give them less money, they are going to make things cheaper.

Yes, vote with your wallet works, but it only works if the customers are actually willing to spend money in the first place. 90% of all complaints about monetization are based in people not wanting to spend a single dime. Suffice to say, that's not going to work, ever.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@msalakka.4653 said:People who keep buying gems with cash are maintaining the company's disinterest in its customers' opinions.

and people who spend no money on the game make the company have to resort to more predatory practices. I love this new age approach: If I give them less money, they are going to make things cheaper.

Yes, vote with your wallet works, but it only works if the customers are actually willing to spend money in the first place. 90% of all complaints about monetization are based in people not wanting to spend a single dime. Suffice to say, that's not going to work, ever.

I already know when I pull up to a gas station that three guys won't jump out, one to pump gas for me, one to wash my windshield, one to check on oil gauge. I'll pump gas myself and pay a high price for it. But I'll get to where I am headed. To me it's worth the value.

I can't speak for you, but I don't want things cheaper in this game. They already are cheap in terms of development and production effort. They're already cheap in terms of server performance. They're already cheap in regards to customer/company interaction and communication.

I've no problem paying for value. I've played since launch and the money I've spent on this game is in quadruple digits. I have no regrets about most of it. But the experience for me has continued to decrease substantially one bad decision at a time since the release of PoF. I was already losing guildies due to HoT. Nothing they have done this year has indicated an improvement in their direction. Therefore there the value of the product they provide no longer meets worth the cost of investment.

If you think the company is putting out a stellar product that you enjoy, by all means support it financially if you can, especially if you don't mind the fact that they entirely ignore customer feedback.

If you think they are doing a lackluster job but pay for virtual goods anyway, well...

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@msalakka.4653 said:

@msalakka.4653 said:People who keep buying gems with cash are maintaining the company's disinterest in its customers' opinions.

and people who spend no money on the game make the company have to resort to more predatory practices. I love this new age approach: If I give them less money, they are going to make things cheaper.

Yes, vote with your wallet works, but it only works if the customers are actually willing to spend money in the first place. 90% of all complaints about monetization are based in people not wanting to spend a single dime. Suffice to say, that's not going to work, ever.

I already know when I pull up to a gas station that three guys won't jump out, one to pump gas for me, one to wash my windshield, one to check on oil gauge. I'll pump gas myself and pay a high price for it. But I'll get to where I am headed. To me it's worth the value.

I can't speak for you, but I don't want things cheaper in this game. They already are cheap in terms of development and production effort. They're already cheap in terms of server performance. They're already cheap in regards to customer/company interaction and communication.

I've no problem paying for value. I've played since launch and the money I've spent on this game is in quadruple digits. I have no regrets about most of it. But the experience
for me
has continued to decrease substantially one bad decision at a time since the release of PoF. I was already losing guildies due to HoT. Nothing they have done this year has indicated an improvement in their direction. Therefore there the value of the product they provide no longer meets worth the cost of investment.

If you think the company is putting out a stellar product that you enjoy, by all means support it financially if you can, especially if you don't mind the fact that they entirely ignore customer feedback.

If you think they are doing a lackluster job but pay for virtual goods anyway, well...

Which is fine, but you have to realize that a vast majority of complaints made are not this founded and a very large of this player base spends the bare minimum on the game, which is based in the over generous monetization system.

So you can complain about digital goods and how you do not value them, but fact is, with the current monetization in place, that's what is keeping the lights on.

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@Vayne.8563 said:Because the Guild Wars IP is the only product(s) offered at all by Anet, it's easy to make the assumption that Guild Wars = Anet.

ArenaNet = Guild Wars. Otherwise NCSoft wouldn't be able to lay off people from their own company. They're not independent company. And they're not publisher.ArenaNet is company hired by NCSoft to work on Guild Wars 2. They work for them. Not for themselves. And NCsoft got other companies to do other games. As we can see they don't need ArenaNet to do it. Of course it may change if NCsoft decide that they want ArenaNet to do for them some game. But still: its all about NCsoft vision.

To change it they would have to become publisher. And invest their own money (not gave them from NCSoft) to other projects. And then release them on their own.Then yeah. They would have ArenaNet GW2 team which is driven by NCSoft. And ArenaNet for other projects, which is independent.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@msalakka.4653 said:People who keep buying gems with cash are maintaining the company's disinterest in its customers' opinions.

and people who spend no money on the game make the company have to resort to more predatory practices. I love this new age approach: If I give them less money, they are going to make things cheaper.

Yes, vote with your wallet works, but it only works if the customers are actually willing to spend money in the first place. 90% of all complaints about monetization are based in people not wanting to spend a single dime. Suffice to say, that's not going to work, ever.

I already know when I pull up to a gas station that three guys won't jump out, one to pump gas for me, one to wash my windshield, one to check on oil gauge. I'll pump gas myself and pay a high price for it. But I'll get to where I am headed. To me it's worth the value.

I can't speak for you, but I don't want things cheaper in this game. They already are cheap in terms of development and production effort. They're already cheap in terms of server performance. They're already cheap in regards to customer/company interaction and communication.

I've no problem paying for value. I've played since launch and the money I've spent on this game is in quadruple digits. I have no regrets about most of it. But the experience
for me
has continued to decrease substantially one bad decision at a time since the release of PoF. I was already losing guildies due to HoT. Nothing they have done this year has indicated an improvement in their direction. Therefore there the value of the product they provide no longer meets worth the cost of investment.

If you think the company is putting out a stellar product that you enjoy, by all means support it financially if you can, especially if you don't mind the fact that they entirely ignore customer feedback.

If you think they are doing a lackluster job but pay for virtual goods anyway, well...

Which is fine, but you have to realize that a vast majority of complaints made are not this founded and a very large of this player base spends the bare minimum on the game, which is based in the over generous monetization system.

So you can complain about digital goods and how you do not value them, but fact is, with the current monetization in place, that's what is keeping the lights on.

That is a good point, no doubt about it. I don't want the lights turned off or more employees axed. I am simply out of ideas as to how to get them to listen to and consider customer feedback instead of implementing boneheaded ideas, unless pressure is applied through lowered revenue. Then again, who's to say that wouldn't just get us another server farm downgrade instead of customer interaction...

I can't comment on the value of the Ice Saga thing itself as I don't pay much attention to PvE.

I enjoyed your comments. You write balanced arguments.

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@Xar.6279 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Because the Guild Wars IP is the only product(s) offered at all by Anet, it's easy to make the assumption that Guild Wars = Anet.

ArenaNet = Guild Wars. Otherwise NCSoft wouldn't be able to lay off people from their own company. They're not independent company. And they're not publisher.ArenaNet is company hired by NCSoft to work on Guild Wars 2. They work for them. Not for themselves. And NCsoft got other companies to do other games. As we can see they don't need ArenaNet to do it.

To change it they would have to become publisher. And invest their own money (not gave them from NCSoft) to other projects. And then release them on their own.Then yeah. They would have ArenaNet GW2 team which is driven by NCSoft. And ArenaNet for other projects, which is independent.

Arena Net is a company. Guild Wars is an IP. Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 are product lines. That's what that is.

Anet was working on OTHER projects that were not Guild Wars 1 or Guild Wars 2. At least a couple of those other projects never came to fruition. Most of the layoffs came from those products. That has nothing at all do to with Guild Wars 1 or 2. The decision to close those projects was behind a lot of the layoffs. Some people from Guild Wars were let go, some people were moved from those projects back to Guild Wars. Can you tell me how many people were working on Guild Wars before the layoff and how many after. I ask this because we don't know. We can't know. We can't have any real idea.

This company started with 300 employees when it was making just Guild Wars and hired about another hundred. So it has 400 employees some of whom were working on other projects. Presumably some of the Guild Wars 2 employees were also moved to other projects that simply never panned out. Therefore, Anet is not Guild Wars 2.

NcSoft could have been annoyed at other failed projects and still have no real issue with Guild Wars 2. In fact, the one time Guild Wars 2 did slightly underperform years ago, NcSOft mentioned it at their conference call. They haven't said anything at all since then. Guild Wars 2 is likely meeting expectations.

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Its nothing new that some company works only on one game which is MMORPG. And don't release anything else. Because they don't have to. This kind of companies are formed only because of these MMORPG's. Otherwise they wouldn't be formed. In MMORPG genre its something usual. Publisher finds company which focus on some game and all they have to do is working on this game.

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@kharmin.7683 said:As long as the investors are content with Anet, there is no compelling reason to change the status quo.Of course, by the time investors will notice the situation is not good and will stop being content with Anet, it will likely be way too late to actually do anything with it.

In a way, layoffs were exactly this - the investors (NCSoft) reacted, but by the time they did so, the game already lost a chance to make another expansion. Everyting that happened after just snowballed down from there.

@Goettel.4389 said:I tend to assume about 10% of any player base is vocal on forums, Reddit etc. - and not even all of them are negative nancies.Which means things are rarely as bleak as painted, most are too busy just playing (and so presumably enjoying) the game.You were able to hear this kind of argument in practically every game that went under, repeated often until the very moment the game got cancelled.

Remember, while it is true that unsatisfied people are more likely to post things on forums than satisfied ones, it is also true that most of unsatisfied players do not post anything at all - they just quit. The ones that are posting are those that still care.

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Honestly, after Gale left, the forum moderation has became incredibly poor. Anet outreach has always been poor, but lately, it is bordering on deceptive. Add to that the lack of content and major disasters, like build templates, negativity is the normal response.

How can it changes? It needs fundamental changes to significantly improve:

Forum moderation.Outreach.And most importantly, content.

In other words, it will never happen.

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@msalakka.4653 said:

@msalakka.4653 said:People who keep buying gems with cash are maintaining the company's disinterest in its customers' opinions.

and people who spend no money on the game make the company have to resort to more predatory practices. I love this new age approach: If I give them less money, they are going to make things cheaper.

Yes, vote with your wallet works, but it only works if the customers are actually willing to spend money in the first place. 90% of all complaints about monetization are based in people not wanting to spend a single dime. Suffice to say, that's not going to work, ever.

I already know when I pull up to a gas station that three guys won't jump out, one to pump gas for me, one to wash my windshield, one to check on oil gauge. I'll pump gas myself and pay a high price for it. But I'll get to where I am headed. To me it's worth the value.

I can't speak for you, but I don't want things cheaper in this game. They already are cheap in terms of development and production effort. They're already cheap in terms of server performance. They're already cheap in regards to customer/company interaction and communication.

I've no problem paying for value. I've played since launch and the money I've spent on this game is in quadruple digits. I have no regrets about most of it. But the experience
for me
has continued to decrease substantially one bad decision at a time since the release of PoF. I was already losing guildies due to HoT. Nothing they have done this year has indicated an improvement in their direction. Therefore there the value of the product they provide no longer meets worth the cost of investment.

If you think the company is putting out a stellar product that you enjoy, by all means support it financially if you can, especially if you don't mind the fact that they entirely ignore customer feedback.

If you think they are doing a lackluster job but pay for virtual goods anyway, well...

Which is fine, but you have to realize that a vast majority of complaints made are not this founded and a very large of this player base spends the bare minimum on the game, which is based in the over generous monetization system.

So you can complain about digital goods and how you do not value them, but fact is, with the current monetization in place, that's what is keeping the lights on.

That is a good point, no doubt about it. I don't want the lights turned off or more employees axed. I am simply out of ideas as to how to get them to listen to and consider customer feedback instead of implementing boneheaded ideas, unless pressure is applied through lowered revenue. Then again, who's to say that wouldn't just get us another server farm downgrade instead of customer interaction...

I can't comment on the value of the Ice Saga thing itself as I don't pay much attention to PvE.

I enjoyed your comments. You write balanced arguments.

Thank you, it sometimes is hard to remain objective (and I am sure I certainly am not myself) but the main problem for me is the constant unjustified complaints (from a financial perspective, obviously every one has a right to his opinion) from players.

I am not fan of the gem store, but I accept it as the counter opposite to a nearly free game with very low purchase cost. Others have brought up subscription fees, which other games use successfully to reduce their optional monetization, but the reaction to those by many is just as negative (and while I'd personally be fine with subscription fees, I fully understand people being against them given how they were never present). Then there is the complaints about features like build templates and player unwilligness (at least on the forums) to pay for these services (in part because it was available for free via third party program, in part because they are quite expensive).

I completely agree with players withholding investing into a game they do not enjoy or directions they do not support, but as mentioned, the funding will have to come from somewhere.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:sry but u guys are locked into a catch22,if just more raids/fractals/legendaries works no one will be discussing the "state of the game".

i hope Anet realized that pvp is the real end game that really works.... overinvesting in instanced content for end game for speedrunners elitists is proved to be a failure at this point. 1~2 fractals per "season" is more than enough, 1 raid per season is more than enough.

well, good thing they murdered pvp and wvw balancing everything around raid test golem performance.

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@Cerioth.7062 said:But what amount of communication is enough? Where do we draw the line? Do we go to the point where they communicate all their future plans, and people will backlash anyway if things will not pass as they had planned?

I'm sure professionals can find the place for that line better than ArenaNet has thus far. Camelot Unchained has been in development for 6 years with no end in sight, and the only reason City State Entertainment still has backers (I am one) believing in that nearly-vaporware is that they are good at communication and seemingly honest. They certainly found where to draw the line. Why can't ArenaNet?

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@"Vinceman.4572" said:

"Everything is on the table" Is what we will get, thats all we've ever gotten.

Im pretty sure from here on we won't get anything outside of the living world episode, and strikes. Expecting anything more at this stage of the game is simply hopeful ignorance because its very clear to me and a lot of others that they only wish to make this content. Raids, WvW, PvP, Fractals even E-specs, classes, Races, mounts , legendary gen 3 are all things we will not see. It's done. And the damage is irreparable unless they decided its something worth putting resources into, but clearly they deem it as meaningless and "Not worth the effort".

This is telling because for years people stated "Id rather then dedicate resources elsewhere" and now they are, to the modes they consider the most fruitful. And this is and will be guild wars from here on out. Lower your expectations and give up hope; Let them do as they do and play the game as the intend for you to play which is if you have the goals you wanted to meet met... come back every two or so months. I've become so casual with my time now because its like I just don't care enough anymore, I loved the theme and story and even the map of the new episode. But im almost done with the collections and all the acheivo's and then I won't be back more than likely till the next release which is what is intended.

Faith, belief and hope are all things that take energy... more energy than Im allowing myself to spend or dedicate to a game and company who clearly doesn't care or wish to give me as the customer what I desire or ask for. (Of which im willing to pay for.)

You know what? I think you're absolutely right. We're done.One of your comments in a different thread wasn't a real eye-opener for me but let's say a little bit more than the tip of the iceberg to finally accept that this game won't deliver the content I like to play and therefore I can make my peace with it. It's totally fine and healthy. I will show up here and there, maybe play for some days or not and taste the story content when it arrives and I'm in the mood for it.Time to play some other games and shrink my pile of shame. It's about kitten time.

Took you a while :3

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To me the biggest disappointment is the game not having a clear future. I want an expansion that's on par with what PoF brought to the table, and Living World just isn't cutting it. It never was. Anet hasn't made any statements that would make me confident that the game would ever have something like PoF ever again, and without that assurance, I'm just not in the mood to play anymore. I've played the game since release, but the constant repetition has worn me down.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@msalakka.4653 said:People who keep buying gems with cash are maintaining the company's disinterest in its customers' opinions.

and people who spend no money on the game make the company have to resort to more predatory practices. I love this new age approach: If I give them less money, they are going to make things cheaper.

Yes, vote with your wallet works, but it only works if the customers are actually willing to spend money in the first place. 90% of all complaints about monetization are based in people not wanting to spend a single dime. Suffice to say, that's not going to work, ever.

I already know when I pull up to a gas station that three guys won't jump out, one to pump gas for me, one to wash my windshield, one to check on oil gauge. I'll pump gas myself and pay a high price for it. But I'll get to where I am headed. To me it's worth the value.

I can't speak for you, but I don't want things cheaper in this game. They already are cheap in terms of development and production effort. They're already cheap in terms of server performance. They're already cheap in regards to customer/company interaction and communication.

I've no problem paying for value. I've played since launch and the money I've spent on this game is in quadruple digits. I have no regrets about most of it. But the experience
for me
has continued to decrease substantially one bad decision at a time since the release of PoF. I was already losing guildies due to HoT. Nothing they have done this year has indicated an improvement in their direction. Therefore there the value of the product they provide no longer meets worth the cost of investment.

If you think the company is putting out a stellar product that you enjoy, by all means support it financially if you can, especially if you don't mind the fact that they entirely ignore customer feedback.

If you think they are doing a lackluster job but pay for virtual goods anyway, well...

Which is fine, but you have to realize that a vast majority of complaints made are not this founded and a very large of this player base spends the bare minimum on the game, which is based in the over generous monetization system.

So you can complain about digital goods and how you do not value them, but fact is, with the current monetization in place, that's what is keeping the lights on.

That is a good point, no doubt about it. I don't want the lights turned off or more employees axed. I am simply out of ideas as to how to get them to listen to and consider customer feedback instead of implementing boneheaded ideas, unless pressure is applied through lowered revenue. Then again, who's to say that wouldn't just get us another server farm downgrade instead of customer interaction...

I can't comment on the value of the Ice Saga thing itself as I don't pay much attention to PvE.

I enjoyed your comments. You write balanced arguments.

Thank you, it sometimes is hard to remain objective (and I am sure I certainly am not myself) but the main problem for me is the constant unjustified complaints (from a financial perspective, obviously every one has a right to his opinion) from players.

I am not fan of the gem store, but I accept it as the counter opposite to a nearly free game with very low purchase cost. Others have brought up subscription fees, which other games use successfully to reduce their optional monetization, but the reaction to those by many is just as negative (and while I'd personally be fine with subscription fees, I fully understand people being against them given how they were never present). Then there is the complaints about features like build templates and player unwilligness (at least on the forums) to pay for these services (in part because it was available for free via third party program, in part because they are quite expensive).

I completely agree with players withholding investing into a game they do not enjoy or directions they do not support, but as mentioned, the funding will have to come from somewhere.

I agree with you on some aspects but clearly their aproach has only managed to allienate players that liked playing the other 80% by putting said other 80% on the table.

Microtransactions arent the problem (altho anet imo taps too much and too hard on the qol) the problem is that only one part of the game benefits and everyone else feels like they cant or shouldnt support the game because anet wont support their favourite activities in the game.

We can compaire gw2 a game thats relatively cheap to get into with poe, ajother game thats relatovely cheap to get into. In gw2 as a new player you have to buy pof and then buy se3 or 4(depending wheres the best farming spots there) to make the gold to buy the rest of it, that includes bag slots some other qol stuff and the rest of the lw (because lw is what you play this game for anymore, nothing else is supported and to enjoy lw you need context). Gw2 now is on its 5th lw season with no real big thing supposedly happening in the future and everything else has been tabled.

Poe initially is free but you fast realise it costs alot of money to get anything so you invest close to the price of pof if not more getting the essential qol and many times that to get mtx to look relatively decent (or you can buy a supporter pack and pay aaa box price for both).

In poe they add every 3 months (consistently with pr leading up to each update and lots of communication) new leagues that come with massive balance updates and new content for most groups of the game. Crafters, boss farmers, simple farmers, ppl that like narrative. On top of that Poe is getting a free expansion with completely new endgame, a challenge league with new crafting and early to late game replayability and it has a massive mega expansion on the horizon which basically brings the game to the modern era.

Both games primarily live off of mtx but one is clearly cutting down support on most fronts while the other is reinventing itself and puts the competition to shame.

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I feel like the general climate has been disappointment and negativity for some time now. But I don't think it's really the community's fault or unrealistic expectations. I think it's just been people slowly noticing that the game isn't what it used to be and seems to be spiraling further away. People are voicing their concerns/dislikes because they enjoy the game, and WANT to play it, they're just finding reason after reason to not want to or to dislike it. But that isn't really being remedied by releases.

I think they also mentioned expansion-worthy features, and ever since then people have clung to it because they expected things like Guild Hall systems, mount mastery systems, and elite specs to be released during this saga but all they've mentioned is projects they've already been working on like whatever this pvp mode is, wvw alliances that will most likely never make it in, ascended cooking which they released before the saga even started, build templates which are a bit of a confusing disaster (for me at least). And all they've ultimately released is the same content they've been doing, except reduced bounties to a few select bosses and made them instanced or created redundant masteries that see little to no use.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:sry but u guys are locked into a catch22,if just more raids/fractals/legendaries works no one will be discussing the "state of the game".

i hope Anet realized that pvp is the real end game that really works.... overinvesting in instanced content for end game for speedrunners elitists is proved to be a failure at this point. 1~2 fractals per "season" is more than enough, 1 raid per season is more than enough.

Perfectly stated!

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I dont get some of these threads... if there is negativity, then people are not happy... dont complain about negativity... fix the cause, listen to peoples issues... Anet is not great at listening and is very stubborn, they are now reaping that stubbornness ..I dont understand why other players have a issue with players not being happy.. there is obviously reasons!!

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Its not just Anet its gaming developers in general.. Customers have been burned so many times here and in other games customers expect the worst..

Just look at how much GW2 has degraded and changed over the last seven years, Customers on all sides have complained asked for changes and fixes and still nothing but nerfs grinds and microtransactions.. GW2 is not transparent at all.. Forums are very overbearing and we cannot even get what many ask for.


@finkle.9513 said:I dont get some of these threads... if there is negativity, then people are not happy... dont complain about negativity... fix the cause, listen to peoples issues... Anet is not great at listening and is very stubborn, they are now reaping that stubbornness ..I dont understand why other players have a issue with players not being happy.. there is obviously reasons!!

Very much agree with this.

@"Vinceman.4572" said:

"Everything is on the table" Is what we will get, thats all we've ever gotten.

Im pretty sure from here on we won't get anything outside of the living world episode, and strikes. Expecting anything more at this stage of the game is simply hopeful ignorance because its very clear to me and a lot of others that they only wish to make this content. Raids, WvW, PvP, Fractals even E-specs, classes, Races, mounts , legendary gen 3 are all things we will not see. It's done. And the damage is irreparable unless they decided its something worth putting resources into, but clearly they deem it as meaningless and "Not worth the effort".

This is telling because for years people stated "Id rather then dedicate resources elsewhere" and now they are, to the modes they consider the most fruitful. And this is and will be guild wars from here on out. Lower your expectations and give up hope; Let them do as they do and play the game as the intend for you to play which is if you have the goals you wanted to meet met... come back every two or so months. I've become so casual with my time now because its like I just don't care enough anymore, I loved the theme and story and even the map of the new episode. But im almost done with the collections and all the acheivo's and then I won't be back more than likely till the next release which is what is intended.

Faith, belief and hope are all things that take energy... more energy than Im allowing myself to spend or dedicate to a game and company who clearly doesn't care or wish to give me as the customer what I desire or ask for. (Of which im willing to pay for.)

You know what? I think you're absolutely right. We're done.One of your comments in a different thread wasn't a real eye-opener for me but let's say a little bit more than the tip of the iceberg to finally accept that this game won't deliver the content I like to play and therefore I can make my peace with it. It's totally fine and healthy. I will show up here and there, maybe play for some days or not and taste the story content when it arrives and I'm in the mood for it.Time to play some other games and shrink my pile of shame. It's about kitten time.

Smart decision, i'm not sure how long i'll continue myself, i have zero interest in PvP, WvW, Fractal and Raids its not why i play mmorpgs.. And its why i took a four year break. I don't think i'll be here much after Christmas at current game and developer quality.

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