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Help me pick a class #9001


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I've been playing GW2 for a little over a week, and the first class I chose was Engineer. Now that I got to play Living World Season 2, I actually struggled really hard staying alive in some fights, and only completed some of the quest boss fights with 3-5 deaths, and wouldn't have made it at all if the HP of the bosses reset upon death like in most other games. As a result I think this isn't the right fit for me, and I would like a tankier option, but reading various guides and forum threads on the topic left me more confused than when I started (for example this guide says that Mesmer, a light armor class, is the META tank, while others say it's either Guardian for active tankiness or Warrior for passive tankiness). So if you have the time, I'd like to explain what I want to do, how I like to play, and give examples of classes from other MMOs that I enjoyed, and you tell me what would be the best fit for me in GW2.

GoalsThe "final form" of my char should be viable (though not necessarily the best) for end-game PvE content, but before I get there, I mainly want to have an easy and fun time playing through the story lines, and soloing bosses and events in the wild.

PlaystyleI generally like all-rounder/hybrid classes/builds. I like to be self-sufficient when I need to be, and I generally happily neglect group support if it makes me better at doing my actual job. I also don't like playing as a healer, so beyond self-heals, healing can be neglected entirely too. What I do like to have is as much of the following (ordered by importance to me, but generally if a class is very good at the lower priority categories, I'll happily give up a bit on the higher priority ones):

  1. Tank. Preferably one that does well while face-tanking. This includes plenty of self-heals.
  2. Can do good DPS with as few changes in the build as possible compared to the tank(y) setup.
  3. Have mechanics to skip unwanted encounters, like stealth/invisibility. I don't need to have invisibility as a combat mechanic though, I just want to be able to walk around without getting in danger, I don't care much for the rogue/assassin style combat.
  4. When I go in "DPS mode", I like being able to play ranged.
  5. I like to have high movement speed.
  6. I want to be mobile, so that repositioning doesn't cost me much (or any) DPS.

Comparison to other MMOsThis is just to help MMO veterans help me. If you only ever played GW2, and wouldn't know what to compare it to, feel free to skip the spoiler.

! Now I'll list the classes I enjoyed in other MMOs I played. As you may notice below, not a single one of the classes fits all of the criteria perfectly, but some of them come pretty damn close, and I'm looking for something similar in GW2, if possible.!! World of Warcraft!! Druid - basically a perfect fit! - can tank! - can do good damage with the same gear, especially if geared with some compromises (stacking "hybrid" stats like agility or mastery, rather than stamina or attack power respectively)! - has stealth! - highest sustained movement speed in the game! - when playing melee, no cast times, and no ground targeted effects, so as mobile as it gets! Only downside was, couldn't have all that and play ranged. Though if I really wanted to go ranged, it was an option too.!! Shaman - 2nd choice! - by virtue of wearing mail armor (2nd heaviest of 4) and having good self-heals, pretty sturdy (though by far not a proper tank)! - good DPS! - can play ranged without any DPS loss! - most mobile ranged class because of a lot of instant cast spells and the spammable being castable while moving (unique mechanic in WoW back when I played it)!! Rift!! Rogue - same as Druid in WoW, just no shape-shifting!! Tera! When it comes to stealth/invisibility, it just doesn't exist in Tera (or it didn't back when I played it), so that's not applicable. There is also no animation cancelling, so even though all skills are instant, combat doesn't feel responsive, so I wouldn't put "mobile" next to any of the classes by virtue of the combat system in its entirety being non-responsive.!! Brawler! - an actual tank class (in Tera your class defines your role, and you can't specialize to do something else)! - high damage while tanking! - skills that can be used to move faster!! Gunner! - heavy armor and good self-heals, so basically as sturdy as a tank, just without the active mitigation skills (i.e. block)! - good DPS! - ranged! - multiple skills that improve movement speed!! Elder Scrolls Online! In ESO basically any class can do anything, so I'll just leave it at saying that my main there is a Templar who can be either a tank or a DD by just switching gear and skills, and the only reason I didn't pick Nightblade (who can also be invisible), was because back when I started the game, they were worse tanks (though that has changed nowadays, but due to certain hard to obtain things being character-bound, it's difficult to change the main).!

So what do you think will work best for me in GW2?

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Guardian or mesmer fit the bill better than anything else right now by a huge margin. I can explain in more detail when I'm off work but those are hands down the options that fit best.

Guardians have better DPS in most situations, tank and buff allies great, can do high ranged and melee damage.

Mesmers can do that as well, have stealth but really in GW2 Stealth isn't really used much to completely avoid combat so much as it's used in the midst of combat do something like heal or shake agro. Short duration but very potent. Mounts are more than enough to skip unwanted encounters.

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@"mortrialus.3062" said:Guardian or mesmer fit the bill better than anything else right now by a huge margin. I can explain in more detail when I'm off work but those are hands down the options that fit best.

Guardians have better DPS in most situations, tank and buff allies great, can do high ranged and melee damage.

Mesmers can do that as well, have stealth but really in GW2 Stealth isn't really used much to completely avoid combat so much as it's used in the midst of combat do something like heal or shake agro. Short duration but very potent. Mounts are more than enough to skip unwanted encounters.

Thanks for the reply.

I would really like to understand the relevant mechanics behind it, because the builds I find online rarely show defensive gear for tanks, which is on one hand good for being a hybrid, but on the other hand my power engineer with an otherwise fairly defensive build (alchemy, inventions, explosives) sometimes dies in 2 shots, and often struggles to stay alive between the big heals, despite a constant supply of heals from Bunker Down, so it makes me skeptical about the whole tanking in DPS gear thing.

Also I read that Guardians have low base HP, so that takes away from the tankiness too?

Or are stats completely irrelevant in GW2, at least for tanking, and it's all about the toolkit and how well one uses it?

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Firstly OP you should tell us if you own expansions. Because some professions (cough necro *cough) shine with xpac elite specs while are rather daunting as core in open world PvE.

Ranger is a good pick for you. From top to bottom:

  1. Tanking is delegated to pet. Pick two tanky pets and 90% of the time bosses/mobs will focus them. You just have to swap them in time. If that's not enough, ranger does have varied, potent self defense options - evades, stealth, traps, complete incoming direct damage negation (signet of stone and more), protection, heals...there's fair bit of all that.

  2. If you delegate tanking to pet, then you yourself can build on the dps side so there's that. Also if you rely on non stat based defenses (like evades, stealth, signet of stone) there's also very little tank you have to build. If you want to be beefy through stats (high toughness and health) while having damage, condi build is recommended with trailblazer gear or similar (Shaman, Dire).

  3. Ranger has good access to stealth. Some of it non standard (blasting smoke field, runes of trapper + traps) but none the less good. But be wary of pet - poorly managed it'll attack mobs on it's own and pull into fights you don't need. Well managed will not be a hindrance and even distract mobs that you'd have to fight otherwise when trying to mine a node/channel a hero point becoming great help.

  4. Biggest ranged dps would be deadeye's thing, but ranger can fare well too. Longbow for power damage, shortbow/mainhand axe for condi/hybrid. The latter will have you playing at mid to close range (setting a trap if the mob is not chasing you will require you to approach it). But other then that, yeah. It a ranger after all.

  5. No problem here. Rangers are quite mobile. You have leaps. backwards evades, tons of swiftness and even some superspeed.

  6. You'd be pressed hard to find a better profession for it. Ranger not only can easily disengage in various ways, but is a master at controling enemy movement and position. Immobilizes, endless cripples, chillls, big knockbacks, plain hard cc, pets drawing aggro by force if needed (pet taunting enemy). Even if that all fails, as mentioned above ranger has stealth to just dissapear, heal up and reposition while pet gets the aggro again being only combatant left to engage.

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@Sindust.7059 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:Guardian or mesmer fit the bill better than anything else right now by a huge margin. I can explain in more detail when I'm off work but those are hands down the options that fit best.

Guardians have better DPS in most situations, tank and buff allies great, can do high ranged and melee damage.

Mesmers can do that as well, have stealth but really in GW2 Stealth isn't really used much to completely avoid combat so much as it's used in the midst of combat do something like heal or shake agro. Short duration but very potent. Mounts are more than enough to skip unwanted encounters.

Thanks for the reply.

I would really like to understand the relevant mechanics behind it, because
rarely show defensive gear for tanks, which is on one hand good for being a hybrid, but on the other hand my power engineer with an otherwise fairly defensive build (alchemy, inventions, explosives) sometimes dies in 2 shots, and often struggles to stay alive between the big heals, despite a constant supply of heals from
, so it makes me skeptical about the whole tanking in DPS gear thing.

Also I read that
, so that takes away from the tankiness too?

Or are stats completely irrelevant in GW2, at least for tanking, and it's all about the toolkit and how well one uses it?

Properly tanking is mostly a matter of switching from Diviner's which is an offensive stat set but gives you all the team buffing a tank will do, to something like Minstrels gear and stats.

For the most part directly tanking damage for your party isn't that much of a thing in GW2 and it's more about your toolkit around it.

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@Sindust.7059 said:So what do you think will work best for me in GW2?I'm honestly not sure if it's a question of class. The classes (and more often than not the elite specs within the same class) all have different playstyles, but if you know how to play this game you'll be able to do everything you want on any class this game offers. In fact the engineer's elite spec scrapper is able to do most of what you describe (perhaps minus the ranged part, since the scrapper shines while wielding the hammer, but it's tanky enough that it doesn't really matter) and among my favourite classes/specs to play.

Mesmer and guardian that were recommended above are certainly able to pull off everything, too, but with both classes you need a good grasp of how combat in this game really works. You mentioned enjoying facetanking enemies, but you will find that facetanking is simply not possible in a lot of fights in this game, no matter what class you choose. Mesmer and guardian especially rely on using active defenses, knowing when (and where) to dodge, use your invulnerabilities, buffs, positioning etc. For example I'm certainly not the best player out there, but I love the mesmer class and can easily solo all and any story instances in this game on a glassy (berserker stats) melee mesmer/chrono using sword/sword and sword/focus weapon sets. It's all practice though, I know a lot of players who are easily better than me who never got the hang of mesmer and die when an enemy as much as sneezes at them. Same with guardian, once you have learned to play the class and use it to its fullest potential it's awesome, but many people have a hard time even staying alive on it.

If you want to start out on another class, ranger certainly is an option that helps ease you into how this game's combat really works (explanations see in a post above) , as are thief, necromancer, or warrior. Which classes playstyle clicks with you is something you'll have to find out for yourself. Be aware though that starting from season 2, maps and story instances ramp up difficulty from core content, and you might just encounter the same problems you have encountered with your engineer with any other class you pick. This game, while looking deceptively similar to the other MMOs you mention, ticks a lot different where combat is concerned. Expect there to be a learning curve, no matter what class you choose. Letting go the ideas of facetanking and ranged combat (since both are not nearly as potent in this game as in other, similar games) might in fact be your best way forward (talking from experience ... my combat experience in this game improved a lot once I got to that point).

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  1. Face tanking — maybe not the best thing in game, but literally every class here can die very fast if you don't dodge. Thief has pretty unique trait called "invigorating precision", which heals you for 10% (or 20% if you have fury) critical damage. If you crit for 10k, you get heal for 2k. Staff daredevil can survive everything + it has 3 dodges and super endurance regeneration. So... it's easy to survive.
  2. Can go DPS — turning into complete glass cannon makes daredevil a good damage dealer with short and easy rotation. Of course it's power, because condi thief doesn't exist in PvE.
  3. Have mechanics to skip unwanted encounters — one of the main thief's mechanics is stealth.
  4. Ranged — Deadeye. Rifle deadeye has probably the best single-target burst damage. But it lacks on cleave and aoe, +in raids or fractals there is no "ranged play" outside specific bosses and roles (Qadim The Peerless, Deimos). You have to stay with everybody to receive boons and heal.
  5. Speed — 50% movement speed in stealth (traited), shortbow skills, signet of shadows, Shadowstep.
  6. Mobility — Daredevil's dodge can deal aoe damage.

Every other class lacks on something.Elementalist does not have stealth, it's fragile, mobility in cost of damage.Mesmer needs to stay melee to be good damage dealer.Engineer is melee only.Revenant: no stealth, poor mobility.Warrior: very poor mobility, slow, ranged DPS doesn't exist.Necromancer: no stealth, power only melee, condi is mainy ranged, but condi necro is just bad as damage dealer. No skipping, poor mobility (it can even slow itself).Guardian: fragile, poor mobility, can't stealth or avoid combat.Ranger: better at melee, not the best mobility, but it can be tanky (pets taking agro from you).

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@"Sindust.7059" said:I've been playing GW2 for a little over a week, and the first class I chose was Engineer. Now that I got to play Living World Season 2, I actually struggled really hard staying alive in some fights, and only completed some of the quest boss fights with 3-5 deaths, and wouldn't have made it at all if the HP of the bosses reset upon death like in most other games. As a result I think this isn't the right fit for me, and I would like a tankier option, but reading various guides and forum threads on the topic left me more confused than when I started (for example this guide says that Mesmer, a light armor class, is the META tank, while others say it's either Guardian for active tankiness or Warrior for passive tankiness). So if you have the time, I'd like to explain what I want to do, how I like to play, and give examples of classes from other MMOs that I enjoyed, and you tell me what would be the best fit for me in GW2.

GoalsThe "final form" of my char should be viable (though not necessarily the best) for end-game PvE content, but before I get there, I mainly want to have an easy and fun time playing through the story lines, and soloing bosses and events in the wild.

PlaystyleI generally like all-rounder/hybrid classes/builds. I like to be self-sufficient when I need to be, and I generally happily neglect group support if it makes me better at doing my actual job. I also don't like playing as a healer, so beyond self-heals, healing can be neglected entirely too. What I do like to have is as much of the following (ordered by importance to me, but generally if a class is very good at the lower priority categories, I'll happily give up a bit on the higher priority ones):

  1. Tank. Preferably one that does well while face-tanking. This includes plenty of self-heals.
  2. Can do good DPS with as few changes in the build as possible compared to the tank(y) setup.
  3. Have mechanics to skip unwanted encounters, like stealth/invisibility. I don't need to have invisibility as a combat mechanic though, I just want to be able to walk around without getting in danger, I don't care much for the rogue/assassin style combat.
  4. When I go in "DPS mode", I like being able to play ranged.
  5. I like to have high movement speed.
  6. I want to be mobile, so that repositioning doesn't cost me much (or any) DPS.

Comparison to other MMOsThis is just to help MMO veterans help me. If you only ever played GW2, and wouldn't know what to compare it to, feel free to skip the spoiler.

! Now I'll list the classes I enjoyed in other MMOs I played. As you may notice below, not a single one of the classes fits all of the criteria perfectly, but some of them come pretty kitten close, and I'm looking for something similar in GW2, if possible.!!
World of Warcraft
!! Druid - basically a perfect fit! - can tank! - can do good damage with the same gear, especially if geared with some compromises (stacking "hybrid" stats like agility or mastery, rather than stamina or attack power respectively)! - has stealth! - highest sustained movement speed in the game! - when playing melee, no cast times, and no ground targeted effects, so as mobile as it gets! Only downside was, couldn't have all that and play ranged. Though if I really wanted to go ranged, it was an option too.!! Shaman - 2nd choice! - by virtue of wearing mail armor (2nd heaviest of 4) and having good self-heals, pretty sturdy (though by far not a proper tank)! - good DPS! - can play ranged without any DPS loss! - most mobile ranged class because of a lot of instant cast spells and the spammable being castable while moving (unique mechanic in WoW back when I played it)!!
!! Rogue - same as Druid in WoW, just no shape-shifting!!
! When it comes to stealth/invisibility, it just doesn't exist in Tera (or it didn't back when I played it), so that's not applicable. There is also no animation cancelling, so even though all skills are instant, combat doesn't feel responsive, so I wouldn't put "mobile" next to any of the classes by virtue of the combat system in its entirety being non-responsive.!! Brawler! - an actual tank class (in Tera your class defines your role, and you can't specialize to do something else)! - high damage
tanking! - skills that can be used to move faster!! Gunner! - heavy armor and good self-heals, so basically as sturdy as a tank, just without the active mitigation skills (i.e. block)! - good DPS! - ranged! - multiple skills that improve movement speed!!
Elder Scrolls Online
! In ESO basically any class can do anything, so I'll just leave it at saying that my main there is a Templar who can be either a tank or a DD by just switching gear and skills, and the only reason I didn't pick Nightblade (who can also be invisible), was because back when I started the game, they were worse tanks (though that has changed nowadays, but due to certain hard to obtain things being character-bound, it's difficult to change the main).!

So what do you think will work best for me in GW2?

Play whatever you want for pve. Gear stats and builds will allow you to play different roles for pve. Want to be a tank? Then use gear with more toughness and vitality, and use more defensive slot skills. Want to be dps? Then use gear with high power, precision and ferocity, and more offensive sot skills.

Look up metabattle for the current endgame builds and go from there...


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@"ZeftheWicked.3076" I have HoT and PoF, so no build restrictions in that regard.

So from all the responses I got, it seems that the following would be on the short-list:

  1. Mesmer. I'd be giving up ranged DPS, and it's hard to play, but once I get the hang of it, can do everything else.
  2. Ranger. Tanking would be done by the pet(s), and stealth is tricky to use.
  3. Thief. No face-tanking.
  4. Guardian. Squishy, unless I'm "on my toes". Poor mobility. No stealth.
  5. Warrior. Only melee, and poor mobility.

Damn, the list still looks long considering there are only 9 classes. :pMesmer and Ranger were discussed the most though, so I guess I'll do a coin flip for those.

Thanks everyone. Back to the game. =)

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@"Sindust.7059" said:So what do you think will work best for me in GW2?

No one can make that decision for you. You'll probably have to try all professions to see which ones suits you best, because GW2 plays very different from other MMOs.

Engineer isn't supposed to function only as a supporter, by the way. There are plenty of self-sufficient builds, and the damage is really awesome: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Engineer

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Actually I think your engi should not be written off so easily. It fits your description rather well, really.Starting with LS2, the story and PvE content gets harder. You might just have to practise a bit, learn mechnics, unlock an elite specialization maybe? Dying a few times to bosses on the very first run is not unusual or bad.

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With little over 1week of experience in gw2 I think you should go for classess that can be still useful when you play simple.Like Thief(daredevil), Warrior(Greatsword, axe), Necro(minionmaster, reaper, scourge), Ranger(2 handed bow, Greatsword), Core engi with lotsa turrets and ranged skills. Of course in the end I think you should try everyclass. you can find openworld builds for mentioned classes in metabattle.

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I would say Mesmer first based on what you are looking for, if you get path of fire and heart of thorns despite what people say chrono can still tank very well and when built for power dps its still pretty solid but takes a bit of practice. IT has mass invis which can let you skip some adds from time to time and portal too so if you get to the end of something just open up a portal for you friends. Its alos got decent mobility tools.

Thief has invis and mobility and good dps and stealth to skip some mechanics here and there but not as good as mesmer, but the role of taking with it is pretty limited i think but then again maybe not ask more exp'ed thief players for advice there.

Engi takes alot of work to produce a fine gem at its end result but between its elites offers alot of potential to the table great dps, scrapper has tanking potential, and it has a aoe stealth which can be good for helping skip mobs. That said i think it can be a bit limited in the ranged dps department.

Ranger is good for mobility, ranged dps, and possibly tanking to some extent but you wont be helping others skip mechanics.

Based on what you are looking for though i think you best bets with trying mesmer / chrono/ mirage first based on what you are looking for as it offers kind of a bit of everything in your list if you put a bit of work into practicing it.

Other things do offer parts of what you are looking for but not all of them. IF you dont like mesmer try some of the other common answers you are hearing. Best of luck.

Late edit.Guardian is also up on the table as its one of the strongest core professions right now it has great dps options and elites to pick from. There are also face taking abilities and skills basically, lots of blocks, etc that you can use with the idea where a boss needs a tank for other players. Its also probably one of the easier professions to learn.

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