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Suggestion > Add a Real Suggestion System with votes to this Forums

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To improve the comunication in this forums for Arenanet and Players, a good idea can be see all the desired featured for players with a ranking system.The official Forums of Guild Wars 2, are based in Vanilla Forum and have an option for this:features_ideation_laptop.png


You need Tengus for a playable race? you need to see Cantha again in Guild Wars 2? you need paragons or dervishs playable again? Show your votes in this system and Arenanet can see speedly the desires of this comunity united.

This system can help Arenanet with other things. For example, Arenanet can start to show us the awaited swiss tournaments, and this can be used to discuss the prefered features to include in swiss tournaments. You need special swiss tournaments monthly or weekly?

A new way to show your preference for your favourite online game ;)

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Game development is not a democracy. If the cost/effort is too high then a good suggestion will never happen no matter how much we want it. Introducing a system like this will only increase player outrage as many will feel entitled to whatever suggestion gets the most votes regardless of how feasible it is.

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Also, most suggestions on these forums cater to personal wants more than actual needs.Also also, by reading the forums Anet gets a good hint on what players want.Also also also, ANet doesn't read the forums, at least not the persons who make the decisions.

Sry m8, good idea and I'd appreciate it, but it won't help here.

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I think that a system like that could be handy but it would ruin the surprise for a lot of players in my opinion.

I think they could use this kind of suggestion system to gather more accurate information and feedback about the poularity of the features after they were released, for example, the polemic build templates. Whenever ArenaNet adds new features to the game, people flood the hell out of the forums, create different threads to discuss the same subject, and these threads (even the ones created by the devs) become really extense and annoying to follow up.

They could add a few options and a small box so people can write something if they feel like they need to express something else regarding the feature.Back in the time, when the betas for the core game were happening, they had an ingame tool that players could rate the content that they were playing atm. Of course that this could not stay in the game but the forums seem to be the right place for this kind of feedback. Maybe the feedback system could help more than the official threads that lead to endless and non productive discussions and offer more precise data for the devs.

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@Tzarakiel.7490 said:Game development is not a democracy. If the cost/effort is too high then a good suggestion will never happen no matter how much we want it. Introducing a system like this will only increase player outrage as many will feel entitled to whatever suggestion gets the most votes regardless of how feasible it is.

There's also lots of ideas which aren't bad but also aren't right for this game. There's more than one way to make an MMO and it's impossible to do all of it in one game because some things are totally contradictory. For example raid progession is important to WoW, but trying to do the same thing here would clash with Anet's focus on horizontal progression which is a big part of the appeal for a lot of players.

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Don't really like this idea. There's too many player ideas that have mass support, like the ones the OP mentioned, but are just plain impractical at the moment due to financial/coding/personnel limitations (Cantha expac, Tengu/Dwarf playable race, fully open map boundaries, etc.).

Also, I feel like this would encourage fake/alternate forum accounts just to fill votes.

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Think it might have alternative uses like Leila mentioned, but against the idea of trying to turn wanted features into a popularity contest. We would end up with so many cases of "Heroes/Henchmen" being the most requested feature of the game, and ANet continually not make that because it wouldn't work with the game at all, and lots of angry outrage on the forums/etc because "they don't listen to us!".

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