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Wishlist to Tixx 2019

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What do u wish from Tixx this year?. Make one (realistic) wish and thumb up other ppls good wishes!

I wish:

  • Deerinspired/staglike horns for charr!(My main is even named Staghorn...)

In the far north lives a small ethnic group of charr, grouped in tribes, with beautiful stag-like looking horns, with frosty looking surface. Most of them have pale fur and they are specialised in ranged hunting as their horns easily would tangle and break in a close fight. Even their armour is more light-looking and beautiful compared to what the legions use.

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Better/more achievements for Snowball Mayhem - even if it's just reducing the insane "complete 30 rounds" to something more... manageable.

No new mounts for the original 5. Instead, expand the Cozy and Shiverpeak sets for the three newer mounts (Beetle, Skyscale, Warclaw) as its own "mini sets".

Expand the Candy Cane and Wintergreen Candy Cane weapons to the full set of weapons.

Put all further effort into expanding and improving Lunar New Year. Wintersday has a lot of varied activities - the only place it really lacks is Snowball Mayhem, imo.

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how about a jingle bells or moa quests like in nightfall? an how about some new endless tonic for the snowman, reindeer an such what about expandng the christmas tree in decoration for guilds or home instance? how abut expanding the orphans quest to other regions of tyria? maybe make a mini dungeon for raids? just a few ideas from me. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Wintersday about the quests thoughts

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