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"Content updates every month"


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@"lare.5129" said:Also need collect 1000 kp from cm100.

Why? What's the point? Getting 1000 kp isn't content

but not ALL.

Again, what's the point? That's not content

Don't forget all pof/hot metas, each week reset raids, ..

Also, not content if you repeat the same meta/raid a thousand times

"ok, I need more"

Always need more so things don't get stale

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@"lare.5129" said:That's real main gw2 content. Legendary weapon is a one of main parts of content.

Nope that's not content, none of what you mentioned is actual content for players to enjoy/play in the game. You just listed massive grinds, as if they are some form of content. You maybe like that grind, good for you I guess, but most other players don't. So stop projecting your idea of "content" on others, you can only speak about yourself.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Swagger.1459" said:That’s a selfish attitude. It’s as if you are ignoring that fact that the majority of development dollars has gone to pve since launch.That's because a majority of development dollars
from pve since launch.

This game was launched with 3 modes. Anet wanted GW2 to be an esport game before launch. Costumers of the game are customers.


MO-“About 90 percent play a lot of PvE content, about 40 percent play a lot of World vs. World or PvP content, and about 30 percent play a lot of both.”

Gw2 launched August 28, 2012 and there are 51 total maps in Tyria. 25 maps worth of content, plus a ton more updates, were added to the game for pve play. On an average, the pve side of the game sees larger content updates every 3.5 months, so the content locusts should realize there is more to the game then just pve modes. Also, our characters are part of the content equation across the entire game, and it’s especially important for class development to happen when there are pvp type modes.

Edit- And regardless, we are getting major profession improvements coming down the pipeline, so people will just have to deal with it.

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:Nope that's not content, none of what you mentioned is actual content for players to enjoy/play in the game.No legs, no meta ? Or do meta once ? So in this way each week we can add new map and each week say "I not have content"No cms, no close all raid cm ?so get your examples of content.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@zealex.9410 said:This was the line used to hype us from interviews and articles near the beginging of se5, and tho i personally dont consider the barely changed or developed festivals as "new" content (it might be new for new players but the milestone has been 11mil since pof so its fair to assume new players dont exactly come to the game in droves) i can live with it since for anet it would be unrealistic to delver trully new content every month.

The thing tho is this quote
In the first quarter of 2020, we’re continuing to deliver content updates every month, from Living World episodes to competitive updates.

It seems things like a swiss beta, warclaw balance and the big balance patch can also take the spot of "new content" for a month. I personally thing this is a big mistake, balance should never come to the expense of playable content imo and anet should seriously try and meet their target of a lw episode every 2 months (because consistency is king).

This coupled with no mention of ep3 in the q1 roadmap, and ofc no mention of fractals or raids creates a relatively grimm picture for the content quantity we should expect.

For fans of the game that want to see it succeed its hard when we see other mmos get all this plus new dungeons or raid each patch and maybe bigger attention to pvp with new modes or maps.

I dont want you to overwork your employees, but something needs to change if this mmo is to improve and grow in the future, it needs to hold a spot on the map and it needs ppl to notice it.

Regardless of the barebones nature of the roadmap, i want to say, keep at it, dont let the critisism and any negativity prevent you from communicating, setting deadlines for your self and sharing them with us, i trully believe it will lead you to improvement if you keep at it.

Please be accurate if you are going to quote for this topic...

“we’re continuing to deliver content updates every month”

There is no “new” in the devs written words. You made up the “new” part in that quote for the title, so I’d suggest changing it. You should probably adjust your post to reflect that as well.


Not new is still content.

And ummm, working on professions is one of the top priorities of a game. Our characters are what we use to navigate through the game world, so if you don’t think they are important then you have zero idea of what is necessary for the devs to develop and maintain for the player base. And you’ve not been paying attention to the players for the past 7 years.

Ofc balance is a big priority for pvp and wvw and i guess i should've made that more clear, but how is pvp and wvw balance relevant for pve? Thats the point im argueing, content delivery in pve suffering for balance updates in pvp and vice versa.

That’s a selfish attitude. It’s as if you are ignoring that fact that the majority of development dollars has gone to pve since launch.

No, im not, i have gone on record sharing my discontent with the disregard of other game modes, but this once again is the same, pve needs new content as well as other game modes need the attention aend vice versa.

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@"mercury ranique.2170" said:I think this is an issue of semantics. For arenanet there us a release cycles. They have two types of releases.1: bug fixes and gemstore additions. These are not adding anything new to the game and require less effort from e.g. the Q/A team (although still some effort). I imagine it doesn't need to be approved by the game studio lead as it doesn't change anything, just fixes things.2: actual content that needs to be checked fully by Q/A team. The game lead likely needs to approve for this release and it requires a lot more checking.

I read this is what he ment with a content release once every month.

In the end the debate is not about the amount of content releases, but it should go about the quality and amount of actual content. To me this has been lacking as of late.

Frequency and amount of content. Looking at whispers in the dark the amount of content and the time it took to get it delivered was poorly. The content was also not as much exiting as I am used to. This is happening more and more lately. The prologue was short, but luckily the quality was high. Whispers is lacking there too.

So in short. Let's not make it about semantics, but about asking arenanet to up their game.

I personally favour smaller quicker releases over bigger ones that take longer. So to me less content every 2 months is superior. Tho i will say even for my standards the story content of whisper in the shadows was low. My "issue" with the roadmap is that it look like its going to break the schedule/cadence the devs set since September. I value consistency above all when it comes to success and im disappointed to see their cadence seemingly is only gonna last for 3 episodes.

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People seem very easily impressed here.

@lare.5129 said:

@"maddoctor.2738" said:Nope that's not content, none of what you mentioned is actual content for players to enjoy/play in the game.No legs, no meta ? Or do meta once ? So in this way each week we can add new map and each week say "I not have content"No cms, no close all raid cm ?so get your examples of content.

Expansions are content.. Meta is just something you rinse repeat in said content to grind some trinkets.. Raids are something devs throw at hardcore gamers to keep them chasing rarer trinkets..Legendaries are very shiny trinkets to keep the grind chasers happy.. Not content..

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@"zealex.9410" said:This was the line used to hype us from interviews and articles near the beginging of se5, and tho i personally dont consider the barely changed or developed festivals as exciting content (it might be new and exciting for new players but the milestone has been 11mil since pof so its fair to assume new players dont exactly come to the game in droves) i can live with it since for anet it would be unrealistic to delver trully new content every month.

The thing tho is this quote

In the first quarter of 2020, we’re continuing to deliver content updates every month, from Living World episodes to competitive updates.

It seems things like a swiss beta, warclaw balance and the big balance patch can also take the spot of "new content" for a month. I personally thing this is a big mistake, balance should never come to the expense of playable content imo and anet should seriously try and meet their target of a lw episode every 2 months (because consistency is king).

This coupled with no mention of ep3 in the q1 roadmap, and ofc no mention of fractals or raids creates a relatively grimm picture for the content quantity we should expect.

For fans of the game that want to see it succeed its hard when we see other mmos get all this plus new dungeons or raid each patch and maybe bigger attention to pvp with new modes or maps.

I dont want you to overwork your employees, but something needs to change if this mmo is to improve and grow in the future, it needs to hold a spot on the map and it needs ppl to notice it.

Regardless of the barebones nature of the roadmap, i want to say, keep at it, dont let the critisism and any negativity prevent you from communicating, setting deadlines for your self and sharing them with us, i trully believe it will lead you to improvement if you keep at it.

Gw2 is aimed at open world content, if you want raids or fractals this game is not for you.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Thats the point im argueing, content delivery in pve suffering for balance updates in pvp and vice versa.

PVE content coming in Q1 2020:Lunar New Year (with new Celestial Challenge - meaning new content)Episode 2 of Icebrood SagaVisions of the Past

where do you get that content delivery in PVE will suffer due to the PVP/WVW patches? Isn't 3 PVE releases in 3 months enough???

Could be wrong but isnt lunar year also dropping Jan?

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@zealex.9410 said:

@zealex.9410 said:This was the line used to hype us from interviews and articles near the beginging of se5, and tho i personally dont consider the barely changed or developed festivals as "new" content (it might be new for new players but the milestone has been 11mil since pof so its fair to assume new players dont exactly come to the game in droves) i can live with it since for anet it would be unrealistic to delver trully new content every month.

The thing tho is this quote
In the first quarter of 2020, we’re continuing to deliver content updates every month, from Living World episodes to competitive updates.

It seems things like a swiss beta, warclaw balance and the big balance patch can also take the spot of "new content" for a month. I personally thing this is a big mistake, balance should never come to the expense of playable content imo and anet should seriously try and meet their target of a lw episode every 2 months (because consistency is king).

This coupled with no mention of ep3 in the q1 roadmap, and ofc no mention of fractals or raids creates a relatively grimm picture for the content quantity we should expect.

For fans of the game that want to see it succeed its hard when we see other mmos get all this plus new dungeons or raid each patch and maybe bigger attention to pvp with new modes or maps.

I dont want you to overwork your employees, but something needs to change if this mmo is to improve and grow in the future, it needs to hold a spot on the map and it needs ppl to notice it.

Regardless of the barebones nature of the roadmap, i want to say, keep at it, dont let the critisism and any negativity prevent you from communicating, setting deadlines for your self and sharing them with us, i trully believe it will lead you to improvement if you keep at it.

Please be accurate if you are going to quote for this topic...

“we’re continuing to deliver content updates every month”

There is no “new” in the devs written words. You made up the “new” part in that quote for the title, so I’d suggest changing it. You should probably adjust your post to reflect that as well.


Not new is still content.

And ummm, working on professions is one of the top priorities of a game. Our characters are what we use to navigate through the game world, so if you don’t think they are important then you have zero idea of what is necessary for the devs to develop and maintain for the player base. And you’ve not been paying attention to the players for the past 7 years.

Ofc balance is a big priority for pvp and wvw and i guess i should've made that more clear, but how is pvp and wvw balance relevant for pve? Thats the point im argueing, content delivery in pve suffering for balance updates in pvp and vice versa.

That’s a selfish attitude. It’s as if you are ignoring that fact that the majority of development dollars has gone to pve since launch.

No, im not, i have gone on record sharing my discontent with the disregard of other game modes, but this once again is the same, pve needs new content as well as other game modes need the attention aend vice versa.

Same post applies to you...

@Swagger.1459 said:

@Swagger.1459 said:That’s a selfish attitude. It’s as if you are ignoring that fact that the majority of development dollars has gone to pve since launch.That's because a majority of development dollars
from pve since launch.

This game was launched with 3 modes. Anet wanted GW2 to be an esport game before launch. Costumers of the game are customers.

MO-“About 90 percent play a lot of PvE content, about 40 percent play a lot of World vs. World or PvP content, and about 30 percent play a lot of both.”

Gw2 launched August 28, 2012 and there are 51 total maps in Tyria. 25 maps worth of content, plus a ton more updates, were added to the game for pve play. On an average, the pve side of the game sees larger content updates every 3.5 months, so the content locusts should realize there is more to the game then just pve modes. Also, our characters are part of the content equation across the entire game, and it’s especially important for class development to happen when there are pvp type modes.

Edit- And regardless, we are getting major profession improvements coming down the pipeline, so people will just have to deal with it.
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I wish they would come up with new content on release for maps or a new game mode for them you start once you complete the map mastery, so its just not a dead map after people get their mastery that 1st month and bounce. (Hardcores bounce sooner casuals bounce later- yada yada...) Like maps that change over time- seasonal-construction- catacylsmic events, or maps that have weather that accumulates. We already have merchants that stroll through maps so having hidden treasures that rotate around in different hidden areas could be fun depending on how its designed.

plus i like the idea of random spawns of sea creatures way down deep that sneak up on you when yer swimming to that island way over there. Nobody would expect it since they don't bother with underwater content. PERFECT surprise for alone players! That in itself is a game mode unlike world bosses that spawn in same place, these are rare roaming elite or world bosses that spawn on low populated areas of a populated map that attack passing players first. Calling your friends or map chat to come help.

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@Kelly.7019 said:I wish they would come up with new content on release for maps or a new game mode for them you start once you complete the map mastery, so its just not a dead map after people get their mastery that 1st month and bounce. (Hardcores bounce sooner casuals bounce later- yada yada...) Like maps that change over time- seasonal-construction- catacylsmic events, or maps that have weather that accumulates. We already have merchants that stroll through maps so having hidden treasures that rotate around in different hidden areas could be fun depending on how its designed.

plus i like the idea of random spawns of sea creatures way down deep that sneak up on you when yer swimming to that island way over there. Nobody would expect it since they don't bother with underwater content. PERFECT surprise for alone players! That in itself is a game mode unlike world bosses that spawn in same place, these are rare roaming elite or world bosses that spawn on low populated areas of a populated map that attack passing players first. Calling your friends or map chat to come help.

People freak out about not being able to get to their intended destination because ‘aggro range is too great’ or because they get hit by a roamer (their words ganker) on their way to do their daily’s in WvW.

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@Dante.1508 said:Meta is just something you rinse repeat in said content to grind some trinkets.. Raids are something devs throw at hardcore gamers to keep them chasing rarer trinkets..Legendaries are very shiny trinkets to keep the grind chasers happy.. Not content..inside this logic I don't see any reason do something for someone who think in this way. People who think like this will leave gw2 anyway, or separate play something more and more. Because one project can't feed that content logic.

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WvW stuff is the biggest joke, as usual. Warclaw adjustments? Running speed? Q1 2020? Why does everything take so long? Why reducing running speed of a mount is their big plan for 3 months? Don't normal companies do minor shit like that every week? Do they have Anet meetings like:Anet CEO: "Okay guys, you got three months to reduce warclaws running speed, can you handle it?WvW team: "Shit man, idk, it's going to be a proper challenge"

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@"zealex.9410" said:This was the line used to hype us from interviews and articles near the beginging of se5, and tho i personally dont consider the barely changed or developed festivals as exciting content (it might be new and exciting for new players but the milestone has been 11mil since pof so its fair to assume new players dont exactly come to the game in droves) i can live with it since for anet it would be unrealistic to delver trully new content every month.

The thing tho is this quote

In the first quarter of 2020, we’re continuing to deliver content updates every month, from Living World episodes to competitive updates.

It seems things like a swiss beta, warclaw balance and the big balance patch can also take the spot of "new content" for a month. I personally thing this is a big mistake, balance should never come to the expense of playable content imo and anet should seriously try and meet their target of a lw episode every 2 months (because consistency is king).

This coupled with no mention of ep3 in the q1 roadmap, and ofc no mention of fractals or raids creates a relatively grimm picture for the content quantity we should expect.

For fans of the game that want to see it succeed its hard when we see other mmos get all this plus new dungeons or raid each patch and maybe bigger attention to pvp with new modes or maps.

I dont want you to overwork your employees, but something needs to change if this mmo is to improve and grow in the future, it needs to hold a spot on the map and it needs ppl to notice it.

Regardless of the barebones nature of the roadmap, i want to say, keep at it, dont let the critisism and any negativity prevent you from communicating, setting deadlines for your self and sharing them with us, i trully believe it will lead you to improvement if you keep at it.

The "content updates every month" statement is only doable with so many copy and paste festivals. After so many years of only seeing minor tweaks to festivals (occasionally getting a new one which will just repeat in the following years) I tend to avoid most festivals now.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:This was the line used to hype us from interviews and articles near the beginging of se5, and tho i personally dont consider the barely changed or developed festivals as exciting content (it might be new and exciting for new players but the milestone has been 11mil since pof so its fair to assume new players dont exactly come to the game in droves) i can live with it since for anet it would be unrealistic to delver trully new content every month.

The thing tho is this quote
In the first quarter of 2020, we’re continuing to deliver content updates every month, from Living World episodes to competitive updates.

It seems things like a swiss beta, warclaw balance and the big balance patch can also take the spot of "new content" for a month. I personally thing this is a big mistake, balance should never come to the expense of playable content imo and anet should seriously try and meet their target of a lw episode every 2 months (because consistency is king).

This coupled with no mention of ep3 in the q1 roadmap, and ofc no mention of fractals or raids creates a relatively grimm picture for the content quantity we should expect.

For fans of the game that want to see it succeed its hard when we see other mmos get all this plus new dungeons or raid each patch and maybe bigger attention to pvp with new modes or maps.

I dont want you to overwork your employees, but something needs to change if this mmo is to improve and grow in the future, it needs to hold a spot on the map and it needs ppl to notice it.

Regardless of the barebones nature of the roadmap, i want to say, keep at it, dont let the critisism and any negativity prevent you from communicating, setting deadlines for your self and sharing them with us, i trully believe it will lead you to improvement if you keep at it.

The "content updates every month" statement is only doable with so many copy and paste festivals. After so many years of only seeing minor tweaks to festivals (occasionally getting a new one which will just repeat in the following years) I tend to avoid most festivals now.

I have accepted that every other month we should be seeing some festival but its would be to the detriment of the game if every other month dont all parts of the game get smth.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"lare.5129" said:That's real main gw2 content. Legendary weapon is a one of main parts of content.

Nope that's not content, none of what you mentioned is actual content for players to enjoy/play in the game. You just listed massive grinds, as if they are some form of content. You maybe like that grind, good for you I guess, but most other players don't. So stop projecting your idea of "content" on others, you can only speak about yourself.

Please stop speaking for "most" players and only speak for yourself then.

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@kratan.4619 said:

@"lare.5129" said:That's real main gw2 content. Legendary weapon is a one of main parts of content.

Nope that's not content, none of what you mentioned is actual content for players to enjoy/play in the game. You just listed massive grinds, as if they are some form of content. You maybe like that grind, good for you I guess, but most other players don't. So stop projecting your idea of "content" on others, you can only speak about yourself.

Please stop speaking for "most" players and only speak for yourself then.

Hes right though for the most part.

Raids to me arent content, i do them so rarely that all i see when a new one gets added is a waste of time, Most PVE players dont ever do raids, should they not be developed then? No, i think they should continue to be added. Do i hate that i wont get the rewards, sure. But its not for me. Legendaries are massive grinds especially the newer ones, and since the removed the collections associated with them, they arent really content either, they are little more than massive resource sinks.

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@"zealex.9410" said:It seems things like a swiss beta, warclaw balance and the big balance patch can also take the spot of "new content" for a month. I personally thing this is a big mistake, balance should never come to the expense of playable content imo and anet should seriously try and meet their target of a lw episode every 2 months (because consistency is king).

A massive balance patch that reviews every single trait and skill IS content for pvp and wvw. Just because it does not include your favored single player story it does not mean it is not content.

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@DirtyDan.4759 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:It seems things like a swiss beta, warclaw balance and the big balance patch can also take the spot of "new content" for a month. I personally thing this is a big mistake, balance should never come to the expense of playable content imo and anet should seriously try and meet their target of a lw episode every 2 months (because consistency is king).

A massive balance patch that reviews every single trait and skill IS content for pvp and wvw. Just because it does not include your favored single player story it does not mean it is not content.

That take missed the mark esp when refering to me but ehh.

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