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A New Map Idea/Concept


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A large, open and explorable map(vistas, POI, mounts and all). I picture a variety of geological features, like mountains, rolling hills, dense forests, lakes, rivers, alpine meadows, and canyons. At the very centre is a HUGE tower. This tower could represent the Heart of the Mists on the physical plane of existence. Given what the tower represents, have the map itself entirely open to pvp(no party larger than 10). It would blend PVE/PVP/WVW together, so it would be one of a kind, explore a type of gameplay not yet in effect, and give a wild, unpredictable and fun way to pvp casually with no afk/DC issues. It also opens up an entirely new line of thought around what future GW2 pve/pvp/wvw could look like. The potential is so vast due to class variations and combat mechanics, but is royally stifled by circle quest pvp and unbalanced (massive/empty or massive/unaccessible wvw servers/maps).

This map could also feature a smaller arena for "instanced" combat. It would essentially be a customizable arena. Example) Choose to fight 5 Veteran Fire Hydras and a Choya or 2 Ettins, etc, etc, whatever combination/ level of creatures you want.

You could even make the map a gem store only item to go along with the gnarly heavy capitalization of build templates. Now it's business and not just pleasure.

I think shifting away from old ways of thinking/doing and looking at new opportunities will give this game another 10 years. The potential is there but currently it is growing very stale with the stagnant progression.

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Ideas like this come along every now and then, but they usually have the same problem: Mixing game modes endangers the ability of players to decide what kind of content they want to play.

Any map with PvP enabled becomes a PvP map whether you want it to be or not. The choice is taken away from PvE players, and allowing them to opt-out takes the choice away from PvPers, essentially nullifying the purpose of the map.

Mixing modes also comes with the troubles associated with balance. At the moment, PvE is balanced separately from other modes, and mounts are also treated differently; combining modes would essentially require a new team just to manage the mixed-mode areas of the game, and I can only imagine the headache.

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I would not go to a map with open world PvP enabled. I don't enjoy PvP at all. I do the PvE type options in WvW in order to get things from WvW that I can't get in PvE. Even if it takes me a lot longer to complete than if I participated fully.

i'm probably not the only one here. The map's usage and players it would bring to the game will likely not be enough to justify the cost needed to make the map.

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I would like a mode like this, but the pve has to be bolstered. Wvw is boring to me...retake keeps without a real winner is boring.

Would love to see a map that assigns people to either offense or defense, and the is a pve meta to advance Npcs through checkpoints vs the opposing team.

I personally liked wows Alterac Valley. It was a mix of both and fun.

The key is that it needs to be fun and rewarding. If it is done well, a mostly pver like myself would play.

It would also need to be a short map, 30 minutes to complete or fail, then reset. Just my thoughts.

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Sounds like you're reinventing WvW and thinking that PvE players would go to this map. PvE players don’t go to maps where PvP is enabled, not unless they’re forced to to get something they want. Once they get it they’re out of there. Also, If there isn’t a reward track then it will have the same fate as the Edge of the Mists which was abandoned for more lucrative content.

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Apart from the smaller team sizes that sounds exactly like WvW (right down to the castle in the middle as a main objective) and I suspect it would appeal to the same people, except that new maps or mechanics have generally been very badly received by WvW players.

More importantly I think it would put off other players for the same reasons. PvE players do not want to deal with the risk of being ganked just because someone else thinks its fun to "show off" by attacking only obviously easy targets who are unlikely to fight back, and PvP players don't like having to waste time on PvE activities to get to what they actually want to be doing.

@Opopanax.1803 said:I would like a mode like this, but the pve has to be bolstered. Wvw is boring to me...retake keeps without a real winner is boring.

Would love to see a map that assigns people to either offense or defense, and the is a pve meta to advance Npcs through checkpoints vs the opposing team.

I personally liked wows Alterac Valley. It was a mix of both and fun.

The key is that it needs to be fun and rewarding. If it is done well, a mostly pver like myself would play.

It would also need to be a short map, 30 minutes to complete or fail, then reset. Just my thoughts.

That sounds exactly like Fort Aspenwood in GW1. One side escort NPC siege teams to break down the gates of a keep (along 2 paths) and kill an NPC inside. The other team defend the keep, push back the invaders, repair gates etc. The invaders win if they kill the NPC inside, the defenders win if the timer runs down before that happens.

I've never played WoW so I'm not sure how it compares to their version but while FA is a PvP mode (it uses PvP skills and players can kill each other) it was more popular with PvE players than traditional PvP matches.

That is something I'd like to see in this game. I'm not a fan of most PvP but I didn't mind doing FA occasionally.

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Nice try, OP (I mean that sincerely). However, it basically sounds like WvW that has PvE objectives thrown into it, so you get unhappy PvEers trying to deal with the pvp aspect of it just to complete whatever objective and get out. WvW players on the other hand will dislike the casuals clogging maps, much like the release of warclaw. There's absolutely nothing in this for an sPvPer mechanically speaking, without the normalization of gear and restriction of combat scale. Any open world pvp is pretty much by definition WvW in this game, not sPvP.

Yeah. Not a fan of this idea (I do PvE and sPvP, and loathe WvW).

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