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What is seducing about WvW


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@"Loffels.5934" said:This is the perfect example, to sum up the two most conflicting playstyles in MMOs...

Those that play specifically for the reward, not the adventure.

Then those who specifically for the adventure, not the reward.

Typically, you'll find that most of the die-hard WvW players fall into the latter while casuals fall into the former. It's just that the former is the majority population and why you tend to see focus within this game towards game expansion and episodes, and also why WvW has been "stale" for so long.

Personally, I only play GW2 for the WvW/PvP and specifically for the interaction that come from them. I absolutely enjoy group play, obviously Zergs are common but I also play a lot within closed guild groups and small roaming groups. There are so many different ways you can choose to play, but you just have to actually do it. It takes time to setup and it takes time to continue on with giving very little reward, so I kinda understand why WvW can be stale for players who specifically seek reward.

However, anyone assuming that WvW is nothing but a zerg fest is just displaying their ignorance and lack of knowledge for the game mode.

There are some that like both, there is no reason WvW can't be both. To me at least WvW is endgame. It's where all the time spent everywhere should roll up and be a factor. WvW stays fresh by not being scripted, people will add in randomness. Outside of players changes to builds, abilities, server links, elites, gear and maps are other factors that can add to that randomness in what keeps the game mode fresh. Of all of them the ones that occurs the most is balance changes. The problem with that is that it's also the most destructive of the potential factors that could be changed since it makes players to have to shelf or rework toons they had in place. For us alt-o-holics its fine and can be fun, but for those that aren't it can mean it's time to leave the game because they feel all that time was wasted and now they have nothing. Some people don't do well with massive changes to playstyle and less so if they have to regear. Hence some concern not for myself on the big balance patch but does that mean we now lose more players who won't just roll with the change. For those staying and that run with maxed gear WvW doesn't pay as much so they have to spend all that time elsewhere to regather materials and coin to change up their builds which means less WvW. That's why rewards and adventure should both be considered. The flipside is the other factors that could create freshness are rare changes, such as new gear, elites and especially maps. Alliances taking years now doesn't help and calls for new maps date back 5 years now at least. Elites were looking like an every two year with expansions but with that off the board that's an issue. I know another factor in keeping people in WvW is the fact that there really isn't a WvW/RvR style game out there outside of ESO but doesn't mean others aren't coming and then ignored game modes might suffer for that.

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After awhile you know what pub groups, floaters, squads, and defenders are capable of and crafting a build and seeing it work out in all of those different dynamics is satisfying and gives this game mode a lot of shelf life beyond the attention it's received historically.

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Days like yesterday. A guild came on and randomly decided to do a staff event. I was on my guard, who hadn't touched his staff since dragon hunter, and the change of guard staff skill one, which I hate. But it was fun to play support staff. Everyone who hopped on their staffs seemed to have fun. I even played "My Stick" from Bad Lip Reading, which made it even more fun for me

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Its the element of "rng" i get while roaming,well when i used to roam.I dont like arenas cos there is no surprise involved,talking about ecounters.So to me even if the map is years old,every encounter is always different.One time i get run over by a blob,one time i get 1vx and i lose,one time i get 1vsx and i win to get instantly into an other fight without resting,one time i get to fight a dude we both are having fun so we fight again...take a camp,escort a caravan,scout the enemy...there is always something to do without being and ACTUAL daily.Every time i queue up its cos i want to WvW,not the reward tracker or anything else tbh.

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WvW is and has been one of the few actual end game contents available since launch.

Raids are end game, fractals can be (higher level ones that require AR) and dungeons are not.

sPvP isn’t as you can access it as a low level toon (level 2 is what it was at one point) with Amulets.

It’s repeatable because the encounters always change. Those that say it doesn’t are speaking of burning a lord down without opposition.

It’s the opposition that makes or breaks the WvW experience. And that is why there is somewhat of a level of hope in the installation of alliances.

Most people want engaging opposition. Some combination of equal numbers and skill or an offset of either one to match the other.

It’s why being outnumbered (within reason mind you) isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It changes the nature of the conflict.

I can’t stand how 95% of the PvE experience is memorizing mechanics and rotations. It sucks the fun out of it..

Story is somewhat engaging the first or second time through. Then it’s ‘how do I skip this cutscene/dialogue’.

But as soon as the AI is improved, people rage quit.

Give me 4000 deaths in WvW vs 40000 gold from PvE.

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  • 2 months later...

Commanders who care if you have fun, rather than just having to win. Watching players who win fairly, and are good, but not braggarts, not arrogant, not obsessed. Being with real people not just npcs. The Warclaw. The rewards. There are good things. There are also just as many bad things, which I guess is another discussion.

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The first thing that brought me in was tactics. PvE got boring fast, even before hitting lvl80 on my first toon. The mechanics were far to easy, I could slot anything into a build and still do the content fine, as such it didn't feel rewarding to finish anything. Tactics however in WvW were great, setting up pushes on garri hours before hand, or havocing Bay/Hills while the others pushed for garri, fights that went on for hours etc etc. And group havoc training mattered, as improving self and group skill actually had a big impact. You had a feeling of progression and improvement, which was far better than any reward, and it had to be, because back then WvW had almost no rewards to speak of.

All of the above, for some time has been reduced or totally removed with changes not just in power creep and spam, but in passives that mostly impact small scale havoc. I still enjoy the mode, however I find myself mostly solo roaming these days.

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In the beginning I liked the open field fights with multiple players - World Bosses or metas in PvE just aren't the same, and the concept of attacking/defending structures is also kind of fun (albeit at times very frustrating)

But I also like how the game mode gives me opportunities to play builds I would never have used in PvE. Examples off the top of my head would be: Medi-Scrapper, Hammer Rev (RIP), Condi Dragonhunter, and Auramancer Tempest. In that, the game mode gives variety, at least for the professions I like to play.

I also enjoy the rewards from WvW. I recognize the disparity in gold earned compared to PvE, but as a supplement to that game mode, WvW gives a lot of rewards in the form of karma, tomes of knowledge / testimony of heroics, transmutation charges, unID dyes, "free" LV 70 food, free mystic coins, clovers and grandmaster marks, as well as skins, legendary armor / ring.

The game mode alone also offers variety. Once I've done T4 dailies...they are done. I'm not going to LFG another group and do them again. But I can jump into WvW for a few hours in the morning, get my dailies done, then come back in the afternoon, break, then back in the evening, all without it getting boring.

It isn't a perfect game mode, and I don't pretend to understand what players think of it now compared to what it 'used' to be, but so long as I am enjoying my time, I will continue to zone in.

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It’s a combination of PvP and PvE that takes the best of both and allows for tremendous variety of play styles and motivations.

Solo play as a sentry, scout, espionage, havoc, troll.Small group play for karma train, havoc, skillful fights.Large group play for karma train, loot bags, easy fight wins.

Attack objectives for loot, rank, ruining the other servers, strategic chess play.Defend objectives for PPT, fights, loot bags, being knights in shining armor.Fight for fight’s sake for loot bags, team building, reputation, PPK.

Better than PvP because:

  • Less toxic community
  • No pigeon-holed roles or need-to-know standard rotations
  • Join the fight anytime immediately
  • All stats, runes, sigils, and consumables are available
  • “Winning” matters little, losing matters little

Better than PvE because:

  • Max DPS isn’t the be all, end all
  • No quirky boss mechanics
  • Not a mindless grind
  • Your actions affect the map, and thus affects other players on your server and enemy servers i.e. more meaningful play
  • Enemy actions make the maps and fights dynamic

Worse than PvP and PvE because:

  • Pitiful rewards comparing time spent
  • Almost 0 gold earning
  • if your forces cannot fight back due to low numbers and/or skill, it can be discouraging getting farmed by enemies (no such thing as a fair fight)
  • Little attention to this game mode from Anet
  • When maps have massive zerg fights, skills often won’t activate, making it unplayable

I think the positives outweigh the negatives.

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