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please fix lag before the balance patch


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@CarlJunior.7832 said:Lotta people are probably gonna log on and its in YOUR BEST INTEREST to have the game running smoothly :) pretty please :)

As far as i know skill lag and similar issues are just a part of huge realm v realm game modes. You could adress this problem differently however:just insentivise to spread out accross the map, encourage multiple small zergs per map. An example: If you make winning meaningful people will try to find the best strategies to win. pretty sure 50 man zergs arent the winning strategy.

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@Malavian.4695 said:The best thing to help offset lag is changing your settings. Go for performance over appearance in all settings, generic models and keep you model count as high as possible while limiting your frame rate to what is tolerable. About the only thing that can be done for it sadly.Yeah that will surely help skill lag and players warping all over the place.

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  • The team doing the skill-balance very likely have nothing to do with engine coding and likely couldn't fix anything about lag in the first place.
  • The skill-balance patch is probably already done, so you'd ask them to leave a patch sitting until they start another potentially 2+ year project?
  • They might be able to improve some of it with deep level re-design of the engine, if it was anything easier than that, they would have done it already.
  • Only remaining option is to reduce map caps, which means less people in EBG, and less "epic fights" so very unpopular.

Now it would be humorous if they solved this by giving another "Effect" saying something like "Due to massive numbers of players around you there is a X% chance for skill-lag. Move to another map to avoid this."

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:fix lag? impossible for OCE players, we are getting in the range of 1200-1500 ping during large zerg fights

Only 1200-1500? I checked my ping in EB blob fight over weekend, several times, lag spikes up to 5500 -.- Had to RQ.

i pressed Alt + F4 before it hit 1600

ha! Wise one. I do wonder if the skill "balance" will slow things down a bit and allow those of us a long way away a fighting chance. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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@Malavian.4695 said:The best thing to help offset lag is changing your settings. Go for performance over appearance in all settings, generic models and keep you model count as high as possible while limiting your frame rate to what is tolerable. About the only thing that can be done for it sadly.

This does not even help. I have tried pretty much everything. It's not my rig, it's not my settings, it's not my ISP, it's not even my 280+ normal ping. It's fight/skill lag.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Justine.6351 said:No,The lag is important so zergs can press 1 and run over people who can't do anything.

If you want lag free, go eotm.

The other side can press one just as good as everyone else.

yes 50 v 10 is even fights where pressing 1 is the great equalizer.No wonder wvw is trash.

As if you would win a 10v50 as the 10, great meme.

Lag makes no difference in that scenario.Not 7 years into the game, were most pugs run metabuilds and dmg is as high as ever, nuking your 10ppl squad to narnia.

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@Terrier.8732 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:fix lag? impossible for OCE players, we are getting in the range of 1200-1500 ping during large zerg fights

Only 1200-1500? I checked my ping in EB blob fight over weekend, several times, lag spikes up to 5500 -.- Had to RQ.

i pressed Alt + F4 before it hit 1600

ha! Wise one. I do wonder if the skill "balance" will slow things down a bit and allow those of us a long way away a fighting chance. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

it definitely will, how i see one of the major contributor to to high ping is with the combination of lower cd of skills + quickness + alacrity

this means players are sending more skill commands to the server per second, and more skill responses back to the player, but we are getting bottleneck by the shared network pipe

by reducing the number of skill commands players can send to the server per sec, that means server will return less responses back to the players, thus the shared network pipe can hold return responses to more player



there is no better example than the first KQ spawn after daily reset, you get massive skill lag straight from the start, but when KQ does its roll and down like 15 players, straight away you have smooth skill response

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@crepuscular.9047 said:there is no better example than the first KQ spawn after daily reset, you get massive skill lag straight from the start, but when KQ does its roll and down like 15 players, straight away you have smooth skill responseHm...

So a sacrificial altar at spawn, killing 15 players and then drinking the blood from their skulls and wearing their skin as capes would work to avoid lag?

Just throwing it out there.

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@Malavian.4695 said:The best thing to help offset lag is changing your settings. Go for performance over appearance in all settings, generic models and keep you model count as high as possible while limiting your frame rate to what is tolerable. About the only thing that can be done for it sadly.

FPS lag and skill lag are not the same thing.

One is client side and the other is more often than not, server side. It has to do with how boons and dmg are calculated on the servers and has been known and talked about for some time. I will not go into the detail I often do for these posts, as I get tired of doing it a few times a week. However, long story short, it either can't be fixed within the current backend design....That is to expensive to fix or they don't care/think it's a big enough issue to tackle since it has been here since beta and is pretty unlikely to change.

Example being two big zergs in SMC, no skill lag while they are waiting for each other to push. If you ever get the chance and your tag is talking to the other tag (far less common today), have them stand far enough apart that no skills will hit each others group and have everyone just start casting skills, everything will still be fine (tested many times years ago), then have them do the same thing but push into each other aaaaaaand, instant increase in skill lag that tends to go up the longer the fight as the calculations queue up on the server, the longer it goes on the longer the queue of skills until at some point RAM is probably filled and queued skills start to time out and people start just running in straight lines in every direction, people running into walls etc etc while you are running around mashing skills and just watching them blink and not cast for seconds at a time.

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